Saturday, December 28, 2019
Sanford Dole, Lawyer Helped Make Hawaii a US Territory
Sanford Dole was a lawyer who was largely responsible for bringing Hawaii into the United States as a territory in the 1890s. Dole helped overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy and served for several years as president of the Hawaiian Republic, an independent government of the islands. The campaign to establish Hawaii as an American territory was backed by sugar planters and other business interests. After being thwarted during the administration of Grover Cleveland, Dole and his allies found a more welcome reception following the election of William McKinley. Hawaii became an American territory in 1898. Fast Facts: Sanford Dole Full Name: Sanford Ballard DoleBorn: April 23, 1844 in Honolulu HawaiiDied: June 9, 1926 in Honolulu, HawaiiKnown For: Lawyer known for working in the 1890s to bring Hawaii into the United States. Served as only president of the independent Republic of Hawaii and first governor of the Territory of Hawaii.Parents: Daniel Dole and Emily Hoyt BallardSpouse: Anna Prentice Cate Early Life and Career Sanford Ballard Dole was born April 23, 1844, in Hawaii, the son of missionaries who had been assigned to educate native people. Dole grew up in Hawaii and attended college in the island before traveling to the United States and enrolling in Williams College in Massachusetts. He studied law and practiced the profession briefly in Boston before returning to Hawaii. Dole set up a law practice in Honolulu and began to get involved in politics. In 1884, he was elected to the Hawaiian legislature, which operated under a monarchy. In 1887, Dole became involved in a rebellion against the Hawaiian king, David Kalakaua. The king was forced to sign away much of his power at gunpoint. The new constitution, which placed most power in a legislature, became known as the Bayonet Constitution, as it had been put in place by threats of violence. Following the rebellion, Dole was appointed to the Hawaiian Supreme Court. He served as a judge on the court until 1893. Revolutionary Leader In 1893, the successor of King David Kalakaua, Queen Lilioukalani, resisted restraints put upon the monarchy by the 1887 constitution, which heavily favored the interests of white businessmen. As the queen sought to restore the monarchy to its earlier power, she was deposed by a coup. In the aftermath of the coup against Queen Lilioukalani, Sanford Dole became the head of the revolutionary provisional government which replaced the monarchy. An obvious goal of the new government was to have Hawaii brought into the United States. A front-page article in the New York Times on January 29, 1893 provided details on the revolution, and mentioned that the newly installed government wanted to be admitted to the United States as a territory. Joining the United States Grover Cleveland’s return as president in 1893 (he began serving the second of his two non-consecutive terms) complicated matters. Cleveland was offended by the coup that deposed the Hawaiian king, especially when an investigation determined that U.S. Marines had been involved, operating without any official orders from Washington. In President Cleveland’s view, the Hawaiian monarchy should be restored. That changed when emissaries from Washington, while seeking to bring the queen back to power, could not get her to forgive the revolutionaries. After relations with the queen broke down, the Cleveland administration eventually recognized the Republic of Hawaii on July 4, 1894. Sanford Dole served as the first and only president of the Republic of Hawaii, holding the office from 1894 to 1900. A focus of his attention was to get the United States to adopt a treaty which would make Hawaii an American territory. Doles task became easier when William McKinley, who was more sympathetic to the idea of Hawaii as an American territory, became president in 1897. Dole continued advocating for Hawaii to join the U.S., and in January 1898, he traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet government officials. After sailing to San Francisco, Dole and his wife embarked on a cross-country railroad journey. His travels became front-page news in cities he visited along the way. He was portrayed as President Dole, a respected foreign leader from an exotic location who also carried himself as a typical American politician. Arriving by train in Washington, Dole was greeted at Union Station by members of McKinleys cabinet. President McKinley called upon Dole at his hotel. A few days later, Dole and his wife were guests of honor at a formal White House dinner. In a number of newspaper interviews Dole was careful to always say he was not lobbying for his cause but merely answering any questions federal officials might have about Hawaii and its desires to join the United States. In the summer of 1898, Hawaii was admitted to the United States as a territory, and Dole’s position as president of the independent republic came to an end. Dole was widely recognized as one of the leading citizens of Hawaii. In 1898, a San Francisco newspaper published a feature on Hawaii joining the United States, and it prominently featured Dole. Though the move toward becoming a U.S. territory had been long and complicated, motivated by business interests and often accompanied by threats of force, Dole put a good face on it. He said Hawaii joining the U.S. was the result of natural growth. Territorial Government President McKinley appointed Dole to be the first territorial governor of Hawaii. He served in that post until 1903, when President Theodore Roosevelt appointed him to be a judge of the U.S. district court. Dole accepted the post, and left politics to return to the law. He served as a judge until 1915. In his later life, Dole was revered as one of Hawaiis most prominent citizens. He died in Hawaii in 1926. Sources: Dole, Sanford Ballard. Gale Encyclopedia of American Law, edited by Donna Batten, 3rd ed., vol. 3, Gale, 2010, pp. 530-531. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Hawaii. Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History, edited by Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk, vol. 1, Gale, 1999, pp. 422-425. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Joint Resolution to Provide for Annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States. American Eras: Primary Sources, edited by Rebecca Parks, vol. 1: Development of the Industrial United States, 1878-1899, Gale, 2013, pp. 256-258. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Modern British Architecture Styles During The 18th And...
When one thinks about architecture, they probably think about shapes, and designs, and buildings. Throughout history, architecture and construction is indicative of the prosperity of a state. Consider the differing economic circumstances between The Pyramids of Giza and then Edinburgh’s own National Monument of Scotland. The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries during the British Empire were a time of immense power struggle, driven by political and class division. Classical Architecture in Britain: The Heroic Age says, â€Å"Any attempt to impose some form of order on the architecture of previous centuries is problematic†(Worsley, Prologue). This essay will attempt to do just that, focusing on the most popular British architecture styles during the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as the origin of the styles and the roles that they played in society. Different architectural styles were indicative of political and economic circumstances. The buildings would come to refle ct not only the period of which they were built, but the status of the people whom occupied them. While there may not have been a conscious effort for architecture to define class yet, it certainly played a role. Luxury was elusive for most of Britain during this time. In the 18th century, only a small percentage of citizens could afford to live in spacious country homes, while the working and farming classes lived in modest shanties, sometimes sleeping two or three to a room. These homes were often old farmShow MoreRelatedAmerica Is The Melting Pot Of The World848 Words  | 4 PagesRoman consul. Joesph Warren was instrumental to the American Revolution; he was a spymaster and orator who modeled himself after Cicero, a Roman philosopher, occasionally wearing a toga to deliver speeches. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Statistics Australian Economy
Question: Discuss about theStatisticsfor Australian Economy. Answer: Introduction Education exports are significant for the Australian economy as it brings in the third highest revenue after iron ore and coal. Over the last few years, Australia has emerged as a favorable destination for various students from around the globe. In this backdrop, it is imperative to analyze the trends in these services on a year on year so that a comparison may be drawn which would prove useful in order to remove any bottlenecks and further enhance the revenue generated through these services. The aim of this essay is to critically analyze the usage of various statistical techniques in the selected brief dealing with international education exports. Discussion The source of the data in the selected article is ABS or Australian Bureau of Statistics. The data types used are ratio since all the data are numerical and also have a well defined zero (Flick, 2015). This is evident for both the absolute numbers and also the figures quoted in percentages. In order to summarize the relevant data, various graphical techniques and descriptive statistical tools have been employed. The total exports have been graphically expressed while in the attached table the breakup of countries has been offered which have availed these services so as to provide comprehensive knowledge to the reader in a concise form (Hair et. al., 2015). This information has immense utility as the policy initiatives of the government coupled with the promotional efforts of the various universities should be directed at these countries only. Further, for countries witnessing slow growth or de-growth over the years, the various adverse factors need to be analyzed. This is also true f or the chart which tends to quantify the revenue breakup on the basis of Australian territory which is important in understanding the success of the various regions in able to attract foreign students which then may be replicated in the other regions as well (Hillier, 2006). The type of statistics used is descriptive and not inferential which is apparent since the population data is available in the context of international education export and the same has been just summarized using various graphical techniques along with comparison with previous years so as to draw a comparison in relation to the overall performance (Hastie, Tibshirani. Friedman, 2011). Further, the composition of the education export has also been presented which is critical so as to understand the focus areas where the universities need to focus in order to ensure that increase in education services export is witnessed. Inferential statistics is not required here as it is deployed when population characteristics need to be ascertained from the sample data using techniques such as hypothesis testing (Hillier, 2006). Measures of location are not required in the given case but instead methods of variation have been deployed. The particular technique that is used is percentage which tends to compute the variation on a year on year basis in the income derived by offering educational services. Additionally, the variation in the respective shares of various nations that tend to act as the largest consumers of this education export has also been presented (Flick, 2015). The trend analysis may be done to analyze the countries whose share is increasing and those whose share is decreasing. For those nations whose share is on the decline, the possible reasons for the decline must be evaluated and if coming to Australia is an issue, then a local university or college may be established for enhancing the overall potential of the international export. A possible improvement is that in the diagram (shaped as Australian continent), the previous year contribution must be indicated which would provide additional information on the regions witnessed growth and those experiencing a slow down (Eriksson Kovalainen, 2015). Summary International education exports are critical for the Australian economy considering the quantum of the same. Periodic analysis of the trend in this regard is pivotal so as to ensure that requisite measures may be taken by the government and universities in order to maximize the revenue generated through these avenues. The data reflected in the selected article is numerical and provided by ABS. The appropriate data type is ratio while the appropriate statistics is descriptive statistics as the data deals with describing the characteristics of the population using various graphical techniques and also use of variation techniques such as percentage. Further, the yearly comparison and altering of market share results in better information access to be user which could be used for critical decision making. Previous year exports from various states in Australia also could increase the informational content of the article. References Eriksson, P. Kovalainen, A. (2015).Quantitative methods in business research (3rded.). London: Sage Publications. Flick, U. (2015).Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project (4thed.). New York: Sage Publications. Hair, J. F., Wolfinbarger, M., Money, A. H., Samouel, P., Page, M. J. (2015).Essentials of business research methods (2nded.). New York: Routledge. Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. Friedman, J. (2011).The Elements of Statistical Learning (4thed.).New York: Springer Publications. Hillier, F. (2006).Introduction to Operations Research.( 6th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill Publications.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Learning Analytics Issues and Values †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Learning Analytics Issues and Values. Answer: Introduction Every organisation must abide by the code of ethics because it mitigates all the associated ethical risks in the company [2]. This report will highlight the ethical issues and the solutions associated with it in details. The ethical and social problems that are associated with IT are outdated OS, leaking of vital information, unskilled client, malware attack due to the insecure system [5]. The client is not ready to implement security features at any cost, so tech support representative is facing an ethical dilemma. The ethical, social issues correlated to IT systems?administration are- Malware attack: The insecuresystem leads to Trojans, ransomware and virus attacks. The client having outdated OS: The outdated OS can be fatal and is full of security breaches [4]. iii. The client can be unskilled: It can be possible that the client is not fully used to Windows operating system and can get into trouble not using the security software. The client can leak information: The clients can leak vital information by accident, this can cause mishaps. Interpretation of professional codes of ethics developed by various industry bodies Assist suitable methods for the successful administration and administration of big business data frameworks and innovation, including review, control, security and risk administration. Execute their responsibilities with objectivity, due perseverance and expert care, as per proficient guidelines [3]. iii. Deliver in light of an appropriate concern for clients in a legal way, while keeping up high expectations of conduct as well as character, and not ruining their profession or the Association. Sustain the safety, security and privacy of data acquired throughout their exercises unless revelation is required by a legitimate expert, such data should not be utilized for individual advantage or discharged to unseemly parties. Sustain ability in their individual fields and consent to embrace those exercises they can sensibly expect to finish with the relevant skills, knowledge and expertise [6]. vii. Assist the skilful training of clients in upgrading their knowledge of the administration and management of enterprise data frameworks and innovation, including risk management, audit, control and security. Discuss ethical behaviour in accordance with professional codes In this scenario, the client should have listened to the tech support representative and should follow the representative, however, three cases will be analysed as follows- If the network is configured in a less secure manner, there is a chance that the security breaches will occur, the intruders can attack the system and exploit all the necessary personal files. The security will be compromised and the client will blame the tech support representative, it is an ethical issue. The tech support representative can bear the whole budget of the project, in this case, the client can take further advantages and seeing the client, other clients can go for the same strategy [2]. iii. The tech support representative can refuse the job, that is ethical and completely follows the code of ethics. Explain ethical solutions to ensure that the system benefits The ethical solutions can help in the following Implement proper security: The business owners, as well as the employees, must follow the security ethics and based on that they should take critical decisions [2]. To secure the system one must implement security software in their system to mitigate the threats, otherwise, the intruders can check in and steal the vital information. Constant software updates: The security measures must be taken by constantly checking the malware and the virus attack [1]. The antivirus software can only check this virus, however, the software must be kept updated to keep the system protected all the time. Operating system updates: The operating system must be kept updated along with the software. Firewall: Both the hardware and software firewall must be installed and they should have the capability to stop the intruders. Conclusion It can be concluded from the above discourse that every organisation must follow the code of ethics to mitigate the ethical related issues. The solutions have been discussed in details in the report. The ethical behaviours that must be adopted as well as the solutions that can maintain a healthy workplace have been described broadly in this report. References Steinbock, Bonnie, Alex John London, and John Arras, eds.Ethical issues in modern medicine: Contemporary readings in bioethics. McGraw-Hill, 2013. Slade, Sharon, and Paul Prinsloo. "Learning analytics: Ethical issues and dilemmas."American Behavioral Scientist57, no. 10 (2013): 1510-1529. Ortmeier, Patrick J.Introduction to Security. Pearson, 2017. Phillips, Joseph.PMP, Project Management Professional (Certification Study Guides). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2013. Jackson, Katie JR. "Fit between student conduct administrators' personal values and professional code of ethics." PhD diss., University of Missouri--Columbia, 2014. Leicester, Nicola. "Ethics in the IT Profession: Does a Code of Ethics have an Effect on Professional Behaviour?." 2016.
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