Saturday, August 31, 2019
According to the House Committee Essay
The American political system is defined by two basic ocuments, the Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Constitution of 1789 which forms the US federal government. The Declaration of Independence establishes the US as an Independent political entity and the constitution creates the basic structures of the federal government. The legislature comprises of a bicameral congress that consists of a senate and the House of Representatives. The executive branch Includes the president and vice president and all the other subordinate officials of the executive department and agencies. A presidential system is where he executive branch is led by a president who is both head of state and head of government. The united States of America is an example of the presidential system. The presidential system has a strong and independent chief executive with extensive powers related to both domestic and internal affairs and foreign policy. The president independence from legislature is based on election by people to whom he or she is directly accountable. The legislative branch is made up of two houses of congress. The House of Representatives and the senate. The duty of the legislative ranch Is to make laws which are written discussed and voted on in the Congress. The senate approves the nominations made by the president to the cabinet, Supreme Court and other post. The executive branch of the US Is responsible for enforcing laws: this facilitates responsibities of the federal government such as collecting taxes, safe guarding the homeland and representing the US political and economic interest worldwide. The power is vested in the president. The president is the head of the executive branch. The president is elected by the entire country every four years and s also the one that approves and carry out the laws made by the executive branch. There is a relationship between the executive and the legislature in the US presidential system. They both work in cooperation and collaboration; one cannot work without the other and several key functions are shared. The legislative partakes in the work of the executive and vice versa. Legislature performs some direct executive functions for example, the senate of the united States shares with the president the power of making appointments and treaties. Many presidential ppointments are subject to the approval of the congress. It Is the congress that passes the legislation but the president signs it to become a law. For example, the president of the United States would sign the bill into law. The aim of the Obama health care plan is a plan for health care reform in the United States. Its aim is to help millions of Americans to afford better quality health insurance and to reform the health insurance industry. However if both branches of government have a disagreement on certain policies and programmes that are made there can be a onflict and things are stagnant. There was a dispute with the Obama care that caused the government to shutdown. Pavlish (2013) states that the bill was passed over the senate but it was killed upon the arrival by democratic leader Harry Reid then twenty four hours later the government shutdown. The president Barrack Obama signed the bill which ended the sixteen day partial shutdown. The congress declares the war but the president can initiate the military action for example, the conflict with US and Syria about the chemical weapons. If the US plans to strike at Syria, the United States has to wait for the authorization of the congress whether or not a war can be declared. Secondly in 2002 where President Bush wanted to declare war on Iraq. According to Healy (2002), she states that the constitution gives the war power to congress, the constitution makes the president the commander of chief but this only makes the president the â€Å"first general†of America arm forces. President Bush could not take action without the congress permission. There was also a gun control debate that was opened by the US senate. A month after the hootings of the Sandy Hook Elementary, President Obama initiated his proposals to address the gun violence in the United States. He encouraged the congress to pass the legislation. According to the BBC news (2013) the senators will have to vote on a series of amendments to the legislation before voting on the bill itself. This issue would require both the executive and the congress action to work together to determine if the gun control proposal can be enacted. Just as how the legislature performs some executive functions, the executive performs some legislative duties. The bills passed by the legislature are submitted to the chief executive head for the final approval. Karlen (1968) states that bill cannot become an act unless it has been assembled by him. The chief executive head may issue order during the recess of the legislative through the nature and life of order from state to state. The power of giving order by the executive is a legislative authority in its hands. The executive controls the finance, prepares the budget and presents it to the parliament. The executive provides leadership to the legislature. The United States president is not nly chief executive but also chief legislator. The executive initiates formulate and explains the legislative and financial policy and urges the legislature to accept it. The executive exercises powers of delegated legislation, makes the laws in broad terms and delegates the powers to the executive to fill in the necessary details. It can be concluded that a presidential system is the executive branch led by the president who is both the head of state and the head of government, the constitution creates the basic structure of the government which includes the legislative and the xecutive branch.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Professional School Counselor: Personal Experience
Maria's professional school counselor, how would you assist her with issues that have personal, emotional, developmental, cultural, and spiritual/religious ramifications? 0 Specifically identify strategies, programs, and practices that advocate for social Justice and academic success for Maria. 0 Identify how you would use collaboration and consultation to work with students, teachers, parent's, and community agencies to reduce the recent increase in teenage pregnancy at your school. Briefly, compare and contrast the three models of consultation presented n the Reform text , and identify the model that you would apply it to address the issue of teenage pregnancy in your school and why? 0 What are the ethical and legal considerations in this case? As Maria's professional school counselor, I would assist her with her issues with various ramifications by having one-on-one counseling sessions to learn more about her, her culture, her worldview, and her current decision making process.I u nderstand that she may be having a hard time dealing with the obstacles life has put in her path by being pregnant, losing her parent's, being new to the U. S. And school, and not knowing what decisions she will make. After getting to know Maria better, I would counsel based on the information I gathered from her, along with the help of various resources to help her deal with the issues we addressed. A strategy that could advocate for social Justice and academic success for Maria would be using a scientific approach as proposed by Sue (1998).I would start by forming a hypothesis about Maria. I would then do dynamic sizing, which in this situation I definitely would want to exclusively work with Maria. This is important because it helps me to not stereotype Maria and embrace her culture at the same time. Lastly, I would do research on Maria's culture and consult with a colleague who may have the same culture, or is bilingual to help make the process smoother. I would look into gettin g her into and SSL class as soon as possible to ensure I am advocating for the successful completion of high school against the odds that Maria face.The recent increase in teenage pregnancy is definitely an issue I would like to address. Through elaboration and consultation with parent's, teachers, and the community, I would propose having assemblies twice a year on teenage pregnancy and premarital sex and the risks the student is taking. I would get with the health department and see if I could get a nurse to lead the program and become the guest speaker as well provide alternate meaner of protection when it comes to sex.I am aware that I would not be able to change the decision of whether or not the students have sex, but I would be sure that they are well educated on the consequences and repercussions f the act. The assembly would be scheduled where the female and male students attended separately so there would not be any discomfort. The assembly would be mandatory. The three mo dels of consultation in the Reform text is triadic-dependent model, the collaborative-dependent model, and the collaborative-interdependent focus of concern, which is the client.In this model, the consultant provides services indirectly to the client through the consultant's work with the consulate. The counselor works in direct contact with the student (223). The collaborative- pendent model is the consultant engages the knowledge and expertise of the consulate regarding the student's and the system's strengths and weaknesses, the contextual factors that influence the student, and the student's reactions to previous interventions (p. 227).The collaborative-interdependent model emphasizes an interdependent problem-solving process in which family members, educators, counselors, youth, and members of the broader community contribute as equal participants (p. 228). Triadic-dependent and collaborative-dependent consultation oodles are helpful when seeking change for an individual client or family or for a single organizational system related to normal development problems. The collaborative-interdependent is used for problems that are more complex.I would use the collaborative-interdependent model when it comes to addressing the teenage pregnancy in my school because this gives the students a wealth of professional and community members that they are able to seek help from that goes beyond the schoolhouse and home. Ethic and legal considerations for this case with Maria would definitely be confidentiality. I would have to find who her legal guardian is because I would try to get her to let them know she is pregnant if she had not already.I would also need to make sure she is getting the correct medical attention and vitamins that she needs while she is pregnant. I would not push the issue of citizenship, but if she addresses it, we would look into the situation to ensure that there are no issues when it comes to delivering her child. Reference Reform, B. (2011). T ransforming the school counseling profession. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Computer Communications and Netwoks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Computer Communications and Netwoks - Essay Example The motivation behind the creation of communication systems is due to the need for the improvement of transmission reliability. This is due to the reduction of errors in the process of sending and the reception of messages. Communications systems also increase the transmission capacity with the ability of sending large sizes of data in a single mode for a short time. In order to enable the exchange of information, there must be the transmission of the information from different devices, through a communication channel. There exists different communication media such as optical fiber and microwaves that possess unique characteristics for optimum performance. The integration of all the components of information technology forms a communication system (Beavin, p. 12). There are various requirements for computer communication. Such components include computer hardware. These are the tangible physical components of the computer. For instance, a Modem is one of the hardware devices that have the ability to send signals from one computer to another over telephone signals. This comprises of the computer inputs for communication purposes. The other component is computer software. This controls the computer operations, according to the instructions of the users. The software allows computers to interact with other computers through the management of resources. Some of the utility software contains language translators for easy communication between computers. Another component is the availability of a database. This is the storage of related data in an organized manner. This enables users to retrieve information when they require, for communication purposes. Through the Database Management System (DBMS), users have the ability to create, maintain, and a ccess a database. The other component is the availability of a network. Computers have the ability to converge telephone networks, in addition to other networks of communication that use both data and voice for
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
My Trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
My Trip - Essay Example When I was 16 years old and in the summer session of (year) I went on a world tour and the regions that I visited includes: Malaysia, Egypt, Thailand and United Arab Emirates. This paper will focus on one best place that I recommend everybody to visit if the visit any of these places in their lives. The best tourist attraction of Malaysia for me was Langkawi, this place happened to amuse me the most in Malaysia because it consisted of lush white beaches along with hills that were covered with jungles and being a 16 year old I loved swimming in these beaches and exploring the hills (TripAdvisor, 2013). The most exciting place for me in Egypt was the Dreamland park of Egypt, the park excited me the most because it was an open air park and it had rides for people of all ages and as a kid who was 16 years old, I was stunned by its bumper boats and rollercoaster which were scary as hell (Dreampark, 2013). If someone really wants to know what living like a lively person is like, then he/she should visit the Bazaar of Chiang Mai located in Thailand (Lonely Planet Travel Guides and Travel Information, 2013). I was a great experience to visit this bazaar as the bazaar had a lot to offer. Huge number of people and goods to purchase is the main reason I recommend a visit to this bazaar. UAE which is well-known for being the heaven of petroleum was one of the most adventurous places to visit. If you want to really experience adventure, then an experience of the desert safari of Dubai is a must.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Philosophy in law final Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Philosophy in law final - Research Paper Example Some of the topics that these black philosophers are currently teaching and writing include law, physics, philosophy of language, ethics, logic, epistemology, history of philosophy, philosophy of mind, ancient philosophy, philosophy of science, and many more others. Quite a large number of African-American academically trained philosophers are engaged in publishing scholarly articles as well as academic books that contain topics that are directly related to either race or other aspects concerning the experiences of African-American people. Indeed, a majority of African-American philosophers have found themselves concentrating on â€Å"social analysis†that revolves around the concept of â€Å"the hard and brutal facts of the case,†as observed by Martin Luther King (Papish, 2015). Though there is a myriad of literature reviews showing various philosophers and how their works have shaped the concept of law, there is little of such literature reviews touching on African-American philosophers. Therefore, this research paper will seek to show how the works of African-American philosophers have shaped or influenced the concept of law. The main source of data used for this research was secondary sources that mainly comprised of books and journals. This method was appropriate since it is relatively cheap as considered to primary sources such as interviews and administration of questionnaires. Additionally, the information obtained is relatively accurate because information stored in a book is not subject to change or distortion over a period of time (Kerr, 2014). Furthermore there are various different books and journals that talk about African-American philosophers hence provided enough amount of material for comparison. The data obtained was mainly analyzed through comparison of the ideas that each author presented in the journal or book. This was
Monday, August 26, 2019
Does climate change pose any unique ethical questions that one does Essay
Does climate change pose any unique ethical questions that one does not find in other cases of environmental justice, for example when a factory pollutes a nearby neighbourhood - Essay Example If it requires more, it may purchase credits from companies who need less, providing it doesn’t exceed the ‘strict and enforceable emissions cap.’1 Morgenstern demonstrates how this cap has been successful in reducing CFCs and SO2. If a factory unintentionally pollutes a neighbourhood, the factory would legally be responsible for making repairs and paying compensation. A well-known example (made famous by the Erin Brockovich film2) is the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, which contaminated the water in Hinkley in 1993. In a BBC interview Dr Mayer Hillman from the Policy Studies Institute author of the book How We Can Save the Planet, and Dr James Woudhuysen from De Montford University, debate the possibility of Personal Carbon Rationing, whereby UK citizens are given annual carbon allowances, and each time they use electric, fly, or fill a car with petrol this is deducted from their allowance. In a similar manner to factory permits, if people require additional allowance, they need to purchase a top-up. Hillman’s idea for Personal Carbon Rating is not new, but Morgenstern suggests it,‘failed to gain more than rhetorical support in the last Administration.’3 Hillman is keen to stress that it’s fair, with people, ‘having equal shares.’4 The female presenter raises the unique ethical question when she asks: ‘do we each have a personal responsibility?’5 Dr Woodhuysen, thinks that we are not individually responsible, and points out that some people w ill ‘feel guilty,’ others may ‘feel good’ and suggests this promotes a culture of ‘finger waging and moralizing about everyday behaviour,’6 which he thinks is ethically unfair. Peter Singer in an interview with The Guardian is asked what is your biggest guilty green secret?’ and he responds that because of his work and family he flies a lot and states: ‘I know I can offset the flying in various ways,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Construction - Essay Example 2. b) Majority of the pitched roofs used in modern day construction use concrete tiles or fibre cement slates. For the use of tiles, they can be laid either in single lap fashion or double lap. Single lap tiles are made such that each tile overlaps the edge of its adjacent tile and is fixed with one nail per tile. They are fixed at pitches of 45 degrees. Double lap tiles are fixed with two nails per tile at pitches over 60 degrees. The following figure shows single and double lap tile fixing. 2. c) In context of pitched roofs, eaves is the term used to describe the lowest level tiles and also the timber used for supporting them. The eaves can be open or closed depending upon requirements or choice. Open eaves are those where the underside of rafters is exposed whereas for closed eaves edge rafters are made to project out in order to cover the underside of it. This is done by putting boards. Both kinds of roofs can be seen in the diagram below: left is open eaves and right is closed eaves. 3.a) For fixing a timer window frame into a cavity wall, we need to make sure the timber is hardened and dried so as to fix on both sides of a cavity wall. The general structure of a timber window frame is illustrated below. The number of rails shown here are not mandatory. It depends on the desired design of the window. However, the fitting and grip on the wall can be seen in the figure. Since the frame is made of timber, precaution needs to be taken that wood is not loose so that the fixing is permanent. Due to the cavity, the sill of the frame has to be made broader. The outside look of a timber frame when fitted to a cavity wall can be seen in the figure on the right. On the other hand, PVC window frames are made of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) which is a synthetic plastic made of oil or gas. The fitting of PVC frame is more expensive. A PVC frame can be seen in the picture below: The advantages of double glazing window
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Evaluate the impact of Larry Page on the field of Business Essay
Evaluate the impact of Larry Page on the field of Business - Essay Example This should be accompanied by the desire to grow the business to generate significant returns for all people involved (Gitman and McDaniel 2009, p. 5). Page has always championed a dual-class voting structure guided by a long-term focus in which the management team has control over the company’s destiny. Such a structure guarantees stability of the entity in the long-term by following the laid down innovative approach and awards the management significant control over the company’s decisions and fate (Scott 2008, p. 14). Larry Page and Sergey Brin can be regarded as possessing innovative, genius, and idealistic minds that made it possible for them to develop the world’s best search engine, Google. The search engine has heralded uncomplicated and efficient searching and generated a creative and game changing mode of advertising. The culture of the workplace that Page aided to develop over the years of the entity’s existence made it possible to develop fresh and innovative ideas. The two demonstrated that in creating value, one can be able to surpass competitions and structure better products that respond to user preferences. In its start up, Google changed the rule of the game based on what the other search engines used to operate. The core aim of Google is t organize the world’s information and make the company universally accessible and useful (Sloane 2007, p. 1). Google has grown to become the internet’s most popular search engine recording revenues that surpass $6 billion yearly, besides the company has entered into mainstream culture. The companys mantra, â€Å"do not be evil," detailing doing the best things for its users. Page demonstrates that it is essential to look to the future by targeting innovation as a tool for propelling collaboration, efficiency, and productivity. Page has also demonstrated the significance of establishing a strong vision in organizing the world’s information and rendering
Friday, August 23, 2019
Politics (the founding fathers) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Politics (the founding fathers) - Essay Example They attempted hard to erase the concept of elitism and worked hard to bring equality in the nation. America through the enlightenment achieved great homogeneity and unity. They committed the entire nation to a single language unlike the Europeans. This homogeneity that was generated out of the enlightenment became the greatest strength of America and founded the base for what it is now. The powerful dreams of the American Enlightenment paved the way for America's independence. This alone created the basic principles of the American Government. The enlightenment concepts made people understand that a ruler or a government needs to strictly adhere to the higher laws of the republic. Political geniuses like Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Alexander Hamilton, Samuel Adams, John Adams, and James Madison successfully built up a government that was supported by the people of the republic. These founding fathers were able to put the foundation of such an unconquerable kingdom that is still keen in protecting the natural rights of man. They made lasting impacts on the democracy of America. The encouraging ideas of the classical writings and the atmosphere that helped people develop a craze for wisdom and knowledge were the major feature of the enlightenment period. Developments started putting in the fields of science, religion, and politics and thinkers supported the entire process with their exploding thoughts. Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" and Thomas Jefferson's "Declaration of Independence" were some of the outcomes of the radical Enlightenment assumptions. Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" was one of the results of the enlightenment period. The pamphlet that was published during the American Revolution stimulated the revolution and criticized the British rule harshly. The thoughts of the pamphlet became extremely popular and echoed in the minds of the American citizens. Paine gave the copyright for Common Sense to the states, thereby becoming the greatest volunteer of the enlightenment movement. Thomas Jefferson's "Declaration of Independence" is another written proof of the enlightening thoughts of the period. â€Å"Declaration of Independence†which is the most important reform of American history said that the Thirteen Colonies were independent of Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the declaration has clearly stated the reasons for the separation from the British power. This â€Å"Declaration of Independence†is the ultimate reaction of the enlightenment period that earnestly sought freedom from the powerful hands of the British Empire. It is the written form of the desire of the early Americans. The thirst for independence that developed through the ideas of the enlightenment thinkers culminated into the United States Declaration of Independence. The philosophical background of the â€Å"Declaration of Independence†is nothing but the spirit of republicanism that was born during the enlightenment period. Repu blicanism or the basic framework of liberty is the core of the enlightenment philosophy. George Washington’s name can never be omitted if we speak about the history of democracy in the United States. George Washington had in his hand the choice to make America a democracy, dictatorship or kingdom. More than thrice he had the
Federal Aviation Regulation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Federal Aviation Regulation - Research Paper Example er identified with: drafting and authorizing air activity principles, permitting pilots, creating aviation routes, affirmation of airplane and numerous other related variables. For this impressive errand to succeed, another Aeronautics extension of the Department of Commerce was needed. The Federal Aviation Regulations, or FARs, are principles recommended by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) overseeing all flight exercises in the United States. The FARs are a piece of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) (Canavan, 2002). A wide mixed bag of exercises are controlled, for example, airplane outline and support, normal air transport flights, pilot preparing exercises, hot-air ballooning, lighter-than-air flying machine, man-made structure statures, check lighting and stamping, and even model rocket dispatches, model air ship operation, and kite flying. The tenets are intended to advance safe flight, ensuring pilots, flight specialists, travelers and the overall population from unnecessary danger. Since 1958, these standards have normally been alluded to as Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) (Administration, 2013). According to Canavan (2002), the FARs are composed into areas, called parts because of their association inside the CFR. Each one section manages a particular sort of movement. For instance, 14 CFR Part 141 contains guidelines for pilot preparing schools and the most applicable areas to air ship pilots and AMTs (Aviation Maintenance Technicians) are recorded underneath (Canavan, 2002). A large number of the FARs are intended to control certificate of pilots, schools, or flying machine instead of the operation of planes. Once a plane configuration is affirmed utilizing a few parts of these regulations, it is guaranteed paying little heed to whether the regulations change later on. Hence, more current planes are ensured utilizing fresher variants of the FARs and in numerous perspectives may be in this way considered more secure
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Piece of irony Essay Example for Free
Piece of irony Essay His odyssey then comes to a halt, as he perceives his friend, Henry Clerval. Coming across this memorable person allows him to forget his horror and misfortune; it allows him to feel calm and serene joy. They exchange stories and Victor reveals the scenario of his created monster. Henry believes it is a disturbed imagination, but the pertinacity of the story allows it to become believable. Where will Frankenstein go from here? This chapter is of pure significance to how the story is concluded. It creates suspense, knowing there is a vile monster on the loose. Where will it go? What will it do? This chapter allows new themes to be created. Death! Love! What will this mean for Frankenstein? Will he live or will he die? How will this gothic novel conclude and what effect will this monster have on the communities welfare? The character of Frankenstein should be immensely appreciated. Is Frankenstein who we think he is? From previously read chapters, we see the emotional and diligent side of Frankenstein. He is seen to be energetic, beneficial, well-mannered; a man of determination who would in capacitate at the thought of failure. However, chapter 5 emphasizes the indolent and non-progressive side of Dr. Frankenstein. We see this by the way he reacts to the form and appearance of his unforgettable monster. For example, he uses a great phrase: With anxiety that almost amounted to agony. This suggests that the amount of fear and worry was immensely increasing. Victors feelings towards his creature are negative, consequently his use of irony emphasizes this. One piece of irony used is: I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God! Victor doesnt mean what he says so he uses sarcasm to overlap his disappointment. Victor also uses a rhetorical question to make himself and the reader think. He asks himself: how can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe? . This once again clarifies his negativity towards the monster. In this chapter, Victor has two main dreams, one being of relevance. His first dream is about the outcome of his creation; the beauty that had encountered to disgust and breathless horror. The second of the two dreams is the most abnormal. Victor dreamt that his wife Elizabeth had wandered the streets of Ingolstadt in the bloom of health; once embracing her, he kisses her dainty lips and somehow her body reforms to that of his dead mother, wrapped up in cloth, covered scarcely in graveworms. This is of pure relevance to the rest of the novel as they are seen as signs for what is to come in the future. As it happens, his dream in some phases becomes true. Elizabeth, Victors wife gets killed by his vicious creature. From this stage, Victor is forced to create a companion for the monster; not consenting to this would lead to more homicides within Victors family. In the novel, Mary Shelley illustrates a poem to correlate with Victors retreat from home. The first line of the poem reads: Like one, on a lonesome road. Using this sentence suggests that Victor is walking by himself; disassociated with anyone. At this moment in time, he is feeling poorly and anxious about what the consequences hold. The second line reads: Doth walk in fear and dread. This emphasizes the fact that he is scared as he triumphants through the streets. The next line reads: And having once turned round, walks on. This phrase states that he turns around to see his surroundings, and then continues his journey. Victors feels as if the monster has banished him from Ingolstadt. The following line reads; And turns no more his head. This tells us that Victor doesnt want to come in contact with the monster again. At this point, Victor still has the feeling of disappointment and embarrassment in himself. Next the poem reads; Because he knows a frightful flend. This means he knows a frightful demon, of whom to him is the monster he created. The final line of the poem reads: Doth close behind him tread. This means that the monster is perhaps close behind him. At this moment, Victor feels paranoid and weary. Within this gothic novel, Victor includes 3 themes: dark science, isolation and weather. Dark science is used to indicate the creation of the fiend, made from scarce rotted bodily parts. His thoughts are deep and out of this world. His knowledge takes him so deep into science that his tutor tries to prevent him passing a certain stage in his medical degree. His aim is to infuse life into an inanimate body. He succeeds, however is disappointed with his result. During this theme, it is intercepted by weather. During the lonely nights and experimental days, the dark science compacts with horrid weather. For example: it was on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishments of my toils. This tells us that the night the monster was finalised, the night and atmosphere was very dull. Another example of the weather.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Professional Development Of Teachers Education Essay
Professional Development Of Teachers Education Essay This study is to examine the role of leadership in teacher professional development in Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley. The specific variables that will be investigated include teachers perceptions of teacher professional development; teachers expectations as well as the principals role in facilitating teacher professional development. Developments in leadership will lead to changes in the ways teachers work. These will subsequently increase the need to review teacher professional development. The purpose of this research is to establish how the dual of the principal and the teachers manifests itself in professional development. This research will be significant as it will examine the voices of teachers on how leadership contributes to teacher professional development. The research will be conducted using qualitative methodology. It will be based on a case study of two Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley. Data will be collected using questionna ires and follow up interviews which will be administered to elicit responses from principals, deputy principals and teachers in both schools. The findings will reveal the need for teachers in Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley to engage more in teacher professional development programmes in order for them to have a better understanding of the concept. This study will also demonstrate if teacher professional development should be the core work of both the principals and teachers in order to create a learning environment in their schools so that both can develop professionally. Based on the results obtained in this study, we will determine if Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley need more awareness in teacher professional development and how it will influence the leadership. Keywords: Leadership, Principals, Teachers, Teacher Professional Development, Teaching and Learning INTRODUCTION The purpose of this proposed qualitative study is to help principals of Chinese Independent Schools in Selangor and their supervisors understand the interaction of leadership capacity and distributed leadership practices as they relate to professional development within a school. The study will capture leadership practices in an effort to reveal how the practices impact on the professional development of the teachers. The overall question under consideration is: How do schools and school leaders understand capacity building while using that process to build and/or sustain a culture for professional learning? The intention is to understand more about systems that promote professional development and as a result contribute towards school development. The role of the principal in facilitating the development of organizational learning and capacity building via professional development related to instruction, student achievement, leadership roles, inquiry, teacher engagement, vision, goal setting, shared norms and values will be examined using case study methodology. Interviews, open-ended survey results, focus groups, and documents as well as environmental observations will be analyzed to reveal the role of the principal in this context. The case studies will examine the behaviors, actions, and interactions of principals and teachers within schools where leadership and professional development is considered to be in place through formal and informal structures established at the district and building level. All of the principals in the study are from the Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Selangor. Qualitative research is proposed in order to examine and articulate practices related to school leadership and professional deve lopment. Four case studies are proposed to help inform established and new principals embrace the paradox of leadership with purpose as well as an understanding that each story needs to be told in order to meet the obligation of building knowledge as part of a schools culture. Teachers are the main resources of an education system. They have important roles and responsibilities to exercise in the teaching profession and to mould students in accordance with the changing social needs. Therefore, professional development needs of teachers constantly change and develop along with the changing expectations regarding the quality of education, the changing social needs, technological changes and the effect of technology on learning, the change in student population, and the transforming paradigms in learning and teaching. Professional development of teachers is a must for school improvement and educational change. It is useful not only for teachers, but also for students, school administrators, parents, families and colleagues. Thus, it can be considered as both an individual and social implementation. In other words, investment on teachers is an investment on individuals whose consequences are directly reflected in the society as well. Professional development involves teachers acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes addressing improvements in education. It compensates the lack of education in pre-service training with the help of regular in-service training. Therefore, it can be considered as a process which starts in pre-service training and goes on with in-service training till the end of the profession. Teachers professional development is generally defined as activities such as seminars and set-courses which aim at training teachers through in-service training (Odabasi Kabakci, 2007). It is also defined as any kind of teaching-training activity to meet teachers needs that is necessary for their professional growth and development (Seferoglu, 2001). According to a broader definition, professional development consists of processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills and attitudes of teachers so that they can improve the learning of students. Therefore, professional development is a process that is intentional, ongoing and systemic (Guskey, 2000). The purpose of any professional development program is to inform and change teacher behavior as a result of new information. To achieve this purpose, educators spend countless hours on professional development activities, learning to use new instructional strategies or materials (Barnett, 2003) since the  professional development of teachers must be an on-going process of refining skills, inquiring into practice, and developing new methods.Professional development leads to knowledge acquisition on the one hand and update of current knowledge and skills on the other. In this respect, the advantages of professional development can be listed as follows (Librera et al., 2004). Professional development: Ø ameliorates the field of application, Ø helps teachers and students meet their individual or mutual needs by providing them with the opportunities to reflect on their personal experiences, applications and research, Ø orientates professional experiences of high quality in schools, Ø contributes to educational policies in heightening standards, Ø helps teachers understand and explain ICTs. Most countries in the world consider teacher training as a crucial subject, and so does Turkey. Teacher training has several qualitative and quantitative insufficiencies in several countries. Regardless of the quantitative adequacy of teachers, professional development of teachers remains one of the most glaring problems of teacher training. Pre-service teachers still have the chance to develop themselves since they are still within an educational institution as learners. However, in-service teachers might find themselves abandoned as they have started working and hence feel deprived of constant mentoring and guidance. The only solution to sustain lifelong learning in Turkey is to provide in-service teachers with constant support through regular and effective professional development activities
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Advertising and Promotion Strategies
Advertising and Promotion Strategies Scenario You have been hired by an advertiser as a consultant to devise the promotional campaign for the product (Please select any product or business of your choice). The advertiser is not sure about the promotional budget therefore he wants you to advise and develop plan of how effectively can he advertise having your expertise. Besides above the line promotion, he also wants to know about the below the line options that can be offered to him by you. P.7: Differentiate between the characteristics and Objectives of the various below-the-lines promotional Techniques. Below-The-Line Promotion can be classified as above the line and below the line promotion. The promotion activities carried out through mass media for example radio, television, newspaper comes under above the line promotion. Below the line promotion refers to forms of non media communication below the line promotion are becoming increasingly important within the communication mix of many companies. In some ways by which companies do below the line promotions are by exhibition, sponsorship activities, public relations and sales promotions. Sales promotion Below the line sales promotions are short term and companies target the consumers and it is to achieve communication objectives more efficiently in limited budget with pressure on marketing team to achieve the communication objectives. An immediate or delayed incentive to purchase, Expressed in cash or in kind and having only a short term or temporary duration. (Hugh Davidson). Below are the lines of sales promotion: Price Reduction It is known as price discounting and it is done in two ways: Discount to normal selling price of a product More of the product at normal price Price promotions can also have negative effect on brand reputation or just a short term sales boost. Coupons Coupon is a ticket or document that can be exchanged for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product coupons are issued by manufacturing companies and retailers and the sources for coupons are through mail, magazines, newspapers, internet, and mobile devices. Rebates Rebates are like coupons which offer value to purchasers by lowering the customers final cost for acquiring the product. Rebates often request the purchaser to submit personal data in order to obtain the rebate including name, address and contact information is general required to obtain a rebate and sometime marketers may ask additional information such as reason for purchasing the product Samples: It is a free amount of a product delivered door to door, sent to mail, picked up in a store, attached to another products. Premiums (Gifts): Merchandise offered at a relatively low cost or free as an incentive to purchase a particular product. It can be inside a particular product, or in a package offered. Public Relations The point of public relations is to make the public think favorably about the company and its offerings. Commonly used tools of public relations include news releases, press conferences, speaking engagements, and community service programs. But advertisement is closely related to public relations. the goal of advertising is generating sales, while the goal of public relations is generating good will. The effect of good public relations is to lessen the gap between how an organization sees itself and how others outside the organization perceive it. Public relations involve two-way communication between an organization and its public. It requires listening to the constituencies on which an organization depends as well as analyzing and understanding the attitudes and behaviors of those public. Only then can an organization undertake an effective public relations campaign. Many small business owners elect to handle the public relations activities for their own companies, while others cho ose to hire a public relations specialist. Managers of somewhat larger firms, on the other hand, frequently contract with external public relations or advertising agencies to enhance their corporate image. But whatever option is chosen, the head of a company is ultimately responsible for its public relations. Sponsorship Companies and brands use sponsorships to build brand recognition by associating with an event. Companies try to find the target groups who fit within a specified budget and provide sponsorship benefits that suit the companys objectives. There are various sponsorships which are local, national and international sponsorships. Objectives of Sales Promotion techniques: Many sales promotion techniques used to attract the customers who are using the product for the first time. It is used for introduction of new products. Sales promotion can act as an effective customer information gathering tool. Marketers found that sales promotions are an effective tool for creating interest in a product because creating interest is considered as an important use of sales promotion. Some Sales promotion techniques offer the opportunity for customers to try the product for free or at low cost. Sales promotions are designed in a way to move customers to action or to provide information about product. Sales promotions are to build product awareness and to maximize the demand. Objectives of Public Relations: Public relations objective is to aware consumers about new product launching or to maximize the demand of existing product. Public relation can be used to provide customers with more information about a product. It is also used to build a good image and to maintain a positive relationship with customers. Objective of Sponsorship: The main objective of sponsorship is to increase sales. To aware the customers about a product. To reach target markets. To reach consumer where they live and play. To build relationship with customers. To build image. P8: Recommend the use of individual techniques in two commercial situations. Confed School for Professional Studies Confed is a consultancy which provides information about many U.K universities to the students of Pakistan. It has four branches in Pakistan located in Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. It provides information to the students who want to study abroad and helps them in selecting their careers. Confed conduct seminars in which that call different student and gave them briefing about different universities in U.K and about the living in the U.K. Besides consultancy business Confed is also offering Higher National Diploma (HND) and classes for ILETS exams. Recommendations for CSPS to improve their business. Confed should distribute flyers in different colleges and universities invite them to their seminars. They should specially target the students of FSC, A-levels. They should give discounts to the student who are applying for the first time and should give them keep the student satisfied. CSPS should make writing pads, pens, and distribute amongst the students of other colleges and universities. In Peshawar every one cannot afford the education in the U.K Confed because it is too expensive. Confed should make their customer realize that if the education is expensive it doesnt matter later on it has many advantages and benefits. Confed should deliver the advantage that a student will get by studying in the U.K. Confed should conduct different campaign for example beatifying university town, this will make a good reputation of confed. They should be participating in social activities. Daewoo Pakistan Sammi Corporation was established as forest products importer in 1954 but has expanded its business to become a dynamic trading company in Korea. From the 1950s, Sammi has been challenging the world market with a great emphasis on conforming to international requirements for the timely delivery of top-grade industrial products, such as Stainless steel, Coated steel, Automotive parts, Wood products various raw material.  Daewoo is a bus service introduced by Sammi cooperation, Daewoo is a bus service which covers almost all the cities of Pakistan. The journey of Daewoo is very relaxing, comfortable and is always on time. Now a days Sammi Daewoo is very popular for traveling in Pakistan. Here we will discuss about three major cities Peshawar, Rawalpindi and Lahore and how can Daewoo improve its services. Recommendations Reservation of Daewoo is made by phone. They should start a service by which there customers can make booking online or through their mobile phones. Sometimes the operator is busy and may not receive call so they should introduce new way of booking of seats on Daewoo that is online booking and through mobile phones. This will save time for their customers and will be much easier. They should give monthly cards to their regular customers worth Rs 2000 and the fare should be deducting from the card automatically. And should also give them discounts. They should also give donations to charitable trust. This is very good for overall reputation of the company. They should launch VIP busses for the executive class and should make the service different than normal routine. For example the menu should be different. Bussed traveling from Peshawar to Lahore should take the route of motorway from Peshawar usually the bus passes through noshera which takes a lot of time. Daewoo should offer snacks in between the journey. P.9 explain the principles and process of campaign management including (Communication goals, situation analysis, Campaign objectives, Strategies and Budget allocation) Goals of communication: The main goal of business communication is to influence, to control our audiences responses in the way we had intended, so that we can fulfill certain aims for ourselves and our organizations. Effective business communication, of course, results in our eliciting the response we desire both in the short term, such as having our audience obey an order, and in the long term, such as having our audience continue to follow the spirit of the policy. Secondary goals such as self-expression, social relationships, and career advancement also involve producing change in knowledge, attitude, or action. With all these complicated variables going on in the communication process, no wonder communication is imperfect. Situation analysis When analysis of the organization as it is at the moment and how it may develop in the future, is important. The analysis has to be executed at an internal level as well as an external level to identify all opportunities and threats of the external environment as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organizations. There are too many factors internal and external to the firm which includes in situation analysis but some of the important contexts are given below. Historical context Industry analysis Market analysis Competitor Historical context All situations are unique, it is important to know how the firm arrives at the current situation. For compaign plan we should know about the history of the company including mistakes and success and decision that take in past. Industry analysis In industry some factors affect the character and growth in an industry i-e technology, regulations, economic conditions and social factor. In industry we have to identify that, is there any trend of that product or service? Does customer wants to avail it or not?. We should find out what is unique going on another side. We cannot ignore trends in an industry, no matter in what business we are. Market analysis There are different factors that affect decision making. The effect of external environment is unavoidable in all areas of marketing. There are different types of customer. and Each type o customer have their own attitude towards product and process of decision making so while making campaign we have to keep in eye all of our different types of customers. Competitors We cannot ignored competitors strategies while campaign plan. Its not like to follow each other strategies but have to make different, unique and more effective strategy compare to competitor. Campaign objectives Some of the important objectives of campaign are given below. New customer acquisition. Ensure a strong level of public awareness, understanding and support. Revenue. It raises the awareness of decision making, Cross-selling and bundling Churn prevention and management It also helps in feedback. Youll receive valuable tips, suggestions and leading during your referral interviews Stimulate the trends of investment etc. Strategies Strategy is mechanism by which something is to be done. There are infinite numbers of strategies. Developing marketing campaign can do around these three phases: Conduct your own market research. Focus on one or two positions which, based on your research, look like a good fit for you. Create a position thats right for you in a company where you feel comfortable and motivated. Budgeting The most important and difficult step or context is budget the funds, time and human resource for your campaign. There are different methods which usually get follow are given below. Percentage of sales approach is a simple but inexperienced way to deal with issue. Unit of sales approach that allocates funds on a per-unit base rather than percentage of sales basis. In the share-of-market approach the activities of key competitors are factored in to the budget setting process. A funds available approach is used when firms are strapped for cash and need to cover costs and preserve profitability. Tasks for P10 For this task you must: Discuss the importance of integrated and cost-effective campaign. Use appropriate techniques to develop a cost effective and integrated campaign, consider relative costs of various promotional techniques, product life cycle considerations, strategies that can be adopted by firms, positioning strategies, barriers to integration The most important factor of integrated is to control of the promotional process allows for more synergy activity among each of the communication program elements. It also helps organization to arrange a convenient for clients to coordinate all promotional efforts with one agency and agencies with IMC capabilities can create a single image for the client. The importance of cost-effective campaign is giving a guild line to marketing department that promotional message reaches youre intended and targeted audience and also message is understood by audience and the message stimulates the recipients and they take action. Any communications campaign must have clear, measurable objectives. This is true whether the campaign is designed to communicate product benefits or to support an event. In order to achieve these objectives, a campaign requires careful planning. There are eight main stages to consider, from defining the target market to setting a budget and schedule. (Steel, Jon, 2010) The most important factor of integrated is to control of the promotional process allows for more synergy activity among each of the communication program elements. It also helps organization to arrange a convenient for clients to coordinate all promotional efforts with one agency and agencies with IMC capabilities can create a single image for the client. Asses our marketing communication It is important in this first step to examine and understand the needs of our target market. Our target markets are the students who want to go abroad for their higher studies. What communication channels will use? In the beginning we place billboards near the colleges, schools, and universities and the other thing we distribute our pump flits to different students and keep the help desk of Confed in different colleges and universities. Objectives Our objectives in a promotional campaign are slightly different from our marketing campaign. Our Promotional objectives are stated in terms of long-term behaviors people are having been exposed to your promotional communication. These objectives must be clearly stated, measurable, and appropriate to the phase of market development. Promotion Mix In this step we will need to allocate resources among sales promotion, advertising, publicity, and of course personal selling. Dont skimp on either of these areas. We must create awareness among our buyers in order for our promotional campaign to succeed. Promotional Message In this step we will need to sit down with our team and focus on the content, appeal, structure, format, and source of the message. We should keep in mind our promotional campaigns appeal and execution and also objectives. Product life cycle Confed overcome the consultant name as ICAS. ICAS was the good consultants but it never capture the market instead of this Confed in the start was not that much good then it highly advertise their service and to promote their business more they launch an HND which is the good opportunity for the students wants to go abroad and want to study the business. Now a days its in a stage of growth. confed Strategy: Confed standard is good, means they installs the multimedia for lectures, a/cs to create the better environment for the students, But there is something slightly missing in it that now they have to advertise more and more in these days because in these days admissions are open at U.K and also in Pakistan and the other thing is to create their management effective which attracts the parents. P.11: present promotion recommendations in the form of a promotion plan Situational analysis Daewoo Pakistan service was established in 1997 with a new kind of service for traveling and tourism. They have routes to all over Pakistan by providing the relaxing and refreshing service to their customers. Company Analysis Recently they are the largest land travel provider in Pakistan. Daewoo has bus terminal with complete range restaurants, cargo service, and travel service. The main goal of the company is to leave on time and get to destination on time. As Daewoo is an international company but this company has indirect competitors which are private busses and the new Motorway Express which tries to compete with Daewoo. Customer Analysis Today customers are becoming sensitive in terms of traveling and food, many people wish to travel safe, comfortable, on time with reasonable price, airlines are providing this kind of service but the price is high, Daewoo is providing the same service which the people of Pakistan wished. Competitor Analysis Daewoo Pakistan is the leader in bus service they dont have a direct competitor but if we consider the indirect competition, there are lots of busses which are trying to get the customers providing a comfortable travel but they dont have on time delivery and safe travel. About a year ago the new travel service has been introduced by the name of motorway express, but this company is in introduction stage which provides the routes from Peshawar to Islamabad and Rawalpindi. P12: Discuss briefly are the criteria for measuring promotional techniques effectiveness. How would you measure the campaign effectiveness in this scenario? There are many ways through which we can measure the promotional techniques effectiveness. Different companies use different ways to measure their promotional activities. The companies follow up to measure their promotional techniques are following areas. Measuring effectiveness of advertising Measuring effectiveness of sales promotion Measuring effectiveness of personal selling Measuring the effectiveness of advertising To check the number of enquiries from advertising. If the advertising is strong so automatically the sales of the company will be very good. When the sales are there means that the advertising goals have been accomplished. To check the customer awareness before and after the advertising campaign. Number of request for further sales means that the advertising campaign was very strong and more awareness is there in-between the consumers. Levels of repeated sales also show the effectiveness of advertising. To assess the effectiveness of advertising campaign, you can monitor sales, new customer requests for information, phone inquiries, and response from the retailers. Measuring the effectiveness of sales promotion The company must take the feedback of their customers regularly. A sales promotion is constructed to inform customers about the new product. This is possible by advertising in newspaper, and other Medias explaining the product and inviting customers to visit their websites for coupon offers. An activity like this can be measured by tracking the number of people visiting the website. Besides coupons another promotion techniques is price discounting such as 50% discount offer, buy one get one free, reducing cost is a sure way to motivate customers to buy the product. M5: Show in which situations do u think your recommended techniques may not work The recommendation I have given they may not work in the following conditions. We have suggested that we should distribute flyers in different seminars but because of security reasons usually seminar get cancelled, due to which we can face problems. It may affect the image of company while giving discounts. To offer the service of booking Daewoo seats through sms or internet can be costly. If there are not enough funds so the organization will not be able to advertise their product in a proper manner. Lack of human resources resource can be the possible reason of not meeting the required goals. Lack of communication between the staff can also affect the overall business of the Confed. The managers of the organization should keep check on the staff. If the manager is not competent the organization can suffer. If there is political instability the organization might not be successful to achieve its required goals. The organization might not have enough funds to allocate them into other activities M6: Develop the budget for the promotion plan To develop a budget for the promotion plan is a very technical part. We need to allocate out finances in such a way that we can get full benefit out of it by utilizing minimum finances. A budget planed at the beginning of the year and is followed throughout the year. As we are introducing a new product which is a mineral water at the beginning it will need lots of advertising so that people come to know about the product. We are going to make our promotional plan as follows: We will advertise our product in news papers which will cost us about 30,000rs. We will advertise our product on television by giving a contract to an ad agency to make an attractive ad so that the consumers get attracted to it by watching that ad on the television. This can take about 50,000 to 80,000. We will distribute free samples to different retailer which can cost about 4,000rs per retailer. We will make poster, brushers and distribute them in every possible area where people can see then easily. This will also take about 20, 000rs of our finances. We will hire a bill board in a main area, near traffic signal, so that on red light people can see our advertisement. This will cost us about 50,000 to 80,000 per month. M.7: Develop the communication goals through DAGMAR approach. DAGMAR is called (Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Result) It is an approach to advertising planning and a method for selecting goals and to use those goals to measure performance. It is intend to create awareness, impart information, to develop attitude. There are four stages of DAGMAR approach which is discussed below Awareness: This model is used to aware the customers of the existing brand of a company. Comprehension: To make consumers understand the usage of the product. Conviction (Persuasion): to persuade the consumers to buy the product. Action: To get the consumers to purchase the product. Characteristics of advertising objectives in DAGMAR approach: There are four characteristics of DAGMAR approach which are discussed below Well Defined Objectives: The objectives should be cleared, it should be measurable and specific, and these objectives should be communicated to Copywriters and marketer specialists who develop the advertising message and it will help them to select the specific message for advertisement. Measurable objectives will help for effectiveness of advertisement. Benchmark and Degree of change sough: Benchmark is to target the audience in communication model. It means to know how many target audience are at the stages of communication model. It is must to know the number of target audience who are at awareness stage and at persuasion stage. Well defined target audience: The advertising message should well define to the target audience. It is must to know the person involved in each stage of communication. Like some audience are at understanding stage and some are target audience and maybe some are at persuasion stage. Specified time period: The time period of advertising should be specified for achievement of objectives. Most of companies specify the time period from months to year period it depends on situation and degree of change sought. If a companys objective is to increase brand awareness than it can be done in short time through mass media. But if objective of the company is increase the understanding and persuasion of branch loyalty than it takes time. D5: Show how your promotion plan activities will be planned, managed and organized. We can plan and manage our promotional activities as follow: We will divide the task amongst our employees so that each and every task is done in a proper manner. Like this there wont be a burden on one person. For advertising on television we have to look up in best advertising agency, do that they can make our ad more attractive. We will gave our products on much more discounted rates then our competitors We will provide our product to different Hotels, restaurants so that more people consume our product. Also take feedback from our customer that how we may improve our product.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Religious Symbols and Symbolism in Faulkners Light in August Essay
Religious Symbolism in Light in August   William Faulkner’s, "Light in August" has many references to Christianity. He employs a great deal of religious symbolism in all of his characters. These parallels seem very intentional, even though, Faulkner himself says he did not do it purposely. The Christ story is one of the most popular stories invented and it seems right that at some point someone is going to write similar to it. William Faulkner says he did not put the Christian parallels in intentionally. Many critics argue that there is no religious symbolism in this novel and that other critics are looking too deep into the novel. After reading Faulkners’ novel, it is hard not to make some connections to Christianity. The most obvious of his ties to the Catholic background and knowledge is in his writing of "Light in August". William Faulkner was born in New Albany. His family was a mixture of Presbyterians and Baptists. As an adult, he became a communicant of the Episcopal Church in Oxford, but he rarely attended services there. In response to a question on Faulkner’s Christianity, he said: "I have the sort of provincial Christian background I feel that I’m a good Christianâ€â€whether it would please anybody else’s standard I don’t know" (203). According to Amy Dooley (who is the research assistant of the Center of Faulkner Studies Southeast Missouri State University), Faulkner spoke about religion being something a Southerner absorbs as part of the culture, and he can’t stop using it. He said it doesn’t matter if he believes it or not. It appears as if Faulkner uses Christianity in his writing to aid his themes of human suffering, renewal of rebirth, human continuity, and death. The most significant example of Fau... ...that is never specified either. Christmas might have Negro blood in him so he could be black or he might be white. This gives him a character, which does not fit in with the other people; he is different. This is similar to Jesus Christ in that there was something different about him to separate him from the other people. That fact and the fact that his initials are the same as Jesus’ can lead a person to believe that William Faulkner did this intentionally. If one looks at Joe Christmas’ personality and his entire life and death, one will see that there are no parallels. If Faulkner says he did not put the parallels in intentionally, then it seems only ironic that there are some. In conclusion, Joe is a character in William Faulkner’s novel, "Light in August", and nothing more. Works Cited: Faulkner, William. Light in August. 1932. New York: Vintage, 1987.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Exogetical Essay On Matthew 11:25-30 :: essays research papers
Exogetical Essay on Matthew 11:25-30 This passage opens up with the phrase, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. This speaks of two kinds of people in his prayer: the "wise" - arrogant in their own knowledge - and the "little children" - humbly open to receive the truth of God's Word. Are we wise in our own eyes, or do we seek the truth in childlike faith, realizing that only God hold all the answers? God wants us to be open at all times. When we become too "informed" and "wise" we can sometimes become to sure of our own knowledge, and possibly miss what God is really telling us. The next passage says, "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." According to my Life Application Study Guide, in the Old Testament, "know" means more than knowledge. It implies an intimate relationship. The communion between God the Father and God the Son is the core of their relationship. For anyone else to know God, God must reveal himself to that person, by the Son's choice. How fortunate we are that Jesus has clearly revealed to us God, his truth, and how we can know him. The last major section of this passage reads, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." A yoke is a heavy wooden harness that fits over the shoulders of an ox or oxen. It is attached to a piece of equipment the oxen are to pull. A person may be carrying heavy burdens of (1) sin, (2) excessive demands of religious leaders, (3) oppression and persecution, (4) weariness in the search for God, or any number of other problems we may face day to day. The beautiful thing is that Jesus frees people
Heart of Darkness :: essays papers
Heart of Darkness Life in London set a cushion for its citizens, â€Å"with solid pavement under your feet, surrounded by kind neighbors ready to cheer you or to fall you, stepping delicately between the butcher and the policeman, in the holy terror of scandal and gallows and lunatic asylums.†On the other hand, once a man enters the Congo, he is all alone. No policeman, no â€Å"warning voice of a kind neighbor,†-- no one. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness sets Marlow on a journey in the Congo, where he realizes the environment he comes from is not reality, but an illusion hiding true human nature. His arrival at the First Station is his first exposure to the Congo where a horrid reality and naà ¯ve mentality is revealed -- a comparison of darkness and light. The chosen passage falls in the beginning of the narrative to set a picture of what to expect at upcoming stations. Marlow leaves London, his home, and his Aunt to travel to his first stop on the Congo River; the First Station. Here, Marlow begins to realize the unspeakable horror that exists. â€Å"Six black men advanced in file†¦ I could see every rib, the joints of their limbs were like knots in a rope; each had an iron collar on his neck, and all were connected together with a chain whose bights swung between them.†Marlow disapproved of what he saw and chose to avoid the six men. After his encounter with the â€Å"gang,†he meets the Chief Accountant, a well-dressed, tidy man, whom he admires. â€Å"I respected his collars†¦ his appearance was certainly that of a hairdresser’s dummy; but in the great demoralization of the land he kept up his appearance. That’s backbone. (Pg. 227)†Despite the dehumanization surrounding them, there s till stands a man who can present himself â€Å"properly†. The first chapter of the novel is framed to present life in London, then contrasting it with a picture of the savage Congo, and finishing by showing that civilized life can still exist in the jungle. Diction plays two pertinent roles in the passage: to produce imagery and to label objects or people. Diction reflects the extent of the contrasting light and darkness of the station that the imagery creates. In the midst of â€Å"mounds of turned-up earth by the shore†¦ a waste of excavations,†Marlow notes â€Å"a blinding sunlight drowned all this at times in a sudden recrudescence of glare.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System Essay
1. Evaluate the implementation of Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System. What are the top 3 factors that lead to the projects failure? Who is most at fault? The DIA automated baggage-handling system had its uncertainties and risks like in any other project but the challenges faced were mainly due to the poor planning, 1st of its kind in terms of size of the project and underestimation of complexity of the whole project. There are many problems encountered by the project and the top 3 factors that lead to the project failure were: 1. Scope, time-schedule and budget commitments – Planning. The master plan for DIA was developed by the various experts in the respective fields but there was a fundamental strategic error as DIA had adopted the build-design project meaning building the airport while designing it. The airport’s Project Management team had assumed that individual airlines would make their own baggage handling arrangements. In 1991, the airport’s Project Management team changed their strategy and realized that if an integrated system was to be built, they needed to take responsibility back from the individual airlines and run the project themselves. This change in strategy came a little more than two years prior to the airport’s planned opening date and the timing of the decision was in large part the trigger behind the excessive schedule pressure the project was exposed to. BAE and the airport Project Management team made another major mistake during the negotiations. Although the airlines were the key stakeholders in the system they were excluded from the discussions during the project defining and planning stage. When the stakeholders are finally engaged, they demand for significant changes on the project that required modifications as the project went along. 2. Leadership The project was oversold by political leaders who used the airport initiative as a platform to revive their economy. Pena won the election and committed by the public promise. There was a transfer of authority to from Pena to Wellington Webb as the new mayor, who followed the predecessor administration’s emphasis and also didn’t ensure the commitment of the major carriers. The City of Denver and a consultant team shared the leadership of the DIA project. It quickly became clear that shared leadership was doing duplicate duties and not efficient. The project was financed by many sources where all wanted to have a say, making it increasingly more difficult to coordinate and accommodate different administrative, political and social interests. On top of that, the management had no experience of building automated baggage systems, but it assumed the responsibilities any way without making necessary changes in the management team. The respective teams were working of silos and the leader failed to enforce structure for collaboration and feasibility of the overall project monitoring. One month after BAE was awarded the contract, the head of DIA project resigned. 3. Communication difficulties. The channels to communicate among the city, the project management team, the consultant, DAE and airlines were never well defined. Everyone had their own tracking systems for the activities and there were several copies of everything. They tried to merge them into one central database and it took 3 years to get it to work. BAE felt being restricted to access anywhere they wanted which was granted in the initial negotiation and other construction works were hindering BAE progress, there were no clear communication channel to raise their predicament. The large number of airport entities involved increased the complexity in effective communication and everyone had its unique requirements and timeline to meet. 2. As Gene Di Fonso, what would you have done differently to avoid the problems faced at the end of the case? If I am Gene Di Fonso, I would use the project life cycle as the foundation for managing this project. I will make sure that all the stages of Defining, Planning, Executing and Closing are thought through and discussed with the experts thoroughly. Especially, when comes to dealing with the hyped up City of Denver project which has government, social, economic influences and timeline to meet for DBO repayments. The product life cycle would have enforced a structure to think critically before accepting or negotiating the contract. Both the defining and the planning stage would have provided a good assessment whether to pursue such a complex with limited timeline even though the revenue and BAE image of doing such big project is overwhelming. The downside of project failure and inability to complete the project on time would be a blow to BAE image in the public eye. Before entering into the executing stage, both the defining and planning stage would ensure the contract entails the terms and conditions and also include all the limitations, all the technical requirements in the building infrastructure stated with the realistic timeline and the deliverables stated upfront. All major stakeholders have to be involved in the project defining stage for actual feedback and requirements to be clearly stated that no changes allowed after signing of contract and should be enfored Minimally, all these stages have to be followed through as a project manager. The more complex the project, more time needed to tackle uncertainties to complete the project and it is also necessary to form a highly skilled project management team in order to complete the project successfully. I feel that Di Fonso knowing the tight timeline with lots of external influences such as the political, economical and social factors, it would be a best decision to stay focused as initially planned and commitment with United Airlines unless all the contractual terms determined after going through the detailed defining and planning can be accepted by all the stakeholders. 3. How should Di Fonso respond to Mayor Webb’s decision to impose a $12,000 per day penalty and the requirement that BAE assume the $50 million cost of building a conventional tug-and-cart baggage system? I feel that it is not entirely BAE fault for the failure of the automated baggage system project. There were other external factors involved that worked against the whole project. So, Di Fonso is not entirely at fault and should fall back on his contract with the City and negotiate the legal terms. There were provisions and requirements, especially permanent power requirement, were made explicit and in addition unrestricted access for BAE equipment and priority in any areas to install the system due to tight timeline were agreed and accepted by the Denver officials. Definitely, the contract was not adhered to and Di Fonso has high chance to sue the City for the breach of contract.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Capitol Lake
The history Of the lake goes all the way back to 1951 , when a dam was built, as well as a concrete passage on 5th Avenue. The initial design was too construct a man-made lake though a dam with underwater mudflats. The dam was finally constructed to help renew a part of Bud Inlet shores that was in deterioration. Many years later in the year of 1997, a team of representatives was formed to study the problems of the lake. In 2009, an endorsement was made for the future of preserving the lake. One issue among Capitol Lake is the sediment that comes and reconciles to he bottom of the lake.Over 35,000 cubic yards a year of sediment travel into the lake a year! This means now that the lake is 21 % smaller than it was when it was created. This small amount of water is turning the lake into a swamp. Since the capacity of water in the Capitol Lake is much smaller than it was before, the temperature in the lake is getting much higher. The shallow waters cause the lake to heat up much quicker. These high temperatures support aquatic weeds to grow in abundance, and put anxiety on the fish and other marine life.Another problem among Capitol Lake is the water quality. Phosphorus and bacteria are both found in the water, posing a negative effect to the lake. The high levels of phosphorus promote the growth of algae. Oxygen is also used up for marine life in the lake, by algae that putrefy. As well as fecal chloroform bacteria are found among the lake, that wash into the lake and can be very harmful to health. Lastly, the lake has invasive species. Eurasian million weeds crowd the shoreline for native plants, reducing populations of native fish and other species.The New Zealand Mutandis is also another invasive species which is taking over the habitat and native snails which depend on food. As you can see Capitol Lake is very polluted and unhealthy. But there are solutions. The Descartes Estuary Restoration Team (DEER) and the Capitol Lake Improvement & Protective Association (CLIP) have both proposed suitable ideas to save the future of Capitol Lake. The first possibility by DEER would be to remove the dam, letting Capitol Lake and the Descartes River to meet and create an estuary, like it was back in the sass.The benefits of an estuary are that it would return everything to a natural presence. An estuary would give the lake and opportunity to flush and purify. It would also result in the temperature of the water to drop, greatly reducing algae population. Removal of the dam would also result in a possibility of the invasive species not surviving as well as young salmon would be able to access the estuary. Water quality would improve, as bacteria would decrease. Lastly, it would show an increase in native wildlife and different recreation.Establishing the estuary would result in over 114 million dollars, and without sediment rearrangements. Further cost details and endowments are still being inquired. The idea by CLIP would be to keep the lake as a lak e, but to dredge and clean it as needed; this would tidy the lake without having to remove the dam. The benefits of keeping the lake, would be hold the lake as one of the â€Å"Jewels of Thornton County as well as a major part of the State Capitol Campus. The lake very much protects the downtown area of Olympia by controlling floods.Opening the dam would result in smelly mudflats, as well as change the Marina and Boating Recreation. Keeping the lake as it is also would prevent an increase of sediment flow into the Bud Inlet. Culpa also believes that keeping the lake would prevent Nitrogen and Phosphorus from accessing the river. The also lake supports the local economy and local events such as Lake Fair, and is a key location for tourism in the Olympia area. Financially, this plan would cost about million dollars over a fifty year period. This includes mainly dredging, renewal of habitat, and dredging.This project would be paid from partnerships and state funding such as the City o f Olympia, Marine and Yacht Club, and Port of Olympia. So as you can see both proposals, have their pros and cons. Based on these two main ideas have researched about, I believe that the Capitol Lake Improvement & Protection Association (CLIP) is the best plan for the future of Capitol Lake. The lake is truly a major icon to Olympia and if an estuary were to open, the beauty and tourist attraction the lake delivers would greatly reduce.For example, if the dam were to be taken away, what would happen o Likelier and other large city events? Traditional events and activities by the lake might not even happen anymore if it becomes an estuary. But most importantly based off scientific evidence, removing the dam, would result in smelly tidal mudflats. Nobody wants a stench that will wander the air every time they go outside. As World War II veteran who grew up in Olympia (who has experienced these mudflats), Dick Seward, explains â€Å"The Mudflats and any water in the area had a stench that I'll never forget.All this pollution is what nearly killed off the Oysters†. So as you can see the smell really isn't pleasing. Creating an estuary would also greatly increase the flow of sediment, and Nitrogen into Bud Inlet, which shouldn't be there. CLIP'S proposal is half the price as well, and will save a lot of money. So who wants an unbearable terrible stench that will fill up the atmosphere? Why should the harmful chemicals be brought up to Bud Inlet and the Descartes River? Why should we risk the future of our economy and one of our main tourist attractions?
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Indicators of the Effectiveness of Marketing
An important task of marketing research is the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing activities. Management companies require marketers increasingly rigorous reporting and substantiation of expenses. Tired of the high and steadily increasing marketing costs, executives are naming the following as marketing : failed new products and failed advertising campaigns, too many phone calls and expensive campaign that are created to stimulate sales but fail to do so. Marketing research is partly able to solve the problem of accountability of marketing.Consider the basic approach to evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities – a system of performance marketing. Performance indicators of marketing – the criteria by which companies quantify, compare, and interpret the results of its marketing activities. Brand managers are using these indicators, or metrics, program design, and top managers – in the allocation of financial resources. If the ma rketer can show how the money will give the effect of his proposed measures, which means he can no longer justify the allocation of appropriate resources to senior management.Performance indicators can be internal marketing, i. e. , refer to the company's internal environment and external, that is, relate to the external environment of the company. In turn, internal and external indicators are divided into: †¢Current – continuously varying parameters, which require continuous monitoring, and are often carried out with the help of a marketing information system. †¢Final – indicators that are used as marketing the company's goals and evaluated, as a rule, for the quarter, half, or year. Let’s consider the most popular domestic rates. Current domestic rates: †¢defect rate of products degree of knowledge of the company's goals of personnel †¢timeliness of delivery †¢errors in billing †¢inventory turnover It is advisable to keep in mind key indicators that are not directly related to marketing activities. For example, estimating the percentage of defective products and participating in the task to reduce the reject rate, the marketer, thus reducing production costs, which in turn can reduce the price of the product. A price control is one of the essential tasks of the marketer. Timeliness of delivery can improve customer loyalty and forms in their eyes the image of a reliable and punctual company.The degree of knowledge of the objectives of the company allows staff to make the right decisions in complex ambiguous situations. And, most often benefit from such solutions is primarily a consumer. The final internal indices: †¢net profit (income) †¢return on sales †¢margin per unit of output †¢return on assets These figures can be attributed to the financial. The marketer should be aware of the dynamics of their growth or decline. Financial performance could not be more eloquently and accurately desc ribed as the company's activities in general and the marketing department.Of course, to a direct relationship between the magnitude of these parameters and the degree of effectiveness of the marketing department can not, however, the negative trend indicators will clearly indicate the true chosen strategy of the company and, accordingly, a lack of effectiveness of the marketing department. The most popular external indicators include the following. 1. Current external indicators: †¢degree of customer satisfaction †¢the number of complaints †¢the total number of customers †¢loyalty, retention rates †¢intention to buy †¢awareness of the productThe presented figures are difficult to translate into a financial equivalent. How, for example, brings the company's customer loyalty? Therefore, these parameters are estimated separately, according to a specific, produced for a specific company, the system scales. Also, the absolute values are used, for example, to measure the number of complaints or the total number of customers, and the relative values of, for example, the percentage of people who have the intention to purchase goods in the near future. 2. Final external indicators: †¢market share †¢size of the market comparative sales of new products †¢revenue per customer †¢market growth rate In fact, these figures constitute a group of industry and competitive rates. Industry indicators – a measure to assess the state of the industry – its rate of growth or size of the market. It is not possible to measure these indicators. But on the basis of these figures the company can make adjustments to the marketing communications plan or competitive strategy. Competitive rates, for example market share, company can assess its position in the market relative to competitors.Market share – one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of marketing activities, and the dynamics of its growth has a d irect impact on sales growth. To ensure the maximization of the diversity metric can be done by the special organizational processes and systems. All materials used in the company's internal and external parameters can be represented as a marketing information system. As a source of data for marketing information system companies can use two systems of market valuation, reflecting the company's results and help to learn in advance about the possible impending problems.The evaluation system of consumers includes analysis of the following indicators: †¢percentage of new buyers from the average number of customers †¢percentage of dissatisfied customers of the average number of customers †¢percentage of customers who are able to return, the total number of customers †¢percentage of customers who declare their intention to re-purchase the product †¢percentage of customers who declare their intention to recommend a product to others †¢the average perception o f roduct quality in comparison with the main competitor †¢percentage of consumers who claim that the product is the most preferable in its category The evaluation of people that have interest. Companies need to continuously monitor the mood of the various groups interested in their work, or to affect it: employees, suppliers, banks, distributors, retailers and shareholders. It should also set standards for each group and take action as soon as one or more of them show an increased level of dissatisfaction. ExampleIn each division of the company  «Hewlett-Packard » evaluation system of customers is applied, which includes from 18 to 20 indicators. Some criteria (customer satisfaction and timely delivery) the same for all, while others depend on the specifics of each department. Analysis of these estimates allows company management to assess the effectiveness of marketing strategies, sales and profits and to identify areas in which improvements can achieve greater quantitativ e indicators. 9. 2. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of marketing activitiesEvaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities is very challenging and not always given the opportunity to express the quantitative effect obtained at the expense of marketing activities. Nevertheless, there are many different approaches for addressing this problem, which allows you to select the following classification of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing. Qualitative methods involve the use of marketing audit, during which the comprehensive analysis of environmental organizations, as well as all the threats and opportunities.In this case there are two areas of marketing control: control of marketing results-oriented and marketing audit, i. e. analysis of the qualitative aspects of the organization. Quantitative methods for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing requires comparing the costs of marketing with the resulting gross profit and the cost of advertising to sales , and they characterize the final financial results for the organization. Analysis of the profitability and cost analysis can also be one of the options for the quantitative method of assessing the effectiveness of marketing.In evaluating marketing activities should be the parameters that characterize the activity of a particular business units – sales volumes, the organization of the market share, margin and net profit. The volume of sales (gross sales) is a complex indicator and reflects not only and not the success of efforts to implement the product, but also chosen the right price, and most importantly, how the goods â€Å"fell†in the target group of consumers. Dynamics of sales – an indicator of an organization's position in the market, its shares and trends.It should also be noted that independent place in the analysis of cost structures and evaluating the development potential of the organization is the analysis of break-even point. Break-even volume sh ows how many goods to be sold, that the resulting contribution margin covers all fixed costs. This volume is an indicator of the organization capabilities to maneuver in the market. Sociological methods for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing aimed at using the tools of applied sociology – the development of sociological research program and in accordance with its conduct of the study.In the use of tools of applied sociology also is oriented assessment of the effectiveness of marketing communications (advertising effectiveness, sales Tenths methods for assessing the effectiveness of marketing separating its effectiveness for each activity in compliance with the eligibility criteria of the list of structures and processes of the marketing concept of setting a specific score for each criterion. Nowadays, there is an increasing number of methods to assess the effectiveness of information marketing that are most widely discussed on the Internet.The essence of these methods is that in order to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing programs used by Sales Expert 2, Success, and others, which are software for marketing information systems. In fact, the evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing activities is one of the functions of a marketing information system. All the indicators needed to assess the effectiveness of marketing activities should be incorporated in the marketing information system. Marketer, the user of the system is only necessary to define the algorithm and the method of assessing effectiveness. 9. 3.Performance indicators of marketing – the criteria by which companies quantify, compare, and interpret the results of its marketing activities. Performance indicators can be internal marketing, i. e. , refer to the company's internal environment and external, that is, relate to the external environment of the company. In turn, internal and external indicators are divided into current – which should be continuous monitored and which are often carried out with the help of a marketing information system, and final – indicators that are used as marketing the company's goals and evaluated, usually on the basis of quarter, year.The following methods of evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities: †¢Qualitative methods involve the use of marketing audit, during which the comprehensive analysis of environmental organizations, as well as all the threats and opportunities. †¢Quantitative methods are used for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing requires comparing the costs of marketing with the resulting gross profit, and advertising costs to sales. †¢Sociological methods – for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing aimed at using the tools of applied sociology – a program of sociological research and in accordance with its conduct of the study. Tenths methods for assessing the effectiveness of marketing â€Å"isolate†its effectiveness for each activ ity in compliance with the eligibility criteria of the list of structures and processes of the marketing concept of setting a specific score for each criterion. The essence of the method of information lies in the fact that the evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing programs used by Sales Expert 2, Success, and others, which are software for marketing information systems.Four tools for monitoring the implementation of the marketing plan. 1. Analysis of the distribution suggests a partition of the total sales data into categories such as products, end users, marketing intermediaries, sales territory, and the size of the order. The purpose of the analysis – to identify strengths and weaknesses of the area, for example, products with the highest and lowest sales, buyers, who account for a large portion of the proceeds, as well as sales agents and territory, demonstrating the highest and lowest quality of work. . Analysis of market share. Sales volume and market share are t he primary functions of a number of determining factors. For consumer goods, these factors include the efficient allocation, the relative price, retain or change the perception of one or more of the essential characteristics of the product to consumers in comparison with competitors' products and product placement on store shelves. 3. Itemized analysis of earnings and expenses.Data on sales – it is certainly not the only relevant information regarding the success of marketing activities. Need to monitor values of gross margin and profit margin, and to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of all marketing expenditure items. 4. Analysis of the ratio of marketing costs and sales volumes. Analysis of the annual plan requires ongoing monitoring to achieve the goals of expenditure. The main management measure is the ratio of marketing costs and sales volumes.
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