Monday, September 30, 2019
Moll Flanders: From Innocence to Maturity Essay
Moll Flanders is the central character of the novel â€Å"Moll Flanders†, who was born in Newgate, England and passed different phases of her life across England and America. The entire novel depicts those phases of her life through five marriages, among which only one was fruitful. Between her marriages and through them, the character of Moll Flanders evolves which shows her ingenuity, energy and determination to survive and do well. Moll is born in a prison in Newgate and soon after her birth, her mother is deported to America alone, to serve her punishment. She is taken over by a group of gypsy, with whom she lived until she was three years old. Then she was raised by a nurse until she was eight. It was tradition that she should now find a job as a servant, like many other orphan children. However, this is when we see the first piece of Moll’s intelligence when she pleads that she could be a ‘gentlewoman’ with whatever little education and work skill she has achieved so far. Soon, she becomes a celebrity and was assisted by many women and finally was taken by one of the prominent families where she grows like the other daughters of the family. So, if we look thoroughly up to this phase of Moll’s life, we see the ingenuity of her character which she keeps growing over time through the rest of the novel. As the elder son of the family becomes physically intimate with Moll, she starts to become emotionally very intimate to him. She starts to believe that she could be a wife someday in that house. However, soon she turns wrong and learns the about the harshness male dominance. Later, she marries the younger brother and gives birth to 2 children. We see Moll starts to become self-sufficient through this phase of life. She understands that if she wants to get herself as a respectable woman in the society, she requires the identity of being married to a gentleman. However, it is also interesting to observe that she still preserves a sense of dignity in her. The thought of lying with the elder brother for financial reason disgusts her. But she grows a perspective which decides her reaction to such events and let her choose the appropriate course of action to survive. She becomes aware of the physical relationship but at the same time she becomes pragmatic and marries the elder brother. Soon after the death of her first husband, she gets married to a draper. But her second marriage does not last long either as the tradesman becomes a fugitive and runs away to France. And the wealth that Moll has achieved over the period of affair with the elder brother, comes down to less than half. And this is when she falls into a strange kind of problem of having no husband despite having one. But she finds a solution by concealing her true identity and becomes a trickster to get married again. It is notable that at this stage of her life, she realizes that being honest and devoted to relationship does not always settle a woman into a society. Her love for the elder brother is real but is not enough to achieve a stable life. Life teaches her to be tricky and she tricks her step-brother to marry her by vowing him that he would still marry her even if she is penniless. After being married for the third time, Moll goes to Virginia with her husband and starts to live a happy and prosperous life. However, that does not last long as the secret is soon revealed that she has married her own half-brother. Moll’s reaction at this stage of her life is quite contrasting to the rest of her reactions previously. So far she has exposed mostly the negative aspects of her character to get a sustainable life. However, despite being happy with her step-brother, she decides to leave her. This time her moral principle wins over other consideration and she expresses her disgust over this incestuous relationship. Even her own mother cannot convince her to forget everything and live the life. So, she returns to England by leaving behind a perfect life in America. As she returns to England, she starts to live in a place called Bath, which is known more to find a mistress than a wife. After three unsuccessful marriages, Moll becomes aware that she has to be very careful about her next relationship. She meets a banker who is ready to marry her but she denies after knowing that he already has a wife who is insane. She says she would only consider marrying him if the banker can obtain a divorce. This shows the sign of her being matured over time. She also meets another man named Jemy, who becomes her fourth husband and perhaps her best match. Jemy is another trickster, like Moll herself. So, this phase of Moll’s life shows her calculated treatment to the male companions and her sensitivity in getting married. However, she and Jemy cross each other in the same game and they fitted each other rightly, and in later life it proves right. So, at this segment of her life, we see the little morals and bits of wisdom which shows the ultimate maturity of Moll Flanders. Going through the life of Moll Flanders through her first four marriages, one might say she is hard to stand. But despite her less than appealing qualities, we see the development of a woman who leads a hard fought life. Interestingly, Daniel Defoe has chosen a character of low moral as the principal protagonist of this novel which is rather uncommon. But her imperfection and the nature of fluidness in her character glorify the fight of a woman from an era when they were seen as an inferior. And through the first four marriages, we see the evolution of an ordinary girl towards sensible maturity to sustain in a society which is vulnerable for women.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Silk Road: Tea
The Silk Road was a series of historical trade routes that connected cultures of European and Asian countries. Hidden in Southwest China is a lesser-known trade route called Chamadao, literally translated as the Tea Horse Road, was a central trade route for the exchange of Tibetan horses and Chinese tea (Elaine). The route started in Southwest China, where tea was produced, led north into the Tibetan mountains and into India (Yang). Due to its economic and cultural impact, it has been dubbed the â€Å"Southern Silk Road of China†(Yang). Tea first originated from Yunnan, through China, to the rest of Asia, then to the West.In its earliest uses, tea was first used as food then concocted as medicinal brews. As more traditional tea drinking practices developed overtime. It began transmit to social hierarchy and developed status (Heiss 4,7). The origin of tea trade could be traced back to the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang dynasty, Emperor Dezong sent his supervisory official Chang Lu to visit Tibet. Chang Lu offered some boiled tea to the Tibetan king, who then asked what it was. When Chang answered, the king informed him that Tibet already had tea and had his servants show it to Chang (Yang). The Chinese were the main exporters of tea.The Tea Horse Road, or Chamadao, was a central trade route for exchanging Tibetan horses and Chinese tea. Though it is called the Tea Horse Road, other products such as salt, sugar and furs were also exchanged along this route. The increasing importance of tea in daily life led to high demand and set up many markets outside of Southern China (Whitfield 238). Tea trade further expanded after Europeans were introduced to it. Chinese Tea was traded as far as Kenya, Africa. Chamadao soon earned the title of â€Å"Southern Silk Road of China,†due to its importance in both economic and cultural aspects (Elaine).Tea played a great role in religion and politics. At the height of the tea trade’s prosperity during the Min g Dynasty, a bureau was established to manage the horse and tea trade. During that time, the Ming Court often used the tea trade as a means of maintaining political control over Tibetan leaders and lamas. Farmers paid tea as tribute, or tax to the emperor, or ruler. The tea used in such tributes determined its quality (Yang). Tea was embraced by China’s three great religionsâ€â€Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism for its perceived healthful virtues and powers of rejuvenation .The holy leaders of these religions deemed the drink as a necessity and should be consumed by all practitioners. As each of these faiths spread, so did the practice of consuming tea (Heiss 10). In short, the lesser-known Tea Horse Road had great economic and cultural impact. Its cultural exchange and prosperity is comparable to the Silk Road in historical importance. This â€Å"Southern Silk Road†is no longer in use but its legacy continues to play a crucial role in the communication and exchan ge of present cultures.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Analysis of Central Idea in Helena Maria Viramontes’ “The Moths†Essay
The short story â€Å"The Moths†by Helena Maria ViraMontes is the story of a Latina granddaughter reminiscing about her relationships between herself and family, most specifically with her grandmother, when the narrator was a teenage girl. The narrator speaks about the indifference she felt among her sisters because she feels she was not pretty enough and could not â€Å"do the girl things they could do†(ViraMontes 1118.) Furthermore she expresses that she is always in trouble and she is used to getting punished for her disruptiveness. She spends her time watching over her grandmother since her grandmother has always watched over her. Throughout the story, the grandmother progressively becomes more and more ill with cancer, while the grandaughter becomes more and more emotionally, and productively responsible. Finally the cancer kills the grandmother, and the granddaughter continues to take care of her, undressing her and washing her in the tub, as she holds her and rocks her back and forth. At this point, moths are released from the grandmother; the moths which the grandmother told the granddaughter â€Å"lay within the soul and slowly eat the spirit up†(ViraMontes 1121.) The granddaughter cries and sobs in the tub with her grandmother until her sadness transformed into relief. Later the granddaughter talks about the sun and how it cannot shine forever. It must disappear in order to reappear for the next day. She also notices that â€Å"endings are inevitable†(ViraMontes 1121) and it is necessary to be reborn. After the grandmother has passed, on the granddaughter who felt so distant from her mother, now longs to be with her, to establish a new relationship was born from the death of an old one. Therefore during emotionally challenging times, we must all be able to let our guard down, be vulnerable, and allow our emotions to own us in order to obtain peace in one’s life.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Traditional University Education verses Online Education courses Essay
Traditional University Education verses Online Education courses - Essay Example Online education, which is in the category of distance learning, involves studying via the internet (Amy, 2009). There is minimal face to face interaction because all assignments are posted, done, and submitted online. This education best fits those who would not like to disrupt their professional career or personal life. You can do your assignments while you are in your office or home. Your study schedule is done at your convenience or when time is available. Traditional and online university Education have several elements that they share, however, there are certain elements which sets them apart. When considering an educational system, factors such as credit transfer, interaction, cost and convenience are of great importance. This paper seeks to compare and contrast traditional university education system and online education program. It will compare and contrast the cost, convenience, communication means, and interaction in the two programs. Cost In both systems there is a cost t hat a student must incur. As the world economy grows, the cost of education has always been increasing. However, this factor sets apart the two systems of education. The online education is relatively cheaper than the traditional education system. In the online education system, there is no need for transport funds because you study from home or your office. The textbooks are also available online and you do not need to incur an extra cost of purchasing them. In the traditional universities you need to rent a house or pay for a hostel maybe because of the distance from your place of residence; this is not the case for online education system. A student taking an online course may not need to attend gyms and dining halls. A mother who is breastfeeding will also not require employing a baby sitter if she is attending an online class. These differences make online education system relatively cheaper. Students who are undertaking online education also have access to scholarships, grants , and loans just like their counterparts undertaking traditional education systems. Convenience The flexibility that goes with online university courses makes them more convenient than traditional university programs. Since physical presence is not compulsory you can choose your own time to study your notes or do your assignments. There is no restriction to access of your lecture notes. This module is preferred by those who are working and do not have the time to attend lectures. However, just like the traditional university module, there are deadlines for submission of assignments and without commitment you cannot succeed in this program. The student should exercise discipline and balance his professional and education time. In an online course, you can also choose the period you want to finish your course. This means that you can schedule in more courses so that you can complete your course earlier. In a traditional system, the courses and exams run at a scheduled time and it is h ard to take more courses (Best Online Universities, 2013). Communication In both systems communication between the learner and the instructor is vital. In the traditional education system, there is more face to face communication than online communication. Students meet with their instructors in class, they are taught and can ask questions and be answered. They also meet with fellow students: discuss class work, share views, and ideas and can have group work. In the other system, communication bet
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Philosophy - Essay Example Matters of fact, which are the second objects of human reason, are not ascertained in the same manner; nor is our evidence of their truth, however great, of a like nature with the foregoing... It may, therefore, be a subject worthy of curiosity, to enquire what is the nature of that evidence which assures us of any real existence and matter of fact, beyond the present testimony of our senses, or the records of our memory. This part of philosophy, it is observable, has been little cultivated, either by the ancients or moderns; and therefore our doubts and errors, in the prosecution of so important an enquiry, may be the more excusable; while we march through such difficult paths without any guide or direction... All reasonings concerning matter of fact seem to be founded on the relation of Cause and Effect. By means of that relation alone we can go beyond the evidence of our memory and senses.†In many ways, Hume’s writings represent initial steps towards an organized psychology in the West, for he was analyzing the way that the mind operates and created models of consciousness within a philosophical framework based upon the scientific method. The skepticism of Hume is targeted at traditional superstitions, common wisdom assumptions, and even religious beliefs as these may obscure what is actually real and true by biasing the mind and perception.
Business Approach to the Use of Primary and Secondary Research Essay
Business Approach to the Use of Primary and Secondary Research - Essay Example According to the research findings, Primary Market Research and Secondary Market Research are the two categories of market research. In order to get an overall adjusted and faultless depiction of the requirements, demands, and needs of your business, primary and secondary market research should ideally be used in concurrence with one another. Neither can be used as a standalone tool to gather all the vital and relevant information for a successful business plan. However, using both enables a business to gather all the required data needed to identify and reach the target market. Utilizing primary research alone, without first seeing what has or has not worked for different organizations, is liable to expedite insignificant inquiries or missed chances. In the meantime, depending singularly on secondary research is prone to disadvantage you with responses that are ambiguous or inappropriate to your particular target market. Business environment research commonly entails sociographics, market size and trends, business regulations, and demographics to develop a customer and/or competitor profile. The prime focus of primary research is to gather and unearth original data. To encompass data collection and data input and then analyze the results is vital for an effective and successful business plan attempting to reach its target audience. Primary research is conducted to acquire information about the unanswered or vague questions. In order to collect relevant data, one starts from the scratch and every step of the research process needs to be completed. It can also be said that data is collected from the real world in primary research (Penn). Using various means and strategies, a business collects data on its own or hires someone to collect data and information on its behalf.Â
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Disucssion Board 4-3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Disucssion Board 4-3 - Assignment Example Despite warning Sheila that it may not be in her best interest to disclose these records, she has refused to assert the privilege. By releasing her records, Sheila may be placing herself at a disadvantage in the sense that this involves privileged communication that is antagonistic to the system of justice. Since courts and legislatures have been reluctant to extend privilege to relationships between the counselor and the clients, the other party will be able to hold back information that ma eventually be used against Sheila. Since my obligations regarding confidentiality and privileged communication in this case are a bit unclear, I will have to consult to get some help and more information. In responding to this subpoena, the communication is priviledged, and so the judge cannot order the revelation of the information in court. As such, I will retain this right and not disclose the records, because the communication is recognized by law
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Evolutions in China Film Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Evolutions in China Film Industry - Essay Example The film industry is a dynamic sector, compelling various film industries in different countries to adopt the most recent technologies to remain relevant as far as audience satisfactions are concerned (Blythe, 2008). The main objective and criteria in the advancements of movie technologies is to improve the quality and the ability of the audience to enjoy such films, either at the cinema among other media. This discourse is about the changes or improvements in the China’s film industry, as a result of advancements of technology in the last two decades. It involves the comparisons of some selected movies produced in the last two decades and those produced as recently as this year. China mainly ventures in three categories of movies namely commercial films, propaganda films as well as art films. The three categories undergo common film production procedures but differ in the main themes behind them. Commercial movies are meant to promote regional and international businesses and this includes adverts and promotes among others (Hetzel, 2008). Propaganda movies are those employing more fictions in other words, thoughts and actions beyond human capacity. This category is the most selling. It may also include animations and sci-fi depending on the technology applied. Art films or movies are those promoting Chinese art and skills like Ti-Chi, Judo and Tae-Kwando among others (Rojas, 2007). The irony is that Chinese art films are more common in the Western world than in the country itself. This could be due to the fact that Chinese do not appreciate their practices or culture while the Western part of the world does (Zhang, 2012). Advancement in movie technologies has seen the overall improvements in film production houses for the last two decades. Some of these technologies and invented in the country while others are adopted from Europe and North America among other parts of the world (Wilkins, 2009). China first employed the VHS tape technology as the main mo vie storage tools. Movies could be recorded in such tapes then distributed for sale. The technology was helpful although it had some limitations. The tapes and tee casings were cumbersome to carry around, more so during distribution. There not long lasting and their quality could be compromised by dust or damp environment. Movies were later recorded on the DVDs which came with several advantages. DVDs are light in weight hence easy to transport, easy to manage and produces quality images compared to those recorded on the tapes. DVD technology still plays a great role in the modern Chinese movie industry. The majority who cannot afford the Cinemas can simply walk to the movie stores located in almost corner of the country and pick the favorite movie in the DVDs (Pogue, 2012). The 2012 Chinese movie industry survey indicates that about 80% of the country’s film revenue was from the local consumption. However, the technology of DVDs came with some limitations, for instance, thei r quality is greatly compromised by electromagnetic waves among other radiations. A single scratch on the DVDs may create its way to the dust bin and only few and expensive DVDs can be re-written among other limitations. Then followed the BluRay technologies, which is far much better than the DVD technology but expensive. The modern generation in China accesses their favorite movies through the digital downloads. The movie industries have collaborated with various cloud companies so that the audience can download their favorite movies anytime and from any corner of the globe at a reasonable
Monday, September 23, 2019
International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 8
International business - Essay Example In this context, the country that consists of one developed city is the new trend in global business and politics. Thus, it is interesting and important to investigate the way Singapore manages to be so prosperous. For this aim, the presented essay overviews Singapore’s open cross-border transaction conditions and explains in detail both the effect of multinational corporations and domestic government on the development of this economy. In the essence of Singapore global business strategy, dependence on trade relations creates the core of its national economy. It is common to deal with this global city as the country that has a strong tradition of protected by government imports in combination with free market economy (Lin and Ewing-Chow, 2014, p. 6). In its essence, Singaporean economy concentrates on â€Å"port, oil processing, multinational corporation manufacturing, some science-based high-tech, a service sector and a growing financial sector†(Preston, 2007, p. 15). In general, Singapore has one of the highest trade to GDP ratio in the world and relies heavily on importing goods like food, energy, and industrial raw materials (Selvam, 2003, p. 69). According to the recent statistics, Singapore is in top-15 of largest merchandise exporter in the world and has a trade to GDP ratio of 404.9 (â€Å"Starting a Trading Company,†2015). Thus, global business scenario depends on the ability of this count ry to involve foreign investments effectively. In this context, it is evident that Singapore imports all the basic goods. As for the resource base of Singapore, it is similar to Japan in the inability to rely on natural resources. As Dunning (1997) noticed, since nineteenth century, when natural resources were the foundation of development, passed, the key to economic prosperity in the twenty-first century is in ability to create the new knowledge (p. 54). And
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Importance of International Trade Essay Example for Free
Importance of International Trade Essay The buying and selling of goods and services across national borders is known as international trade. International trade is the backbone of our modern, commercial world, as producers in various nations try to profit from an expanded market, rather than be limited to selling within their own borders. There are many reasons that trade across national borders occurs, including lower production costs in one region versus another, specialized industries, lack or surplus of natural resources and consumer tastes. One of the most controversial components of international trade today is the lower production costs of developing nations. There is currently a great deal of concern over jobs being taken away from the United States, member countries of the European Union and other developed nations as countries such as China, Korea, India, Indonesia and others produce goods and services at much lower costs. Both the United States and the European Union have imposed severe restrictions on imports from Asian nations to try to stem this tide. Clearly, a company that can pay its workers the equivalent of dollars a day, as compared to dollars an hour, has a distinct selling advantage. Nevertheless, American and European consumers are only too happy to lower their costs of living by taking advantage of cheaper, imported goods. Even though many consumers prefer to buy less expensive goods, some international trade is fostered by a specialized industry that has developed due to national talent and/or tradition. Swiss watches, for example, will never be price-competitive with mass produced watches from Asia. Regardless, there is a strong market among certain consumer groups for the quality, endurance and even snob appeal that owning a Rolex, Patek-Philippe or Audemars Piguet offers. German cutlery, English bone China, Scottish wool, fine French silks such as Hermes and other such products always find their way onto the international trade scene because consumers in many parts of the world are willing to foster the importation o f these goods to satisfy their concept that certain countries are the best at making certain goods. One of the biggest components of international trade, both in terms of volume and value of goods is oil. Total net oil imports in 2005 are over 26 million barrels per day (U.S. Energy Information Administration figures) (Note: Imports include crude oil, natural gas liquids, and refined products.) At a recent average of $50 per barrel, that translates to $1billion, three hundred million, PER DAY. The natural resources of a handful of nations, most notably the nations of OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, are swept onto the international trade scene in staggering numbers each day, and consumer nations continue to absorb this flow. Other natural resources contribute to the movement of international trade, but none to the extent of the oil trade. Diamonds from Africa, both for industrial and jewelry use, wheat and other agricultural products from the United States and Australia, coal and steel from Canada and Russia, all flow across borders from these nations that have the natural resources to the nations that lack them. Despite complaints about trade imbalances, effects on domestic economies, currency upheavals, and loss of jobs, the reality of goods and services continually crossing borders will not go away. International trade will continue to be the engine that runs most nations. Information is for educational and informational purposes only and is not be interpreted as financial advice. This does not represent a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security. Please consult your financial advisor.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Methadone Pharmacology and Its Mechanism of Action
Methadone Pharmacology and Its Mechanism of Action Table of Contents (Jump to) 1. Goal 2. Aims and Objectives 3. Background 4. Methadone Pharmacology and Its Mechanism of Action 4.1 Methadone History Background 4.2 Benefits of Methadone 4.3 Deaths Involving Methadone 4.4 Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Methadone 4.4 Cytochrome P450 4.5 Cytochrome P450 Polymorphism and Adverse Drug Reactions 1. Goal Methadone is the most common and widely used drug for the opioid dependence in Ireland as in most of the countries in the E.U. Methadone treatment is undoubtedly effective however; the reports on methadone related mortalities have definitely stirred the public concern. The challenge for biotechnologists is to determine whether the application of pharmacogenomics can solve this dispute. The fact regarding any drug or opioid is that they affect different individuals in a different way. To solve this â€Å"Biological Puzzle†this case study links the role of methadone and CYP2D6 gene variations with the metaboliser status of individuals, which may serve as an adjunct in methadone related fatalities. CYP2D6 is a member of cytochrome P450 mixed oxidase system, which is involved in the metabolism of many toxicologically important drugs that commonly implicates in fatal poisoning. CYP2D6 gene is located on chromosome 22 and is highly polymorphic in nature. Single Nucleotide Polymorph ism (SNP) variation at the exon 4 position of the gene results in a single nucleotide change of G to A, which ensue in poor metabolism of the drug. This variation is amongst 5 to 10% of the Caucasian population. 2. Aims and Objectives The specific aims of this report are as follows: Describe the methadone pharmacology and its mechanism of action, which will include the pharmacokinetics and the pharmacodynamics of the drug. The role of cytochrome P450 in the metabolism of methadone. The focus will be on the genetic polymorphism and the adverse drug reaction. This research will further investigate on methadone’s safety profile and mortalities associated with the drug. 3. Background Methadone is a synthetic opioid, invented during the Second World War (White Torres, 2010). The first chemical synthesis of the drug was in 1939 at the pharmaceutical laboratories of I.G. Farbenkonzern, Germany. Methadone was introduced to the market during 1960’s and since then it is one of the most valued drug which has proved its effectiveness from the prevention of abstinence syndrome that occurs after rapid interruption of continuous opioid administration (Zweben Payte, 1990; Dole Nyswander, 1965). Methadone is also one of the most common medications administered for the treatment of heroin addiction, however; there are many fatal poisonings reported over the years (Bunten et al 2010). Methadone is a liposoluble basic drug, often administered orally as a racemic mixture of two enantiomers i.e. R-Met and S-Met (Garrido Troconiz, 2000). It has a long plasma elimination half-life that lies between 13 and 55 hours and a high bioavailability of 70% 90% when administered orally (Moffet et al, 2004). It is extensively metabolised in liver and is converted into its primary metabolite which is 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) (Crettol, Monnat Eap, 2007) and 2-ethyl-5-methyl-3,3-diphenyl-1-pyrroline (EMDP) (Lugo et al, 2005). Blood methadone concentration in drug tolerant individuals reaches >0.84 mg/l, whereas in cases of fatality or poisoning concentrations typically range from 0.4 mg/l to 1.8 mg/l. Fatalities have also been reported with concentrations as low as 0.05 mg/l which is significantly lower than the average concentration in blood (Caplehorn, Drummer Fatal, 2002). Studies suggests that the largest patient associated deaths are during t he drug induction phase, when either individual drug tolerance is overestimated or the presence of other drugs are also found in the system (Bunten et al 2010; CSAT, 2004). The revolutions in the molecular techniques in postgenomic era provide us a significant platform for the diagnostics and clinical purposes. Pharmacogenomics is the study of the impact of heritable traits on pharmacology and toxicology that acts as bridge to certify opioid fatalities (Wong et al 2002). The significant inter-individual variation in blood methadone concentrations and individual susceptibility to methadone toxicity might be explained through genetic variations of the genes encoding the drug metabolism enzymes. Pharmacogenomics acts as the linkage between an individual’s genotype and individual’s ability to metabolise a foreign compound (Linder, Prough Valdes 1997). Most xenobiotics, including therapeutic drugs, are metabolised by cytochromes P450 to some extent (Guengerich, 2006). The metabolism of these drugs results in detoxification and elimination of drug or activation of the prodrug to its biologically active form. Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) shows a wide interindividual variation in their protein expression and/or catalytic activity, which results in unique drug metabolism (Jannetto et al 2002). Among the P450 subfamilies, CYP2D6 plays a critical role in determining the response to several drug groups/families (Sadee 1999). CYP2D6 gene encodes a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily of enzymes. The cytochrome P450 proteins are mono-oxygenases, consisting of more than 30 enzymes (Schur et al 2001) which catalyze many reactions involved in drug metabolism. This protein localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and is known to metabolise as many as 20% of commonly prescribed drugs. CYP2D6 gene substrates include debrisoquine (Wennerholm et al, 1999) an adrenergic-blocking drug; sparteine and propafenone, both anti-arrythmic drugs; and amitryptiline, an anti-depressant. CYP2D6 gene is highly polymorphic in population (Neafsey et al, 2009); certain alleles result in the poor metaboliser phenotype, characterized by a decreased ability to metabolise the enzymes substrates. The polymorphism is due to multiple mutations of the gene, which result in absent, functionally deficient, under-expressed or over-expressed protein (Shiran et al, 2003). The gene is located near two cytochrome P450 pseudogenes on chromosome 22q13.1 (Gouch et al, 1993). Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene (Toscano et al, 2006). CYP2D6 is a polypeptide of 497 amino acids that accounts for only small a percentage of all hepatic P450s but its role in drug metabolism is extensively higher than its relative content (Zanger et al, 2010). 4. Methadone Pharmacology and Its Mechanism of Action 4.1Methadone History Background Methadone was introduced to the market in 1960’s (Serban, 2011; Liebrenz et al, 2010). The drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1947 as an analgesic; by 1950 it was used for the treatment of painful symptoms from heroin withdrawal and other opioids (SAMSHA, 2004). In 1964, researchers discovered that continuous, daily maintenance doses of oral methadone allowed opioid-addicted patients to function more normally in the process of their recovery (Payte, 1991; Zweben and Payte, 1990; Dole, 1988; Gearing and Schweitzer, 1974). Fig: 2 Methadone Chemical Structure Methadone in the modern medicine is used both as an analgesic for severe pain relief as well as in the treatment of opioid dependence (Rowley, 2011; Potter, 2010). Many scientific articles reviewed methadone to be the currently preferred drug of choice for the treatment of opioid dependence in many countries, including the U.K. (Nosyk et al, 2010; Verster and Buning, 2000). Fredheim et al, (2008) in their review reported that currently, methadone has had a renaissance in the treatment of pain because it has proven its usefulness as a second line drug in opioid switching when other opioids fail to show their effectiveness. Methadone has also been found to be the valued medication for its effectiveness in reducing the number of deaths associated with opioid addiction as well as various medical and behavioural prevalence of diseases associated with addictive disorders (Maxwell, Pullum Tannert 2005; Sheilds et al. 2007). However, the news headlines of many prominent newspapers including the New York Times and the Washington Times, in 2002 and 2003 hyped its publicity by reporting the opioid medications were the major cause of deaths in drug abuse treatment (Belluck, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c; Associated Press, 2002; Washington Times, 2003). New York Times even mentioned methadone as a â€Å"Killer Drug†which is widely abused and dangerous (Washington Times, 2003). After these issues it was decided by the U.N. to put methadone in the class of controlled drug. Methadone was declared in a controlled drug category by the United Nations convention and placed under the controlled substances (â€Å"narcotics†) by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 (Single Convention) (Bosnjak et al,2011). However, it can only be prescribed in the UK, as in most countries, by prescription till present (Verster Buning, 2000; CSAT 200b). 4.2 Benefits of Methadone Methadone is one of the most preferred drugs not only in Ireland but also across several continents around the globe. In the report published by European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addition (EMCDDA), there is a seven fold increase in the opioid treatment between 19993 -2000. The drug is widely recognised amongst doctors and patients due to its several socio-economic reasons. It is observed that there is a significant decrease in the crime graph and a noticeable increase in the employment services amongst the patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment. No doubt, there is a reduction in illicit drug use by the opiate users and increase in social integration is one of the benefits of methadone. In addition, methadone also helps in reducing morbidity and mortality among opiate users. 4.3 Deaths Involving Methadone Methadone is a highly potent drug for the treatment of opioid dependence and acts as an analgesic for second line management of chronic pain. However, increase in mortality due to methadone administration has instigated controversies regarding the drug use (Lowe, Brooks Petry, 2010; Bunten et al 2010). Law enforcement agencies in the United States (U.S.) and the Drug abuse Warning Network (DAWN) ranked methadone as the third most apprehended analgesic used in the treatment of pain management, fourth among all controlled pharmaceuticals, and eighth among all controlled substances (Fig:2.1.1) (SAMSHA, 2007). Various researches conducted amongst patients undergoing addiction treatment shows that the majority of methadone related deaths occur during the drug induction phase. Post-mortem sample predicts either an overestimation of the drug or combined usage of various other central nervous system (CNS) depressant in addition to the prescribed methadone (Bunten et al, 2010; Lowe, Johnson Petry, 2007). Fig: Methadone as the third most apprehended analgesic, fourth among all controlled pharmaceuticals, and eighth among all controlled substances (SAMASHA, 2007) The side effects associated with methadone overdose includes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, clouding of consciousness and pruritus (itching) (Davis Walsh, 2001). However, the primary toxic effect of excessive methadone is respiratory depression and hypoxia, sometimes accompanied by pulmonary edema and/or aspiration pneumonia (White and Irvine, 1999; Harding-Pink, 1993). Methadone related deaths during later phases of the additiction treatment mainly signify the presence of other illicit drugs. Researchers generally use the term â€Å"poison cocktail†describing the fatality due to intake of multiple psychotropic drugs (Borron, et al., 2001) such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, and other opioids. Several opioids when used or prescribed alone are relatively moderate respiratory depressants; however, when combined with methadone, their additive or synergistic effects can be lethal (Kramer, 2003; Payte and Zweben, 1998). Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program a subsidiary of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirms 1,114 cases of methadone-associated fatalities in adults from 1970 through 2002. Critically, a greater number of deaths were reported in 2001 alone than during the entire period from1990 through 1999; the number doubled itself in 2002. In the U.K. 225 individuals died whilst undergoing methadone treatment in 1993. In 1997, data confirms 449 deaths due to the same cause. However, the mortality graph went down in 2001 by reporting 279 deaths caused by methadone but in 2002, it again rose to 316. Therefore, we can conclude that there is no regular trend in methadone related deaths. However, Corkery et al (2004), mentions that it is always not necessary for methadone to be the cause of death even according to the death certificate of the individuals. In an individual study, methadone was detected in the post-mortem blood of 352 unexplained sudden deaths in Scotland between 1 991 and 2001. 23 % of these deaths were not directly linked with methadone. However, there were other drugs and/or alcohol found in the blood sample of the individuals. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (CSAT) in 2004 states that all methadone related poisoning eventually leads to cardio-toxicity and respiratory depression. Methadone deaths expressed as Percent of all poisoning deaths (CSAT, 2007). United States Poison Control Centres states that the overall number of opioid-related deaths has been on the rise, with many cases involving other opioids that include oxycodone and hydrocodone (Litovitz, et al., 2002; Florida Department of Law Enforcement, 2002) 4.4 Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Methadone Methadone is a liposoluble basic drug with a pKa of 9.2 and is usually administered orally as a recemic mixture of two enantiomers: R-methadone (R-Met) and S-methadone (S-Met) (Fig.2.2) (Trescot, 2010). The plasma half-life of the drug is highly variable and is between 13 and 55 hours but it is usually assumed to be an average of 25 hours (Letsky et al, 2011; Albion et al, 2010; Wolff et al, 2002). The bioavailability is 70% to 90% when administered orally (Bunten et al, 2010; Lowe, Brooks Petry, 2010). Studies indicate that in drug naive individuals, a single dose of methadone can show its clinical effects up to 72 hours in duration (Olsen et al, 1997). However, the peak plasma concentration reaches in 2 to 4 hours. The analgesic effect of the drug sets in about 15 minute after the subcutaneous injection (Eap et al, 2002). The chemical structure of r-(-)-methadone and s-(+)-methadone (asterisk (*) denotes chiral centre). There is a wide distribution of methadone amongst tissues, which generally range from 60 to 90%. As a result, the drug shows slow elimination and cumulative effect. Methadone is mostly metabolised in liver. The primary metabolite of the drug is 2-ethylidene-1, 5- dimethyl-3, 3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) (Fig) (Bunten et al, 2010) and to some extent 3, 3-diphenyl-1-pyrroline (EMDP) (Corkery et al, 2004). However, both of these metabolites are inactive and elimination of these inactive metabolies is through urine and faeces. Anggard and Inturrisi et al. (1975) (1990) mentioned that as a result of the basic (pKa =9.2) and lipophylic properties, methadone undergoes a hepatic metabolism and renal excretion. Fig: 4 Metabolic Conversion of Methadone to EDDP 4.4 Cytochrome P450 Cytochrome P450 (P450) is a large superfamily of enzymes. The origin of P450’s superfamily is since prokaryotes much before the existence of eukaryotes (Omura, 2010). The gene P450, commonly known as â€Å"CYP†is present in the genomes of virtually all organisms. Moreover, studies suggest that heme proteins are the building blocks of CYP450 enzymes. These enzymes play a crucial role in the metabolism of the various xenobiotics, steroids and other chemicals. Most of the drugs and chemicals are lipophilic to become more water soluble before excretion. Therefore, P450 superfamily of hemoproteins serves as terminal oxidases of the mixed function oxidase system (Wrighton and Stevens, 1992). The heme prosthetic group binds oxygen after electron transfer reactions from the reduced form of 24 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). This reaction incorporates a single atom of molecular oxygen into a substrate with the concomitant reduction of the other atom to wate r (Synder, 2000; Omura, 1999). In cytochrome P450, ‘P’ denotes the pigment and the number ‘450’ is the spectral properties for the absorption band at 450 nm of the reduced CO-bound complex (Benhardt, 2006; Reichhart Feyereisen, 2000). However, according to the nomenclature society, the term â€Å"CYP†is followed by number of families which are generally group of proteins with more than 40% amino-acid sequence identity, a letter for subfamilies and a number for the gene e.g. – CYP2D6. Studies indicate that P450 superfamily is highly diverse (Mathew, 2010). Diversity of P450’s is mainly due to the extensive process of gene duplications. However, gene amplifications, conversions, genome duplications, gene loss, and lateral transfers are certain scenarios that are less documented. 4.5 Cytochrome P450 Polymorphism and Adverse Drug Reactions Drugs affect different individuals in a different way. Genetic variations, which affect the response of the drug metabolism, can be of the most probable reasons (Mayer Zanger, 1997). Johansson Sunderberg (2010) also reported that the difference in drug metabolism among individuals might be due to several factors e.g. epigenetic, pathophysiological, or it might be due to some environmental factors. In a population, genetic polymorphism is divided according to individual ability to perform drug transformation reaction (Srivastava, 2003). Moreover, polymorphic trait is also noticed due to certain mutation in the genes and/or a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) which results in the enzyme variation and leads towards higher or lower activity. As a result, there is a partial or complete absence of an enzyme protein in the system. (FIG:) Fig: Polymorphism of Drug Metabolism Enzymes (Evans Relling, 1999). As we can see from the above figure that the genetic polymorphism applies for a wide range of drugs and xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes. Identification of these variations were by the occurrence of adverse reactions after normal doses of drugs in patients or volunteers. In adverse drug reactions, drug-drug interactions have its key role. In fact, adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are one of the major causes of death which is reported in many scientific articles, reviews and even government scripts. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMSHA) (2007), there is a record of approximately 100,000 deaths in the United States due to drug toxicity. In addition, Eichelbaum et al., (2006) stated that ADRs is also responsible for up to 7% of hospitalizations and the number has increased to > 30% in the elderly population (> 70 years of age) (Paul et al., 2008). ADRs mainly affect cardiac function or cause liver toxicity (Need et al., 2005). The CYP families metabolises approximately, 75% of all clinically used drugs (Bertz and Granneman, 1997; Evans and Relling, 1999).The human genome contains 115 CYP genes, out of which 57 are found to be functional and the rest are reported as pseudogenes (Johansson Sundberg, 2010; Wang et al,2003). Among CYP families, there are 22 different P450 isoforms, which shows a high degree of polymorphism. Therefore, we can divide the polymorphic xenobiotic metabolizing CYP enzymes into two classes according to their interindividual susceptibility for xenobiotics: Class I: Composed of CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2E1, and CYP3A4 without important functional polymorphism and active in metabolism of drugs. Class II: Composed of CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP2D6, which are highly polymorphic and are important for the metabolism of drugs.
Friday, September 20, 2019
APN Professional Business Plan
APN Professional Business Plan Yinusa Moshood Adeyemi Introduction As advanced practice nurses (APN), we have invested a lot of time and money in our education and seeking knowledge around. We have gone through dealing with the state laws and nurse practice acts, also gone through the principle of autonomy / collaborative approach of practice with physician depending on the state of practice. We are at the point where our career is at the turning point. Most people are in the nursing profession because of the passion they have for it, but we need to cater for our daily needs and family. At this stage, we are able to decide if we are going to establish a business or work for someone. Moving forward in the business like direction, there is a necessity for a business plan which will be further discussed in this writing. Who is being referred to in the business proposal is the Advanced Practice Nurse (Nurse practitioner). What they do is to work independently or in collaboration with a physician to fulfill their practice obligations which may include bu t not limited to evaluating patients via physical thorough assessment (either head to toe or focused), they have prescriptive privileges, and are also able to interprete common laboratory orders. They can order labs if they need further clarification with a current lab value, and so forth. In the state of Illinois, it is mandated that collaboration with a physician is a requirement of practice to be fulfilled. This paper will address the steps and documentation procedures that will be fulfilled to establish a mini clinic in the south side of Chicago neighborhood. Why this is being done is to fulfill the requirement of the APN professional business plan requirement and also to have an insight to what it takes to set up a clinic after licensure as an APN with practice privileges. Description of proposed APN business profile Proposed vision statement Our vision is to bring quality and affordable healthcare to Chicagos south side neighborhood. South Chicago clinic is aspiring to bring special healthcare services, health educational programs (primary preventive measures) as well as personal health and wellness programs to the south side Chicago population where there are a lot of populations of low class income families, helping them to meet their basic health needs and to engage in active primary health care practice. South Chicago clinic will be located in the Chicago neighborhood on the Chicago’s Southside; it will enhance the community with specialized care for the low class populations in the city and also the people in need. Proposed services South Chicago clinic is an affordable clinic that will be situated amid south side of Chicago neighborhood that will be especially dedicated to meet the exceptional needs of the low income populace. Proposing to bring services like vaccination, wellness visits, physical visits, health screenings, periodic health assessments and tests, minor injury treatments and so forth. Proposed services will be cheap and affordable. Most preventive medicine approaches helps early detection of diseases and prevent the expensive cost of complications treatment regimen, because prevention is better than cure. Proposed process for obtaining all anticipated registrations According to the information published on the website of, an article titled â€Å"How to get a DUNS number and CCR- 10 steps†, they laid out the guidelines and steps required to get these credentials. The steps are as follows:- Step 1 was identified as the planning stage. This is the step that all the paperwork will be gathered. As it is known that proper planning will prevent poor performance. This is the step where the name and address of the clinic, trade style, contact phone number and fax, number of anticipated employees, management team, EIN/TIN information which will correlates with the clinic`s tax paperwork and so forth. After all these planning have been done, step 2 involves contacting the company that issues the DUN number is next (Dun and Bradstreet). They can be reached via phone or online at 866-705-5711 or respectively. The other steps involve providing the required information, obtaining a free DUNS number and creating a central contractor registration via A 3 to 5 days processing / wait time is needed to complete the registration paperwork. Other registration paperwork such as CLIA, EIN, MPIN, NPI, NAICS, SBA, TPIN and so forth will be contracted to a professional business consulting firm due to the nature of its complexity and being on the safe side to avoid mistakes. Presentation of proposed APN service delivery The proposed / anticipated staffing teams are as follows:- Jimmy Khan OTR/L, member and partner Jimmy khan has been an occupational therapist for 15 years and has a graduate degree in Occupational therapy. Before the agreement to entering into this current partnership, Jimmy have extensive practice experience working as an occupational therapist. He started as an occupational therapy assistant before he made the decision to go back to school to obtain a degree in occupational therapy. In recent years, Jimmy is pursuing his doctoral program at the University of Chicago and currently retains a position as a consultant to a rehab facility in a nearby Chicago suburb. The need of an occupational therapy office space in our clinic cannot be underestimated. They will be in place to help stroke (cerebrovascular accident) victims regain their optimal functioning ability to assimilate with the community. Yinusa Moshood-Adeyemi RN, MSN (executive track) Clinical Coordinator and Clinical Compliance Officer (Co-owner) Adeyemi will be the Clinical Coordinator of south shore clinic and will be responsible for day to day clinical operations and compliance. Operating as an independent provider (Advanced Practice Nurse) with the collaborative agreement with Dr. Taiwo (hospitalist). Adeyemi will be working to make sure that quality and competent care will be readily accessible to the member of the south Chicago community. A care that will also be cost-effective and affordable. Adeyemi has 4 years of managing the operations of a home health business and also over 2 years of experience as a registered nurse. This is coupled with 4 years of military training and leadership experience. Dr. Taiwo will be the collaborative practice physician. Studied in Nigeria and moved to the United States 9 years ago. After passing his USMLE, he has been in in practice for 6 years. Works as a house physicians in couple of hospitals and he is willing to have a collaborative practice agreement due to state practice act. Consultants (Legal Counsel and Attorney) Jumbo consulting group provides clients in diverse industries, improve performance, complying with complex regulations, recover from distress leverage technology and statement growth. They will be taking care of other registration paperwork such as CLIA, EIN, MPIN, NPI, NAICS, SBA, TPIN and so forth due to the nature of its complexity and being on the safe side to avoid mistakes. Staffing South Chicago clinic staffing will be composed of (1) occupational therapist and (3) occupational therapy assistants. Also, there is a physician, a Medical assistant, a receptionist, a license practice nurse, a nurse practitioner and a physician. We will also be opened to giving people volunteer opportunities. Funding for this project will be obtained from bank loans. There are 2 banks that are willing to help fund this prospective business plan, Chase bank and Navy federal credit union. Hoping to get referral for patients having Medicare and Medicaid. In conclusion, the professional business of an APN requires credentialing and organizational business skills. Basic credentialing paperwork will be taking care of and the complex business documentations will be contracted to a consulting firm. Due to the nature and requirement of the Illinois practice act for advanced practice nurse, a collaborative agreement will be signed (contract) with a physician to fulfill licensure and credentialing requirement. The clinic will be located in the south side of Chicago neighborhood known to have high numbers of low class income. Affordable, competent, and quality healthcare are all included in the primary motives of the clinic and its location. The source of funding for the clinic is by loans from two different banks. Repayment of loans is set up to be completed in about 7 years if everything work out as planned. References How to Get a DUNS Number and CCR – 10 Steps. (2011, February 2).. Retrieved June 13, 2014, from
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Myth of the Old West Essays -- American History, Cowboys
Over the years, the idea of the western frontier of American history has been unjustly and falsely romanticized by the movie, novel, and television industries. People now believe the west to have been populated by gun-slinging cowboys wearing ten gallon hats who rode off on capricious, idealistic adventures. Not only is this perception of the west far from the truth, but no mention of the atrocities of Indian massacre, avarice, and ill-advised, often deceptive, government programs is even present in the average citizen’s understanding of the frontier. This misunderstanding of the west is epitomized by the statement, â€Å"Frederick Jackson Turner’s frontier thesis was as real as the myth of the west. The development of the west was, in fact, A Century of Dishonor.†The frontier thesis, which Turner proposed in 1893 at the World’s Columbian Exposition, viewed the frontier as the sole preserver of the American psyche of democracy and republicanism by co mpelling Americans to conquer and to settle new areas. This thesis gives a somewhat quixotic explanation of expansion, as opposed to Helen Hunt Jackson’s book, A Century of Dishonor, which truly portrays the settlement of the west as a pattern of cruelty and conceit. Thus, the frontier thesis, offered first in The Significance of the Frontier in American History, is, in fact, false, like the myth of the west. Many historians, however, have attempted to debunk the mythology of the west. Specifically, these historians have refuted the common beliefs that cattle ranging was accepted as legal by the government, that the said business was profitable, that cattle herders were completely independent from any outside influence, and that anyone could become a cattle herder. In order to p... the American government and rightfully rebelled. This rebellion, unlike the others, was successful, as Red Cloud forced the Bozeman Trail to be closed. Nonetheless, it demonstrates the American Government’s oppression of Native Americans. All in all, the treatment of the American Indian during the expansion westward was cruel and harsh. Thus, A Century of Dishonor conveys the truth about the frontier more so than the frontier thesis. Additionally, the common beliefs about the old west are founded in lies and deception. The despair that comes with knowing that people will continue to believe in these false ideas is epitomized by Terrell’s statement, â€Å"Perhaps nothing will ever penetrate the haze of puerile romance with which writers unfaithful to their profession and to themselves have surrounded the westerner who made a living in the saddle†(Terrell 182).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Las Vegas :: essays research papers
Where I’ve been†¦ Well not exactly      The sunshine of a new evening beats down on me as I drive perpendicular towards the horizon. The sweet chill of an empty environment hits me like the patter of rain on an air conditioner. All the confidence in the world has carried me here, to the ultimate test of will.      I come to halt at a cul-de-sac and leave my horse with the snide caretaker. Up the astro felt steps into the palace of give or take I go. The warmth of a thousand bodies surrounds me as I streamline through the darkly lit corridor full of multi-colored fairies. I come across the gaping pit full of a paradox of souls. Every emotion under the sun is in front of me: anger to the left, joy to the right, heightened libido in front.      Upon entering the pit a temptress calls my attention and tells me my friend Jack is around. â€Å"Do you want to see him?†she says. â€Å"Why of course†I reply with no hesitation. After a couple of moments, the temptress returns with Jack, I pay her for her services and me and Jack get reacquainted after what seemed like a long separation. Jack and me hit it off like old times; we talked for what seemed like hours as we dashed through the aisles of the cold, damp labyrinth. Finally, I stumble upon the first puzzle in my adventure. I look down and notice that Jack has disappeared and is nowhere to be found. I decide to forge ahead and begin to run the gauntlet of chance. I stare down the black eyed Minetaur and stand my ground as the red and black daggers fall short on the oak in front of me. After a short battle, the Minetaur prevails and I am sent on my way to the next challenge in this maze of darkness. The Indian gives me a cold stare as I rattle the rocks and toss them across the plain in search of gratification. His demeanor never changed as I strike the first blow in the war. A second toss of the rocks shows that he is incapable of outsmarting me; I shall double my confidence, and bring him down. Another toss of the rocks†¦the redskin smiles, I bellow, in defeat and I am ushered along to my last chance of redemption. I wade through the murky blue waters below me and head towards my skirmish with the machine.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Product Life Cycle of Nutri-Grain Essay
* The brand was first introduced in the United States in 1991 for a breakfast cereal bars consisting of fruit filling covered in a crust without added sugar. * There were four varieties initially (rye, corn, barley and wheat); later these were reduced to corn and wheat * There are various Nutri-Grain Bars made from the breakfast cereal bonded together, available in the markets where the cereal is available. The bars became popular in the 1990s as an â€Å"on-the-go†food. * In the United States the Nutri-Grain Bar name is used for the soft golden baked crust breakfast bars made with wheat, whole-grain, and oats. Product Development Nutri-Grain was developed in 1980 by Kellogg’s Company which was already successful in making cereal that people enjoyed. Kellogg’s wanted to produce a on to go cereal breakfast bar that was healthy and was filling. Introduction Nutri-Grain was launched in 1997 and was instantly a hit among the middle class population who had little time to spare and need food on the go. It gained almost 50% of share of the growing cereal bar market in just two years. In just 1997 they had sold about 4,000 tons of cereal bars. In 1997 they made of a soft crust with a fruit filling inside. They were popular amongst both adults and children. Nutri-Grain was advertised on T.V, magazines and newspapers Growth During the growth stage, Nutri- Grains sales climbed rapidly as more people overseas became aware of the product. The product became very popular in Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. The growth and profit was short lived as sales started to die out. The product looked like it was going into decline without even going into the maturity stage. The growth stage lasted for a year in 1999 Maturity In 2000 Kellogg’s decided to increase profits and bring back the sales that they were starting to lose. They introduced a new type of cereal bar called Twists which were essentially 2 small soft bakes with different flavors twisted into one bar. This worked because the sales rose again, this lasted for about for another year
Monday, September 16, 2019
Any Help
Review Sheets for Chapter 20. 1 1. Assuming the following reaction proceeds in the forward direction, 3 Sn4+(aq) + 2 Cr(s) ? 3 Sn2+(aq) + 2 Cr3+(aq) 4+ a. Sn (aq) is the reducing agent and Cr(s) is the oxidizing agent. b. Cr(s) is the reducing agent and Sn2+(aq) is the oxidizing agent. c. Sn4+(aq) is the reducing agent and Sn2+(aq) is the oxidizing agent. d. Cr(s) is the reducing agent and Cr3+(aq) is the oxidizing agent. e. Cr(s) is the reducing agent and Sn4+(aq) is the oxidizing agent. 2. The following reaction occurs spontaneously. H+(aq) + Ca(s) ? Ca2+(aq) + H2(g) Write the balanced oxidation half-reaction. a. 2 H+(aq) + 2 e– ? H2(g) b. 2 H+(aq) ? H2(g) + 2 e– c. H2(g) ? 2 H+(aq) + 2 e– d. Ca(s) + 2 e– ? Ca2+(aq) e. Ca(s) ? Ca2+(aq) + 2 e– 3. Write a balanced half-reaction for the reduction of CrO42–(aq) to Cr(OH)3(s) in a basic solution. a. CrO42–(aq) + 3 OH–(aq) + 3 e– ? Cr(OH)3(s) + 2 O2(g) b. CrO42–(aq) + 3 H+(aq) + 3 e– ? Cr(OH)3(s) c. CrO42–(aq) + 3 H+(aq) ? Cr(OH)3(s) + 2 e– d. CrO42–(aq) + 4 H2O( ) + 3 e– ? Cr(OH)3(s) + 5 OH–(aq) e.CrO42–(aq) + 3 OH–(aq) ? Cr(OH)3(s) + 2 O2(g) 4. Write a balanced chemical equation for the oxidation of Cd(s) by concentrated nitric acid, producing NO2(g) and Cd2+(aq). a. HNO3(aq) + Cd(s) ? Cd2+(aq) + NO2(g) + OH–(aq) b. 2 HNO3(aq) + Cd(s) ? Cd2+(aq) + 2 NO2(g) + 2 OH–(aq) c. HNO3(aq) + Cd(s) + H+(aq) ? Cd2+(aq) + NO2(g) + H2O( ) d. 4 HNO3(aq) + Cd(s) ? Cd2+(aq) + 2 NO2(g) + 2H2O( ) + 2 NO3–(aq) e. HNO3(aq) + Cd(s) ? Cd2+(aq) + NO2(g) Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 2. 3. 4. ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: E E D D
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Economy of Russia Essay
Russia as a country has transformed significantly since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The economy has changed from a globally-isolated, centrally-planned economy to a more globally-integrated market based economy. The economy of Russia has gone through fluctuations since then to emerge as the eight largest by its purchasing power parity (PPP) in 2009 estimates (CIA, 2010). The Russian economy is largely dependent on the export of raw materials and natural resources, specifically oil and gas. Other resources include precious minerals, fishing, and agriculture. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has undergone two major economic crises. They are the 1998 Russian Financial Crisis and the 2008 Russian Financial Crisis which was a part of the 2008 Global Economic Crisis. This article will examine the performance of the Russian economy after the two crises. In addition, the article will evaluate the current performance of the economy of Russia. The 1998 Russian Economic Crisis After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia undertook major economic reforms to transform its economy closed centrally planned socialist economy into a capitalistic market economy. According to the CIA Factbook, the most notable economic reforms in the 1990s were the privatization of enterprises that belonged to the state and the removal of Soviet price controls. The CIA notes further that the rapid privatization of the state enterprises (except in defense and energy related sectors) essentially handed over the enterprises to a few politically connected individuals popularly referred to as ‘the Russian oligarchs’ making equity ownership concentrated to a few. It was during this time that Pinto, Gurvich, and Ulatov noted that the country was plagued with corruption, financial manipulations, and capital looting (capital flight). In 1997, the Asian Financial Crisis began and this led to the fall in commodity prices. As the crisis spread economies heavily dependent on exports were highly affected. Russia’s economy being heavily dependent on world prices was hit hard. Pinto et al point out that the exchange rate of the ruble against the foreign currency was artificially fixed and the subsequent fiscal deficit accelerated the crisis. During the Asian Financial Crisis, the demand for oil and minerals declined and this affected the foreign currency reserves for the country. Poor management of the situation such as Russia’s Central Bank maintenance of the Ruble within a narrow range in the middle of the crisis by using the available foreign reserves made the situation worse. The poor measures resulted in the investors pulling off and inflation rising to over 80 per cent. The bail out offered by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank did not help the situation. Several banks closed and the government debt increased considerably. The 2008 Russian Economic Crisis The Russian economic crisis of 2008 was an extension of the global economic crisis 2008-2009. A report prepared by the World Bank pointed out that although the Russian economy was better prepared to withstand the financial crisis, its dependence on export of limited commodities made it succumb to the crisis. According to the report, the crisis caused a decrease in capital flows as investors withdrew across the world markets, the credit crunch affected the banking system in Russia, the decrease in demand for oil eroded the fiscal and foreign reserves of the country, and the stock market suffered from the uncertainty of demand for oil (4). The International Monetary Fund noted that anti-crisis measures such as the states guarantee on loans to support the banking sector, the cutting of the interest rate by the Russian Central Bank, and the states support for the housing and car manufacturing helped in managing the crisis. Recession of the Russian economy slowed down and the economy has shown positive signs for recovery although slower than before the crisis. After going through the 1998 economic crisis, Russia undertook some policy and structural reforms with aim of cushioning the Russian economy against such a crisis as well as promoting economic growth and development. The structural reforms were necessary to create regulatory and institutional conditions for business and reduce the administrative risks. Some of the measures that were taken to counter the crisis, according to the World Bank (18- ) include devaluation of the ruble, cash infusion in to the market, tax reforms, privatization, and review of international trade policy. When the ruble was devalued, there was a sudden increase in the price of imported commodities but the move benefited the local industries and they were able to pay off their debts. The local enterprises also benefited from the cash infusion by the state, which in turn led to an increase in the demand for Russian commodities and services. The tax reforms were aimed at creating an enabling environment to stimulate the resumption of economic growth by reducing the tax burden. The reforms were aimed at corporate profit tax, VAT, and the removal of tax privileges that were not justified. The privatization process identified corporations that were to be privatized in 1999 and others in 2000. The international trade policy required reviewing to take into account the devalued ruble and the fluctuating price and demand for oil and raw materials. The Russian government also introduced the stabilization fund to hedge against the fluctuating international oil prices. The recovery from the crisis was however accelerated by the rise in international demand and price of oil. The Russian economy had fallen due to decrease in demand for oil and when the demand rose, the economy started to recover. 2008 Economic Crisis The government of Russia undertook intervention measures to manage the recent economic crisis and ensure that the country was on the way back to economic growth that had been achieved prior to the crisis. Some of the measures taken by the government were injecting funds and supporting the market. The government also offered bail outs for local corporations that relied heavily on foreign investment and hence highly susceptible to the changes in the global market. In addition, the government undertook further tax measures that saw the profit tax reduced to enable the corporations to remain operational. The government lifted import tariffs on industrial equipments to enable the rejuvenation of the affected companies. In a similar scenario to the 1998 crisis, the comeback of the Russian economy occurred after the increase in the international demand for oil. Current Russian Economic Status and Future Prospects According to the IMF, the economy of Russia has recovered from decline but is yet to recover to the levels that it had achieved prior to the crisis. The IMF projects that the Russian economy will 3. 6 per cent in 2010 up from a low of negative 7. 5 per cent. Russian economy is highly susceptible to economic crises due to its overdependence on the commodity markets. This has been evident from the two economic crises that have hit the country since the fall of the Soviet Union. Therefore, for the Russian economy to grow and cushion itself against the fluctuating international prices for commodities there is an urgent need to diversify the composition of the economy. The government of Russia has already taken measures such as investing in the information sector and has risen to become the world third largest software exporter as well as outsourcing. In addition, the government has encouraged the development of agriculture and manufacturing industry through technological and organizational modernization. The agriculture has improved with Russia becoming a net grain exporter rather than a net grain importer as was the case a few years ago. The economic reforms that have been undertaken by the Russian government have the ability to promote the development of a stable economy in the future. Russia is set to gain from the structural reforms that have been instituted and with the vast richness in natural resources and economic diversification, the Russian economy is set to grow and stabilize. References Pinto, B, Gurvich, E and Ulatov, S. â€Å"Lessons from the Russian Crisis of 1998 and Recovery†The World Bank. 2004 â€Å"Russia†CIA World Factbook. 28 April, 2010. 11 May, 2010. â€Å"Russian Federation†The International Monetary Fund. N. d 11 May 2010. < http://www. imf. org/external/country/rus/rr/> â€Å"Russian Federation†The World Bank. 2010. 11 May 2010. < http://web. worldbank. org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/ECAEXT/RUSSIANFEDERATIONEXTN/0, menuPK: 305605~pagePK: 141159~piPK: 141110~theSitePK: 305600, 00. html>
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Corporate governance: Business Issues and Ethics
Q1. Q1.Corporate administration is defined the procedure, such as the procedures of end definition and control, by which stockholders seek to guarantee that ‘their’ company is run in conformity with their purposes. In a broader sense, it comprises all histrions that contribute to the accomplishment of stakeholder ends outdoors and inside the company. In the narrow sense, it comprises the direction and stockholders of the company as the chief histrions.In public-listed organisation, corporate administration is needed because there is a principal-agent relation arose by the separation of ownership and control. The relationship is delicate due to being non framed in a contract. The followers will analyze: The stockholders have some rights, for illustration, vote in the general meeting, selling their stock and actioning the directors for misconduct. Besides, directors are duty for pull offing the belongings of stockholders in their involvements, including planning schemes and determination devising. They besides have some responsibilities, such as moving for the benefits of the company, responsibility of attention and accomplishments thanks to effectual and efficiency operation and responsibility of diligence. Therefore, the relationship between stockholders and managers should be near. In the state of affairs, the directors control the company but stockholders merely control indirectly their belongingss. It seems the stockholders are chief and direction is an agent to move in their involvement with the boundary of the company. In fact, both have struggle of involvement. The ground is that the outlooks of stockholders are to seek net income and increase portion monetary value and repute of the company. They think directors act in shareholders’ best involvements. However, directors expect to hold more power and higher wage, including fillip and benefit. Their action is based on their opportunism, non stockholders. For case, the directors may cut down the quality of merchandises for salvaging money in order to themselves involvement. Sometimes, it leads to drop the company’s repute. Hence, their behaviour differs from shareholders’ outlooks. Besides, the higher the director wage is, the more the outgo of the company is. In add-on, informational dissymmetry is that stockholders have limited cognition and penetration into the ends and makings of directors. Directors know more superiorinformation of the company than shareholders’ . In other words, a party knows some relevant information but non all parties. Sometimes, directors pursue self involvement so that it leads to stockholders loss and inefficient operation of the company. In the above quandary, corporate administration can equilibrate the involvements of many stakeholders in a company, for illustration, its stockholders, community, clients and direction. What is more, it provides a model for accomplishing the aims of a company. It has assorted models in planetary, including Asiatic theoretical account and Anglo-American theoretical account.There are three chief ethical jobs arose by corporate administration, as followers:First of wholly, the ethical issue is fiscal markets and insider trading. Although the premise of a perfect market is that stock monetary value reflects all publically available information, in fact, it is hard in the universe because of bad religion stocks. The ‘dot-com’ bubble means a company does non do any or do less net income but there is worth on the market. The bond is based on guess without to the full uncovering sum of uncertainness. Furthermore, a batch of pensionaries use their financess to put in many bonds l ost some parts of their income. That is to state, stock market does non to the full show the sum of uncertainness when stock monetary value consists of an component of guess. Nevertheless, institutional investors use other people’s money to put the stocks. The state of affairs reflects the investors wholly abuse others’ trust. Insider trading is that a portion of investors in the market have superior cognitions compared with others. When stock is sold or bought based on non-public information, insider trading arises at the minute. The ground is that staff and direction of a company must cognize early events which impact on its portion monetary value, insiders may take unnatural net income or avoid loss. Sometimes, staff in the company decides to exert their options or sell their portions based on their inside information. At the same clip, the action besides leads to unfairness, embezzlement of belongings, undermining of fiducial relationship and injury to bargainers and the market. Second, there is executive wage. ‘Fact cat’ wage is a charge for the outgo of CEO and directors, such as committee and fillip. The sum of wage is excessively monolithic. The job is that there is a serious contrast between their wages and public presentation. And so, it is of import about the involvement of stockholders and directors. In tonss of states, the growing of their wages outstrips shareholders’ returns. If their wage is higher, it amendss shareholders’ value and increases the company’s load even settlement. The ground is that higher wage paid leads to the lower net income property to stockholders. Therefore, a great trade of executive salary consists of portion and portion options to aline stockholders and managers’ involvement today. If the wage is related to performance-related wage, executives would endeavor to increase portion monetary value and shareholders’ returns. It leads to higher wages and fillips for the executives. Finally, the ethic job is about amalgamations and acquisitions. The original aim of amalgamations and acquisitions is to acquir an plus transferred from an proprietor to another proprietor because it will increase wealth on the company. Leaving the plus can cut down uneffective direction and higher costs. Sometimes, the amalgamations and acquisitions may be unsuccessful. It leads to blow money, resource and clip. It is critical that the aim would be distorted by directors because directors may prosecute involvements that differ from stockholders involvements and it exist struggle of involvement. On one side, executives pursue prestigiousness and repute. On the other side, stockholders seek net income and portion monetary value. Hostile coup d'etats, which are one of amalgamations, occur when an investor or a group of investors want to purchase a major stock of a company against the desire of its board. The stockholders of the company want to sell but the remainder stockholders do non desire to sell. In a company, there is different sentiment on the event. Merely if stockholders are willing to sell their portions, the hostile coup d'etats would rapidly interfere the staying shareholders’ belongingss. At the same clip, it besides arise other jobs. For illustration, they provide aureate parachute, a batch of money. Or, directors in secret send greenmail to the hostile coup d'etats because they intend to maintain their place after amalgamations. Apart from that, the company may reconstitute and downsize and it will originate more ethical issue, such as firing staff. Except the above three ethical jobs, corporate administration would do other ethical jobs. Q2.Suppliers and purchasers ever cause many different jobs. One of them is the abuse of power which is unequal state of affairss between both parties and would impact industry profitableness. By and large, the power of purchasers and providers is based on resource dependance theory. The theory depends on the grade on the party’s resources. The power is affected by two factors, as followers:Resource scarceness is the grade to which the parties have or lack the merchandises. That is, it is the extent of the goods’ panic. For case, the provider has adequate resources, and purchasers are less importance and dependance on the provider so that the provider wields power over the purchasers, or frailty versa. Resource public-service corporation is the degree to which the parties need or do non necessitate the trade. In other words, it is the extent of the goods’ utility for the party. For illustration, the supplier’s resources are utile and the purchaser dependance on the provider, as a consequence, the provider wields power over the purchasers, or frailty versa. Dickering poweris the ability of a party ( A ) in a state of affairs to exercise influence over another party in a trade in order to accomplish a trade which is benefit to A. Harmonizing to the above factors, there is a simple sum-up. When a supplier’s resources are sufficient and non of import to purchaser, or the buyer’s resources are scarce and critical to the provider, the purchaser may hold more bargaining power than the supplier’s. Conversely, if the supplier’s resource has less scare and is of import to the purchaser, the provider has dickering power over the purchaser. When a party exercises power over another’s one, the power may be abused or used lawfully. Therefore, the power should be used suitably. In short term, providers obtain benefit and net income advantages if they gain exerting extra power. In long term, nevertheless, the cumulative state of affairs has disadvantages because the purchasers find other providers who lose the clients. Besides, possible purchasers may fall in with other purchasers to increase force per unit area on the provider, or providers compose co-ops to confront the powerful purchasers. Therefore, they may alter the state of affairs. They can reason selling monetary value, restricted conditions and so on.There are two of import factors that affect the procedure of globalisation. They drive globalisation in concern, as followers:Cost advantagesParties pursue the lower cost for production, including natural stuff, labor and constituents.Gramovernment influenceThere are different criterions for ordinance, such as working patterns, safety and environment protection. When providers put into planetary, they should see four state of affairss, as followers:Calciferolifferent manner of making concernThere are assorted civilization and impressions in the universe. When people from different states face same state of affairs, they have different thought and rating so that their behavior is easy contradiction. For giving gift, graft and corruptness between providers and purchasers, assorted states have assorted attitudes, for illustration, citizens in China like giving gift which is friendly niceness. Sometimes, a gift is hard to make up one's mind whether it is bribery or courtesy. On one manus, the behavior of graft is an offense. On the other manus, rejecting gift besides harms the concern relationship and jeopardises the trade. There are ethical quandaries so that many states would hold tolerated gift-giving patterns and apply assorted restrictions on gift. Besides, the purpose of giving nowadays is considered. It should be regarded as acceptable when giving gift is without an purpose to obtain advantages, if it is non perceived and if it does non hold any consequence. If a provider and a purchaser exchange gift and it is non that merely one party provides gift to another for a long clip, it is acceptable. In fact, it is hard to separate which is pure giving gift, graft or corruptness. The job still exists in different states and houses.Impacts on autochthonal concernSuppliers from other counties enter into local and they would see cost and other advantages to compare with local rivals. Furthermore, they may harm autochthonal houses by presenting strong competition in labor and merchandise. The significance is that providers from other states may installation local suppliers’ settlement or resettlement. It will impact local industries and take to more cardinal societal and economic decay.Calciferoliffering labor andenvironmentcri terions‘Race to the bottom’ occurs when the demand is for the lower-cost production in developing states. The method can help providers to salvage some money. It may do some ethical issues for providers because lower costs consist of less environmental protection, hapless labour conditions, and lower attending to safety and wellness. Furthermore, the providers may supply compulsory overtime, naming child labor, below life pay and failed to hold statutory rights to clip off recognized. In add-on, they may utilize unsafe chemicals that cause serious harm to human and environmental wellness in developing states.Tocopherolxtended concatenation of dutyThe deduction of planetary supply is that single providers are faced with the chance of an drawn-out concatenation of duty. No longer acceptable to reason that the moralss of providers impact on their rivals was merely non any of their concern. The assorted economic and societal conditions show in other states, every bit good as the inequalities brought to the surface by international trade. It means that the flat playing field, which is caused by international concern, is replaced with the sloping and rough playing surface of globalisation. Mention: Andrew Crane & A ; Dirk Matten,Business moralss: Oxford, 3rd edition Assignment 2
Friday, September 13, 2019
EEG and Epilepsy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
EEG and Epilepsy - Essay Example In the brain, there is a three-dimensional volumes of cortex from which the electroencephalographic (EEG) signal is generated. Each dimension of the cortex produces unique signal and hence three different potential signals are are produced within the brain. Two of the signals are recorded from the surface of the scalp where they are recorded as two-dimensional fields against the voltage. This technique is accomplished by determining the physical and functional components of the EEG cortical generators. After determining the nature and the location of the EEG fields, the signal of the pd is characterized and graded according to inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) and excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) According to the various tests that have been conducted on EEG fields, Epileptic spikes are negatively charged in nature. This is mainly caused by the depolarization of the superficial laminae. After the depolarization cycle, the subsequent repolarization cycle brings about the recurrent excitation and inhibition among laminae. This causes a sequence of negative spikes that normally translate to a negative wave detected by the electrodes. The Committee of the International Federation (CIF) of the body governing Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology (IFSECN) have made the recommendations that the placement of a specific system of electrode under standard conditions for use in all medical laboratories. The system, branded as the international 10-20 system, gives specific measurement parameters from bony landmarks and hence used to determine the nature of electrodes. Anatomical landmarks are useful in this technique as they give specific measurements made, and then approximately10% to 20% of a specified distance is useful in the electrode interval. The specific measurement enables the consistently in replication over time and between laboratories and hence the system is very reliable. However, a lot of vigilance
Thursday, September 12, 2019
U.S. Army Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
U.S. Army - Essay Example Following Black (2004, 206) it was World War I that set the pattern for the most important future operations of the United States Army. The Superior Board consequently advocated retaining the four-regiment division and urged that it be reinforced with a large assortment of heavy supporting units in artillery and the division train. The relative immobility of the big square division, the board reasoned, accorded with certain intractable facts of modern war: that the division always attacks frontally, that it attacks in a severely constricted zone of action, and that accordingly it has little occasion for maneuver. The Superior Board insisted that with the First World War setting the pattern for the army's major future combats, the essential principle shaping the army ought to be power, not mobility. The Congresses and chief executives in the 1920s and 1930s prevented the design of the National Defense Act from attaining fruition. The statute authorized a regular army of 280,000 officers and men. Congressional appropriations failed to maintain any such level. The actual strength of the army was by 1922, 147,335; by 1932, 134,024. By 1939 there had been a gradual increase to 188,565. As a result of fiscal trimming, regular army formations became largely skeletonized after all (Black 234). Yet the few formations that were kept at an approximation of full strength and readiness remained those most likely to be involved in small wars reminiscent of the old Indian campaigns--particularly the troops along the Mexican border. MacArthur's thinking not only limited the size of tanks, but also did much to kill one of the army's few promising ventures toward preparing for a possible return from small-scale colonial wars to European war. (Sweeney 145). The choice of the small wars army, akin to the American army of the Indian-fighting past, as the basis upon which to build the post-1919 force was a choice for mobility rather than power as the central principle of the army (Sweeney 148). Late in the First World War, however, there had emerged a new potential for combining mobility and power, for designing military formations that would emphasize neither principle to the debilitation of the other, but would harmonize both (Sweeney 148). The weakness of the Army and military strategy was lack of training and 'old fashioned design' of the army. The most vigorous army chief of staff in the years following World War General Douglas MacArthur, reinforced this emphasis on a mobile army preparing for small colonial and border wars. When he began his tour as chief of staff in 1930, MacArthur found that despite the absence of prospects for another war of mass armies, his planners were busily at work on mobilization schedules for the mustering in of citizen-soldiers to wage a hypothetical grand-scale war (Sweeney 151). He turned the mobilization planners instead to designing an Immediate Readiness Force, to be drawn from the regular army for dispatch to colonial or Western Hemisphere trouble zones (Sweeney154). The concept of a light, fast-moving army tailored to wage war not against European mass armies but against elusive, highly mobile opponents emerged also, with a particularly conspicuous effect upon the subsequent comba t capacities of the army in World War II, in the restriction of the weight of American tanks to 15
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Price Controls applied by the Qatar Government Literature review
Price Controls applied by the Qatar Government - Literature review Example Agriculture is also a vital sector in the Qatar economy because of the objective of Qatar, which is food security. Qatar is the main importer of agricultural goods. Price Floors regards the minimum prices put by the government for particular goods and services, which it considers producers to be trading in an unjust market with very low prices, and hence such producers, need some assistance. Price floors become a problem when the government puts them higher than the equilibrium price. Once the prices are higher than the market price, there is a likelihood that there will be a surplus or excess supply. In case this takes place, producers who cannot predict difficulty ahead will make the bigger quantity where the new price crosses their supply curve (Wessels, 2006). Clients will not purchase that many products at a higher price and so those products will end up unsold. There could be a serious economic depression if producers notice that there is insufficient demand, and in reactio n reduces production. There exists deadweight loss linked with this decrease in quantity, mirrored in the loss of producer and customer surplus at lesser points of production. This policy can be of benefit to the producers, although only if they have an elastic supply curve and thus they do not have any net loss. This type of government does not favor consumers. They are the losers, as they pay high prices and the certain prices drive some out of the market, as they cannot afford the products. There are many policies of the government for putting up a price floor and handling its consequences. They may put an easy price floor, put production quotas or employ price support. In Price supports, the government puts a minimum price, and then purchases all the surplus or excess supply (Carbaugh, 2011). This is normally more incompetent and expensive for the government and community as a whole than for the government to subsidize the firms concerned. Either the Production quotas increase t he price by limiting production using authorized quotas or giving firms incentives to decrease their production. In Qatar, for instance, the government applies these techniques extensively with oil and agriculture. The government compensates the farmers to maintain some parts of their lands uncultivated, hence increasing prices. Â
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
A novel reporter for translational recoding by the Foot-and-mouth Essay
A novel reporter for translational recoding by the Foot-and-mouth disease 2A peptide - Essay Example From this research, it is clear that the primary long-term goal of the project is to determine interactions of release factors specifically needed for the 2A reaction. The method for determining this is genetical to isolate mutations within genes responsible for encoding release factors in the yeast cell that pause the 2A response. Upon synthesis of ubiquitin as part of a polyprotein, it is removed from polyprotein by specific cytosolic proteinases, indicating a new N-terminus to the remainder of the protein. Arginine shows clearly that this protein is degraded urgently as soon as it is degraded. It follows that the stability of an Ade2p portion of the protein depends on the activeness of 2A peptide. The white color of the yeast generates a color-based selection for mutants. This paper makes a conclusion that the larger part of the work undertaken was successful despite, not accomplishing the initial goal of the underlying project. Demonstration of the gap repair process of the PCR and underlying in vivo worked for SUP45. Because of the frequent time constraints, I was incapable of continuing to the massive part of the screen for the sup45 mutants as outlined in the project description. The prevailing project never alters, and the entire work undertook in line with the underlying scope of the initial aim. Nevertheless, the existing work departed described within the original proposal with the choosing yeast strains with the underlying suitable features was fundamental
Discuss in what ways have these two technological innovations had an Essay
Discuss in what ways have these two technological innovations had an impact on international relations - Essay Example In addition to its ability to connect the different IT systems, internet also facilitates people on individual level to connect to one another. Internet has provided people living in different countries with the most cost-effective means to interact with one another more often. Thus international relations have been promoted through internet both on the level of a common man in the society and the nation as a whole. Since the introduction of internet into the society, it has been frequently used by the virtual organizations to create online democracy. Input for the decisions that affect the national and international political scenario is retrieved from the internet voters. Where this has generally provided the concerned authorities with a fairly convenient means of getting the public opinion on one hand, it has also, on the other hand, limited the representation of a significant population that is uneducated on the use of internet. It is noteworthy that a vast majority of the intern et users all over the world belong to the elite minority that represent â€Å"a fairly narrow spectrum of political discourse relative to local contest, rather than witnessing the emergence of cyberspace democracy or the incipient triumph of the internet in promoting civil society and democracy†(Moon-Gi 58). This speaks of the fact that the internet is yet far from being a setting for the democratic society that wants to share its views and make an impact through the cyberspace. The expansion of the cyberspace has conventionally had a huge impact upon the nature of political dialogue amongst the nations in general and their economic development in particular. Another prime driver of the online activity is the social sustainability. Cyber democracy requires increased representation of all communities of the society. Nuclear Bomb With the creation of nuclear bomb, the nature of war has undergone an altogether change. The world would have been a much different place to live in had nuclear bomb never been invented. Perhaps, there would have been more frequent breakouts of wars both within and among the countries all over the world. In the past, success in the war fundamentally depended upon the manual strength. People used to fight with arrows, swords and guns. Nuclear bomb has obviated the need to make use of any of these ancient weapons in the contemporary wars, yet nations tend to find other ways including dialogue and reconciliation to settle their disputes with their rivals rather than starting the war because there is no â€Å"winning the war†when it is a nuclear war. The nuclear war is just as harmful for the nation that is attacked as it is for the one that attacks, provided that both of them are nuclear powers. Since the division of the Indian subcontinent into India and Pakistan in 1947, tensions between the two nations only strengthened. The two countries have twice had a war with each other once in 1965 and the second time, in 1974, whe n East Pakistan got separated from its Western wing and became Bangladesh. At the time of division, it was decided that the cities with Muslim majority would make part of Pakistan. Kashmir, the Indian-held place with a majority of Muslims into it has conventionally
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