Wednesday, July 31, 2019
A Solution to childhood obesity in Australia Essay
It is essential that through government and community participation, we develop, establish and integrate safe strategies to tackle the ever increasing problem of childhood obesity. ‘Australia is rapidly turning into a nation of fat kids.’ One in every five youngsters is now designated as overweight or obese, living a life prone to cardiovascular and health problems along with risks to there mental state and general well being. Studies conducted by The Australian Diabetes, obesity and lifestyle council indicate that poor self-esteem and confidence has also been associated with obesity and almost doubles the chances of depression. Education Queensland also associates obesity with poor academic performance, un-developed motor skills and coordination. Obesity is a killer, not only causing serious long term medial problems, but costing the taxpayer over a billion dollars each year. Something must be done. If we don’t act on this problem NOW, then it is predicted by 2020 that 65% of adolescents will be overweight or obese. There are so many reasons to exercise, so many benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. In today’s media conscious world we hear bout them, read bout them and are told about them almost everyday. So why do we continually ask the question.. why is Australia’s youth becoming increasingly overweight and unfit? There is a simple reason behind this staggering truth, a recent study found that 80 percent of adolescence did very little or no exercise- daily activities such as walking to school, physical education classes, after school activities, chores and general playing have been replaced with a sedentary lifestyle in front of the TV, computer or video games. Together we need to develop, establish and integrate safe program that offers adolescents of all ages the opportunity to engage in physical activity that enhances work, recreation and sports enjoyment and performance. For you see Im not going to let another child go through the pain, torture and humiliation I suffered in my childhood years. Let me tell you a story†¦ â€Å"For the majority of my primary years I was called ‘fattie’. I weighed about a 130 kilos, had a double chin, a bulging gut, fat hanging from every direction and for this physical appearance I truly copped it. Undoubtedly, my years at primary school probably weren’t like your days, fun-filled or joyful, my days were filled with tears, pain and suffering. Every single day of my life from years four to seven were filled with name calling and pranks. Not a day went by that I didn’t get singled out, harassed or bullied. Day after day, second after second I was being called ‘fat boy, fattie, go have another cheese burger’. It tore away my confidence and squashed my self esteem. I missed out on what people describe as some of the best years of your life, I gave up rugby, soccer and swimming not because I didn’t enjoy it, but instead because every time I went to training or a game I felt alone†¦ inadequate.†How would you like it if you life was like this day after day, , minute after minute? Do you think you’d be sitting where you are today?, This heart break, pain and torture was caused by one thing obesity. I was so sick of been harassed, singled out I searched for a solution. Three months later, after living on a diet that consisted of egg white, protein shakes and salad and an hours exercise. I was a new person, sixty kilos lighter. But the psychological issues were still there, I became ever more unconfident, depressed and unsure of myself. I became addicted to the gym, going twice or three times a day and even took growth hormones and steroids to gain people’s acceptance. The cycle kept on going, until it got to the point where it got to much, the body couldn’t handle it, I couldn’t handle.. and I found myself in hospital. Childhood obesity isn’t simply, an issue of been fat, it plays with the mind and heart. Together, we need to develop, establish and integrate safe program that allows youths of all shapes and sizes the chance to identify the physiological reason as why they are overweight, the opportunity to be involved with whatever physical activity they find fun, and motivate and support them to lead a healthy and active life in a safe manner. Something needs to be done. It is essential that through political and social streams, an alliance is formed to tackle the ever increasing problems of childhood obesity. With government funding, a program can be developed that that permanently changes basic eating and exercise habits. This will be achieved by identifying the key emotional issues that are instrumental in the adolescent becoming overweight. Allowing children from all socio-economic backgrounds the opportunity to take up physical activity such as soccer or rugby and be in a supportive atmosphere were dietians, physiologist and mentors are available. Such a program can be integrated within the current school time table or take place as an after school care activity. By establishing and integrating such a program that approaches the problems of childhood obesity from every angle, we can hopefully help those one in five suffers. Studies by Fitness Australia, illustrate that Youth receiving additional physical activity tend to show improved attributes such as increased brain function and nourishment, higher energy/concentration levels, changes in body build affecting increased self-esteem and better behaviour which may all support cognitive learning. If this is not enough to convince you, then think bout it from your own perspective, would you like to be teased and tormented everyday, live in a world of depression, where you simply don’t think you match up? As Martin Luther King once said â€Å"I am not sure I would have wanted my children to live a life of torment and abuse, so I dared to stop it.†Together, we can turn Australia into a nation of healthy, lean, happy and confident children, that are on top of the world.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Patton-Fuller Hospital Essay
Patton-Fuller Hospital is a community hospital that has remained aiding the community since the year 1975. Yearly examinations have been conducted by self-governing audits to review this year’s financial performance in comparison to preceding years. The financial statement review highpoints the alteration between the audited and unaudited reports classifies the association amongst revenue resources and expenses, despite the fact defining the assets of revenue sources on recording. Financial statement assessments subsidize an excessive level accounting of the statistics controlled in the audit. Financial statements of audited and unaudited statements contain the same type of statistics. Patton-Fuller Community hospital conducts audits agreement with auditing ethics in the United States. Self-governing Auditors ensure audited the balance sheet of Patton-Fuller Community Hospital as of December 31 of 2009 and 2008. The audited balance sheet reports the assets for 2009 which a sum of $587,767. The audited balance sheet reports the whole assets for 2008 of a total $548,535. The upsurge from 2008 to 2009 is 39,232. Liability total for 2009 is $ 462,153. The liability volume for the year 2008 is $213,450. This was a rise from 2008 to 2009 and the amount of the growth is $248,703. The entire equity and liabilities for 2009 is $587,767 and 2008 $548,535. This is an upturn from 2008 to 2009 with $ 39,232. In 2009 the total revenues show for $ 462,982 and then for 2008 $ 42,314. This total increase from 20o8 and 2009 is $41,668 according to the audited revenue and expenses annual report. The increase of $25,869 from 2008 to 2009 is shown from the audited revenue and expenses annual report. The year 2009 had $463,293 and 2008 had $437,424. The effects of revenue can be seen on the financial reporting by the fluctuations versus the expenses. From year to year you can see the fluctuation in revenue for the hospital. The revenues and expenses are grouped together by total revenues, total expenses, and net income. The total revenues include net patient revenues and other revenues. The total expenses include salaries and benefits, supplies, utilities, and depreciation. The net income shows the non-operating income (loss) as well as the investment income. By grouping the revenues and expenses it will help with separation and looking at the reports. The Patton – Fuller Community Hospital’s revenue comes from a variety of sources, this includes net patient revenue and other different types of revenue. The revenue has definitely increased from 2008. When comparing the revenue received by the hospital to its operating expenses the difference lies in what revenue items are included in each ratio formula. In 2008 the total operating revenue is less than the total operating expenses therefore; the hospital operated at a loss and gave them a negative operating margin. In 2009 the total operating revenue exceeds the total operating expenses therefore; the hospital had a profit that year. As a result there was a positive operating margin. The way in which a hospital’s revenues and expenses are grouped for planning and control varies from hospital to hospital. At Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, the expenses are grouped by salaries and benefits, supplies, interest, and a lot more. During salaries, the staff of the hospital must be paid for the work they do. Members of the staff (therapist or surgeons) have a highly qualified job in which they have spent more time in education which causes them to have higher wages. During benefits, there are hospitals who offer benefits for the employee and their family with a discount. This can be very expensive for the hospital. The hospital needs supplies in order to fulfill their duty and many of the supplies are expensive as well as cheap. Because the hospital has to order the supplies in large quantities, it becomes very expensive. Interest is another expensive thing that the owners of the hospital have to deal with. With the hospital building costing so much, it leads to the owners taking a big mortgage out to pay for the building. When a mortgage is being taking out, interest develops. Another reason for an interest to develop is a loan to buy high price technology or machinery. There are many ways that Patton- Fuller Community Hospital grouped for planning and control for revenues and expenses. Inclusive the analysis of the financial statement originate many constructive results and the audited information and unaudited information enclosed the equivalent data. The revenue sources ensured a confident influence on the hospital and will lead to forthcoming development. Patton-Fuller Hospital Revenue review did not disclose any concealed problems. Financial managers need to carry on making assessments of the daily actions. Reference Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. Retrieved July 14, 2014 from
Monday, July 29, 2019
Knowledge of Minds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Knowledge of Minds - Essay Example This way our mind goes through several experiences which enables the mind to exercise and imagines various objects which in our real life we often found close to reality. It is our mind that asks us to believe in paranormal activities, unsolved mysteries because it creates an impression before us which one way or the other our subconscious believes. Therefore we can say that humans despite having no idea of mind possess the capability to have in depth knowledge about the objects and instances the mind creates. Our mind acts as the gateway to human wisdom and ideas that flow and allow themselves to be accepted by us. Therefore the thoughts that come to us, the ideas we generate and the emotions we are overwhelmed with are all the objects that our mind allows us to perceive and we perceive them. However it depends upon inner extent to how much we are able to drink all the knowledge that our mind creates for us. Berkeley also claims that intuitive knowledge can also be achieved from our mind. For example, he says that if a table exists, it means it has been experienced, that is it is present whether one utilizes it or not. If one person does not get the chance to see the table, does not mean that anybody has accessed it. By some how the table is seen by some one. Abstract ideas are not the ultimate creation of the minds alone, abstractness exists. Berkeley uses the 'spirit' for such abstractness which as far as I have understood is the ability of human mind to feel paranormal activities. I have named abstractness as 'paranormal' because often it appears for a millisecond that we consumed with abstract thoughts which we don't believe. These are all the mind capabilities to show us living or non living objects this way. This is similar to the above example of table, that if a table or an object exists it is not possible that it exists in void, it is real. And since the table is real, therefore our mind is able to process its image, its length, breadth, colour and shape. However the more clear the sense of touch, smell and colour is, the more we allow our minds to perceive better but in order to allow our mind, we need to be 'free' to think and consider various abstractness and imaginations that our mind creates before us. Therefore it is our mind that provides intuition to us in this manner and this is evident from the fact that we have imaginations, abstractness and impressions. In reality we do not have such capabilities to image or to make an impression of something. It is the capability of our mind to shape our intuition before us. Berkeley suggests that it is practically not possible for us to divide our visions of perception. One cannot divide the senses through which it can perceive objects. The word 'rose' make us think of a rose with colour, stem and leaves. If for some reason we divide our abilities to think only the flower, not leaves or fragrance, it would be abstract. If one trains his mind to perceive this way he can no longer continue with the same abstract perception for the impracticality of the subject. That means our
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Creating a dream job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Creating a dream job - Essay Example The above compensation package is fit for Ngallas bed and breakfast employees because the employees have achieved significant objectives in the past year. A firm’s employees are supposed to be provided with attractive packages as a strategy to retain the best performing employees (Tropman, 2002). Ngallas bed and breakfast’s employees are warranted to have attractive compensation packages if they meet the bed and break fast’s objectives in terms of saving costs or adding to the company’s profits. The other area that warrants for the compensation package are efforts employees have put in place to increase turnover, efficiency, saving time and cost reduction measures. For the past one year, Ngallas bed and breakfast managers have worked hard to ensure that employees are trained. In addition employees efforts have saved time and costs. Employees have done this to increase the bed and breakfast’s margins to cater for the remuneration. The compensation package is justified by the additional duties that employees have embraced to ensure to improve the bed and breakfast’ profits. Employees have gone to the extent of doing tasks that are supposed to be handled by subordinate staff in cases where the subordinates are absent. This is compatible with the teamwork spirit in the bed and breakfast. In the recent past, Ngallas bed and breakfast employees have put in exemplary efforts to ensure that, the spirit of team work achieves results.The efforts have improved the company’s fortunes. This effort has led to Ngallas bed and breakfast to attain high profit margins and increase its customer base. This outcome has been instrumental in justifying the compensation attractive compensation packages.Ngallas bed and breakfast has realized that, the best way to improve performance is to provide enough compensation incentives. Incentives motivate
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Managerial Economics 610 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Managerial Economics 610 - Essay Example all potential candidates for promotion to attend a number of seminars and take an exam upon completion around key terms and concepts required to be mastered in order to cope with the demands of the new supervisory role. The success for promotion relates to a large extent on the quality of the answers you will provide to this exam, the way they will be presented and the justifications (where applicable) of own views put forward. Two key assumptions of perfect competition are that (1) each firm is too small to affect the market price and output of an industry and that (2) firms produce homogenous products. Thus, given these two conditions, it is not possible for perfectly competitive firms to view each other as fierce rivals in the market. The firms will be merely responding to market signals in the industry. In particular, each firm will respond to a given price. Prices are given in a perfect competition and no firm is able to influence the price because of homogeneity of products and as each firm is too small in relation to the market. When total revenue is less than the total variable cost, it is implied that total revenue (TR) cannot even pay for the total variable cost (TVC) of the firm. Variable costs are costs that vary based on the output of the firm. It means that additional costs are paid for by the revenue of the firm as output is increased. It therefore makes no sense for the firm to continue production in the short run. If TR>TVC applies, it need not follow that the firm is making a profit because the fixed costs are not necessarily covered for by the total revenue. In other words, TRTVC applies. Nevertheless when TR>TVC and TR
Friday, July 26, 2019
Bible Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Bible - Essay Example De Duve (2005) proposed that "Science is based on the postulate that the universe obeys natural laws and is intelligible within the framework of those laws," and this belief is commonly shared by an ever-increasing global populace encompassing both theists and atheists, natural scientists and non-scientists alike. In fact, while pseudo and legitimate religious groups grow in wide diversity from New Age to Panentheism, the Christian belief of God and the Savior remains one of the most enthralling religious wonders of our time. Humbling and altogether enlightening when deeply understood. Thomas Aquinas summed up the answer for the question "Why did the Son of God have to suffer for us" when he wrote: It can be considered in a twofold way: in the first place, as a remedy for sin, and secondly, as an example of how to act." Aquinas argued that "in the face of all the evils which we incur on account of our sins, we have found relief through the passion of Christ. Yet, it is no less an example, for the passion of Christ completely suffices to fashion our lives. Whoever wishes to live perfectly should do nothing but disdain what Christ disdained on the cross and desire what he desired, for the cross exemplifies every virtue." He added that "If you seek the example of love: Greater love than this no man has, than to lay down his life for his friends (New Testament). Such a man was Christ on the cross. And if he gave his life for us, then it should not be difficult to bear whatever hardships arise for his sake." Together with the virtue of love, Aquinas cited other virtues represented on the man and the cross: patience for enduring the pain, sorrow and suffering, humility for allowing himself to be judged by the angry mob and Pontius Pilate, obedience to the will of His Father, and immateriality. Finney (1851) in his argument presented 24 reasons why Jesus had to suffer on the cross but this discussion shall present only those which conveys governmental underpinning as: First, he reasoned, is due to God's great and all-encompassing love quoting John (New Testament) "God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life" (John 3:16). Second, "His great love to the universe at large [] inasmuch as it was impossible that the atonement should not exert an amazing influence over moral beings [e.g., angels]" Third, "That an infinite amount of suffering might be prevented. The relation of Christ to the universe rendered his sufferings so infinitely valuable and influential, as an expression of God's abhorrence of sin on the one hand, and his great love to his subjects on the otherAs a governmental expedient it is easy to see the great value of such a substitute; that on the one hand it fully evinced t he determination of the ruler not to yield the authority of his law, and on the other, to evince his great and disinterested love for his rebellious subjects." In this argument, Finney (1851) quoted the
Current Event Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11
Current Event Paper - Assignment Example Daiichi Sankyo is a Japanese pharmaceutical company that has a stake in the Ranbaxy Laboratories based in India. Earlier this year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FAD) had banned the use drugs produced from the laboratory, citing that the drugs have quality problems. In response to this, Daiichi Sankyo has started to put measures in place to improve the quality of products from the laboratory. One f the steps taken is the hiring of consultants and sending experienced employees from Daiichi Sankyo to the Ranbaxy plants. Furthermore, as reported in the article, the company is taking steps to dig deeper and understand the violations that have led to the poor quality products from the Ranbaxy plants. The main idea behind quality control is to ensure that the output meets the required standards. In the above article, Daiichi Sankyo is taking steps to ensure that the quality of the products from its Ranbaxy plants meets the required international standards. The failure to meet these standards was the reason why the FAD banned the use of its products. In addition, quality control requires that the company takes the necessary steps to identify the causes of poor quality and how to address them. Daiichi Sankyo is bringing in consultants and experts to help identify and address the quality problems at the Ranbaxy Laboratories. Inagaki, K (2014, January 31). Daiichi Sankyo Vows Drastic Steps to Improve Ranbaxy Quality. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Critical issue in global health ( a grant proposal to support efforts Thesis
Critical issue in global health ( a grant to support efforts to improve maternal and child health, in Kachere, a village in Kasungu. ) - Thesis Proposal Example As such, the CBO has come up with five strategies in the proposal namely; Improvement of maternal health in the community, Promote gender equality and empowerment to women, Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, Ensure that the environment is sustained, Eliminate poverty and hunger. Through these strategies, there will be direct and indirect solutions to this challenge and the community will remain healthy and full of life. Moreover, this project has incorporated stakeholders such as Traditional Authority (TA), Religious Groups, and Malawi International Organization (MIO) who will assist in planning and implementing the project. Apparently, it is evident that Kachere Village in Kasungu District has serious cases of poor health and poverty that has emerged from the poor living conditions of people in the village. Ideally, Eva’s two dead children serves as a perfect example how children have died from diseases such as pneumonia and malaria and those surviving are still suffering from related diseases. Moreover, the agricultural activities revolve around tobacco and maize farming, which are not easy to farm due to their inadequate returns. Furthermore, her husband who is alleged to be absent from home for extensive periods of time in search of employment has also became a challenging issue for Eva since is fear contracting HIV from the existing polygamy set up (Skolnik, 2008). As a community based organization (CBO) on the ground, we have taken Eva’s living conditions as a sample to work with in the improvement of the living conditions of people in Kachere village (Hovenga & Mantas, 2005). Nevertheless, the CBO is aware that the community has three main stakeholders who are contributing towards development and health issues namely: Nongovernmental organizations (NGO) and International Organizations where the International Organizations have assisted in facilitating loans and savings to most groups that have been formed in the community. Of
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Essay - Assignment Example Moreover, the modernism paradigm is inherently intertwined with culture and Eysteinsson and Liska argue that in terms of literary criticism, â€Å"modernism constitutes one of the most prominent fields of literary studies today†(Eysteinsson and Liska, 2007:1). Indeed, leading anthologist Rainey asserts that in literary terms â€Å"modernists were giants, monsters of nature who loomed so large that contemporaries could only gape at them in awe†(Rainey 2007, p.xix) However, whilst modernism is instrumental in approaching literary context, it is evident that â€Å"it is however, a field that stands in a very ambiguous relationship to the present literary and cultural situation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ scholars and critics are seeking to draw a balance sheet with modernism†(Eysteinsson and Liska, 2007:1). The concept of modernism in the cultural consciousness evolved through the end of Queen Victoria’s reign between the nineteenth and twentieth century. Indeed, Gillies and Mahood (2007) refer to publisher Grant Allen’s remarks in 1889 that â€Å"everybody nowadays talks about evolution. Like electricity, the cholera, women’s rights, the great mining boom, and the Eastern question, it is â€Å"in the air†(In Gillies & Mahood, 2007: 3). To this end, it is evident that the cultural transition between the nineteenth and twentieth century towards a modernist socio-cultural model is a central causal factor in explaining the particular distinction of early twentieth century literature in the modernist discourse. For example, if we consider this proposition contextually, Gillies and Mahood refer to Aldous Huxley’s female protagonist Lucy Tantamount in â€Å"Point Counter Point†(1928) comments that â€Å"living modernly’s, living quickly†. Moreover, constant references to â€Å"make it new†meshed â€Å"itself in ever increasingly formalised definitions of
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Trademark Dilution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Trademark Dilution - Assignment Example As a result brand identity is an important part of the company. There comes a time however, when newer companies secure trademarks that are almost identical to those that are already more established. Think of a scenario for instance where two or more schools share the same uniform. This interference with trademarks can be called by different names but the most relevant to the topic we are about to discuss is dilution. Dilution was the subject if great controversy at the time of its founding. The idea is that there are large companies that wish to protect their already established trademarks. Therefore the best thing for them is to support the passing of dilution clauses into law to deny newer entrants the opportunity to try and make money from establishing their trademarks along the standards already set by the established brands. This paper shall seek to study the history and current state of trademark dilution. There shall be case studies that are analyzed so as to show how trademark dilution has evolved through rulings and also legislation. Another important aspect of trademark dilution is whether or not in reality, trademar4ks prevent such uncouth behavior as the industry is trying to prevent. Of course it is one thing to cry foul about trademarks and quite another to establish their effectiveness. The reason why this is the case is primarily because creative departments in companies develop novel means to reciprocate the efforts and products of other companies. Trademark dilution is the United States for instance is a fairly recent phenomenon bearing in mind that the necessary legislation was passed in 1995. That was the year that the Federal Trademark Dilution act was passed. It sought to protect large companies against the ‘gradual whittling away’ of renowned brands by new entrants1. This was an effort to protect big business at the expense of upcoming businesses. This, as the more fashion conscious will note, is a famous fashion brand. The
Monday, July 22, 2019
Electro Learning Essay Example for Free
Electro Learning Essay In the recent years, technology continues to evolve and improves its capability affecting every individual’s daily routines. Technology has impacted the different facets of life and certainly changed and redefined the way we live (Oak, 2011). One of the most common technologies used by people around the globe is computer. According to International Telecommunications Union or ITU, in 2010, the ratio of Filipino computer users over the Philippines’ population results in 29,700,000 over 99,900,177 or 29. 7% of our population. The users of computers vastly increased and prospered since it was invented. Nowadays, computers in any form become an integral part of our lives due to its functionality. The purpose of computers has engaged into complexity which made everything possible beyond our thoughts. Since there was a wide-range of computer usability, one of the emerging areas of computing is software development. Software varies with application depending on the contents and purpose. One way to implement good software amongst series of development is electronic learning or simply e-Learning. Rapid e-Learning is an ongoing trend which enables flexible and cost-effective creation of learning materials (Pforte Stolzenberg, 2007). One of such obvious transformation and enhancement that will greatly affect the living standard in the future is the revolutionized technology being implemented in the education section (StudyUp, 2010). Technological development in the 1990s and 2000s appears to be beneficial to education. Currently, technology improvement follows Moores law which states that computers become twice as efficient approximately every two years (Lebedev, 2010). Education has changed significantly in the last twenty years. One of the main reasons education has undergone so many changes is because of technological development (Lebedev, 2010). Learning across the world is changing and bringing about this change is the use of information and communications technology (ICT) or simply, computer, which has advanced the access to information and is providing a richer, more immediate and relevant opportunities for those who have embraced it (Famor, 2011). The use of ICT for education is revolutionizing the traditional classroom and encourages learners to progress outside of the four walls of classroom, is more personalized and has become powerful motivational tool; the use of ICT in education is greatly helping developing countries to catch up with the education race becoming a great equalizer and providing access (Famor, 2011). E-Learning develops into different phases which targets not just higher education and adults but also children. The case of collaborative learning becomes available for children as a computer user (Crook, 1998). Kids and computers are nearly inseparable these days (Heiting, 2011). A recent study on Internet Access and Use by Filipino School children showed 74 percent of the children respondents use the computer or internet and 34 percent started between 2-9 years of age (Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication, 2009). The statistics showed that computer becomes more popular not only for adults but also for children. Our children’s lives are already influenced by the technology (Indian Child, 2011). Computers are an important (and virtually unavoidable) part of your childs life and education (Heiting, 2011). The introduction of technology in the educational field has made the process of learning and knowledge sharing, an interactive and fun-filled activity (Oak, 2010). A positive and effective combination of education for children and technology could be a good impact on the advancement and preparation on Filipino children’s learning process providing with parental guidance. PROJECT CONTEXT According to the human capital theory, the economic development of a nation is a correlation of the quality and quantity of its education (Okemakinde Olaniyan, 2008). Economic development of a nation corresponds with the number of educated people. â€Å"The modern world in which we live is often termed a knowledge society; education and information have become production factors potentially more valuable than labor and capital. Thus, in a globalized setting, investment in human capital has become a condition for international competitiveness (Meinardus, 2003)†The Philippines education system faces different problems causes for the quality of education in the Philippines to take risks. As Cruz stated, our country needs 10,549 new classrooms, 1. 22 million additional seats, 67. 03 million new text books, and 12,131 more teachers for 2006 and summing up to 11. 30 billion in Philippine currency which is impossible to solve (2006, January 22). Another potential problem reported from DepEd Fact Sheet for Academic Year 2002 to 2007 gives the following education data: Teacher : Pupil (Elementary Students) Average Ratio is 1:36 while Teacher : Student (High School Students) Average Ratio is 1:41 ( Jobo, 26 March 2009). Population growth in the country is 2. 3 percent annually which results to 1. 7 millions of babies born every year and probably claims their educational provision but as a conflict with gargantuan problem, our country only has few resources, lack of facilities and too many students (Meinardus, 2003). With what reality reflects, Mainardus states that the quality of Philippine education has been declining continuously for 25 years agreed with the statement from senior department of education that schools are failing to teach the competence the average citizens need to become responsible, productive and self-fulfilling (2003). The mission of DepEd is to provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all and lays the foundation for life-long learning and service for the common good (Department of Education [DepEd], 2011). Ironically, the problems stated and the mission of DepEd seems to contradict with each other. Since the computers continue to grow and the users continue patronizing it, e-Learning could be a complement in eliminating problems concern with the education issues. The problem in education remained unsolved for years but through technology, the problems might be reduced. New technology can support learning; in particular, computers can be a medium in which material can be rendered accessible through creating visible and manipulative representations (Crook, 1998). I-Turo is an electronic learning tutorial software application especially made to nurture minds of young generation. I-Turo provides teaching and tutorial methodologies for young learners between 3-6 years of age. It responds with the need of our society in terms of early education and parental tutoring both accessible at home and based on Philippine context. It answers the needs of e-Learning software for a child which is purely based on the standardized Philippine curriculum. The Software application satisfies the interaction between parents and children in a convenient and educational way. From the software title itself, I-Turo, a Filipino word meant to teach and to give knowledge is the main concern of the aforesaid software. From manual teaching, I-Turo requires the integration of teaching electronically through computers. I-Turo centers contents based upon Philippine curriculum for pre-school education while contextualizing the Philippine culture and environment. As differ with e-Learning, the software is not intended to be learned alone or even distance learning but to be a medium for educating children with the guidance of the parents. PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION A. PURPOSE The primary purpose of I-Turo is to enrich the knowledge of young Filipinos on the pre-school level which is the foundation of fundamental knowledge combining different elements of teaching from the creative interfacing that captures the interest of the child into the valuable contents. Cognitive development is the focus of the software to help young learners to cope up from the possible impact of education crisis. Cognitive development includes development of communication skills, sensory-perceptual and numeracy concepts and skills. Communication skills refer to competencies in expressing ideas and feelings both in English and Filipino such as oral expression and basic readiness skills of listening, pre-reading and writing (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization [SEAMEO], 2003). Sensory-perceptual and numeracy skills refer to the ability to observe, discriminate, compare and classify, and to understand, count, read and write numbers (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization [SEAMEO], 2003). Pre-school services in the country is 19. 5 % over 11. 5 million children aged 0 to 6 years (Education Encyclopedia, n. d). As concluded, pre-schools in the country only served few children under the aforesaid ages. It shows that more than half of Filipino children doesn’t go to school for nursery and kindergarten which logically results to more than half of children population spend their pre-primary learning at home or might not experience this level of learning. Since pre-school level is compulsory, I-Turo provides an alternative way to experience early childhood education which is important to child’s cognitive development. Early childhood education showed benefit and positive outcome on child’s intellectual Quotient (IQ) development and fewer social or behavioral problems (Ellis-Christensen, 2011). Some long-term benefits of early education in pre-school learners are greater parental involvement, fewer referrals to special education or remedial services, higher grades, better social skills, greater ability to focus and even less likely to commit illegal acts (Ellis-Christensen, 2011). Computers and software titles increases in numbers and targets young children progressively (Indian Child, 2011). Nowadays, children learns to read and write with computer games becoming a child’s learning tool instead of traditional flash cards and other materials (Indian Child, 2011). With the following computer usage, pre-school children today spend hours in front of computer everyday (Heiting, 2011). These evidences purposely support what the software aims which is to apply information technology into education that can lessen some problems. Pre-school education consists of nurseries and kindergartens that cater children under the age of 3-6 (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization [SEAMEO], 2003). Children 3-5 year of age are developmentally ready to use computers and a best opportunity to let them control and explore computer and software (Education Encyclopedia, 2011). On the other hand, children ages 5-7 are ready to begin using computers for more directed purposes, which includes communication, information gathering and skills development (Education Encyclopedia, 2011). Research suggests computer use among pre-school children might actually improve their readiness and academic achievement (Heiting, 2011). In a study, children who worked on computer at home and at school using educational software performed better on measures of school readiness and cognitive development rather than children without computers (Heiting, 2011). I-Turo aims to provide a quality early education with the help of parental tutorial. The software application does not intend to replace the pedagogical and traditional approaches but to be a supportive education to add up on the learning experience of a child. Since numerous problems were discussed in the Philippines quality of education, it is the time to make necessary action of both parents and child. Parental involvement is a great factor influencing child development which benefits positively into child’s growth. The Importance of parental involvement is reinforced with the increase of effectiveness of the education the child receives (Hornby, 2000). Parent involvement at pre-school was a major component and tends for more success and achievements of a child. As Hornby states that greatest gains are made when parents are more directly involved such as when they act as tutors with their children (2000). Perry preschool project in the USA concluded that children who had undergone with parental tutorial had significantly higher IQs, increased academic achievement, decreased need for special education placement, and less unemployment (Hornby, 2000). Some parents rely with computer for learning process of their children applicable for interaction, which is one important learning step (Indian Child, 2011). As a part of I-Turo, parental involvement would help in shaping child’s intellectual growth with tutorial system. Early childhood education is general term that describes a diverse range of programs (Ellis-Christensen, 2011). Since preprimary education is not compulsory, the software can provide the needs for education in convenient way with unlimited access (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization [SEAMEO], 2003). Software can provide compilation of programs for early childhood education and tutorial in less expense with more parental bonding, peer interaction while learning. Parents who commit to an â€Å"at home†education, need to commit to being creative and engage in raising their children (Ellis-Christensen, 2011). The software could enhance child’s progress through different methods of learning and new form of material for teaching. Most experts agree that early childhood education works best in low pressure, social and very friendly environments (Ellis-Christensen, 2011). Another purpose of the software application is to support collaborative learning with multi-users. Through different set of knowledge and activities, the software could inform children with knowledge according to their need, from basic up to moral values. The software also intends to uplift and popularize the values and Philippines-based knowledge to the eye of Filipino youth at an early stage. I-Turo pursues to educate the children as a home learning experience with the parents since the ratio of teacher and students continues to increase and the focus for each student directly lessen affecting the learners progress. The pre-school level of education is not a requirement to basic education, through the software application children could learn providing with guidance and interaction between parents and child or with other users. Through considerations on different factors influencing learning, the purpose of the software could successfully integrate technology in form of education. Thorough explanation of I-Turo is provided in the description. B. DESCRIPTION B. 1 What is I-Turo? I-Turo is an electronic learning tutorial software application primarily intends to support pre-school learners and provides basic knowledge for cognitive development. The software caters early childhood education and parental involvement through tutoring system. The software is designed base on the needs, interests and applicability for child’s knowledge progress. The software is a supplement for educational tools and another medium to impart basic information in a new set of material that would match the interest of the children today. It will not be a new form of technological invention but an enhancement and upgrade on the existing educational software across the globe. It will add innovative and interactive ways of implementing tutorial software to the child by the parents and new input device depending on the child’s capability. It will also include multiple users on a single computer for parental tutorial interaction and even parent to children tutorial which means of tutoring children simultaneously and interactively. Cooperative work skills and language skills develop through working with others on computer through cooperative activities (Education Encyclopedia, 2011). B. 2 The Software users Since I-turo is designed for children at age of three (3) to six (6) years, parents and child are the target users of the software. Children at these stages enjoy interacting with active links and areas on the screen, discovering the effects of clicking different choices (Education Encyclopedia, 2011). At an early stage of 3-6, children need guidance from an adult. Parents play an important role into the child development process that will depend on the proper way they interact and support their children on their cognitive progress as a part of growth. The software requires minimum of two users, one would be the tutor and another would be the child. The tutor will be the master educator, most probably the parent to work with the child at early stage who will guide the child on the over-all process of tutorial and education with the help of the software. The tutor does not need to be professional, as long as he or she knows basic knowledge o ncomputer literacy, the software will guide user in the flow of tutorial process. The second user will be the child who acts as the preprimary learner. The child should be at 3 to 6 to appropriately imbibe the information on the software. The tutor could also handle simultaneous users with maximum of 4. The software could accept additional children users each time ranges up to 4, while additional new mouse is compulsory every time new child user is associated with the group. B. 3 Multi-pointing Technology The software applied one of the latest innovations technology to date which is Multi-pointing. Multi-pointing technology can handle multiple mice synchronously without any error or confusion on the computer. Every input mouse on the software has its own identity and does not affect the cursor movement of another. Multi-pointing improves the interaction for multi-users in the software which mainly a subject in providing parental involvement in tutorial software such as I-Turo. This technology helps the software to establish advancement on early education and parental tutoring software with the increase on access of possible users and reduction on the cost for additional personal computers. It supports collaborative learning between children and reduces time framework on the tutorial session of different child which can be done in one certain time concurrently with the children. Through the use of this technology, the objective to handle 5 users in one software application could be implied successfully. According to Crook, technology could be used in collaborative learning effectively (1998). B. 4 The Software contents The contents of the software are the most important aspects in an effective learning experience for pre-school learners through technology. The software development is intended for children under 3 to 6 years of age. This supplement or tool for early education and tutorial is base on the contents suitable for the children. From the top approach, the design of I-Turo is graphically friendly into children’s eye view. It combines good color combination and intermediate graphics resolution to hinge on children’s visual capability. The color scheme of the software consists of primary colors, soft textured colors, and light and bright variety of color combination to introduce children to different colors. The appearance of the software targets to accommodate the appropriate design for children’s interest and attention which affect learning through visual implications. The software is also composed of sounds and music to boost the enjoyment and to carry on children’s focus. It also shows graphic images such as different objects to reflect the reality into the software. The category of knowledge for tutorial is divided into different subjects such as English (language and reading) and Filipino (Wika and Pagbasa) based on the curriculum. Each Unit included in the softwares contents covers knowledge for cognitive development of a child. Each Unit also consists of lectures, activities and assessments. Lectures are managed by the parents, tutor to be precise to educate children from the software contents. Lectures are purposely designed for exiguous interaction to inform the child relaxingly by the tutor little by little. Lectures acquire small mice movements from the tutor and child/children to embark the knowledge into their minds. Activities follow variety of methods to enrich their minds actively on what have they learned and as a practice and application. Activities might be done interactively with peers and tutor or a choice of alone depending on the preference of the tutor or the child. Assessment is done through testing and examinations in a friendly environment. Every assessment is graded right after to see the progress and can be easily evaluated. The lectures and activities are fixed in format while assessments come randomly for the number of mice involved in a session. All the contents can handle 1 tutor and children up to 4 users as long as the tutor can work smoothly with these children. Each level also has sub category of subjects to organize certain information accordingly. The subjects of each all level are similar on the field but differ in scope and difficulty. The subjects of the system are based on the Philippine curriculum prescribed by the Department of Education for preschool students or pre-primary learners. All information is based upon books referred and preferred by the Department of Education, educators, and other professionals. All the contents are assured to be relevant, related, and accurate. The methods of implementing information undergo with psychological approvals and referrals from the child psychologists and come also from researches and documentations by the professionals. I-Turo is contextualized from Philippine based context. It adds moral values and guidance tutorial for childhood good manners and right conducts. Since the software is designed for Filipino children, it promotes Philippines not just graphically but also some lectures and activities which mainly involve Philippine literature, culture, values, and other country based facts. The design of the software such as objects is mainly a part reflected by the Philippine’s context and reality applicable for kids. B. 5 The Hardware The hardware of I-Turo is composed of any computer as the main that can install software based on software requirements. The Compact Disc would be the default storage of the software installer for computers. The I-Turo is designed for kids hence, the input device of the software should respond with children’s capability in interacting with computers. Handling normal mouse is an issue on ease of use for children under 6 years old below. One way to solve difficulty in handling interaction with computer is to produce a child-friendly mouse which can accommodate children’s capability in convenient manner. The design of USB (Universal Serial Bus) cabled mouse is bigger than the normal size and shaped circularly to easily and comfortably hold it. The mouse has equal and proportional shape to easily notice the middle button by the users. The design is proportional to cater not only right-handed but also left-handed. The mouse is big enough to support children’s hand and navigate the mouse through optical sensors. Since children took a hard time to understand the dissimilarities in clicking the left click and right click, a new design of mouse is implemented to handle software application for kids. The mouse only has a one click functions as the usual left click of ordinary mouse. The right click is not necessary to be a part of input device of the software so; right click is removed to eliminate confusion of children between left and right click. The left click is placed at the center as one and only press button for inputting or clicking. In terms of physical design, the color of the five mice varies with different colors such as blue, yellow, green, pink, and purple to showcase variation of colors. The mouse is rounded, soft edged, and lighted with simple yet creative designs to capture the attention of children. Since computers is limited with a few number of USB ports, the mouse will include USB port hub to provide access on the five mice simultaneously. The hub has 6 ports, 5 for the mice and 1 as an extra. The hub is designed with soft color and child-friendly structure. The computer, installer, hub and mice work together as one to be a medium of tutorial and education through the use of technology today. The proposed design of the mouse without the hub is shown in the figure 1. Figure 1: Sample computer mouse proposal without the hub (actual size and design may change). B. 6 Implementation Numerous computers spread out in different places, with different forms and versions but, most of it functions exactly the same. Since computers are everywhere, the implementation of the software would be easy. After completing the hardware requirements, the software should be compatible to the operating system of the computer also based on the system requirements set by the software developers. Installation of the software to the computer would come next. Possible implementation of the software works with only 1 tutor, 1 computer and differs on the number of children and mice depending on the number of users. Different implementations are shown in the following figures. a. Figure 2: 1 child, 1 computer, 1 tutor, and 2 mice b. Figure 3: 2 children, 1 computer, 1 tutor, 3 mice c. Figure 4: 3 children, 1 computer, 1 tutor, 4 mice d. Figure 5: 4 children, 1 computer, 1 tutor, 5 mice I-Turo does not influence young learners to concentrate on computers which pessimistically affect and ruin the normal life of a child. On the other hand, I-Turo lends technology to be an aid and tool for educating children without affecting the bond between parents and child. Through a good foundation of education, Filipinos could be highly competent around the world. Providing good sources for education, students can be highly knowledgeable even at early stage. OBJECTIVES GENERAL AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES I-Turo entailed development on an electronic learning tutorial software application for childhood cognitive development containing effective lessons based on Philippine context. The primary objectives of the project beyond accuracy, reliability and effectiveness were: (1) To develop a computer-based software application engaging into maximum usability solving problems related in education focusing on childhood cognitive development and moral guidance stages between 3-6 years of age through e-Learning technology and based on Philippine educational curriculum; Specific objective as follows: †¢to design a software application catering its usability and applicability for more numbers of people in the society †¢to create software concerning with Philippine based context such as traditions, history, values, Filipino language, epics and etc. †¢to include information from basic level into kindergarten level lessons (English (language and reading) and Filipino (Wika and Pagbasa) ) for home study purposes and thorough understanding †¢to focus on the information intended to be learned during the childhood mental development stage as a good foundation of knowledge †¢to integrate good manners and right conduct in the software contents †¢to categorize subject content into different level of learning and understanding depending on the applicable knowledge for each age based upon the curriculum. (2) To improve and enhance the knowledge of young Filipinos through introductory and exploratory learning with computers as a positive, effective and easier way of collaborative learning experience; Specific objective as follows: †¢to introduce a well constructed graphics for early education that could interest young learners †¢to provide an accurate and efficient information and software contents applicable for young learners (3) To implement a new form of input device and interactive tutorial medium responding on the needs for parental tutoring, early education preparation and assistance for child’s progress and knowledge updates. Specific objective as follows: †¢to implement the breakthrough on Multi-pointing Technology supporting on multi-users for mouse control handling †¢to create an application satisfying parenthood guidance for young learners †¢to support interaction between multiple user such as parent-child, parent-children, parents-child and parents-children †¢to ease the use and access of educational medium such as cards, posters, books, charts, and other more and transfer it in a computer-based software as one tool. †¢to engage young learners into early education with the use of technology corresponding with parent-child bonding while learning at a convenient manner †¢to maximize the use of computers for teaching young learners with different methods †¢to guide every progress on children’s accumulated knowledge through testing and examination †¢to implement new form of input device under children’s capability for ease of use SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS This project will focus on implementation of computer-based software application designed for childhood tutorial and early education for cognitive development and integrating moral values guidance. The project will mainly cover Philippine based curriculum corresponding on the knowledge needed by young Filipino learners approved by professionals such as psychologists, educators, guidance councilors and government agencies and its officials. The contents would be guided by accurate information which undergoes with studies and supported by certified books applicable for young learners referred by professionals. The project will target learners under the age of three (3) and up to age of six (6), to be general, pre-school learners. Even though the application will be designed for normal learners, special cases of learners with disability or disorder might be also guided by the software but it does not assure that the software could give an effective feedback on the user’s learning process since it does not undergoes with a study for special cases. Moreover, the application efficiently caters relevant knowledge based upon studies for tutoring and early education for pre-school. Fundamental information regarding on different subjects and context will be applied as a further investment on child’s cognitive development. The application will include school subject’s references such as Language, Reading, Wika, and Pagbasa with integration on Values Education. Other information related on Philippine history, culture, traditions, tales, epics and other important facts are also included for exemplifications or activities. All the contents are limited only the curriculum provided by Department of Education for pre-school. Thus, different levels of learning will be categorized based on subjects and ages for understandability and different type of strategic teaching and learning methods will be featured. Every subject on each category covers lecture, activity and assessment or testing and examinations. As a part of child’s improvement, the application will address a progress status of a child and analysis of performance during the assessment period done after lecture and activities. The application will adopt the latest Multi-pointing Technology which utilizes its function for handling multi-users. Through Multi-pointing Technology, the application can support parent and child tutorial interactively. It does not just provide a single human –computer interaction but can also be used by more than one (1) user up to five (5) and may also be depend on computer mouse availability. In the process of learning, parents will participate in tutorial with the computer and child. The parent will be the tutor, the child will be the student and the application will be the medium and source of education. The software recommends parents to guide their child for electronic learning tutorial. It also encloses collaborative learning with parent and with peers or other students simultaneously and interactively. One (1) tutor and one (1) child are the basic user requirements and can add up limited into four children (4). In terms of the software development, the contents of the software is limited on the information provided by professionals, study or research and from pre-school books which is fixed on the system. Since the application will contain Philippine based-curriculum, the subject would only be effective for young learners in the Philippines. The application will be limited on usage because it is not accessible on the internet and works only with a computer and software installer. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE/SYSTEM EARLY CHILDHOOD The developmental period that extends from the end of infancy (3 years old) to about 5 to 6 years of age.
St. Augustines Confessions Essay Example for Free
St. Augustines Confessions Essay There was nothing in Augustines Confessions that will help reveal his background especially concerning his socio-economic status. One has to consult other sources for that. But knowing fully well that education in ancient times is prized by the rich and the elite it is easy to deduce from the well written Latin masterpiece that indeed Augustine belong to the creme de la creme of society. This is a significant insight because not only is Augustine part of the highly educated and well-to-do crowd he also is a man who longs for God. A close study of the Confessions will lead one to understand how Augustine views Christianity. Based on the document, Augustine believed that Christianity is about striving to be intimate with God and at the same time a daily struggle to make the flesh obedient to the call of a godly life in Christ Jesus. Intimacy with God One of the most radical concepts about Christianity is the notion that mere mortals can be intimate with God. In order to appreciate this idea one has to first understand that Christianity like Judaism believes in one Almighty God who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. They are not simply worshipping someone that is ruler of a particular locale, like a god that is in-charge of a really old Oak tree or some ancient hill. This God is the one and only. Aside from that the God of St. Augustine is a great Deity whose power is evident in the Old Testament portion of the Bible. The God of Augustine is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. And yet Augustine wanted to be close to Him. This is evident in Book I: The Early Years. In the first few paragraphs Augustines deep longings was evident by expressing near panic not knowing what to do first. Is it to call Him or to praise Him? Having the ultimate goal in mind Augustine said that, â€Å"You stir man to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you†(Book I: Early Years). This desire for intimacy is actually radical. One only has to take a casual review of ancient religions, Greek and Roman mythology to realize that for thousands of years before Augustines Confessions God or the gods were considered to be mean and cruel. The ultimate goal of the worshiper is not to be intimate with the gods but to appease them. God according to other religion is indeed mighty but He is unapproachable. As one continues to read, one will find that Augustine was simply warming up. He is not merely content with the getting to know you stage and his desire to know God goes deeper not willing to accept a superficial relationship. Augustine did not write the Confessions because he simply wanted to earn the favor of God. He went one step further and in the first few sentence of Book II, Augustine declared that he desires to love God (see Book II: Adolescence). The Flesh The words coming from his pen were profound and those who may mistake Augustine’s longing for intimacy with the Almighty as wishful thinking. Augustine as agreed in beginning of this study was a man born to privilege and highly educated. If what he is saying is truth then it will be either as a mockery to God or as an honest desire to really know and be known by Him. One has to continue digging deeper into the Confessions in order to understand that Augustine was not deluded into thinking that this quest will be an easy one. It is at the point of realization that knowing God will not be an easy task Augustine begins to pour out his frustration that he is a sinner and has no illusion that he will be able to walk like the great and godly men of old like Moses and Elijah. In Book VIII: The Birthpangs of Conversion, Augustine mentioned his past, the desire for women and being enamored with the world and its intoxicating temptations. In Book VIII Augustine began to provide the resolution to a very complicated proposition that was made in the beginning of this study. It is possible to be intimate with God but its not going to be easy. The first step in order for a man to know God and be known by him, before a loving relationship between child and God can commence there is a need to first forsake worldly desires. In short a conversation from darkness to light must first occur and Augustine promises that there is nothing like it and that every sacrifice is worth every good thing that one can receive from Christ Jesus. Conclusion Aside from the fact that Augustine a highly educated, intelligent and very talented man to give up all the pleasures of this world to embrace the cross of Christ, there are other facets to the Confessions that are very radical. As mentioned earlier the concept that God is approachable and that one can build a relationship with him is an idea that is so advanced it is impossible to find any precedent other than the New Testament of the Christian Bible. But Augustine emphasized that he is not merely content to know God he is in the quest to learn how to love God. This is raising the bar so high it is almost impossible to reach it. It is a good thing to know that Augustine took time to explain that his goal of being intimate with God will not be a walk in the park. In fact, according to his own â€Å"confessions†there are many obstacles that must be overcome in order to achieve that goal. And it begins with conversion from darkness to light. At the end St. Augustine set an example and encourages many to strive for the impossible because it is only through God that one can find meaning, satisfaction and rest in this life. References Saint Augustine. (1998). Confessions. H. Chadwick (Trans. ). New York: Oxford University Press.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Proposal Of Setting Up A Telemarketing Company Marketing Essay
Proposal Of Setting Up A Telemarketing Company Marketing Essay A business plan proposal of setting up a telemarketing company Contents Introduction The telemarketing at the moment is a growing industry with most companies having an annual growth between 8% and 10% (Anything research, 2013). This is due to the fact that the businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the need for market information on ongoing basis and the desire to reduce customer turnover rates in the current hard hit economy. It is the mission of JH Marketing to provide broad telemarketing consultation which will help companies increase sales volume and provide customer services to our clients in the Ireland at reduced prices. Thus, helping clients to increase revenue and offering them substantial amount of savings on the operational costs of their telemarketing and customer services functions. JH marketing will be based in Karachi, Pakistan where the company will have access to high skilled labour at lower costs. Idea Selection Process As the recession has hit the profits of the businesses more and more companies have been forced to cut down the operational costs and to make the most out of the resources they have. Many big and small companies look to outsource their telemarketing and customer services operations to emerging markets where they can get skilled labour for lower costs and that is the rationale behind selection of the venture. Ideas such as setting up a PR company and advertising agency were considered as well but costs, skilled labour and the competition were the factors of not going ahead with the mentioned options. The other rationale behind selection of this business is the lower start up cost as well, the costs only include office space, computers and the internet connection and the staff with higher English speaking capabilities to handle the queries of the clients from Ireland. Service Description JH Marketing will be adapting low cost strategy for its venture by setting up its operations in Pakistan to minimise its costs and the clients will be given higher level of service as the company will be focusing on low cost, efficiency and innovation as their core strategic competitive advantages (Lawson, 2003). JH Marketing offers complete and customized telemarketing campaigns and customer services operations. The most common telemarketing campaigns embarked on are for following purposes: Lead Generation Setting appointments Market research Surveys (Political surveys and statistical analysis etc) Subscriptions Business development or Sales Product promotion In order to create greater effect for the clients JH Marketing provide a comprehensive program for them that may include, but not limited to, some of the following services: Classification of Program Objectives and potential. Creation of tailored lists of leads for sales Market research and analysis Training and development of telemarketing agents Script writing for campaigns Conception of follow-up programs for successful calls. The list above is only a partial list of our services as each campaign and project is customised to the needs of the clients and is different and unique in terms of scope, length, customer reach, depth and costs. Competition in the Market The telemarketing and customer services industry is rather fragmented with companies that vary greatly in size, reach, services offered, and market share. Most of the companies are advertising agencies who offer telemarketing services along with other consultative services. Moreover, there are many companies who do not realise the potential of outsourcing, thus, set up their own telemarketing departments. The direct competitors of JH Marketing include all advertising and telemarketing companies and the call centres across Ireland. Whereas, the indirect competitors are all those companies, big or small, who have developed in-house telemarketing departments to handle their operations. JH Marketing, practically, has great threat from big nationwide consulting companies and the large and well established telemarketing agencies in Ireland such as Capita, Intercall and Conduit who hold significant market share. The industry itself is extensively fragmented, where huge numbers of small companies mainly provide services to small and medium sized firms and there are big companies who tend to seek large and extended contracts with the large companies which make this industry highly intense. With our strategy of greater service at lower cost and having office set up in Pakistan we will be able to offer lower costs to the companies and through our low cost strategy (Greater service at lower cost) we intend to avoid such a debilitating market competition as price and scope are important reasons for accepting contracts, especially if the company is small or new. Industry Analysis JH Marketing Professionals business strategy is to offer greater service at lower cost but our company does not intend to be a call centre only, nor will it ever become one as we are a consulting firm which will design the marketing and telesales campaigns for its clients and will also execute them to provide the cost advantage to the clients. These services are where we can offer a higher standard of quality to our clients. This will allow us minimise the costs, thus higher profit. Rivalry among different telemarketing agencies as stated before is greater and the market is fragmented but the industry as a whole is mature with long-term moderate growth with higher number of established companies. The fact that there are so many diverse or general telemarketing agencies; it makes this an aggressive industry. The threat of clients backwardly integrating so as to have their sales and customer services done in-house is one of the major factors used by buyers to indirectly control price in this industry, and increase competition. This must always be foremost in the minds of JH Marketing management when offering services and setting prices. The key advantage for JH Marketing is that they will have access to staff at low costs as compared to their competition which will help them to offer low prices than their competition as the difference between wage in Pakistan and Ireland is huge i.e Average wage per annum in Ireland is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬35k (Central statics off ice, 2013) whereas, in Pakistan is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬7k a year (Payscale, 2013). Human Resource Management Plan The company will have two officers: CEO Mr. Jihad Habib and Director, who will be highly skilled with many industry relations to help the company attract clients. We will also hire an office manager, and 5 staff to do cold calls. The company plans to hire additional consultants and administrative personnel as we begin to get large numbers of contracts. To start off with JH Marketing will need 5 staff to do cold calls to the business in Ireland. As the business does not require highly skilled labour so the recruitment and selection of the staff will depend on the proficiency in English speaking and understanding and some background in sales and marketing. However, people with no sales experience could also be recruited and trained as per the campaign requirement, provided that they have grasp over the language. Operations Plan The CEO, Mr. Jihad Habib will personally schedule meetings and presentations with the perspective clients to sale them the idea of outsourcing their telesales and customer service operations. As per the clients requirement the staff will be taken on board and trained to make outbound calls and handle the inbound customer service calls. As discussed earlier in the plan companies who are new to the market find it hard to attract the clients and to give them the confidence to outsource, for this reason JH Marketing will need the help from an experienced professional (Director JH Marketing) who have experience of convincing the clients to outsource and has great industry connections as well. As per the requirements of the clients and volume of the business the staff will be recruited and trained to start off operating from the Karachi office. As discussed earlier, for the operations the company will need an office space, computers and the VOIP (Voice over internet phone) Software to start calling the customers in Ireland to sell the clients products and services. Marketing plan In order to attract clients, JH Marketing will begin to contact promising organizations and offer free initial consultations, and initial contracts at reduced prices. These promotions will allow us to begin to make our reputation within the market. In addition, Mr. Jihad Habib and the Director will be travelling to different parts of Ireland during the first year of operations where we will have booths to advertise our services. Finally we will be setting up cold calls to potential companies and have half- and full-page advertisements in various publications catering to local businesses and organizations. JH Marketing will be focusing on cost leadership strategy to win the contracts and will be paying greater attentions to quality of the services as well to reiterate the mission of the company, Greater quality at lower prices. Mr. Jihad has been actively seeking to acquire a large contract with Resource International Consulting Ireland over the past 2 months. This company is the largest recruitment and tax solution company which deals with UK freelance contractors and provides them tax advice and recruitment services over the telephone and internet. JH Marketing believes that its chances of acquiring this contract are excellent. Location Plan JH Marketing will have its office situated at Karachi, Pakistan for the sole reason of having access to quality labour at cheaper prices to main the low cost strategy of greater service at lower prices. As all the transactions will take place over the phone so location in itself does not have any advantages or disadvantages associated to it for the clients but it will play a vital role for the growth of JH Marketing.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Election Problems Essay -- Essays Papers
Election Problems Even though my experience may be limited in politics, I still understand how grave of a situation it is having everything controlled by the republicans, because with total domination of one party the democratic system is weighed heavily to one side. Even some republicans agree that dominance over every branch is a problem. It is false hope for the President and his colleagues to think that just because they won the election that every person who voted for them is supporting their conservative ways and plans. This distorted image could possibly have been humbled if the electoral system was different. In many states Bush only won by 2% but all of the electoral votes went to him, despite the fact that 50% of voters chose a different candidate. I understand that this is the way it has been and it has worked in the past. But more than ever there is an uprising against the Electoral College. For instance Colorado attempted to pass an amendment that would change the way the electoral votes are counted within the state. Within this outdated system a candidate could win the majority of the popular votes but still not win the election. This is taking away from the voice of the American people. There are many flaws because of the way elections are conducted. There are two arguments in favor of the Electoral College, although both of them agree that nothing should be done. There have been over 700 proposed amendments to revamp the Electoral College that have gone before Congress, most of them failed. The attitude of the supporters is to leave well enough alone. While many of us see that may be true in some aspects others aspects are in sever need of change. Our world and lives are changing dramatically ... ...rrified to learn what the voting future has in store for me. The American public is being tricked into thinking that the Electoral College is a just system to elect our most important office. Because there are many flaws within the Electoral College a change needs to be made. And that change rests on the shoulders of all of the American people. Works Cited Should the Current Electoral College System be Preserved? PRO. Congressional Digest; Jan2001, Vol. 80 Issue 1, p16, 8p, 3bw, Berns The Neglected Majority Campaigns & Elections; Aug2004, Vol. 25 Issue 7, p44, 1p DOES YOUR VOTE MATTER? Business Week; 6/14/2004 Issue 3887, p60, 2p Who Should Elect the President? The Case Against the Electoral College. National Civic Review; Summer2001, Vol. 90 Issue 2, p173, 9p Bush’s Trouble Ahead New York Times, November 7, 2004, By Lyn Nofzinger
Friday, July 19, 2019
Comparing the Movies, Fight Club and Gladiator Essay -- Film Compare C
Comparing the Movies, Fight Club and Gladiator People today enjoy the same things that people enjoyed during the Roman Empire. In the movie, Gladiator, Maximus fights in the Coliseum in front of all the people of Rome. In the movie Fight Club they have fights between different people in front of all the people of the club. This shows that people who lived 1000s of years before us where entertained by violence just like most of us are today. The theme that ties both Fight Club and Gladiator together is people are entertained by violence. The movie Gladiator starts off by Maximus Decimus Meridas, who is played by Russel Crowe, being a respected general of Rome. Maximus leads the Roman army in a successful defeat against the barbarians. After this battle is over Maximus is confronted by the elderly Roman emperor and he tells him that he will be the next emperor of Rome when he passes away. The emperor’s son (Commodus) hears of this and murders his father. Now he is Emperor Commodus and orders to kill Maximus and his family. His family is murdered but Maximus ge...
Essay --
What truly defines someone as a man? There are many answers to the question. Unfortunately, society has warped the true concept of manhood and replaced it with many stereotypes that every man is expected to follow. As a result, the idea of manhood is nothing more than a collection of stereotypes. This warped concept was no different during the Jacobean era. The manly hero in many pieces of literature mostly shared the same traits, and was always revered for it. However, Shakespearean plays were an exception. This is especially true in the tragedy Macbeth, by William Shakespeare. The concept of Manhood is explored in Macbeth, but more importantly, its validity is explored and questioned. In Macbeth, Shakespeare challenges the stereotypical concepts of manhood through the use characterization and contrast between the characters throughout the play. Lady Macbeth represents all the stereotypical qualities of manhood, such as unrelenting determination, cruelty, and lack of emotions. Her interpretation of masculinity is made clear from the very first scene she appears in. When Lady Macbeth realizes that she must kill Duncan in her own home, she states, "Come, you spirits/ That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here" (I. iv. 43-44). Her request shows that she believes a woman is not capable of such cruel and evil acts, and that only a man is. Furthermore, she wants to be filled up from the "crown to the toe, top-full/ Of direst cruelty!" with the "access and passage to remorse", completely blocked off, implying that a man is without remorse and feelings, and full of cruelty (I. iv. 45-47). Lady Macbeth then imposes her idea of Manhood on Macbeth. When Macbeth decides not to kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth quickly challenges his manliness by c... ...ction to the murder of his family. Macduff represents what true manhood is, a man that has emotions and feelings. When Macduff receives news of the murder of his family, he immediately starts to cry and grieve. Malcolm tells Macduff to "Dispute it like man", telling Macduff to stop crying and to act like a man (IV. iii. 256). Macduff responds with, "I shall do so;/ But I must also feel it as a man:" (IV. iii. 257-259). Macduff responds that he will deal with it like man; however, he will deal with it with emotions and feelings, as well as by taking action. Macduff's statement, in contrast to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, implies that it is okay for a man to have feelings and emotions, and that Manhood is more than just violence and action. Furthermore, unlike Macbeth, whose idea of masculinity causes serious character flaws, Macduff's idea actually helps him achieve his
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Costs of Workplace Conflicts Essay
Not all cost factors are relevant to every conflict, but every conflict incurs several of these costs. 1. Lost work time Managers’ Time: Studies show that 42% of a manager’s time is spent on conflict related negotiations among employees. Over 65% of performance problems result from strained relationships between employees, not from deficits in individual employee’s skill or motivation. Individuals’ Time: Studies show that 52% of employees have lost work time worrying about how they have been treated. 22% have deliberately slowed down their work in response to rude or insensitive behavior. Tension and stress reduce motivation and disturb concentration. A loss of 25% (doing things other than work related activities, such as discussing the dispute, playing computer games, finding reasons to get out of the area) reduces an average work week to fewer than 20 hours. 2. Absenteeism and Illness Absenteeism has been shown to correlate with job stress, especially the stress associated with anger toward co-workers. Science has determined that nearly every physical illness and injury, from viral infections to cancer to workplace accidents, is partially â€Å"psychogenic.†That is, caused in part by psychological or emotional conditions. 3. Heath costs It is estimated that 75 – 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. Since the rate of claims affects the premium paid by an employer to its insurer, insurance is an indirect cost of workplace conflict. An estimated 16% of employees feel that poor interpersonal relations are a source of stress at work. The total value of lost work time due to stress is estimated to be $1.7 billion. Workplace stress and work-related conflict are among the top eight reasons why employees request counseling assistance. 4. Reduced decision quality Decisions made under conditions of conflict are inferior to decisions made when cooperation prevails. The best decision-making happens when there is a free-flowing of information. When there is a conflict, it is not uncommon for information to be withheld or distorted. If conflict is present between people who share decision-making authority, as in the case of team-based decisions, the resulting decisions are likely to be contaminated by the power struggles between those people. 5. Restructuring Often, design of workflow is altered in an attempt to reduce the amount of interaction required between employees in conflict. Often the restructured work is less efficient than the original design. 6. Loss of skilled employees Studies show that 12% of employees have quit a job to avoid a rude co-worker. Seventy five percent of people who felt they have been bullied at work have left their jobs to make the bullying go away. Chronic unresolved conflict acts as a decisive factor in at least 50% of departures. 7. Cost to replace employee Conflict accounts for up to 90% of involuntary departures, with the possible exception of staff reductions due to downsizing and restructuring. It’s estimated that the real cost of turnover is equivalent to one full years pay (finding and training replacements, customer satisfaction and retention, lowered efficiency for all who work with new hire). 8. Sabotage/theft/damage Studies reveal a direct correlation between prevalence of employee conflict and the amount of damage and theft of inventory and equipment. Often covert sabotage of work processes and of management’s efforts occurs when employees are angry at their employer. 9. Lower morale From time to time, most employees experience erosion of job motivation due to the stress of trying to get along with a â€Å"difficult person.†To figure the financial cost, as a baseline figure, use the productivity that would have occurred had no conflict occurred. Then, estimate a percentage decline of that productivity. Multiply that percentage times the dollar value of the total compensation of the person(s) affected. 10. Legal costs Corporations that have developed collaborative conflict management systems report significant litigation cost savings: Brown and Root reported an 80% reduction in outside litigation costs, Motorola reported a 75% reduction over a period of six years, NCR reported a 50% reduction and a drop of pending lawsuits from 263 in 1984 to 28 in 1993. 11. Other? Conflict is a good example of how harm can be produced in the workplace and of how this harm â€Å"spills over†into families and communities. Such harm includes both inner-directed harm (suicidal behavior, recklessness, agitated depression and abuse of alcohol, drugs) and outer-directed expressions (threatening behavior, emotional and/or verbal abuse, bullying, harassment, assault, domestic violence, road rage). Summary Workplace stress costs US industry $300 billion a year in absenteeism, turnover, diminished productivity, medical, legal and insurance fees.xv The greatest stresses come from interpersonal conflicts.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems
296 The foreign Arab Journal of teaching Techno(prenominal)ogarithmy, Vol. 5, no(prenominal) 3, July 2008 Developing Approaches of fork bulge out kitchen range heightening constitutions of efforts in Pakistan Danish Irfan1, 2, Xu Xiaofei1, and Deng Sheng Chun1 1 School of calculating machine Science and engineer, Harbin lend of engine room, mainland China 2 Department of computing device Science, COMSATS instal of moot Technology, Pakistan Abstract This topic identifies the problems of Pakistani opening moves concerning go forth drawstring profitss and rates solutions to amend its altogether everyplace any deed and competitiveness.Seldom, a non-trivial kernel of inquiry efforts has been do in emergent nations to amend and enhance release stretch solicitude paradigm. Our survey comprised nine enterprises among them quaternion argon winnerfully stumperled and presented. The detailed cut concatenation social organization and consume is a ha ndle do. The w altogetherpaper ends by suggesting and adopting modelled approach to the corporations in their move towwet lung implementing put up chain guidance strategies. Keywords put up chain, supply chain worry, supply chain networks. Received October 14, 2006 accepted April 25, 2007 1. experienceability supplement concatenation instruction (SCM) has gained ignifi rotterce as whizz of the 21st centurys manufacturing technology and innovative paradigms for improving organizational competitiveness. SCM has been considered a competitive dodge for integrating providers and guests with the objective improving response date and flexibility 6. Competitiveness in comparable(p) a shots marketplace depends closely on the ability of a firm to spike the ch eachenges of reduction fade- judgment of conviction, cost estimation, increasing guest service levels and improving inter particle eccentric. Conventionally, sourcing, result, dispersal and marketing mys tify been working independently. Unfortunately, although they depend to be working owards a plebeian object, the organizational units choose contrasting objectives. Nowadays, the take is shifting toward digitally integrated indigence and deliver string (SC) configurations that argon streng whereforeed around establishing networks of relationships between the firm, its providers, guests and partner entities. In our paper, we explain the work of different enterprises of pakistan considering their abilities and the SCM find challenges faced in developing their SCM approach. The information utilized for different SCM clays in this paper ar derived from man- size of itd, nationwide and cosmopolitan pakistani corporations, mong them four of which we refer to as enterprises A, B, C and D. Section 1 gives a brief introduction of the four enterprises from SCM perspective. Section 2 describes the related work in SCM. In office 3, we study existing schemas and apprise the SCM models for each enterprise. Section 4 concludes the study and presents early directions and strategies. 2. Related Work Unfortunately, in that respect is no explicit narration of SCM or its activities in the literature 2. The ultimate success of firms will depend on directions ability to integrate the lodges intricate network of personal credit draw and quarter relationships, allowing improved conclusion devising and onsequently, reducing cost and customer response clipping. SCM is non only this and much more(prenominal) and beyond. SCM concerns neither to minimize nor to maximize further rather to optimize (integration, coordination, variability, uncertainty focus and control) processes for the enterprise. An efficient and responsive SCM aims to move from a simple SC guess 1 (a) to a well structured and panoptic SC plan 1 (b). (a) artless supply chain. (b) Extended supply chain. class 1. confer chain type. Developing Approaches of Supply train watchfulness Systems of enterprises in Pakistan literary summary shows the SCM concepts as ollows centralized vs. decentralize control, telephone circuit process re-engineering strategies, information distortion, baneful effect of bullwhip factor, SCM for suppliers and firms performance, incorporating model between supplier and retailer benefits, impact, influence, activities, challenges to integrated SCM, deficiency for performance measures for nourish of global supply chain improvement value of information in a two level SCM simulate the complexity and dynamics design and anxiety for SC brasss information sharing and applications of dispose thinking to manufacturing operations 3.Supply chain strategy assessment including sourcing, knowledge of document readying and watchfulness processes, benchmarking and SC Key achievement Indicators (KPI) collectively approach improvement of SC performance. It combines a strategic approach with applicatory tactical solutions that save time and specie for the consumers. Nowadays, few enterprises argon in rise to adopt SCM to improve their performance and to speech their unfavourable inter-organizational barter forr-supplier relationships and disjointed processes. Although SCM in erection is still in its infancy, in that location is a film for SCM adoption to date and o scrutinize whether its maturity matches the separate features of such a class of improvement. SCM featuring market colour driven, operationally supple, consumers customized, logistics optimized and trade focuse prioritization ar accentures successful supply chain strategies which ar widely varied hardly argon equally successful 1, 5. In 4 the SCOR reference model captures the as-is state of the moving in process with the objective of achieving the desired to-be future state of PTC, pakistan. In the next slit we proceed with the modelled SCN schema of the following enterprises. 3. distinctive opening moves Concerning SCM inPakistan In th is section, we describe the enterprise structure one by one. Firstly, enterprise A describes the SCM level brushup of certain fomite (V). Secondly, enterprise B gives plan of pedigree of reasoning to Consumer (B2C) model for development of electrical appliances. Then, enterprise C discusses SCM for design and manufacture segments of communication equipment and lastly, enterprise D shows the SC appliance at a research orient enterprise. We refer to appendix A for acronyms used in this paper. 3. 1. Enterprise A SCM level Inspection of Certain fomite (V) In this enterprise study, we only focussed on the SCM hase management of certain Vehicle (V). Its key 297 segments are forecasting, preparedness, scheduling, exact of components and procurances. The purpose of this physical body reappraisal is to access and evaluate work of vehicle V. Calendar base control schedule staggered so as to assure the SC procurement. Induction of vehicle for inspection in the presently acquirable time. The hierarchy of arrange inspection in the enterprise A concerning SCM is shown in enter 2. In Charge technology grow keep beginning Sub Engineering Branch Phase Inspection Branch prefigure 2. Hierarchy of phase inspection in enterprise A.If vehicle function is more than the specified time then inspection time held is decreased, i. e. , from 10 months to one form. The types of phase inspection as described by OEM along with its codifications are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Types of phase inspection as described by OEM. Inspection Code M1 M2 M3 M4 fourth dimension (Days) 20 21 22 25 The deliberate sustentation offset printing views the points checklist. It receives the accredited product line levels for a smorgasbord of stock types unavoidable for inspection and monitors the go of materials in and out of broth. All the items are prerequisite before phase inspections induction starts.The control branch harbours responsibility and forecasts to keep living items put down and tracks them for timely replacement. It forecasts the processes on collar-monthly, six-monthly, yearly and bi-yearly basis. The involve process is initiated by the user and a query is sent to the logistics plane section. Jet storage warehouse takes action on charter via instinctive Logistics perplexity System (ALMS). The demand is elegant to the depot for accomplishment otherwise the item is put on demand from consultation abroad in consultation with the crack office of the segment. The SC in phase inspection of the vehicle is shown in Figure 3.It allow ins procurement agencies, depot Ware Houses (WH), logistics, kilobyte stores, material control and the users. Table 2 shows demand priorities over the lead generation of the phase inspection. The designator priority dodging of latest enterprise is establish on diachronic assumptions, experience, system log-in, log-out time, intercontinental and local logistics 298 The internationalist Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2008 halfway lead time and depot area. hither the consumption is based on usage value. Table 2. Demand priorities over the lead times. Demand Priority Code turn tail Times (Days) 03 06 13 2 13 16 17 69 84 Altering the item criteria for phase inspection is be as Mandatory stir items as specified by OEM are forecasted, procured and kept as a kit. conditional change items are demanded if the bench checks fail. Firstly, items are sent for Local Repair (LR) and issues Dead-Line-Date (DLD). If it succeeds, items are sent back to procurement surgical incision otherwise a query is primed(p) to the Local cook up (LM) division. modify Logistics counsel System ALMS Automatic scroll management system AIMS Deport machine-controlled inv. management system DAIMS DAIMS financial management systemAIMS financial management system bargain for erect management system POMS Local purchase management system LPMS Clothing switc h management system CEX Catalogue management system CMS Stowage tracking system STS Transportation management system -TMS deliverance selective information collection & epitome system PDCAS Serialized parts management system SPMS normalization management system -CMS Worker readiness system WTS Figure 4. Automatic logistics management system. Figure 3. SCM phase inspection of a certain vehicle (V). In the consummation section we discuss ALMS, an automated system adopted by enterprise A. 3. 1. 1.Automatic Logistics worry System Automatic Logistics Management System (ALMS) is an inter wide awake, fully automated, incorporating entropy processing, knowledge base and trenchant support to all operational units in the organization. It is a family of bundle implemented on an IBM 3090 machine. Its of import functions are neckcloth and chief(prenominal)tenance management. of importly, it contains a master(prenominal)tenance and supply module as shown in Figure 4. The ALMS c haracterises the SCM phase which make the livelong system. SC modules of ALMS are comprised of Automatic enumerationing Management System (AIMS), Deport Automated list Management System (DAIMS), Purchase OrderManagement System (POMS), Local Purchase Management System (LPMS), Clothing Exchange Management System (CEX), Catalogue Management System (CMS) and Transportation Management System (TMS). These components results in Featuring the whole SC of phase inspection of the enterprise. Online requisitioning and feed back status. Auto requisitioning based on demand level. Assets visibility to all authorized users. Repairable asset control by means of Stowage Tracking System (STS). demand supply reports are made day by day on a document autobiography and submitted to higher authorities for completion trait of this phase. Here it oncludes the SCM of phase inspection of Vehicle (V). 3. 2. Enterprise B Proposal of headache to Consumer Model for Development of Electrical Applian ces Enterprise B gives a SCM model for proposal of B2C development of electrical appliances. The important objectives imply Multiple vendor development for large scale yield. Efficient demand and supply management system. Self driving automated network. After gross gross sales support network for drudgery support services like innocent parts and refer. Awareness of SC actors. The first objective explains the contingency plan, i. e. , non depending on a single vendor and essential have eliable supplier/s. The Main SCM activities of the B2C model for electrical appliance offset are shown in Figure 5. Depending upon product status and type, the customer interaction with the SC give the gate be categorized into three parts. First, in case of complex products e. g. , ship. Customers have to directly contact the manufacturers or the OEM. Second, e. g. , in case of a car, the customer can contact a repair manufacturing plant and the repair factory or performer can contac t the manufacturer. Last, in the face of a desktop estimator, the customer contacts with the sales distributors, who further consort with the regional suppliers and so on.Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Figure 5. SCM activities flow and coordination in B2C model for development of electrical appliances. Figure 6 describes the use case diagram of the characters of the as is schema of original enterprise. Our main characters include national and regional suppliers, manufacturer, local sponsor and the customer. 299 In the electric legitimate system, SCM comprises three main departments sales and marketing, production and planning control, and procurement and chronicle management which serve as the backbone of the SC. The planning phase goes by dint of MRP which checks hat, for whom and how much to drift. Capacity planning overviews the excess investment (if any) to meet the targets. Then production planning looks for facili ties, technical and transportation phases. Sourcing makes the rewrite scarification. In Bill Of Materials (BOM) it shows the item witness code from local and foreign production within the enterprise and then assembles. It lacks in maintaining a received of vendor evaluation. The enterprise C schema is shown in Figure 7. Figure 6. Case diagram of as is process. The time frame of implementing SCM activities flow is shown in Table 3. The current enterprise chema lacks in customer relationship phase. Regional suppliers must be expanded to give a broader scope for its customers and local retailers. Table 3. Time frame of implementation for different phases. The goal to eliminate the vast majority (costs of receiving, shipping, expediting, data entry, data processing, accounting, and error follow-up) of regional suppliers need Just-In-Time (JIT) interaction with the manufacturer for enhancement of trenchant SC. 3. 3. Enterprise C Design and Manufacture Segments of Long Message Equipme nt Enterprise C discusses design and manufacture segments of long means equipment with the bjective to acquire and develop a school technological base for long subject systems and to enlarge and expand production of components. enduring AS400 system support is available for its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply Chain meshwork (SCN). Figure 7. Design and manufacturing manakin for enterprise C. For valueing, quotations are called and regarding the tokenish amount quotation the order is placed. The steps include Quotations call/ float. greet proportion statements. Selection of potential customers. Order placement. The Receiving/ storing section receives the items in orm of Semi Knock cumulus (SKD) and Completely Knock Down (SKD). office from the main entry of the goods in the enterprise, a receipt is generated against the goods acquire. The phases include entering smashing Inspection (IGI), Incoming Goods Forwarding (IGF), Incoming Goods Receiving (IGR), allotting code Nos to items and modify schedule in the system. The feel Control (QC) of the engineering department run intos the look of the received products. The receipts along with the inspected goods are fore to the store department. Here an stock-take code is generated for each item. The make/ deliver ensure alue bringition and smell inspection. The question arises why to have an take stock? Our requirements fulfil the behave for the question. First, we want to meet evaluate demand and smooth production requirement. Second, we want to have a buffer of items and avoid stock out. It to a fault takes advantage of the order turn and hedges against price increase. The business nature of the chthonian discussed 300 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2008 enterprise can be categorized as make-to-order and engineer-to-order. The customer tells spec and the RandD of the enterprise works on the inevitable emand of its customer. T he main work in current enterprise C is made on inventory turn over or turnaround time calculation. For this, let inventory turnover be Q, inventory I, sales S, cost C and time taken t for the system. Then Q is defined as number of times a company is able to convert its inventory I into sales during the course of a year. It is addressd by dividing cost of sales by average inventory. Q= C( t ) I( t ) (1) Turnaround time= be of goods change from stock sales during one year (2) Average inventory investment during one year past Table 4. one-year inventory turnover. Year yearly Cost ofGoods Sold ($) Inventory ($) Investment Annual Inventory Turnover 2000 01 85692 12312 2001 02 2002 03 2003 04 2004 05 77600 99356 50000 65000 14923 21981 9766 15330 6. 96 5. 20 4. 52 5. 12 Average 4. 24 5. 21 Table 4 shows the annual inventory turnover which converts inventory into marketable goods for this product. Most of the inventory is pilled up which also checks sales vs. inventory. The di sadvantage of annual inventory turnover shows the block up inventory of the enterprise which could be used for nigh other purposes in the enterprise. round of the reasons for the pilling up of inventory show that This analysis of inventory has revealed the cases for increase in inventory over the years. Some stock is held to cater for after sales support during the warranty item as well as for providing repair services against invoices. For items where escort support from the main supplier has been stopped, the enterprise has to keep more or less inventory to provide backup support to its customers. In order to meet the spare requirement for customers under the contractual obligations, a certain stock of modules is kept. Pre-ordered materials that are not converted into sales also add up to stock up inventory. Some items are pilled up due to minimum Order meter (MOQ) requirement. The imperfections found in the system are tribulations to manufacturing. First, there is dema nd of items but no traceability. Demand section is unable to predict the items to fulfill the demand. Second, there is no entry of lead times showing the absence of items from inventory physically. 3. 3. 1. Recommendations for utility in Turnover Time of Inventory All items (sales stores as well as main stores) required after-sales-support during the warranty blockage whitethorn be shifted for the repair (R code) warehouse. The items falsehood in repair whitethorn be xcluded from inventory evaluation. After the completion of slant against a look or snuggle the closing of the financial year, if the bulk of the project is delivered, which ever is earlier, the sales and marketing department will transfer an appropriate meter of modules for backup support during the warranty purpose to the repair warehouse. The cost of such items, as worked out by the finance department should be charged to the after sales support account. When the product is phased out and its backup suppo rt is stopped by the main supplier to other collaborators, the balance of materials for that roduct may be zero valued. The responsibility of the take of material from the repair warehouse should stay put with the customer services department. In order to realize some of the struck up funds in the preordered existing inventory of the enterprise, the same may be offered as discounted prices to prospective customers. Greater emphasis may be attached on sinless forecasting to avoid losses resulting from affliction to sell pre-ordered material. The purchase committee should also take care in placing orders against anticipated customer orders. If possible, an agreement should be made with the upplier where it will be bound to take back the materials if the expected customer order is not received. The exercise for obsolescence should be carried out regularly especially after any six months and the materials identified as out of date should be disposed of to rationalize inventory value as well as to free storage space. The above SCM study gives opportunity to gain knowledge nearly Envisioning the whole SC and record its impact on inventory Cost reduction for a better inventory control Differentiation between visualizing different ordering types in an enterprise like make to order, ake to engineer and assemble to order etc. , and the same, can be compared with current systems. Understand how a surplus inventory gambols a vital role in lashing up the capital investment of an enterprise (turnover value). Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Understand and calculate turnaround value and its benefits by considering the saved investment to be utilized in an additional business opportunity for the same enterprise. Understand the impact of ABC analysis on Economics Order Quantity (EOC). Understand the importance and conglomerate aspects of oftware consumption for a good inventory management by visibility and traceability of information. To use jargons of SC and inventory management in effect(p)ly and confidently while discussing relevant issues in the current enterprise. 301 receives items from the supplier, called the inpouring inspection department. Then items go through various phases from a vendor. The targets for immersion inspection are based on acceptance or rejection of the receiving goods. Specifications of the items like standard, grade, dimension, order of payment etc. , are given by that particular departments course management which require particular components.A accord report of the product with specifications acts as a base for rejection or acceptance of incoming items. If a regular obsession is bought then it only inescapably an OEM certificate. 3. 4. Enterprise D SC Mechanism at a Research Enterprise Enterprise D embraces the Planning and employment Control (PPC) department, logistics, supplier, log warehouse, QC and demand department for completion of its SCM. It adopts a Supplier Quality Management (SQM) system in the enterprise. Its significance concludes The enterprise demands very(prenominal) high standards of its products and in-time delivery of the components. Failure of hardware or software in the business can be calamitous. Implementation of quality system model AS9100 Quality Management System (QMS) for quality assurance in design, development, production and installation. AS9100 QMS is being used for supplier support. For this, the enterprise provides red-brick equipment and training for its suppliers. AS9100 was make to bring all of its vendors to one platform for production of a high standard product. SQM system starts with the implementation of the Master Production Schedule (MPS) of the enterprise. It maintains a database of all suppliers for supplier performance analysis.By communication, it makes a confirmation that synchronising exists between the production and supplier components, calamity at component leve l by using cards. The components which are fall shortly or at production line are mentioned by the card. The components at crowd are measured by the hooker who accordingly upgrades and passes it to the logistics department, manually or through the ERP system. The logistics department has visibility about components falling short or in excess. It sends orders to its suppliers whether they bring items internationally or locally. How does quality play an important role in SCM?The system not only ensures JIT delivery but also ensures the right quality of product has been delivered. The QMS works for Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA) and supplier evaluation system. The link to SC is built through the QC department which Figure 8. SCM pyramid for research enterprise. The focus on supplier control in AS9100 QMS machine gives globalization, diversity of regional requirements, challenges of insure quality of products and suppliers throughout the world and intime delivery. as sorted vendors/ suppliers or stratums are distributed all over the world, so it is very difficult to reorient them at ne quality level. Figure 8 shows SCM pyramid tiers for this research enterprise. In the current enterprise, tier 1 produces the vehicle, tier 2 concerns in the software development and tier 3 deals with component congregation and so on. Now, how do we assure that all of these tiers are manufacturing products at a quality and attuned with the standards, or according to the pattern given by the organization? For assurance and residency of the above scenario, we apply the demand-pull logic of JIT theory. For its deployment, multitasking is ensured, various components are being manufactured at various vendors nd they are required for concluding assembly. MPS is made intercommunicate to all vendors. Since the enterprise status is online, all the components are brought in time to final assembly and fabricated and then delivered to customers. The current enterprises M PS is canvass on the basis of orders, forecasting, and capacity. It depends upon the size of this diaphragm and ABC classification of the supplier. The demand planning shows the supplier visibility/ negotiation and the accumulative lead time of the system. The system SC cycle contains the works orders which are issued on the basis of MPS and orders. The job ards play an important role in this scenario. 302 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2008 for quality, supplier training, seminar/ exhibition, supplier quality scrutinize and supplier improvement strategies. Hence, we conclude registration of the most promising innovations enabled by the modern ITenhanced SCM systems. The modelled approach of the SCM system provides a buns for future experimentation with prospect scenarios and strategies. Acknowledgments anon. reviewers are acknowledged. This work was supported by the National Key Technology R andD computer programme of China (Gran t No. 2006BAH02A09) and the full(prenominal) Technology R and D Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA04Z165). PhD Scholarship for Mr. Danish Irfan is awarded by COMSATS play of Information Technology (CIIT), Pakistan. Figure 9. JIT pull logic for customer demand. References 1 4. Conclusions Our current exertion demonstrates that SCM can make a huge impact on the enterprises bottom line and customers satisfaction level. In the enterprise A study, the schema needs design enhancement. Alteration of lead time and cycle time is desired to be minimized and optimized further.Enterprise B needs to improve the customer relationships. Regional suppliers must be expanded to give a broader scope for its customers and local retailers. Regional suppliers also need JIT interaction with the manufacturer for enhancement of effective SC. In Enterprise C, we conclude that the SCM structure can be made easy by categorization of the items, focused lead times for delivery, cost and quality to acquire and develop a ripe technological base for enlarging and expansive production of components. Delivery target of the product to customer is scheduled keeping the view main items in our designed SCM.Thus, it also enables managers to reduce their cost through more effective contract negotiations. Concerned managers now can direct that class A items may be reviewed frequently to reduce the average-lot size and to keep their inventory records accurate. In Enterprise D, SC targets its goals by making demand visibility through an online ERP system. It has stiff time and pass outs down barriers for the top management/ leadership of the enterprise. It has also learnt the organization as working together and teamwork brings up an active SC domino effect. The effective SC has also lead the enterprise to break down arriers by efficient communication, initial planning meetings, communication during contract, partnership 2 3 4 5 6 Tompkins J. , beyond Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Managemen t Review, http//www. scmr. com/article/CA629657. html, 2000. Cooper M. , fifty D. , and Pagh J. , Supply Chain Management more(prenominal) than a New Name for Logistics, The International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-13, 1997. Hurst B. and Jennifer J. , A Network Based Methodology to Model Supply Chain Systems, PhD Thesis, The University of Iowa, 2002. Irfan D. , Xiaofei X. , and Shengchun D. , ASCOR Reference Model of the Supply Chain Management System in an Enterprise, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 292-299, 2008. Saad M. , Jones M. , and James P. , A Review of the make out Towards the Adoption of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Relationships in Construction, European Journal of buy and Supply Management, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 173183, September 2002. Wu J. , Ulieru M. , Cobzaru M. , and Norrie D. , Supply Chain Management Systems State of the cheat and Vision, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Management of Innovation and Technlogy (ICMIT), pp. 59-764, 2000. Danish Irfan is a PhD scholar in School of computing device Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China PRC. His research interests include data clustering applications, business intelligence, and SCM. Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Xu Xiaofei is a professor and dean of School of figurer Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China PRC. His research interests include computer integrated manufacturing system, database systems, supply chain management, agile virtual enterprises, management nd decision information system, and knowledge engineering. He has create more than 200 academic papers. He is the standing member of the Council of China Computer Federation, member of the Expert Group for agree of Computer Science and Technology in the Academic Degree Committee of China State Council. 303 Deng Sheng Chun is an associate professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China PRC. His research interests include computer integrated manufacturing system, supply chain management, business intelligence, and data tap applications.
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