Wednesday, October 30, 2019
ARTICLE REVIEW Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
REVIEW - Article Example The article was effective and can assist many people in the manner through which they go about their day to day activities. The reason for this is the manner through which the article defines the two types of people. One group is stated as being motivationally focused while the other is promotion focused. This assists the reader in understanding which type of person they are. With this perception they can develop personally and in their respective professional fields. One limitation of this section of the article is the fact that the writer has not given a specific outline on how a person can identify their powers and deficiencies with regard to the two groups in which they have been placed. It is however important to take a self assessment after reading the basic points on the groups and understanding the way forward where an individual can get to analyze their particular traits (Stevens, 2008). Creating motivational fix is another topic greatly discussed in the paper. In the contemporary reading society, very few people read entire articles and many of these people get bored when they find that they cannot relate to the various topics given. The article however ensures that the reader has a general understanding of the topic where even before going through a topic critically, the reader has the ability to understand whether they can relate evenly. This is done by the author stating the importance of the particular topic. The article discusses motivational fix and states that it is vital because it assists in keeping the goals that an individual has set, in focus. With this motivational fix, the reader gets to understand the key ingredients to success acknowledging the fact that if they do not have this, they may fail in life (Higgins & Halvorson, 2009). The expose is also significant in that it helps the reader understand the various steps that they ought to take after getting the motivational fix. The article
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Cause and Effect of a Great Marriage Essay Example for Free
The Cause and Effect of a Great Marriage Essay The causes for marriage are to maintain and appropriate relationship with one of the opposite sex. While gaining a bond with the person that you hope to share the rest of your life with. Many people are okay with the fact that they love someone and they are in their life. When you love someone you want to take it a few steps further. By making that person apart of who you are because once you are married you do become one. The initial meeting of someone is a time that we might not take as serious as when we decide to allow feeling to take control of us. Once there are feelings come into play we have progressed to more than friendship. Those feeling then help you to see if this person is someone that compliments who you are. There should be steps that are taken to be sure that this is the one for you. In marriage you never want to move too fast because once you are in the relationship you should want to stay. We see people getting married and walking away from the person all of the time. This is a step that we want to stay away from and we can with preparation. One of the steps would be one trying to get to properly know the person that you are friends with. This does entail asking for background information on the person and there family. Some people might believe that questioning someone’s family as well as friends might be a bit too much. If you are marrying someone you want to know that they are safe and will love you. Sometimes we have to go the extra mile as well as cross lines to see who we are with. I also push buttons; this is to see if he is dangerous in any way. You never know a person, so I am told unless you live with them. Although, I do believe that to be true I also believe that you can do your best to get close to them. By getting close you find out information that you might have never been told. There are a lot of dangerous people in the world and they have not been caught. So by probing for information you can know the situation before it is too late. I have taken many steps to get to know the person that I have taken to get to know the guy that I am dating. I do believe that it has made him work harder as a man and has made me a better person. I am able to say that because whatever it is that I ask of him I do also myself. This can only make for a great marriage, I also want him to see that if it is something that you really want then you have to work hard at it. I must say that I am definitely a lot of work and I only want the best. So while I strive for the best I want to be just that also. With all of that being said, marriage is a lot of work and if you have a great friendship the marriage will only be better. The first cause is love and the second is the will to make things work. With lose too combined and the faith in God while allowing him to guide the relationship. One article wrote â€Å"A Oneness Marriage is formed by a husband and wife who are grafting intimacy, trust, and understanding with one another. Its a couple chiseling out a common direction, purpose, and plan. A Oneness Marriage demands a lifetime process of relying on God and forging an enduring relationship according to His design. Its more than a mere mingling of two humansâ€â€its a tender merger of body, soul, and spirit.†Oneness Marriage.†Oneness Marriage (2013)
Saturday, October 26, 2019
All Quiet On The Western Front :: essays research papers
Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet On The Wester Front. Fawcett Crest; New York. 1958 Glaser, Rollin O. All Quiet On The Western Front Notes. Cliffs Notes, Inc.; Lincoln, Nebraska. 1990 Erich Maria Remarque Erich Maria Remarque was born in Osnabrà ¼ck, Westphalia, Germany on June 22, 1898. Being that his father was a book binder by trade, Erich was brought up in a fairly poor household. That did not stop him from receiving a wonderful education at his local “gymnasium'; (equivalent to an elementary school), then proceeding onto the University of Mà ¼nster. While attending there, he was drafted in to the German Army at a mere 18 years of age. He was wounded five times, then released. After returning home, he had a plethora of jobs including: a school master, a tombstone salesman, and even joined a “Gypsy caravan';. His searching for a profession then came to an end when he started writing articles for a Swedish car magazine. He became very well known in the areas of car racing and auto mechanics. He then used his literary skills to write novels that branched from his own personal reflections and experiences. He wrote several best-sellers including: All Quiet On The Western Front, Arch of Triumph, and The Black Obelisk. (contd.) Plot Summery Of: All Quiet On The Western Front All Quiet On The Western Front is a record of seven school chums that all enlist in the German Army after being urged by their school master Kantorek. These poor youth are forced to endure the debilitating effects of World War I, and represent the generation of men that were torn from youthfulness and serenity to face a world of survival horror. They become remnants of Europe’s degenerate youth from that time period. Over the period of years, they are slowly killed off, their once bright and cheerful youthfulness has been ripped from their beings, replaced with listlessness and hardened souls. The story is told in first person by a young man named, Paul Bà ¤umer. He is a very kind and sensitive lad, that wants to make a difference in the world. He has a hard time seeing how fighting against fellow man will make any sort of difference in the world. “He holds fast to a single vow: to fight against the principle of hate that meaninglessly pits young men of the same generation but different uniforms against each other..'; (Remarque, cover) Theme: A Broken And Sorrowful Youth
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Development of Jazz and Blues
Jazz music traces its origin to a mixture of West Africa and European musical elements (Hoiberg, 2002, p. 641). It is said that slaves from West Africa took with them their music when they came to North America (p. 641). There, their music was exposed to European music. Thus, it is believed that jazz evolved from a fusion of these two elements- West Africa with its rhythm and structure and from Europe, harmony and the use of other instruments such as trumpet, trombone, saxophone and piano (p. 641).The fact that its roots were in the United States and not from South America or Caribbean where there were also African Blacks is rather interesting. However, African Blacks in those regions were emancipated and thus, had the chance to practice and promote their African music tradition (p. 642). In the United States, however, there was slavery. Slaves were not able to retain their music tradition and had to rely to whatever was available to them at that time to make music. While it is unfor tunate to think that such practice existed, had it not been for slave trade, we probably would not enjoy jazz music now.Jazz music was heard in various occasions, from funeral processions and parades, hymns and religious events, even for work songs (p. 642). When classically-trained black musicians could not find work, they turned to jazz and played in clubs. New Orleans was the place where jazz music evolved (Hoiberg, 2002, p. 642). At that time, musicians were limited to seven instruments- cornet, clarinet, trombone, bass or tuba, piano, banjo and drums (p. 642). Saxophone made its way into jazz music only after ten years (p. 642). In 1915, the place was teeming with jazz musicians.Among those who were well known were Buddy Bolden, Buddy Petit, and Bunk Johnson (p. 643). At this time, jazz has spilled over other places such as Kansas City, Colorado and had reached Los Angeles and New York City (p. 643). Jazz groups and orchestras had started to perform. Fate Marable’s orche stra, for instance, produced the great Louis Armstrong (p. 643). Armstrong invented swing but perhaps his greatest contribution to jazz music was introducing jazz to the entire world with his jazz recordings (p. 643). He was the â€Å"first superstar of jazz†(p. 643). He also introduced what is now known as â€Å"scat†or singing without words or texts (p. 643).Other jazz standouts were Fletcher Henderson, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, and King Oliver (pp. 643-644). Jazz at the end of the twentieth- century is changing. Others say that some elements of jazz have been chucked in favor of new styles (Hoiberg, 2002, p. 648) In the past, jazz had a distinct sound but it has now been replaced by â€Å"stylistic flexibility†(p. 648). Also, music schools have exposed jazz students and musicians to all aspect of music now whereas before, jazz musicians were mostly self-taught. Today, we study about music theory and styles, among other thingsAt a time when the coun try was experiencing depression, jazz became an outlet of many people to release pent-up emotion. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke about the importance of jazz music during the opening of the Berlin Jazz Festival in 1964 (Winkel, 2002). He exclaimed that jazz talks about life, that jazz deals with putting into music all the troubles in the world only to come up with something that evokes hope and triumph (2002). For King, music is â€Å"triumphant†(2002). He added that jazz contributed to the freedom movement in the United States, with rhythms and harmonies serving as encouragement and composure to the despondent (2002).Jazz was popularized by American Negroes in a time when they were struggling, when they were hopeless. Listening to jazz music soothed their tired spirits, uplifted their souls. King even compared the struggle of the American Negroes to that of the modern man. While their problems may be different, they all longed for the same thing- to find their own identi ties and meaning in life (2002). Music is about life and when a musician creates one, it is akin to creating life, bringing hope to anyone who can hear it. Jazz music, specifically has an undeniable magic that draws people to it.It evokes a sense of calm that sometimes you need not have to be in the presence of others to appreciate it. Unlike say rock music where listening with others make it sounds better, you appreciate rock music better when you’re in a crowded concert hall where people are in high spirits. Listening to jazz does the same effect but in the opposite way. One only needs to sit back, relax and absorb the music. While classical music can also unwind a person, the effect of jazz on the listener is more personal, more emotion. Classical music is pleasant to the ears but jazz targets one’s soul. Perhaps, it’s the way the instruments are played.In classical music, various instruments are played simultaneously to produce one distinct sound that is mea nt to be heard. But when one listens to jazz, one does not only hear the melody and harmony, but something more, something deeper. It’s like you can see and listen to the mood of the musician. Truly, jazz has more emotional depth. Perhaps, that is also one reason why jazz is more accessible to listeners that classical music. Also, unlike classical music, one does not need to go to opera hall to hear jazz music. Jazz can easily be heard in clubs and restaurants. Lately, jazz elements have been infused with other music forms.For instance, American pop artists like Norah Jones, Christina Aguilera and Amy Winehouse have incorporated jazz into their music. Rhythm and blues (R & B) is an offshoot of jazz music that evinces funk and soul. Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Mary J. Blige, even Justin Timberlake are just some of the popular artists who use this style and judging by the sales of their albums, concerts, and the number of times their songs have been played over the radio and rocketing sales in music downloads, they have succeeded. It just goes to show that jazz music is really evolving. And when people continue to listen to it, jazz music will live on.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Practical lessons to deliver premier customer service under tough situations
Some of the practical lessons to deliver premier customer service include:-Effective communication. This is very essential in every business for it ensures understanding between the employer and the employees towards the customers in tough situations. The source of conflict and misunderstanding is inadequate communication in all set of organization. Communication enhances understanding of the concepts and ideas which is very crucial in how teamwork operates and in making of decisions.Listening ability and proving to the customers that you are listening is very crucial for it enhances proper understanding in the organization. Another lesson is practicing how to relate with customers by adding value to the customers and making sure proper information is conveyed to the right people (Woirhaye, 2006). One should be focused and have passion. The personality of selective service should be eliminated in the business for it leads to downfall that supports negative culture.The ability to hand le customer complainants is of utmost importance for they often rise in every organization. One should be very careful for the things one say to the complaining customer for it can lead to relationship building or relationship salvaging and this affects business directly. Anger management is another practical lesson that employer and the employee should learn in order to deliver premier customer service. While dealing with difficult clients in tough situations, it is important to stay calm even when the customer results to insults.When faced with this situation, it is important to stay calm and think carefully before you say anything. This is because anger can lead to one saying things to the customer that can lead to regretting later. The employer and the employees should not expect the behavior of the customers to be exactly as they (employer and employees) behave. When faced with a difficult customer, it is important to lighten up and use humor. This helps in releasing the tensio n (Customer Service Zone, 2010).
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
ESL Beginning Level Writing Projects
ESL Beginning Level Writing Projects These short writing assignments are designed for lower level classes and give students an opportunity to write about a number of basic subjects including: studies, hobbies, travel, likes and dislikes, application forms, and work emails. Feel free to use the writing exercises in class or expand with further topics. Improve Descriptive Writing Students need to improve sentence-level writing skills in order to expand into paragraphs. One problem students often face is a lack of descriptive language. Provide a list of descriptive adjectives, prepositional phrases, descriptive verbs, and adverbs and ask students to expand simple sentences into more descriptive language. Descriptive Writing Exercise Use the following phrases to expand the simple sentences by adding details with adjectives, prepositional phrases, and adverbs: in the morning, slowly, twice a week, down the street, at the moment, sweetly, fun-loving, a quick game of, quickly, difficult, long hot The children played soccer.I take classes.The man is singing a song.I get up early and take a shower. Application Forms Help students become fluent in understanding and filling in forms. If students are preparing for job interviews, create an extended application form using a standard job application template. Heres a less ambitious exercise to get students started. English Studies You want to go to a language school to study English. Fill in the application form. Finish the application form with a short paragraph about why you want to learn English. English Learners Plus Last NameMr./Mrs./Ms.First Name(s)OccupationAddressZip codeDate of birthAgeNationality Why do you want to learn English? Home Stay Program You want to stay with a family while you study English. Fill in the application form. In order to find the right family to stay with, write about your interests and hobbies. Family Exchange Last NameMr./Mrs./Ms.First Name(s)OccupationAddressZip codeDate of birthAgeNationality What are your hobbies and interests? Emails and Posts Students should also feel comfortable making short posts online and writing emails or informal letters. Here are a few prompts to help them practice: You are on vacation at the beach. Write an email to your friend about your vacation.Write an email to a close friend with some new information about another friend.Post a comment on social media about a topic you are interested in.Write a short blog post to let your online friends know about your latest hobby. Short Emails to a Colleague Many students also need to use English for work. Provide prompts for students to help them practice writing work-related emails. Here are a few suggestions: Email a colleague to arrange a meeting for next week. Remember to arrange the time and meeting place.Reply to a colleagues email about a problem at work. Be sure to provide a solution or some advice about the problem. Contact a business to ask some questions about one of their products. Use product and technical information found on the internet to ask more precise questions. Continuing the Discussion Students should also practice carrying on a conversation via email. Use short prompts loaded with questions that demand a response: Read this email from your friend and respond to the questions: So, the weather has been great and we are having a fun time here in Switzerland. Ill be back at the end of July. Lets get together! When would you like to see me? Also, have you found a place to live yet? Finally, did you buy that car last week? Send me a pic and tell me about it! Comparing and Contrasting Help students become familiar with comparative language by asking them to use specific language such as subordinate conjunctions or connective adverbs. Here are a few suggestions: coffee/tea - even though, however, butshopping / hanging with friends - while, on the other hand, yetplaying soccer / watching TV - although, similarly, andcooking/eating - though, also, so, studying English / studying math - like, even though, and The key to helping lower level students with writing is to keep the task very structured. Teachers sometimes ask students to produce longer writings such as essays before students have control of sentence-level writing skills. Make sure to help them build the skills before they move on to more ambitious writing tasks.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on How To Write An Essay
With these simple steps, anybody can write an â€Å"A†quality essay. All it takes is a well written introduction, body and conclusion. These steps are a lot easier than most people make them out to be. The first, and most important, step to writing an â€Å"A†essay is the introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to get the reader’s attention. The introduction should also let the reader know the contents of your essay. To get the reader’s attention use a lead-in. a lead-in is a sentence or phrase that captures the interest of the reader. One way to do this is to appeal to the emotions or feelings of the reader. A lead-in can be in the form of a question, a shocking statement, a headline, or a statistic; as long as it gets the attention of the reader. A thesis statement should also be included in the introduction. The thesis should inform the reader as to the contents of the essay and how the essay is organized. The reader should be able to read the thesis statement and find a specific topic in the essay without having to read the entire essay. This can be done by organizing the body paragraphs in the same order as the items in the thesis statement. Step two, in writing an â€Å"A†essay, is writing effective body paragraphs. In order for them to be effective, they must support the thesis sentence. The worst thing to do is to go off on subjects that have nothing to do with the essay. To avoid getting off the subject, try not to use stories as examples or to prove a point. Every body paragraph should have a topic sentence. The other sentences in the paragraph should support the topic sentence. The paragraph, as a whole, should support the thesis sentence. The third and final step to writing an â€Å"A†essay is the conclusion. The conclusion should summarize the entire paper in a few sentences. To do this, cover the main points in the essay. One way of doing this is to reword the thesis statement. The conclusion should also... Free Essays on How To Write An Essay Free Essays on How To Write An Essay With these simple steps, anybody can write an â€Å"A†quality essay. All it takes is a well written introduction, body and conclusion. These steps are a lot easier than most people make them out to be. The first, and most important, step to writing an â€Å"A†essay is the introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to get the reader’s attention. The introduction should also let the reader know the contents of your essay. To get the reader’s attention use a lead-in. a lead-in is a sentence or phrase that captures the interest of the reader. One way to do this is to appeal to the emotions or feelings of the reader. A lead-in can be in the form of a question, a shocking statement, a headline, or a statistic; as long as it gets the attention of the reader. A thesis statement should also be included in the introduction. The thesis should inform the reader as to the contents of the essay and how the essay is organized. The reader should be able to read the thesis statement and find a specific topic in the essay without having to read the entire essay. This can be done by organizing the body paragraphs in the same order as the items in the thesis statement. Step two, in writing an â€Å"A†essay, is writing effective body paragraphs. In order for them to be effective, they must support the thesis sentence. The worst thing to do is to go off on subjects that have nothing to do with the essay. To avoid getting off the subject, try not to use stories as examples or to prove a point. Every body paragraph should have a topic sentence. The other sentences in the paragraph should support the topic sentence. The paragraph, as a whole, should support the thesis sentence. The third and final step to writing an â€Å"A†essay is the conclusion. The conclusion should summarize the entire paper in a few sentences. To do this, cover the main points in the essay. One way of doing this is to reword the thesis statement. The conclusion should also... Free Essays on How To Write An Essay How to Write an Essay With these simple steps, anybody can write an â€Å"A†quality essay. All it takes is a well-written introduction, body and conclusion. These steps are a lot easier than most people make them out to be. The first, and most important, step to writing an â€Å"A†essay is the introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to get the reader’s attention. The introduction should also let the reader know the contents of your essay. To get the reader’s attention use a lead-in. a lead-in is a sentence or phrase that captures the interest of the reader. One way to do this is to appeal to the emotions or feelings of the reader. A lead-in can be in the form of a question, a shocking statement, a headline, or a statistic; as long as it gets the attention of the reader. A thesis statement should also be included in the introduction. The thesis should inform the reader as to the contents of the essay and how the essay is organized. The reader should be able to read the thesis statement and find a specific topic in the essay without having to read the entire essay. Organizing the body paragraphs in the same order as the items in the thesis statement can do this. Step two, in writing an â€Å"A†essay, is writing effective body paragraphs. In order for them to be effective, they must support the thesis sentence. The worst thing to do is to go off on subjects that have nothing to do with the essay. To avoid getting off the subject, try not to use stories as examples or to prove a point. Every body paragraph should have a topic sentence. The other sentences in the paragraph should support the topic sentence. The paragraph, as a whole, should support the thesis sentence. The third and final step to writing an â€Å"A†essay is the conclusion. The conclusion should summarize the entire paper in a few sentences. To do this, cover the main points in the essay. One way of doing this is to reword the thesis statement. The conclus...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Junk Food in School
Junk Food in School The article is about the school policy on junk food. In April 2014, the Department of Agriculture banned junk food sales at schools in the United States. In particular, the ban limits school cafeteria and vending machine from offering or selling students of foods that are high in fats, sugar, and calories or â€Å"junk food†. Junk food according to USDA is responsible for making millions of schoolchildren obese, a condition that is associated with a number of health problems. Good examples of junk foods are soda, cheesecakes, hotdogs, candies, potato chips, and any food that has little or no nutritional value. Study of obesity suggests that overweight and obese people are at risk of diabetes, coronary heart disease, a certain type of cancer, and tend to have a shorter life. Children with weight equal or greater than the 95th percentile are obese and likely to acquire a long-term chronic disease and psychosocial development problems. Poor food choices and consumption of junk food, a widely available, inexpensive, and effectively promoted on television and other media often cause obesity. Obesity, according to study is a disease linked to children’s poor nutrition and significant time spent on watching television. Junk food, on the other hand, is linked to weight gain and insulin resistance and therefore increased the risk of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. School Policy on Junk Food Evidently, there was no national policy regarding junk food in the United States before 2014 and therefore no reason for schools to create an internal policy on this matter. In fact, according to 2006 survey, only 25% of schools had a school policy regarding junk food while a quarter of schools are developing #JunkFoodKids by allowing promotion and consumption of chocolate candy, cookies, pastries, baked goods, and soft drinks in schools. Some schools earned from vending machines that are so popular for their junk food content while others sell junk foods to the community so they can raise money. Schools with the junk food policy are commonly against vending machines and selling foods with little or no nutritional value. They raised funds from selling vegetables and fruits. The national policy restricting the sale of junk food at schools is a challenge to the majority of schools to create policies that could make a difference such as a junk-free school environment. Their role as educators should include teaching students on appropriate health choices, provide knowledge and encourage students on the benefits of nutritious food and exercise. You may be interested in: Remembering Our First Stage of Education Womens Right to Education Teachers and school staff are role models and therefore must be at the forefront of the junk food free school campus initiative. Operators of school cafeterias and vending machines should start thinking about students’ well-being rather than sales and profit. Teachers should be familiar with how junk food is marketed to kids, recognize junk food from tables, and the difference between subtle and not so subtle junk food. Similarly, school officials may consider a wellness policy that includes more innovative fundraising strategies, fairs, field trips, and athletic competitions. More importantly, they should not fall for advertising money and firmly reject the promotion of junk foods in their respective schools.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Managing International Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words - 1
Managing International Trade - Essay Example The 1960s saw the company diversify into research and manufacturing of drugs with development of the Ibuprofen painkiller. The company has diversified its development to other places and in 1968, the company acquired through purchase Timothy Whites and Taylors Ltd chain. Ion 1978, the company acquired Tamblyn Drugs chain in Canada which saw it entering the market. In 1987, the company became UK’s second largest drugs chain by acquiring Clement Clarke Ltd. and Curry and Paxton Ltd. In 1998, it ventured into dentistry and ‘well-being’ services offered to its customers. The company has seen sales and acquisitions with companies related to the field such as Optical Express but in 2006, the company developed a merger with Alliance Boots Ltd. In 2012, it was announced that Walgreens wanted to acquire a 45% stake in Boots. This is supposed to be a long term investment issue. The company mission statement is, â€Å"to become the world’s leading pharmacy-led health and beauty group†. This would be done through collaboration with Walgreen where Boots would boost Walgreen in the UK market and Walgreen boost Boots in the American and Chinese markets where it has prospered. The corporate level strategies of the company are to focus on its core activities in business. This is specific in the pharmacy led health and beauty retailing as well as pharmaceutical wholesaling and distribution. This is to be achieved alongside realizing international branding of the products so that a third dimension is created. The strategy therefore includes growing the core businesses in the existing markets as well as continued delivery of improved products and saving of costs. Growth opportunities are supposed to be achieved through pursuing the growth opportunities in new high growth markets. The company also seeks to launch new brands in new markets, deliver synergies through strategic partnerships with other companies. The partnerships may
Friday, October 18, 2019
Recruitment Process. Talent Management. People Equity Essay
Recruitment Process. Talent Management. People Equity - Essay Example Therefore, as a recruiter it is a responsibility to hire those employees who can maintain an ethical culture along with ensuring augmented productivity of the organization. During interview process, it is necessary to judge an individual through various perspectives in terms of qualification, enthusiasm about the given job, whether he/ she can adjust with organizational rules and regulations and the capability of attaining the given targets. When a recruiter selects a fresher as an employee then it is required to be assured that he/she should maintain the morale and culture of the organization, however through a fresher the chances of increasing productivity is quite minimal. Therefore, for a fresher it is necessary to arrange training sessions regarding the work procedure to show the mechanism of achieving the given targets within a specified period of time. Through an effective training session employees must familiarize themselves about the procedure of work and how to increase pr oductivity. Regarding a fresher, an organization should consider that the person does not hamper organizational ethics and culture because they are new in the system. However, when a recruiter hires an experienced person for the job then an impact may be created upon the organizational culture to a certain extent because an experienced person generally knows the basic strategies that can be used to enhance productivity by achieving the targets without any botheration regarding the rules and the regulations. Therefore, when a recruiter selects this type of individuals, he/she should be aware about the attitude and behavior of an experienced person towards the organizational culture. During the interview process, recruiter must discuss properly about the rules and the regulations of the organization with the experienced person. Scenario 2 Talent reservoir for an organization can be assured through proper talent management procedure within the organization which can in turn facilitate to have a pool of skilled employees who can fulfill the company’s goals. In this context, the HR department can play a pivotal role as recruitment and selection procedure is very essential to identify and manage a talent effectively within the organization. Nowadays, talent management is considered as a key ‘buzzword’ in corporate level HR along with training. Talent comprises those individuals who can create a difference in the performance of the organization either through their instant involvement or in the long-term by representing maximum levels of potential. Effective organizations are developed by creating value through people, sales, innovation and customer services among other essential actions. Every organization strives to achieve their business objectives and this struggle mainly involves in supporting, recruiting, training, controlling and reimbursing the entire staff of the system. To support this circumstance, talent management can play a crucial p art for maintaining all these aspects in a proper way. There are certain procedures of talent management which should be taken into consideration (Stewart, 2008). The procedures are: Workforce planning, recruiting On-boarding, performance management Training and performance support Succession planning Compensation as well as benefits Critical skill gap analysis If a recruiter hires a skilled employee according to the job requirement then it can become quite easy for the management to find and nurture the talent within the system which would be fruitful for the organization in terms of attaining long-term profit and ensuring fulfillment of company goals (Bersin, 2006). Scenario 3 Alignment, capability and engagement are the three factors which determine
Language Variety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Language Variety - Essay Example At the risk of oversimplification let us ask a fundamental question: What is language "Language is a complicated business. In everyday talk, we use the word 'language' in many different ways. It isn't clear how 'language' should be defined or what the person on the street thinks it actually is!" (Downes, 1998, p.1). We tend to define language differently in different situations. We talk of the incoherent utterances of an infant, as a child's language. When we refer to the melodious intonations of some languages we refer to language in terms of aesthetics. When we talk of language in standardized correctness, we talk of language as grammar. We also talk of language as a skill, a We also tend to define language in terms of the use to which we put it. We talk of legal language. The language used by the legal profession tends to be quite different from our everyday language. We also talk of medical parlance. That is the language used by the medical fraternity. This is again different from the language we use in everyday life. Then you have computer language which is quite distinct from any of the other languages. In a way each specialized profession it seems has its own characteristic language. Chomsky defines language as "a set of very specific universal principles which are intrinsic properties of the human mind and part of our species' genetic endowment" (Chomsky. 1986: 15 ff. as cited in Downes, 1998, p.17). While that may indeed be the best definition of language, the definition of language needs to be examined from a sociolinguistic perspective. What is Sociolinguistics "The most obvious definition of sociolinguistics is that it is the study of language in society" (Schmitt, 2002, p. 150). Schmitt goes on to say that most sociolinguistic studies are basically descriptive, but focus on achieving "scientific objectivity", even when these studies involve intricate influences that society has on language. Sociolinguistic studies also take into consideration "social aspects of language" in a pragmatic way, explaining social influences as accurately as possible. (Schmitt, 2002, p.150) Language Variety 3 A Sociolinguistic Definition of Language Sociolinguistics tends to define language as what the members of a specific society speak. However they also take into consideration the fact that a society may have more than one language or many dialects of the same language, and therefore view language with the conviction that it is not something that is independent of society. (Wardhaugh, 2002, p. ix) Purpose of Language "The notion of discourse is the conceptual link between language and society, looking upwards on the one hand to social structures and cultural meanings and downwards to the nitty-gritty of words and grammar - lexicogrammar - on the other" (Bartlett, n.d, p.113 ). (Bartlett, n.d, p.113) argues that language is a "socially motivated construct" because of what it helps to do. Any language basically serves two purposes: it facilitates interaction and serves as a means of communication. The Common Components of All Languages All languages have three common
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Human Resources Information Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Resources Information Systems - Assignment Example oll tax laws in the context of fast changing federal policies relating to payroll taxation (Payroll tax law is really cumbersome task when the payroll system is managed internally) Decreased accessibility – When the payroll system is managed by an external outsourcing provider, the firm’s payroll services information are stored on a server outside the organization. Hence, the company finds difficulty accessing payroll figures and other employee data as and when required In case of a mistake in payroll tax deductions, retirement plan deductions, sick leave compensation, or employee benefits, it is not possible to correct the mistake fast. This issue may lead to employee dissatisfaction Employee resistance to change may be the most important risk associated with integrating a new payroll system. Employees would worry about the efficiency of a new system as it relates to their salaries, compensation, and other benefits. Hence they are not likely to accept the change. In the words of Lambert (2005, pp.1165-1167), even a well developed payroll system may fail to perform flawlessly if it is not integrated properly. Undoubtedly, such a situation will certainly result in employee dissatisfaction, which in turn may hurt overall organizational productivity. Sometimes the company’s staff may not be informed of all features of the new payroll system, and therefore they would not be able to manage the system in an effective way. However, the project management team can minimize those risks to a great extent by implementing proper change management policies prior to the actual integration of the new payroll system. The project management team should closely work with the HR team to coordinate their activities and to ensure shared efforts to convince employees regarding the necessity of the change planned. In addition, the project management team must ensure that there are skilled and experienced personnel to handle the newly integrated system efficiently. A Gantt
Financial Accounting Week 4- Individual Work Assignment
Financial Accounting Week 4- Individual Work - Assignment Example If the solvency ratios reveal a higher turn, then the business is worth to be given loan because it is in a position to meet its obligations. On the other hand, the liquidity ratios show that the business can easily convert its assets to meet its obligations. The following ratios will be used to test the business credibility for the loan. The working capital ratio is increasing as the years increases; it is more in 2015 than in 22014. This shows that the business is doing quite well hence can manage its financial obligations. It can therefore viable to be given loans. This indicates presence of working capital and the business is in a position to meet its financial obligations as the ratio increases with the change in the years. The banker on considering the current ratio will be able to approve the loan for the business this is because the banker will have confidence that the business will be able to repay their loans without default given their wide financial stability, strength and base. This ratio gives the short term liquidity of a business. It is vital in the measuring of the business short-term debts in relation to its liquid assets. The higher the ratio the better the position of the is calculated as: Since there are no inventories, the quick ratio is similar to the current ratio. From all the above ratios, it is a clear indication that the business is in a position to meet its financial obligations, therefore the banker will be find it viable to advance the loan to the business. From the ratios calculated it is noted that the company has good performance as it is in a position to meet all its financial obligations both in the short-term and in the long-term. The leverage and solvency ratios are large showing that the company is very stable and has very good financial base. The company also enjoys very good returns as shown by
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Human Resources Information Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Resources Information Systems - Assignment Example oll tax laws in the context of fast changing federal policies relating to payroll taxation (Payroll tax law is really cumbersome task when the payroll system is managed internally) Decreased accessibility – When the payroll system is managed by an external outsourcing provider, the firm’s payroll services information are stored on a server outside the organization. Hence, the company finds difficulty accessing payroll figures and other employee data as and when required In case of a mistake in payroll tax deductions, retirement plan deductions, sick leave compensation, or employee benefits, it is not possible to correct the mistake fast. This issue may lead to employee dissatisfaction Employee resistance to change may be the most important risk associated with integrating a new payroll system. Employees would worry about the efficiency of a new system as it relates to their salaries, compensation, and other benefits. Hence they are not likely to accept the change. In the words of Lambert (2005, pp.1165-1167), even a well developed payroll system may fail to perform flawlessly if it is not integrated properly. Undoubtedly, such a situation will certainly result in employee dissatisfaction, which in turn may hurt overall organizational productivity. Sometimes the company’s staff may not be informed of all features of the new payroll system, and therefore they would not be able to manage the system in an effective way. However, the project management team can minimize those risks to a great extent by implementing proper change management policies prior to the actual integration of the new payroll system. The project management team should closely work with the HR team to coordinate their activities and to ensure shared efforts to convince employees regarding the necessity of the change planned. In addition, the project management team must ensure that there are skilled and experienced personnel to handle the newly integrated system efficiently. A Gantt
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Impact of Westward Expansion during Jefferson's Presidency on Essay
The Impact of Westward Expansion during Jefferson's Presidency on Native Americans, African Americans, and on American - Essay Example The greatest achievement of Jefferson in his first term as president was the purchase of the Louisiana Territory in 1803 from France. The Louisiana Purchase was one of the leading land deals in history. The United States paid approximately $ 15 million dollars in 1803 for over 828, 000 square miles of land2. This act served as the main achievement in the period of Jefferson’s presidency (The Jefferson Monticello 6). The westward expansion of the land had several impacts on the Native Americans, the African Americans and the Americans as a whole. The Louisiana Purchase Thomas Jefferson purchased a large piece land from France that was referred to as the Louisiana Purchase. The land consisted of Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska, some parts of Minnesota to the south of Mississippi River, sections of Montana, Northern Texas, Kansas, Wyoming, and Louisiana on the either sides of River Mississippi as well as the city of New Orleans. There are several areas that are also in cluded in the land Purchase. Before Jefferson purchased the land, United States had only thirteen states. The purchase of this piece of land almost doubled the size of the United States. There are various reasons why President Jefferson purchased land. The main reason was because the New Orleans was the main port for trade. The port was mainly used to store the export items and was also used for importing the goods coming from the other countries. However, the nation was under a constant threat of having the port taken away for trading purposes. For that reason therefore, President Jefferson thought that it would be wise and best for the country if he purchased it3. The plans of President Jefferson depended on the western expansion and access to the markets for the American products, especially the farm products. Due to the expansion, the new American settlements on the west of the Appalachian Mountain mainly depended on river transport in order to get their goods to the market beca use the overland trade to the east was very costly and impractical (The Jefferson Monticello 4). The impacts of westward expansion Baldwin asserts that even though the westward expansion was of vital importance, it also affected the Native Americans, African Americans, and the entire American society differently (41). America did not have New Orleans in 1800 which acted as the major factor to the economy of Mississippi valley as a whole. Most parts of North America were controlled by the European powers, Spain, France, England and Russia4. Another reason why Jefferson agreed with the Napoleon’s offer of selling Louisiana was to ensure that the United States of America dominated power in the northern part of the continent. The expansion had several impacts on the people. For instance, it caused difficulties in transportation, lowered economic level, increased racism and in the process; wars took place leading to destruction of property and loss of life. All individuals includi ng the Native Americans, the African Americans and the American society as a whole experienced the impacts of the expansion. In general, all Americans were affected during the westward expansion. The effects of the westward expansion on Native Americans The Native Americans experienced various impacts due to westward expansion. For instance, social instability as most parents could not control their children because they thought they were big enough to be independent. They therefore left their families
The Chief Operations Officer’s Essay Example for Free
The Chief Operations Officer’s Essay The Chief Operations Officer’s role focuses on the execution of day-to-day operations and oversight of all the departments; to include morale, welfare, and employee conduct in the company. In order for the company to successfully prepare for an Initial Public Offering we will need to revise the employee handbook, resolve some specific internal employee matters and implement a whistleblower policy. Employment-at-will refers to common law which holds employees that work for an unspecified time period work at the will of their employers and employment can be dismissed any time (Zachary, 2012, p. 25), for good cause, bad cause or no cause, by either the employer or the employee. Some exceptions of dismissal for employment-at-will include discrimination against race, national origin, color, religion, sex, age, and disability, other exceptions are wrongful discharge in violation of public policy or breach of contract, the promise of â€Å"good faith and fair dealing†in a contract of employment or suggesting contractual requirements based off of the company’s handbook or policy statement (Halbert Ingulli, 2012, p. 50), and tort whether the policy is found in legislation, constitutions, legal hearings, administrative practices, or other sources (Zachary, 2012, p. 25). The tort law offers the employee the chance to convince a jury to award damages (money awards) for â€Å"wrongful discharge†(Halbert Ingulli, 2012, p. 51). Some state and federal statutes may also prohibit the discharge of employees for their participation in jury duty, filing workers compensation claims, involvement in the union, conducting military duty or certain occurrences in whistle-blowing (Zachary, 2012, p. 21). Our company operates off of voluntary employment; therefore, general counsel reviewed the employment-at-will doctrine and exceptions mentioned above and legal termination is an option for all eight employees based off of either personnel misconduct or violation against our company’s rules and regulations cited in the employee handbook. Table 1, titled, â€Å"Employee Conduct and Rational for Termination or Continued Employment†, illustrates the eight personnel actions under investigation and the decision for termination or continued employment. The decisions to terminate or retain the employees stem from a reflective approach that melds traditional theories and modern theories of ethics. Two particular theories that support the decision are the consequences-based approach which provides the greatest good to the majority of the people, in this case, the company as a whole and the Proactive theory decision based off of recommendations or actions are just from the very start (Harcourt, Hannay, Lam, 2013, p. 312). One of the decision rules from the Proactive theory used is the parity rule which ties all similar actions performed in a similar environment receive the same or similar consequence (Harcourt, et al, 2013, p. 313). If the company is to become successful with the launch of the public offering then employees must be accountable for their actions of misconduct or violations against the company employee handbook. In addition to personnel actions mentioned above, I recommend we adopt a whistleblower policy based off the internal allegations against the accounting department for falsified expense reports and before we take the company public. Implementing a whistleblower policy will provide the employees a voice of the company, reduce monitoring expenses, stimulate additional decision-making (Moberly, 2012, p. 11) among employees, supervisors, and senior management, will protect against illegal conduct and provide greater oversight of company resources and assets (Shackelford, 2009, p. 3). Furthermore, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange issued regulations under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act that listed companies must provide their Codes of Ethics to the public (Moberly, 2012, p. 19). Our commitment to the workforce is to implement a whistleblower policy that focuses on the three fundamental items of clear guidelines, policies, and procedures (Gould, 2009, p. 3) for reporting organizational misconduct. Our whistleblower policy and Code of Ethics should be included in the revised employee handbook, posted on the company website and a hardcopy distributed and signed by each employee. The policy guidelines should contain our objective and scope of the policy so we can address what we want to accomplish (Shackelford, 2009, p. 3). Our policies will indicate that all employees, hourly to senior level management salary employees, are required to report organizational misconduct and to assist in any investigation by law enforcement or regulatory agency. Step-by-step reporting procedures will also be included in the policy. Employees will have the right to submit the report directly to their first line supervisor unless that individual is involved in the matter then report the situation to the next supervisor in the chain. If employees feel uncomfortable using their direct reporting chain then they can submit the report through the company action hotline, anonymously or directly to the audit committee. The individual’s confidentiality will remain as confidential as practicable (Shackelford, 2009, p. 3). Our company encourages the employees to report the wrongdoing internally through the use of our open-door policy or through the various avenues aforementioned rather than blowing the whistle externally. Our company will not tolerate retaliation against employees reporting wrongdoing or whistleblowing. In conclusion, as the Chief Operations Officer, I reviewed the employment-at-will doctrine, conducted and resolved eight thorough employee investigations that required my immediate attention, and provided background information that supports my recommendation on implementing a whistleblower policy prior to our public offering.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
China and the Central African Republic
China and the Central African Republic I-Introduction Central African Republic is a landlocked country bordered in the south by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo, in the north by Chad, Sudan in the east and Cameroon in the west. It gained its independence in August 13th 1960 and Bangui is the capital. The two official languages are French and Sango. Francois is Yangonvouda-Bozize current the President took the power during a coup in March 2003 [The Economist US (2005)]. Since its independence, the Central African Republic has been destabilized and further impoverished due to a cycle of political-military uprisings and violence [HAC, (2011); UNICEF, (2008); The Economist, (2008)]. Constitutional order was restored in 2005[UNICEF, (2008)]; however, the overall situation until now in the country remains volatile, marked by tensions among and within political parties, a precarious socio-economic situation, deteriorating humanitarian conditions and insecurity in the north of the country due to activities of rebel and criminal groups [UNICEF, (2008)]. The United Nations implemented a Peace-building Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA), in an attempt to promote peace and stability in the country and reduce cross-border insecurity [UNICEF, (2008)]; This was carried out to encourage national dialogue and reconciliation and furthermore to help the Central African Republic enact military reforms, implement human rights policies, train civilian police, and disarm, demobilize and reintegrate former fighters. Besides that, the CAR is surrounded by countries like Chad, Sudan and DRC, which have been destabilized for a long time by civil wars. These lead many refugees to seek for shelter in CAR [The Economist, (2005)].All those characteristics create a volatile political situation and an uncertain climate for foreign investment. The CAR is blessed with many natural resources such as diamonds, timber, uranium, oil, iron, gold and hydropower [, (2008)].However, it is still rated among the poorest countries in the world. Its economy is disadvantaged due to its landlocked position, which isolates it from foreign suppliers and markets and contributes to high import prices. It has the potential to become a major agricultural product exporter. It also has hydroelectric potential that could be developed for export to neighboring countries that have power shortages. The relations between China and the CAR have evolved saw tooth since the early 60s. On several occasions, the CAR broke and re-established its ties with the People Republic of China. Since the arrival in power of President Bozize, it seems that the CAR and China are enjoying steady and smooth relations. Yet the country is still facing to challenges regarding to its socio-economic situation. Nothing is so much said nor written about China and the Central African Republic. What is really going on between the two countries? China has invested in it, especially in terms of infrastructure. Does the government gain from it? What about the population? Is CAR really benefited from that relation? In what extent China can help the CAR to come out from the cycle of poverty? II-Central African Republic (C.A.R): 2.1Facts and figures According to the United Nations Human Development Index, the CAR now ranks 172 out of 177 least developed countries in the world [UNDP,(2006)]. Two-thirds of the population live under the line of poverty, less than half are literate, and the average life expectancy hovers around 40 years, resulting in a very young population with almost fifty percent under the age of 18, and only four percent aged 60 and over[UNDP, (2006)]. The CAR is really affected by AIDS that is why the life expectancy is constantly falling and dropped below 40 according to the UNDP Report on Human Development 2006. Per capita income is USD 456. POPULATION 4,422,000 SIZE 622,984 km ² CAPITAL CITY Bangui LANGUAGES French and Sango (officials languages);TRIBAL LANGUAGES LARGEST CITIES Bangui and Bimbo RELIGION 35% Tribal beliefs, 25% Protestant, 25% Catholic, 15% Muslim MONETARY UNIT Franc NATURAL RESOURCES Diamonds, uranium, timber, gold, hydropower AGRICULTURE Cotton, coffee, tobacco, cassava, yams, millet, corn, banana; timber EXPORT COMMODITIES diamonds, timber, cotton, coffee, tobacco IMPORT COMMODITIES food, textiles, petroleum products, machinery, electrical equipment, motor vehicles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals INDUSTRY Gold and diamond mining, logging, brewing, textiles, footwear, assembly of bicycles and motorcycles 2.2 Political and economic situations The CAR is blessed with natural resources to use and develop in order to come out of its cycle of poverty. However, three decades of mismanagement, from the 60s when it gained its independence until 1993 which seen the organization democratic elections for the first time, most of the time under military rule and one decade of chronic unrest and political fights (1993- 2003) led the country to bankruptcy [International Crisis Group, (2007)]. Francois Bozize gained the power in March 2003 by a coup and overthrown Ange-Felix Patasse [International Crisis Group, (2007)]. Due to the chronic instability since 10 years this makes very difficult for CARs governments to follow-up a long term economic development strategy that is why the country is currently facing a lack of modern transportation network which represents the chokepoint for the development of its economy. For instance, the length to reach Bangui the capital city is about 12 to 14 days of river transportation [CAR, (2009)]. Why is CARs economy always under threat of strangulation? Geographically, the CAR is trapped in an unstable triangle and surrounded by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and Chad that which are destroyed by many years of civil wars [IMF, (2010); The Economist, (2008); UNHCR, (2000)]. Furthermore, shipment arrivals are often delayed or canceled because of rebels attacks [HAC, (2011)] that are causing so much trouble in the region. The nation of CAR is principally agrarian [International Crisis Group, (2007)]. In 2003, agriculture accounted for 60.8% of the countrys GDP [UNCTAD, (2005)]; crops primarily including cotton, food crops such as cassava, yams, bananas, maize; coffee and tobacco. In 2004, the agricultural labour force accounted for 69% [UNCTAD, (2005)]. The population of CAR is engaged in subsistence farming with 56% attributed to the agricultural sector in 2006. In 2002, timber accounted for about 30% of export earnings. The CAR is blessed with a huge unexploited natural resources in the form of uranium, gold, diamonds and others minerals [Investment Climate Report, (1995)]. In 2010, its main exports were diamonds, cotton, timber, coffee and tobacco. Diamonds are the main natural resources being currently developed [Investment Climate Report, (1995)]: in 2002, the CAR was able to export 50% of its diamonds earnings [Crisis Group Africa, (2010)]. In 2003 and 2006, industry contributed for respectively 24.9% and 15% for the latter of the countrys GDP; breweries, diamond mining and sawmill represent the bulk of the sector. Due to the oversized government bureaucracy and its landlocked position, services accounted only for 29% of GDP in 2006. The same year, its main importer of goods was France and represented for 17.6% and they mainly exports goods toward Belgium (40.4%) [Investment Climate Report, (1995); UNCTD. (2005)]. In 2000, the percentage of population with access to electricity accounted for 5% only [UNCTAD, (2005)]. The CAR really lack of electricity supply. The main and only hydroelectric plants are based in Boali. Mostly, fuel supplies are transported in via the Ubangui River or trucked through Cameroon, resulting in frequent shortages of gasoline, jet fuel and diesel. The countrys transportation and communication network is limited; it does not possess a railroad, however it has only 650 kilometers of paved road. It does not possess any domestic air service, except charters, so very limited internationally. Furthermore, commercial traffic on the Ubangui River is very rough even impossible from December to May or June, due to ongoing conflicts in the region that sometimes prevented shipments from moving between Kinshasa (capital of DRC) and Bangui. The telephone system functions, albeit imperfectly. The CAR possesses only one television station that has been built since the independence, an d four radio stationsare currently operating in the country. Numerous newspapers and pamphlets are published on a regular basis, and at least one company has begun providing Internet service. In terms of economic, the C.A.R. has made slow progress; its budget and external trade are deficiency due to many constraints like the poor infrastructure that it is facing, economic mismanagement and scarce private investment, as well as a limited tax base and adverse external conditions have led the country to a desperate situation. Its debt burden is considerable, as well as its per capita gross national product (GNP). The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have implemented some structural and interest-free credits as well to support investments in the agriculture, livestock, and transportation sectors, unfortunately these have had limited impact. The World Bank and IMF are now encouraging the government to concentrate exclusively on implementing much-needed economic reforms to jumpstart the economy and defining its fundamental priorities with the aim of alleviating poverty. As a result, many of the state-owned business entities have been privatized and limited e fforts have been made to standardize and simplify labor and investment codes and to address problems of corruption. The C.A.R. Government has adopted the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) Charter of Investment, and is in the process of adopting a new labor code. Furthermore the CAR received debt relief in June 2009 by the World Bank and the IMF [IMF, (2010)].It reached the final completion-point stage of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative [IMF, (2010)]. Since its independence, the CAR has been unstable and endured several coups; David Dacko ended the Bokassa era in a coup in 1979 [International Crisis Group, (2007)]. David Dacko was overthrown by a coup led by the General Andre Kolingba two years later. For the first time, he allowed multi-party presidential elections in 1993 and was defeated in the first round by his successor Ange-Felix Patasse. However, 1997 the discontent of unpaid soldiers resulted in a successive wave of strikes and uprisings from the latter [International Crisis Group, (2007)]. . The same year the French troop pulled out and Paris financed a group of French-speaking African countries to create a peacekeeping force. This leads to the creation of the UN Mission to the Central African Republic, or Minurca [International Crisis Group, (2008)]. In 1999 Ange-Felix Patasse won the elections a second time however there were allegations of electoral fraud. He went into exile in Togo after being overthrown in a coup in 2003 by General Bozize the current president of the CAR. The legacy of years of unrest has generated an illegal weapons proliferation across the CAR. Rebels armed groups are active in the volatile north. The unrest has displaced tens of thousands of Central Africans; many of them have crossed the border into Chad. Under Bozize era, some progress towards ending the conflict was made in 2008, when peace talks led to an agreement committing two of the main rebel groups to disarm [IMF,(2010)]. The process culminated with the creation of a national unity government incorporating two rebel leaders in early 2009. 2.3 A Modest recovery Since 2004 the Central African Republic has been able to achieve a modest economic growth [IMF, (2010)]; firstly, it gained full debt relief from the IMF and the World Bank in June 2009. Secondly it concluded a current Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility programme in June 2010. This successfully led to the achievement of a three-year programme with the IMF especially after the success of the Emergency Post-Conflict Assistance Programs. Furthermore, the CARs government implemented a macroeconomic management policies and necessary structural reforms that led to a modest recovery from the economic shock in 2009. The government worked hard to further strengthen the credibility of public financial management, enhance public infrastructure, and intensify foreign donors and the private sector investment climate [US department, (2010)] as well. Since President Bozize leads the CAR some encouraging result has been noticed by the Internationals institutions like IMF or World Bank. The CARs government understood that it was its priority to restore security and peace in the country. The government established what it called the â€Å"inclusive political dialogue†that gathered the political opposition and the government together to seek for security and peace for the country. That initiative was successful in the extent that it was part of the demobilization, the disarmament and reintegration program which led to the smooth conduct of the elections in 2010 [IMF, (2010)]. In terms of building infrastructure and climate investment the CARs government has a lot to do in order to unlock the countrys economic situation. The government has no other choice than on the one hand relying on foreign partners and on the other hand must engage coherent and filmy policies over the long term to come out of its cycle of poverty [IMF, (2010)]. III- Chinese engagement with the CAR 3.1- The political relations AT many occasions the CAR cut off and resumed its diplomatic relations with the PRC and Taiwan. The diplomatic ties between China and the Central African Republic experienced ups and downs: In 1962, the CAR recognized Taiwan as part of Chinas territory and established for the first time diplomatic ties with the island. Two years later, it broke off its diplomatic link with Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with China. The CAR resumed diplomatic ties Taiwan third times. Leaders of both side exchanged high levelcontacts. These underline the importance a state attaches to its relations with another. 3.2 Trade and Economic Relations In November 2000, China and Central Africa Republic signed an agreement on trade, economic and technical cooperation [Chinese Foreign Ministry, (2006)]. In August 2004, both countries signed a bilateral cooperation agreement in fields such as energy, infrastructure and agriculture[Holslag, (2006)]. Today, China is an important commercial partner for the CAR.In 2002, trade volume between both nations accounted for US$ 1.944 million with US$ 0.687 stemming from Chinas export and US$ 1.257 million from the Chinas import. The CAR mainly exports timber and cotton to China and imports principally footwear, textiles and electrical and mechanical products from China [Chinese Foreign Ministry, (2006)]. China has been an active investor in the Central African Republic, especially in construction, and has been involved in a number of joint cooperative ventures with the government, covering health, agriculture, stock-breeding, communications and trade .It undertook numerous projects in CAR and built for instance the Boali agricultural technological station, a training center for straw-bamboo weaving handcrafts, the new stadium, a clinic in the presidential house, the Bangui hospital and agricultural project, the extension work of the Pingpo Radio Transmitting Station, etc[Chinese Foreign Ministry, (2006)]. During his visit in China in 2009, President Francois Bozize called on China to invest in its country 3.3 Exchanges in other fields After signing a joint communiquà © in August 20th, China and the CAR signed in November 1976 an agreement on sending Chinese medical teams to Central Africa Republic. In June 1980 both countries signed an agreement on cultural cooperation and renewed it in June 1998 look for the number of students in China. Since 1997, China has begun to accept Central African students for study and on the job training. Today both parties acknowledge the necessity for the CAR to enhance its self-development ability as well as its local Human Resources training IV- China- CAR: Why the slow progress? One wonders what is happening in Central African Republic as the country is blessed with natural resources but still ranking as one the poorest in the world. International news portrays it as a â€Å"phantom state†[African report, (2007)]. Since the resuming of bilateral cooperation with China in 1998, the relation is experiencing smoothly and slowly evolution. In 2009, during a high level visit to China President Francois Bozize spoke to his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao and expressly called for Chinese investment in its country [BBC, (2009); AFP, (2009); China consulate, (2011)]. China is now an important economic partner for the CAR [BBC, (2009)]. However in an article published in 2009, the BBC wrote that the â€Å"CAR is a much less valuable economic partner to China†. Considering that statement one wonders whether China really considers the CAR as a less valuable partner. How the Chinese governments perceive the CAR? How does the CAR perceive the Chinese involvement in the country? The CARs government welcomes the Chinese aid in spite the political instability in the country, especially in the north [African Report, (2007)].However, China doesnt deter to invest in it by building the new 20.000 seats-stadium, schools, hospitals, etc. Regarding to that assistance, can it be stated that the CAR is â€Å"a much less valuable†for China? The CARs situation is peculiar and really needs from the scholars, journalist, central African leaders, the civil society, all the stakeholders as well, further attention.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Room with a Japanese View :: Haircuts Culture Personal Narrative Papers
A Room with a Japanese View It's the wee hours of Saturday morning in a quiet all female low-rise dorm room at NDSU. Residents are either sleeping soundly or out having a good time some place off campus. But in one dorm room a social gathering is in full swing. I'm not talking about a swing dance either. As I walk down my motel-looking dorm hallway, I hear a male's voice with a sharp and harsh intonation. I pause in front of the door for a second, my curiosity piqued. There is silence for a moment and then I hear the voice again and I realize it's not English, but Japanese. I proceed down the hall, shuffling in my slippers, not wanting to be an eavesdropper. On my return I hear a loud electric razor coming from the same room. Again I pause in front of the wooden door, brightly decorated with two nametags, Yoko and Michelle, made by the creative RAs of our dorm (All names are pseudonyms). What's going on in there, I wonder. I see Yoko weekly at the International Student Association meeting, but only k now that she's from Japan and is here to learn English. I knock at the door, still hearing the razor and voices in the background. The door pops open and I'm greeted by a petite Japanese girl with dyed brown hair. It’s Yoko. She invites me in and I see the pile of different sized shoes near the door. My Hong Kong etiquette that I learned when I lived overseas with my family comes back to me and I promptly take off my shoes. To my left I see Kiyo, a tall Japanese guy with spiky hair, standing behind Watashi, who is quietly sitting down with a black garbage bag covering his upper body. There are garbage bags covering the floor around them and short pieces of black hair decorate the dark plastic. The haircutter and haircutee don’t say much to me. Watashi just says â€Å"hi†when I come in the door and then looks down to prevent getting freshly clipped hair in his brown eyes. Yoko walks towards them and checks out the progress. Cutting hair in the dorms is something one doesn’t see often. I don’t think most guys cut their hair in the dorms like this.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Clarkson Lumber Company Pro Forma Statement Essay
Assumptions. We build pro-forma statement mostly based on the assumptions given in the case. Other assumptions are following. At first, we assume that the tax rate is an average of tax rates for the past three years which is 20. 1%. We use this tax rate to calculate the provision for income taxes for following years. Next assumption is that we take Mr. Dadge’s approximation for the initial rate as the interest rate, 11%. Since Mr. Clarkson finished payment to Mr. Holtz in 1995, we assume that only the bank loan to Suburban National Bank and Northrup National Bank are the interest-bearing liabilities for 1996 through 1999. For account payable period, we calculated two numbers, 53. 62 days for 1995 and 54. 86 for the first quarter of 1996. We used the payable period for 1995 to calculate the accounts payables for the forecasted years because, as mentioned in the case, Mr. Clarkson’s business has some seasonality so hat the payable period for the only first quarter of 1996 would not fully reflect for a whole year. We decided not to include 2% discounts for early payment to the suppliers on our income statement because of the payable period. We also assume that Mr. Clarkson issued no new equities and paid no dividends during the forecasted years. Only source of the change in the net worth is the net income for the same period. New credit line. The new credit line of $750,000 would be sufficient only for 1996 and 1997. The bank loan would exceed the credit line to 858,000 and 1,109,000 for 1998 and 1999, according to our pro forma statement. Without the approval of the bank, Mr. Clarkson would not be able to expand his business at the current growth rate after 1998. With the assumption of sales growth rate of 25%, the external financing required has become double from $493,000 in 1996 to $1,109,000 in 1999. Since the new credit line is fixed at $750,000, Mr. Clarkson would have to find other ways of financing the operation such as issuing new equity.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Majoring in Philosophy Essay
An event was organized in a school for students who were going to attend college soon. Their main aim was to emphasize Major in philosophy. Many experts explained importance of philosophy. There are numerous reasons for choosing this course. In philosophy major, students are taught about how to interpret, imagine, converse, and write well. Philosophy answers many human quires which grouped into three traditional categories. These are axiology: the theory of value, Epistemology: the theory of knowledge, Metaphysics: basic kinds of things exist. Students can successfully complete philosophy if they posses good level of reading comprehension, transparency of thought, and good communication skill. Principles of philosophy apply to everyday life therefore courses are designed to use thoughts and theories from the history of philosophy to concentrate on real world issues in area of education, business, law, public policy, and society. The purposes of course in philosophy Major in applied ethics are particularly pertinent for students who are interested in the role played by ethical values in a diversity of professional settings. Philosophy courses are important because philosophical concepts, ideology, and process of inquiry are related in several fields. Whatever students learn in philosophy can be applied in practically all aspects of life. This course allows candidates to know when to use a liberal sprinkling of words and when to use imagination power. Philosophy is good area of study that provides a high degree of personal accomplishment. Students will also have opportunities to critically test the potential and the influence of contemporary theoretical and philosophical schools of thought in normal life. In studying profoundly about great philosophers, students can gain knowledge to think thoroughly about every aspect of human life. Philosophy major allows students to observe relations between very different fields of thought such as science, religion, and ethics. This course widens skills in writing, in argumentation, and in the communication of complex ideas. Philosophy course equip students to develop inherent personal value. They can experience expansion of consciousness, self-discovery, self-renewal, and a more clear direction in life. In short, philosophy is learning for full life span. For doing philosophy major, candidate must be well versed in a broad education and have good credits which must be upper division. Philosophy majors have the maximum average score of any major on the verbal reasoning, analytic writing section and on the quantitative reasoning section. The most clear career path for students majoring in philosophy is to complete graduation in philosophy and involve in teaching in reputed college or university. Many philosophy graduates choose non-academic profession. Philosophy major courses prepare students for vocations requiring a liberal arts education, including law, government, communication, management, the ministry, teaching, or even business administration. To summarize, event attended in school encourages students to join Philosophy Major to enhance career and get steep success. It was communicated that philosophy is one of the most flexible majors in the humanities. It intersects with economics, politics, mathematics, psychology and history. Students studying philosophy will have a good understanding of about themselves and the world. In the event, professionals drew attention of students by stating important facts of philosophy. The reason of studying this course is that philosophy makes the mind healthy and develops numerous skills to sharpen human mind. If a person wants to develop a variety of skills that prepare him for a wide variety of intellectual challenges, he must be serious in joining a philosophy major.
Breastfeeding and Human Milk Essay
Breastfeeding is a tool, gift, and experience that a lot of mothers disregard, overlook and dismiss. This paper is aimed at proving the significance of this vital act of love. Breastfeeding not only provides vital nutrients, it also fosters many health, economic and emotional benefits. The advantages of breast milk will clearly outweigh any inconvenience some may complain of. Breast milk alone can provide all the nutrients a child needs until it is six months old with no other supplements needed. Human milk provides the perfect balance of nutrition, proteins, and hormones needed for a baby. It cannot be replicated by any other substance such as soy milks or formulas. Since breast milk is made specifically for the human infant, mother’s milk is more easily digested than any foreign substances like infant formula, cow’s milk or soy milk. Breast milk is a living substance, it will change as the baby’s nutritional needs change. There is no need to change it with age as you would with a traditional formula. Protein and essential fatty acids, such as DHA, that are found in human breast milk are perfect for assuring the best development for the central nervous system and brain. ( 2007). There is no need for most mothers to introduce formula to their infants in order to assure health to their child. Formula is just an imitation of breast milk. I’m not sure why any mother would want to give their child such a cheap imitation when the best is available. It would be like wearing tennis shoes from Dollar General and throwing away a perfectly good pair of Louis Vuitton red stilettos. Human breast milk also has been proven to increase a child’s intelligence. Research suggests that the IQ’s of breastfed babies were significantly higher than those of formula fed infants. DHA found in human milk has been shown to boost visual acuity and cognitive development. (llli. org 2007) Additional health benefits also include but are not limited to: The brain, higher IQ’s are found in breastfed children. Cholesterol and other types of fat in human milk support the growth of nerve tissue. The eyes are helped. Visual acuity is higher in babies fed human milk. Even the ears stay healthier. Breastfed babies get fewer ear infections. The mouth palate is not disturbed as with some bottles. There is less need for orthodontics in children breastfed more than a year. There is improved muscle development of face from suckling at the breast. Subtle changes in the taste of human milk also prepares babies to accept a variety of solid foods. Throat surgeries are less likely. Children who are breastfed are less likely to require tonsillectomies. Respiratory systems are stronger. Evidence shows that breastfed babies have fewer and less severe upper respiratory infections, less wheezing, less pneumonia and less influenza. The heart and circulatory system reap benefits too. Evidence suggests that breastfed children may have lower cholesterol as adults. Heart rates are lower in breastfed infants. The digestive system sees fewer problems. Babies have less diarrhea, fewer gastrointestinal infections in babies who are breastfeeding. Six months or more of exclusive breastfeeding reduces risk of food allergies. Also, less risk of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in adulthood. The immune system is stronger. Breastfed babies respond better to vaccinations. Human milk helps to mature baby’s own immune system. Breastfeeding decreases the risk of childhood cancer. The endocrine system is boosted. There are reduced risk of getting diabetes. Kidneys do not have to work as hard. With less salt and less protein, human milk is easier on a baby’s kidneys. The appendix is healthier. Children with acute appendicitis are less likely to have been breastfed. The urinary tract sees fewer infections in breastfed infants. Joints and muscles hurt less. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is less common in children who were breastfed. Skin is smoother. Less allergic eczema is found in breastfed infants. Growth is regulated better. Breastfed babies are leaner at one year of age and less likely to be obese later in life. Bowels are cleaner. Less constipation and stools of breastfed babies have a less-offensive odor. (Sears, 2013) Another major perk of breastfeeding is the reduction in the SIDS rate. SIDS also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a worry to all mothers of newborns. Research has found that by just the act of breastfeeding, the instances of SIDS is less likely by 60%. (cdc. gov 2011) Sixty percent, that is not a small number. If I said that everyone would be sixty percent more likely to win the lottery if you bought your lottery ticket at Circle K grocery in Mountain View, Arkansas, most people would take off work, jump in their cars and race to get to Circle K. The lines to buy tickets would be out the door, but when you say breastfeeding reduces SIDS risk by 60%, most people just shrug it off. Makes one wonder which is more important to most people, the life of their child or the possibility of a little extra cash. I get that, yes, it is inconvenient at times, but once again the life of my child is more important. Breastfeeding is not fail safe, but can greatly improve the odds of a happy healthy baby. Breastfeeding also has numerous health benefits for the mother that a lot of people overlook or do not know. Nursing seems to reduce the chances of a woman getting breast cancer. The chances of breast cancer are reduced by twenty-five percent in breastfeeding moms. There is also a correlation in the length of time breastfed. The longer the child nurses the less the chance of the woman developing breast cancer. (Sears 2007) Another reward to the mother is the decrease in instances of osteoporosis. Non breastfeeding mothers are four times more likely to get a fracture from osteoporosis. (Sears, 2007) Ovarian cancer and uterine cancer risk are also slightly diminished by choosing to nurse. As per personal experience, I can vouch for the next benefit. I have six children and have had friends that were pregnant at the same time as me. Some of them breastfed and some of them did not. I have noted through the past few years that the mothers that breastfed consistently lost their pregnancy weight far faster than those that chose to formula feed. Breastfeeding burns many extra calories. Mothers that breastfeed tend to return to their pre pregnancy weights faster and have a smaller hip circumference one month postpartum. (WebMD, 2012) So, not only can I possibly increase my lifespan by nursing, I can look good doing it. The next benefit of nursing is financial. Breast milk is free! As with the economy being less than desirable, finances can be a bit tight. The cost of feeding an infant until age one is staggering. The cost to formula feed an infant is around $1200 per year. (kellymom. com 2012) Even with factoring in the cost of extra food for the nursing mom, the savings would be huge. Many low-income families have a very hard time affording the cost of formula, so the government ends up picking up the tab. If more moms would decide to nurse, the savings annually would be massive. Call me old fashioned or just plain hard, but I believe if a woman can breastfeed she should. There is no since in a woman sitting around sucking up government assistance when she could easily provide the nutrients herself for her child. Yes, I do understand some woman physically cannot breastfeed, but I believe most of it comes down to pure laziness and lack of effort. The emotional bond of nursing a child is also fostered by breastfeeding. Since physical contact is important for newborns, breastfeeding is perfect. It helps them feel more secure, comforted and warm. Moms also tend to relax and enjoy some quiet close times with their children. (womenshealth. gov, 2013) Having a newborn can be quite stressful and slowing down to take the time to hold your baby close and nurse skin to skin has quite the soothing effect for mothers. Nursing stimulates the production of Oxytocin, which lets the milk flow and calms the mother. While formula feeding moms still bond with their children, the closeness that mother and baby receive while nursing is far more than any bottle can provide. We have been the product of an on the go society. Everything is made to go fast fast fast. Unfortunately, our children have fell victim to this phenomena also. A lot of mothers sacrifice the bonds provided by breastfeeding for the convenience of a bottle. As mentioned earlier, breastfeeding can also benefit society. A nation could avoid 1000 deaths per year if 90 percent of mothers chose to breastfeed exclusively for at least six months. Also, we could save approximately $13 billion per year with less medical cost because breastfed babies tend to be healthier. (, 2013). With healthier children, moms would have to miss less work because of taking off for sick children. Society also can reap the rewards of less waste if more mothers breastfed. There would be less plastic waste from bottles and bottle liners. I really do not see why anyone would not want to at least attempt to feed their child naturally. The milk never has to be mixed, heated, or measured. Bottles do not have to be sterilized, washed, or bought. The milk will not expire or cost you a dime. The bond with the child will last a lifetime and the time will not be wasted. The immunity and health benefits are extensive. I do know that not all moms get the privilege of staying home with their children, but pumping is still a viable option. The milk itself is the real goal. The colostrum â€Å"first milk†has been deemed as liquid gold. Just a few weeks of colostrum can boost the child’s immunity greatly. If a woman can just give it a chance, it would be a choice she would never regret. There are no harmful effects for the mother from breastfeeding. The only time a mother should not breastfeed is when she has HIV or advanced cases of tuberculosis. (Medlineplus. gov, 2013) Also, another consideration would be if the mother is using illegal drugs. The drugs would be harmful if passed through the milk and ingested by the infant. All in all I believe breastfeeding is the best start any mom can give her child. We give our children shots in order to avoid diseases, why not give them the liquid gold that only a mommy can make? With just a little effort and selflessness, a mother can provide her baby with a lifetime of betterment. Bibliography Breastfeeding. April 5, 2013. Women’sHealth. gov. September 2013 www. womenshealth. gov/breastfeeding Breastfeeding. August 26, 2013. CDC. gov. September 2013 www. cdc. gov/breastfeeding Breastfeeding Answers. March 25, 2013. La Leche League. September 2013 www. llli. org Breastfeeding vs Formula. February 2012. WebMd. September 2013 http://www. webmd. com/baby/breastfeeding-vs-formula-feeding-twins? Common Newborn Concerns. October 26, 2011. KellyMom. September 2013 http://www. kellymom. com MedlinePlus. August 15, 2013. National Institutes of Health. September 2013 www. nlm. nih. gov.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Reconstruction Amendments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reconstruction Amendments - Essay Example The reconstruction amendments of the US constitution comprise the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. The amendments were adopted just after the end of the civil war in the period between 1865 and 1870 according to Franklin (3). The amendments were necessary for the reconstruction of the America’s Southern states. The Thirteenth Amendment was influential in the abolishment of slave trade. The succeeding amendment stipulates privileges, immunities equal protection as well as due process On the other hand, the Fifteenth Amendment gives the right to vote people of all color, race and those previously held in servitude. The fourteenth amendment of the United States constitution was done in 1868 in the month of July. The ratification of the fourteenth Amendment was not accepted by all and it had a lot of contentions (Franklin 11). The southern state legislature was among those that refused the ratification of the amendment. This ratification led to the introduction of the Reconstructio n Acts. The existing states governments were ignored and in return military governments were imposed. This was followed by the establishment of civil governments, hence the ratification. The reason for ratification was significant in several ways which are implied in its clauses. The first clause is the citizenship clause. It is important as it defines citizenship overruling the decision which denied the blacks the right to become citizens of the United States (Collins 13).
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Personal Statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Statement - Assignment Example A few years ago, my dad developed Parkinsons disease. Despite the fact that I am currently pursuing my studies in chiropractic school in Los Angeles, I am the only person in my family with the ability and position to assist him and provide care. Due to the severity of my dads disease, I am forced to drive everyday from San Diego, my home town, to Los Angeles to attend classes on a daily basis. It is in this regard that I am applying for a care giver scholarship in order to learn the various element of care giving. According to a definition explicated by Mayo Clinic, Parkinsons disease is a "Progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement" (para.1). It is important to note that Parkinsons disease develops steadily, and having a close relative or family member with the disease elevates the risk of its development in other family members. The comprehension that development of Parkinsons disease is correlated to genetics and my role as a care giver partly influenced my decision to major in Chiropractics. This has been geared towards gaining knowledge to help my dad cope with the effects of Parkinsons disease and also to learn and understand how to reduce the risk of developing the disease owing to my elevated risks in relation to hereditary factors. In essence, chiropractic is a career path that spotlights on disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and related consequences. As reiterated by American Chiropractic Association (para.1), chiropractic deals with cure and management of neuromuscular and cardiovascular problems such as back and neck pains. Having witnessed my father struggling with the effects of the disease particularly difficulties in walking and back pains, I believed that a chiropractic course would help gain relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities that I could apply in helping my dad cope with the effects of Parkinsons disease. This scholarship will be helpful to me in my
Monday, October 7, 2019
Dislocated Shoulder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Dislocated Shoulder - Essay Example In most cases, dislocation occurs due to direct fall or blow on the outstretched arm. Additional, there are posterior (backward) and the inferior or the downward dislocation (Rockwood, 2009). The posterior occurs occasionally, and it is to electric shock. Shoulder Dislocation often leads to severe pain that makes the victim unable to move the affected shoulder in a particular direction; thus, making their rams numb. Sometimes, the dislocated shoulder makes the arm twist off the body with the arm facing towards the back (Kuehl and National Association of EMS Physicians (U.S.), 2002). A severely dislocated shoulder is visible whereby the victims shoulder appears unusual. Dislocated shoulders can be tested and examine in different ways; however, it is pertinent to note the time of injury, prior medical condition to the problem or injury, and how the injury occurred. Some of the tests include the deltoid muscle test, touch sensation, twist, hand movement, and x-ray in the invisible situations (Rockwood, 2009). The treatment of the dislocated shoulder may include medication to a lessen pain and some cases require a general anesthetic. The treated patient is often sent home in shoulder immobilizer or sling (Rockwood, 2009). This reduces movement of the shoulder thereby facilitating recovery. Additionally, a pillow may be placed in between the body and the affected arm to help support the injured shoulder. A fully recovered victim may get back to the pitch but can avoid or prevent further injuries by learning safe landing
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Article Review written by R. Eric Barnes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Article Review written by R. Eric Barnes - Essay Example Barnes attempted to establish several arguments in justifying his claims, particularly by trying to inject conclusions with moral, legal and medical bases. He discussed the properties of THC and its various effects when used, and then claiming that the effectiveness of marijuana in terms of its medical effectiveness is not controversial by describing them as the positive its medicinal properties. He then argued that the controversial argument lies in its medicinal value. He deliberated that the medicinal value corresponds to a normative claim which is controversial due to its implications that the medical benefits will then be far greater than the medical cost such as the side effects as well as the implications that there are no treatments which can be used as alternative, and that will be preferable to use in its stead. He claimed that individuals have interests and rights to safe and effective medical treatments, justifying that rights are an important â€Å"prima facie†wh ich the government must respect as well as enforce, at the same, giving credit to aspects such as positive and negative rights, and then emphasizing his assumptions regarding the responsibilities and rights of the government in the regulation of the sales of this drug to ensure the safety of individual. Barnes tackled some options the federal government may undertake with regards to marijuana, some of which are the removal of marijuana from the list of controlled substances which would entail total freedom to purchase by any individual, another is removing the drug from schedule 1 of controlled substances and then moving it to the schedule 2 category. ... ch would entail total freedom to purchase by any individual, another is removing the drug from schedule 1 of controlled substances and then moving it to the schedule 2 category. He admitted that few options are available to state governments regarding this matter, as their authority, in reality, is supplanted by those of the federal government. He then tackled the issues for allowing the prescription of marijuana, claiming that the side effects of using this drug as a medicine is considerably less than other certain drugs that are currently being prescribed. He also claimed that a certain percentage of patients and doctors have an expressed desire towards its legalization for medicinal purposes. He claimed that marijuana is â€Å"effective, sufficiently safe and endorsed by a significant percentage of the relevant medical community†. According to Barnes, there is not enough reason to stop the government from allowing the legal prescription of marijuana, which then entails that it should allow doctors to do so, particularly to patients suffering from certain ailments. He then addressed several arguments that have been raised against the legalization of marijuana such as how the government should not allow harmful medications to be prescribed, discussing the grounds which have been used to justify this argument. He then addressed the second argument, which states that the government should not allow for the prescription of potentially harmful drugs that are not adequately tested, and tried to refute it be underlining the rapid growth of marijuana usage in the country over the past three decades and then emphasizing the need for legalizing further research and testing. The third argument Barnes tried to address is the practical problems associated the legalization of its
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