Thursday, January 30, 2020
Freuds Model of the Human Mind Essay Example for Free
Freuds Model of the Human Mind Essay Nowadays, it is no doubt that human beings are suffering from depression and pressure in daily lives. However, most of the people are not aware of it. Psychologists have been focusing on how these repressed, and subconscious emotions play an active role throughout life since the early twentieth century. The ‘Father of Psychology’, Sigmund Freud, theorized a system of categorizing individual’s mental life into three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is the primitive part of a personality that respond directly to the human instinct; the ego is the decision-making component, and it develops to satisfy between the lust of the id and the external world; the superego is the preconscious part of the personality that deals with moral judgment. Many authors have incorporated this theory into their works by means of the characters. The novel Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, tells a story about the end of the innocence and the beginning of the savagery that a group of British children left stranded on a beautiful island after a plane crash, and they were immersed in freedom until the human nature took over. Golding utilizes Jack, Ralph, and Piggy who are the primary characters to interpret Freud’s concepts of this three types of human personality, respectively. First of all, Jack is the best concerned with the personality suggested by id. He represents the dark side of human nature, and he displays the id mentality through his violent actions. He had tried to maintain civilized before he started hunting. However, it does not remain constant. It fades soon while he is driven by his desires. The dictator becomes dominant in his personality. Following his desires, every time the first thing that comes to his mind is always to kill or hurt others. While Jack and his boys are managing to kill a wild boar, they begin dancing and saying, â€Å"[k]ill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in†(Golding 79). This chart indicates the unit desires among them and it also becomes a symbol of their savagery. It is obviously not a primary need but only meant for fun and pleasure. They are now driven by the innate desire for destruction. Furthermore, according to the ‘pleasure principle’, it seeks to avoid pain and unpleasantness in order to satisfy one’s biological and psychological needs. It is not bad enough to have desires but to act upon it. Jack does so to a mother sow, â€Å"Jack [is] on top of the sow, stabbing downward with his knifethe spear move[s] forward inch by inch and the terrified squealing [becomes] a high-pitched scream. Then Jack [finds] the throat and the hot blood spout[s] over his hands†(Golding 149). The imagery and action indicate that Jack does things without thought of any consequences, only for his own impulsive desires. Like the id aims to take over the thought in one’s mind without determining the needs of others rather than reality and morality. Secondly, Golding portrays Ralph as an embodiment of ego that makes sure to satisfy all the needs and wants of the id in a way that seems proper in today’s world, which means that ego not only interacts with conscious but also the unconscious mind. Ralph is the chief and one of the most influential boys in this little society. He constantly acts as a democratic leader that balancing between the id and superego. For instance, realizing Jack’s desire of being the chief, Ralph gives him control of the hunting team, â€Å"Ralph look[s] at him, eager to offer something. ‘The choir belongs to you, of course.’The suffusion drained away from Jack’s face†(Golding 19). He cares about others’ feelings and does something realistic that is allowed by the society. At the same time, he fulfills Jack’s desire to be a leader to a certain extent. This reasonable action, which is controlled by the ego, also satisfies the urges of id in a socially accepted way. Moreover, Ralph has a strong sense of responsibility. While he is complaining to Piggy that the other boys do not care about the importance of the fire going, he makes a confession, â€Å" ‘[s]upposing I got to like the othersnot caring. What ’up become of us’ †(Golding 153). He is more conscious of the society rather than himself. Ralph is a neutral leader as he identifies the savagery of it and the morality of superego in order to come up with a realistic situation for the public. Like the ego represents the rational aspect of the mind, and maintains peace and stability. To end with, Piggy personifies the concept of superego to carry out the instinctual moral good most of the times. Golding represents Piggy as being more logically and intellectually mature than the others. Acting as the voice of reason, the superego inside his personality moralizes him as a sympathetic and sensible boy and guides him to choose what is morally right. While Jack leads the boys to make noise and rush, â€Å"Ralph [is] left, holding the conch, with no one but Piggy†(Golding 37). As the mob is full of noise and movement, Piggy does not follow Jack in overexcitement, rather he keeps calm and stays with the chief. His superego dominates him to maintain civilization. He displays consistent attention to societal rulings and feels like structure is the most important thing to the boys. Whatsmore, Piggy is willing to contribute to the society. He is â€Å"so full of pride in his contribution to the good of society, that he helped to fetch wood†(Golding 142). The moral goodness and devoted nature of Piggy come from his instinct human nature. Like the superego meets the ethical standards by which the ego operates. In conclusion,
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Youth and Beauty Essay -- Media Plastic Surgery Self Image Essays
Youth and Beauty America is a prosperous country. In fact, sociologists have discovered a uniquely American disease that they call â€Å"affluenza.†This term refers to the stress and related disorders that develop from Americans’ need to constantly spend money on material possessions and supposed self-improvement. It is not enough to just be comfortable, we must have it all and look perfect. We work ourselves ragged and neglect our families and relationships just so we can buy the latest television, even though the three we already have work just fine. People in third world countries struggle to keep their children fed. If work is available, they earn money to buy basic necessities; they do not have the luxury of saving up for a new car. As Americans, we are so caught up in the materialistic that advertising is a billion-dollar industry in this country. What we buy also relates to our other obsessions: youth and beauty. We worship celebrities, but only until they turn fifty . Movies featuring older actors (women in particular) are rare; and even our numerous â€Å"reality†television shows all feature beautiful people in their mid-twenties to early-thirties. However, this is not reality: Americans are made up of people of all ages and shapes. Since we can afford it, we buy whatever nature does not provide, from makeup to plastic surgery. Our advertising reflects consumer demand, which in turn reflects American priorities. While people in poorer countries can not pay for surgery that they need to survive, Americans spend millions on surgery to make them look better. For example, the number of breast augmentation surgeries increased five hundred and ninety-three percent from 1992 to 2002 according to the American... ...ese ads play to that mindset. They say that you can have your looks without spending large amounts of time or money on plastic surgery; and since we as a society have a large expendable income, we are particularly susceptible to this type of advertising ploy. We want to be able to buy as many things as we want, so we are attracted to products that can save us money while giving us what we think we need. Cosmetics also offer more rapid results than surgery, which is important in our fast-food culture. It is a promise of youth and beauty in a bottle: what every American wants. Works Cited American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2004. 20 February 2004. . Lutz, William. â€Å"With These Words, I Can Sell You Anything.†Exploring Language. Ed.Gary Goshgarian. Pearson Longman, New York: 2004, 393-406.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Week Discussion
As discussed, Loaning is one of the developing countries which have rhodium reserves under its surface. Talking about the Loaning, it is famous for his pastoral settings and there are nomadic tribes who usually drive cattle and gain their living. One of the significant Importance that this country has Is related to the Loaning monkeys who lives In the vulgar hardwood forest which are not found anywhere around the world. Looking at the literacy rate of the country, 90% of the population is illiterate. Other than this, child mortality rate is highest and the life expectancy of the population is 5 years.Modern infrastructure is almost nonexistent exterior the capital of Loaning. Natural environment is almost unspoiled which is because economic developments did not happen in the past years (Farrell et. Al, 2011). As discussed, Loaning is one of the developing countries which have rhodium reserves under its surface. Talking about the Loaning, it is famous for his pastoral settings and the re are nomadic tribes who usually drive cattle and gain their living. One of the significant importance that this country has Is related to the Loaning monkeys who lives In the virgin hardwood rest which are not found anywhere around the world.Looking at the literacy rate of the country, 90% of the population Is Illiterate. Other than this, child mortality rate Is highest and the life expectancy of the population Is 45 years. Modern Infrastructure Is almost nonexistent exterior the capital of Loan. Natural environment Is almost unspoiled which is because economic developments did not happen in the past years (Farrell et. Al, 2011). As discussed, Loaning is one of the developing countries which have rhodium reserves under its surface. Talking about the Loaning, it is ammos for his pastoral settings and there are nomadic tribes who usually drive cattle and gain their living.One of the significant importance that this country has is related to the Loaning monkeys who lives in the virgi n hardwood forest which are not found anywhere around the world. Looking at the literacy rate of the country, 90% of the population Is illiterate. Other than this, child mortality rate is highest and the life expectancy of the population is 45 years. Modern Infrastructure is almost nonexistent exterior the capital of Loan. Natural environment Is almost unspoiled which Is cause economic developments did not happen In the past years (Farrell et. Al, 2011 ).As discussed, Loaning is one of the developing countries which have rhodium reserves under its surface. Talking about the Loaning, it is famous for his pastoral settings and there are nomadic tribes who usually drive cattle and gain their living. One of the significant importance that this country has is related to the Loaning monkeys who lives in the virgin hardwood forest which are not found anywhere around the world. Looking at the literacy rate of the country, 90% of the population is illiterate. Other than this, child mortality rate is highest and the life expectancy of the population is 45 years.Modern infrastructure is almost nonexistent exterior the capital of Loaning. Natural environment is almost unspoiled which is because economic developments did not happen In the past years (Farrell et. Al, 2011). As discussed, Loan Is one of the developing countries which have rhodium reserves under Its surface. Talking about the Loan, It Is famous for his pastoral settings and lives in the virgin hardwood forest which are not found anywhere around the world. Did not happen in the past years (Farrell et. L, 2011).As discussed, Loaning is one of this country has is related to the Loaning monkeys who lives in the virgin hardwood the country, 90% of the population is illiterate. Other than this, child mortality rate is highest and the life expectancy of the population is 45 years. Modern infrastructure is almost nonexistent exterior the capital of Loaning. Natural environment is almost years (Farrell et. Al, 2011). As discussed, Loaning is one of the developing countries the population is illiterate. Other than this, child mortality rate is highest and the life expectancy of the population is 45 years.Modern infrastructure is almost nonexistent exterior the capital of Loaning. Natural environment is almost unspoiled which is because economic developments did not happen in the past years (Farrell et. Al, 2011). As discussed, Loaning is one of the developing countries which have rhodium economic developments did not happen in the past years (Farrell et. Al, 2011). As discussed, Loaning is one of the developing countries which have rhodium reserves significant importance that this country has is related to the Loaning monkeys who did not happen in the past years (Farrell et. Al, 2011).
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Current Events Affecting Operations Management at Apple...
Operations Management A Brief Analysis of Current Events that are Affecting Operations Management at Apple and Amazon Apple Inc. The first Apple computers were built in a garage without any type of case, monitor, or keyboard. However, these still sold almost as fast as they could build them. From this point the company has become one of the most valuable companies in the world. Apples dedication to user friendly designs and sleek interfaces created multiple generations of loyal customers who place great value in the Apple brand as well as even champion the Apple products. Furthermore, the digital hub strategy, which was responsible for the IPod, IPhone, and IPad, worked to completely revolutionize the industry. Yet the company still faces some major barriers in fending off their competitors and keeping their place atop the business world. The death of Steve Jobs was a tragic loss for the company. Jobs was a charismatic leader that saved the company from impending doom on multiple occasions. Without Jobs at the helm it is likely that the new management will have trouble demanding the same level of de dication that Jobs was able to rally his employees to. Furthermore, there are challenges faced in the supply chain in regards to social and environmental issues, Apple must again reinvent their operations in to become more sustainable and continue to command their loyalty from their customer base. Since Apples market niche is heavily dependent on both quality andShow MoreRelatedStrategic Management and Information Systems19841 Words  | 80 Pagesfor competitive advantage. 4. Demonstrate how information systems help businesses use synergies, core competencies, and network-based strategies to achieve competitive advantage. 5. 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