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Friday, August 28, 2020
Simple Guide How to Apply for Financial Aid
Basic Guide How to Apply for Financial Aid SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You’ve taken the SAT or ACT (or both). You’ve investigated a rundown of security, target, and arrive at schools. You’ve composed what appears as though 100 school papers, and made sure about a few letters of suggestion. You think you at long last have a moment to grab a seat, and afterward you recall: you need to make sense of how to pay for the entirety of this! Most understudies realize that money related guide is a choice, yet the entire budgetary guide application procedure can be confounding. What considers monetary guide? Where do you get it? What’s the regular application process like? What amount would you be able to get? It’s enough to make your head turn, particularly in the event that you don’t have a lot of direction regarding the matter. In this post, I’ll answer every one of those inquiries (and that's only the tip of the iceberg) to begin you off on the correct foot. Taking off to school ought to be an energizing new experience, not an upsetting monetary weight this guide will assist you with getting all the money related guide you have to make this forthcoming school change a lovely one. Before we bounce into that, however, I'll talk all the more by and large about school costs and general monetary guide procedure. Paying for College: The Basics So you're about prepared to go to school or possibly, you're pondering whether you can manage the cost of it. How does the cost of your training and the money related guide application process factor into your encounters at school and past? School Costs Consistently that you go to class whether you're getting a BA, a Master's, or an expert degree-costs a specific measure of cash. The greatest costs related with going to school incorporate educational cost, room, and board. On the off chance that you don't take care of your educational cost costs, you won't have the option to enlist for classes or really go to class. On the off chance that you can't manage the cost of everyday costs related with going to class (room, board, other individual costs), you can't really be available nearby to go to classes. At last, these costs should be secured each year or you won't have the option to go to school. To get familiar with how much cash it takes to get training, read our guide on the express and concealed expenses of school. Where Does Financial Aid Come In? For some understudies, there will be a distinction between what school really costs and what they can bear to pay. For consistently that you envision this shortfall, you apply for monetary guide for your school to cover as a lot of this expense as possible. By and large, this procedure incorporates presenting a government money related guide application. Your school gets the data from this application and assembles a money related guide bundle, which could incorporate government help and additionally school-based guide. Your awards and credits (on the off chance that you decide to acknowledge them) will be spread out for you in this money related guide offer. You're then ready to settle on a choice about whether the rest of the distinction in cost, subsequent to considering, is something that you can stand to pay. In the event that you decide to acknowledge a proposal from a specific school, and there is a contrast between the guide offered and absolute school costs, it is your obligation to pay the rest of the sum. You might not need to pay everything in advance a few schools offer installment plans all through the semester-yet in the event that you don't make opportune installments, you won't be permitted to enroll for classes, and you won't get any school credits. A few understudies use family reserve funds, private advances, understudy occupations, or a blend thereof to take care of these expenses. Stressing over paying for school can be a colossal weight frequently, understudies don't feel arranged or educated enough to settle on such huge money related choices. In case you're in this vessel, have confidence that with some great intel and a little encounter you'll have the option to explore budgetary guide just as any other individual. At the point when I entered school as a first year recruit, I felt truly lost when it came to understanding monetary guide I was new to a ton of the language, and I didn't know where to get great target exhortation. I came out on the opposite side, and I'm glad to state it's not as alarming as it initially appears. So how about we begin! What Is Financial Aid? The expression budgetary guide is tossed around as a solid term that appears to cover whatever helps pay for school. There are various kinds of money related guide, however, and they're not all made equivalent they originate from various sources and with various gets. Sorts of Financial Aid There are a few sorts of money related guide accessible some are superior to other people. Here, I'll go over all the significant kinds of budgetary guide, their advantages, and their disadvantages. Awards Awards are flawless minimal financial honors that you don’t need to take care of. Therefore, they are great on the off chance that you get an award, you are truly getting free cash. The catch? They’re typically dependent on your money related need. Free cash is commonly difficult to find, so qualification measures for awards will in general be stricter than for advances. Understudy credits can be significant money related resources, as long as you can bolster the regularly scheduled installments after graduation. Advances An advance is an entirety of cash that is given to you when you need it (for example at the point when you have to make educational cost, room, or board installments) which you repay after graduation. You likewise take care of an extra level of cash, known as premium. Advances can be extremely useful, yet in addition a weight post-graduation on the off chance that you take on a ton of understudy obligation. A few advances are superior to other people: for instance, advances that are financed or have low-financing costs, sponsored advances are commonly best since you wind up paying less over the long haul. To study these sorts of credits, read our advisers for the Perkins and Direct Subsidized advance projects. Grants Grants, similar to awards, are aggregates of cash that are granted to you to help pay for school. They're somewhat not quite the same as awards and credits in a couple of significant ways, so I won't invest a lot of energy tending to them in this post. To begin with, they'renot solid. Most grants are serious, which implies that understudies shouldn’t hope to have the option to pay for the majority of school costs with grant grants. Second, they havewidely differing qualification rules, grant sums, and application forms awards and credits are considerably more normalized in these regards. In entirety, grants areawesome rewards in the event that you get them, however the basics of budgetary aidaregrants and advances. Money related Aid Sources Money related guide can emerge out of an assortment of sources. Your financing source can influence your sort of help, your honor sum, your qualification rules, and the application procedure. Here, I'll address the three fundamental wellsprings of understudy help: government, institutional, and private. I'll likewise quickly address some advance essentials, similar to what's in store regarding understudy advance installments and moderateness. Government Bureaucratic understudy help is monetary guide that is supported or financed by the US government. It's broadly accessible and really simple to apply for-there's one application for all government help programs called, appropriately, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is likewise valuable for something beyond government help I'll clarify why later on in the post. Some government help programs incorporate the Pell Grant, Perkins credit, Stafford advance, and Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized advances. Qualification measures for most government help programs will in general be extremely clear-on the off chance that you meet the models, you ought to get the guide grant. Financing costs on government credits are likewise exceptionally serious and will in general be lower than those on private advances (lower loan fees = less cash you shell out over the long haul). Institutional Universities will now and then have their own money related guide programs. A few schools even case to meet all money related need-fundamentally, everything that your family can’t stand to pay. By and large, the better a school’s gift, the better its money related guide program. A great part of the institutional guide that is granted is as awards, which are basically need-based. Some legitimacy based grants are given out by certain organizations to tempt especially serious understudies. Generally, schools don't fill in as credit moneylenders (with a striking exemption being on account of the Perkins advance program). Schools use data created from your FAFSA to figure out consider the possibility that (any) budgetary guide you'll get from the organization, notwithstanding the government help you're qualified for. Schools may likewise utilize an application called the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE to grant nonfederal budgetary guide. I'll speak increasingly about the PROFILE in the area on the government help application process. Private At the point when individuals examine private guide sources, they're generally alluding to banks that are subsidizing private credits. This is the third degree of money related guide: if awards and low-premium government credits don’t spread enough of your costs, you can get a private advance to compensate for any shortfall. Theterms on these advances generally aren’t in the same class as those on government advances, yet you can get not too bad financing costs on the off chance that you (or the individual who's marking on the advance) have great credit. Credits: How Much Should You Take Out? Understudy credit obligation is a major worry for current undergrads and late alumni the same. To abstain from assuming obligation that you can't stand to take care of, you mustconsider credit sums, financing costs, and reimbursement intends to figure out what you can deal with. What measure of obligation merits the instruction you'll be accepting? To respond to this inquiry as viably and as precisely as could reasonably be expected, think about the accompanying: considering your future profession plans and future pay, what do you foresee having the option to manage the cost of regarding month to month credit installments? Be as practical as could reasonably be expected. Presently, month to month advance installment sums will differ dependent on things like financing costs and whether the advance is sponsored or unsubsidized. What you can
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compare of the Poets Present Emotions in the Poems In Paris With You and Ghazal
In these sonnets, the artists utilize a scope of strategies to introduce sentiments and feeling from the purpose of the speaker. Ghazal is in the style of a conventional Persian love sonnet, which advances ground-breaking symbolism and illustrations, trying to sum up the feeling of affection, while In Paris With You is a perky endeavor to charm a past darling in a progressively casual, informal way. Ghazal, as referenced previously, is composed like an affection sonnet. Be that as it may, one may think of it for instance of job inversion abnormally; it is composed from the perspective of a lady, not a man.Although it's anything but a piece, the type of sonnet is a Ghazal-this is a sort of tune, of enchanted love verse: we would thus be able to contrast it with a work in the manner that affection is investigated as a topic. It is organized in rhyming couplets-these can be depicted like sonnets themselves, as they catch the speaker’s solid sentiment of connection. These addition ally contain hold back words, which help to drive in the focuses being made, for example, â€Å"me†, which structures some portion of the powerless rhyme scheme.The love in the sonnet can be found in the main verse â€Å"If I am the grass and you the breeze, blow through me/If I am the rose and you the winged animal, at that point charm me†. These instances of common symbolism mean we can perceive how the possibility of the speaker and the individual they address being together is advantageous actually, drawing from the symbolism, we could go further and state that the thought is a characteristic (beneficial) thing. Another feeling present is yearning. This is the inclination of franticness to be with the other individual talked to.Focusing on the language utilized, Ghazal utilizes allegories to investigate the connection between the speaker and the individual they feel love for. A considerable lot of the analogies are as sets of things or articles that supplement one another, mirroring the manner by which the speaker sees the relationship. For instance, â€Å"what shape would it be a good idea for me to take to wed your own, have you-falcon to my shadow, moth to my fire †seek after me? †grandstands that the speaker is eager to change to suit the other, in â€Å"†¦what shape†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This could likewise be a sign to the peruser that the author is maybe ailing in some confidence..Another model is â€Å"If you are the rhyme and I the abstain don’t hang/all the rage, come and I’ll come too when you prompt me†: utilizing enjambment to keep the sonnet streaming like a melody. Additionally, the different sides of a relationship are compared to resembling the â€Å"rhyme†and â€Å"refrain†, which proposes a feeling of the two individuals being one unit together. This hold back could be the word â€Å"me†: in light of the fact that it shows up so every now and again in examination, it co uld be a portrayal of the darling demonstrating inadequacy to the one she cherishes, and distress. In Paris with You is a sonnet with a topic of aching also.The speaker is this time a man describing a relationship he had proceeded onward from. Maybe this could have been mostly because of a specific favoritism to drinking liquor, which we are told about in â€Å"And I get sad/when I’ve had a beverage or two†. â€Å"I'm on the rebound†shows that it probably been fairly long haul, on the off chance that he is depicting a recuperation from it. Not at all like Ghazal, which is less clear about the result, In Paris with You proposes that the relationship is a reality. The sonnet, not at all like Ghazal, is comprised of two verses of around 5 lines, which manage the approach the circumstance, and afterward a more extended one in the middle,.It could be contended this speaks to a delay for thought, as then the temperament, or tone, of the sonnet changes, as in the foll owing two refrains, the speaker centers around appreciating the present, for example, â€Å"that break over the roof/and the lodging dividers are stripping/and I’m in Paris with you†, which shows that the speaker couldn't care less for the environmental factors when he is with the lady he adores. In reality, this could be depicted as the outline of the sonnet, or significance us being together is unmistakably more significant than being in conventional sentimental and wonderful areas, for example, the Notre Dame (more excellent than sentimental), which he instantly advises to â€Å"sod off†.In terms of language, the opening isn't care for Ghazal’s in the regard that it begins with the contrary â€Å"but†, to dishearten the individual he is conversing with from â€Å"talk(ing) to me of love†. This is a chance to perceive the casual idea of the sonnet, for example, the utilization of the expressions â€Å"an earful†, and â€Å"sod off to sodding Notre-Dame†. This stands out vigorously from the more formal, overwritten tone present in Ghazal. We can likewise consider this to be the speaker makes words to carry on his rhyme conspire, for example, â€Å"wounded/marooned†, which brings a fun loving nature.Similarly, the last refrain draws vigorously on the expression â€Å"in Paris with you†, to show the significance of being with the individual he needs to be with, and afterward â€Å"am I humiliating you? †is utilized to add to the prodding idea of the tone. Looking to the tone, which we have quite recently seen, I accept that another feeling presented is perkiness, in the way that increasingly customary strategies for alluring individuals are turned down for simply being with one another, though such that utilizations references to â€Å"embarrassing†thoughts regarding sentiment, and love poems.In end, the two sonnets Ghazal and In Paris with You manage similar subjects of affec tion and yearning, utilizing procedures, for example, symbolism, complexity, and representation accomplish these photos, yet the last feels progressively like a pastiche to the first in the manner that its conversational and unexpected entertaining tone is a juxtaposition to the nearly formal of the first.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Coffee Bean Essay Example for Free
Espresso Bean Essay The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf was established by Mona and Herbert Hyman and it is built up in Los Angeles, California in the year 1963. The main Coffee Bean Tea Leaf were built up here in Malaysia in 1997. The organization offers its very own wide assortment signature refreshments that ranges from espresso to non-espresso drinks and propelled their own one of a kind mark drink; â€Å"The Original Ice Blended†in 1989 and has been the principle feature of its organization from that point forward. We will investigate the chance of getting another item that could be a backbone for the Ice Blended range that is as of now accessible here in Malaysia. Presently, the scope of its Ice Blended beverages is restricted to a few espresso and non-espresso drinks. In spite of the fact that every once in a while Coffee Bean has been presenting limited time and regular Ice Blended beverages, none of these beverages will be served in the principle menu after that the advancement is finished. With this. Albeit a lion's share of Malaysians like to drink espresso situated beverages, With the presentation of the Honeydew Ice Blended to the market, it will help support the test of acquiring new flavors for the market. Circumstance Analysis The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf is entering its fifteenth year of activity in Malaysia with a large number of its items extending from its notable â€Å"The Original Ice Blended†refreshments which conveys espresso and non-espresso drinks have been generally welcomed by people in general. Be that as it may. 2.2 SWOT Analysis The accompanying SWOT investigation catches the key qualities and shortcomings for the proposed item and depicts the chances and dangers that it will confront. 2.2.1 Strength The Honeydew Ice Blended beverage is offered throughout the mid year seasons and it is notable as the reviving summer drink in United States. With summer throughout the entire year in the South East Asia area, this item has additionally been demonstrated as a pillar in the Philippines and Singapore’s The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf. This item conveys a cool, chilling and reviving sweet taste which suits the beds of the South East Asian locale. 2.2.2 Weaknesses This item may not be reasonable for espresso consumers as the beverage doesn't offer any espresso taste and it’s an organic product arranged beverage. It’s likewise not reasonable for the individuals who are viewing their calories and diet as the beverage conveys a fatty range because of the pleasantness and the cream that the beverage offers. As this item focuses on the young which includes teenagers and working grown-ups in their twenties, some might be value delicate to this drink offer as it might be costly contrasted with the neighborhood. 2.2.3 Opportunities More youthful ages, whom fell under the lawful drinking age, are known as one of the quickest developing fragments of the refreshments advertise. These ages incline toward new and up and coming items instead of stale items that they have devoured day by day. With a fresh out of the plastic new item being presented, it will trigger the focused on more youthful age with the excitement to go. The way of life factors converger. 2.2.4 Threats Worldwide espresso and tea showcase have been progressively developing and it has since been an incredibly serious division. Espresso Bean Tea Leaf goes facing its nearest adversaries, for example, Starbucks, Dome, Cha Time and Old Town Cafã © here in Malaysia. Rivalry The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf has been a powerhouse brand in giving its ice mixed drinks. In any case, there are organizations that do make comparable ice mixed refreshments, for example, Starbucks and Cha Time. The Coffee Bean Tea Lead has the high ground due to the formation of the â€Å"The Original Ice Blended†line which gives the organization the additional edge. In spite of the fact that the referenced contenders have been making ice mixed refreshments, The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf has its own mark method for making these drinks uncommon and can't be coordinated with its rivals.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Comparing Old and New Jim Crow Essays
Comparing Old and New Jim Crow EssaysYou have chosen to follow in Jim Crow, and now you are in the process of comparing old and new Jim Crow essays. Of course, you are tempted to use Jim Crow topics to test your own abilities at writing. But before you get started, keep the following points in mind:- Even if you have read much about Jim Crow, you will have to compare old and new Jim Crow essay topics that are on topics that are 'true' to history. For example, if you are going to test your mettle as a black scholar, a living example of pre-civil rights times in the South, you will have to use the one-sided, politically motivated paper, which was the only Jim Crow topic used in those papers.- If you do decide to use a truly 'real' story as the subject of a new Jim Crow essay topic, there is nothing wrong with those that are published in major journals or books that are at least partially as 'historical' as The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Those that are the direct product of direct repo rting by experts in the area are unlikely to be accurate, as any old story is, or as it becomes today, the product of critical research. Using published classic stories can be helpful in their own way, but to use the old one-sided story is to end up copying and pasting a fact from one author to another.- No matter how scholarly or clearly-written a piece is, if it is not true to the 'facts' of the day, it will not be historical. It is not necessary to discuss 'factual details' that are wrong.- In addition to fact-checking, compare old and new Jim Crow essay topics in writing by using other resources. Find older essays that you think will be helpful to your own writing, but also use the one-sided history. Consider that anyone who wrote these pieces was a slaveholder, a member of the Klan, and so on, and so only are as valid as the 'history' used to justify the 'good' sides of those figures.- Try not to compare essays that are purely cultural or scientific as either more 'correct' or more 'inclusive' than a more 'conservative' or more 'liberal' comparison essays. The fact that those in the old type of essay think their ideas are correct, but have no realistic means of making those ideas a reality is no justification to say their ideas are more correct.- In addition to the use of old and new Jim Crow essay topics, consider an array of essay writing resources for more help with the comparison process. Be sure to review the resources used and decide what ones will work best for you.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The 1950s and 1960s A Time of Great Changes Shaping the...
When most people think of the 1950’s or 1960’s, they think of Elvis, Greasers, jukeboxes, Woodstock, and rainbow peace signs and hippie love. Although these symbols are somewhat accurate (and very popular), not many people think about the changes society and culture went through. The 1950’s and 60’s were a time of great change and freedom for many Americans. Everything from World War II, to the gay liberation movement, to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 helped to change society. Many of the views American’s had on topics such as war, gender roles and sexual preference were changed greatly after these events and have led to our culture being what it is today. The 1950’s and 1960’s were a time where great changes took place that helped to†¦show more content†¦Without this cultural and social change to society in the 1950’s and 60’s, a woman’s world today would be very different than what we currently know it as. Another huge social and cultural change during this time was the gay liberation movement. During the 1960’s, many groups decided to fight for their rights and equality. One of these groups was the gay and lesbian members of society. Many of these individuals were discriminated against and had no rights, but they decided enough was enough. In the 1960’s, gays decided to begin the fight for their own rights. One example of this was made after New York officers decided to raid the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar in New York’s very own Greenwich Village on June 27, 1969. This type of raid was not unusual, being that many police officers made it a habit of raiding gay and lesbian bars. This became known as the â€Å"Stonewall Riot†, which many view as the starting point of the gay liberation movement. The gay liberation movement was the fight by gays and lesbians for equal rights, one of these rights being the right to not be discriminate d against, and most importantly, to be able to openly â€Å"come out†to their family and friends. The gay liberation movement helped to impact our current times greatly. Today, a gay person has rights just like anyone else. A gayShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Rock And Roll On Society1717 Words  | 7 PagesRock and Roll, it is very apparent just how great of an impact social and cultural change has made on the development of the genre. Society is such a powerful entity and its influences on art are very often overlooked. If one person has the ability to independently influence and conduct change, imagine the available influence that is made possible with society as a whole during notable periods of development and change throughout the history of America. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Taking a Look at Immigrant Farming - 865 Words
Many immigrants came to america for many different reasons.Many came to seek new lives in a different place, hoping for a better life. Some came to escape corrupt government rulers in their home country. So many of them chose to come to America. In the late 1800s the homestead act was passed, which allowed any people to claim any amount of land they wanted out West. This was the perfect opportunity for many immigrants. This was what enticed the immigrants to take the journey to America. When they went west Most of them became farmers or miners. Farming for many immigrants was extremely hard and difficult. Many of the people who came to america searching for a way to create a better life for themselves and their children, failed. Many of them who tried farming was not successful either. There were many reasons and factors that that went against them. Just imagine coming to America for the first time and trying to start a small farm to support your family in the same time frame and under the same conditions they were in. It would be difficult, no one to turn to when help was needed or a question was unanswered. When they did get help there were usually strings attached to the deal that were not in their favor. Many took out loans to purchase the bare minimum of seed to plant the first crop and farm machinery that they needed to begin a farm. The loans were not the issue , but the interest was outrageous. Many of the small farms couldn’t make the payments on the loansShow MoreRelatedFinding Sharing Land With A Stranger1508 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferent parts of the world come to the United States (from China, Europe, Japan, Korea, Philippines, etc.) either as tourists and or as immigrants. Based on what I have witnessed, those who come as refugees are looking for better opportunities. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Media Essay Summary Example For Students
Media Essay Summary Since the effects of the media increased over people, the aim of the media has gone into an alteration. The morals of the media changed and a huge conflict became into existence between the morals in past and now. As all over the world in Turkey, ethics of the media changed after the media bosses have caught it. Media must be objective, impartial, and balanced, but because of the media bosses, it changed its ethics. The first purpose of media must be objectivity, but media rarely objective while reporting or researching information. Medias objectivity is filtered and censored by the media owners, advertisers, newsmakers, news sharpers, and the pressure groups. All of the affect media while its doing its job. Medias job is to inform. Because of the filters of media, it usually uses for propaganda, having profit and power. Many people think media is the most powerful means for propaganda. Lord Beaverbrook (1879-1964), who is owner of the Daily Express and founder of The Sun, and he used his newspaper for entirely for propaganda without taking into consideration of the purposes of media (Watson, 84). Media works same in Turkey as the world. The bosses, who have newspapers and television channels, use them for their propaganda. Moreover, this propaganda works very well because they have power over the people and having amounts of profit owing to media. Media is mass communication, a connection all over the world that informs, entertains, and influences people. It is powerful because most people talk about what they see on the news. Therefore, we can easily say media primarily control peoples opinion, and beliefs. Due to this, media must do its job impartially. In addition to this, the basic criteria of the media would be always say truth. On the other hand, the anxiety of rating and getting power entails media taking sides. It would seem that the media is using for propaganda and laissez-faire, besides both of them obtains to control the people, and control means power (Watson, 86). This control over the people does not look down on because this control orientates the people as the media barons wishes. Like the example of the Italy. The effects of media can straightforwardly see in Italy. Silvio Berlusconis political party, which shaped newly, urge into authority in Italy by the hold up of the Berlusconis media empire. By the support of his media empire Berlusconi became prime minister of Italy as in Orson Welles classical film Citizen Kane, which is about the dream of political officer, eluded John Foster Kane (Watson, 85). The same as in Italy, in Turkey, Kemal Dervib became a saver of the economy of the Turkey. In addition, because of the supporting of the media, he explained people as a hero and the people in Turkey trust to him and he has able to put in order the economy. Media must obtain the balance between the truth and the knowledge. In recent times, if people start casting opinions by following one media source, they would be deficient in the other side of the truth. Different reporters have different opinions. Besides, same knowledge could be different in two different news sources. So if the media cannot balanced the truth and knowledge every people would have different thought about same think, and most of these thought would be same with the reporters who informed the knowledge. As a conclusion, world is controlled for the most part by the media. Peoples opinions shaped with what they heard, or what they read. .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d , .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d .postImageUrl , .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d , .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d:hover , .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d:visited , .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d:active { border:0!important; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d:active , .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1d5ffc5ef3b6a2356fdfd710c81d1b8d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Parts Emporium Case Study Essay Summary Media has an important part in society. Because of this, purpose of media must be objectivity, impartiality, and balanced between truth and knowledge.
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