Friday, May 31, 2019
Hamlet - A Eulogy Essay -- essays research papers
Deargonst friends, family and the people of Denmark. We gather here today to mourn the loss of the noble prince, loyal son and true friend, Prince juncture. But we are not here only to mourn, only if to reminisce the times we have spent with him, both the good and the bad and to remember him as the person he was. Prince Hamlet did not live a very fortunate, on the contrary his final weeks were filled with a tragedy n bingle of us should have to bear, but he lived his life to the full and I am sure that he has, in some way touched the lives of all of us here today.Hamlet passed away young, a mere 30 years of age, and I sincerely regret that I will never be able to see such a fine young opus take command of the throne and restore nobility to the state of Denmark. He was the son of the great King Hamlet, one of the best kings this country has ever seen, and Queen Gertrude, our countries finest lady who has also now sadly passed away. I am sure that all of you here today looked up t o Hamlet as a fine young prince, but I knew him as much more than that. To me he was the best friend a man could have, loyal, witty, and extremely trustworthy. I remember the days back when we studied together in Wittenberg, we spent a lot of time together and he was of all time there to support and help me. He was always cheerful but quiet and had a quick wit, which fascinated me. Hamlet delighted in flashes of enjoyment that were wont to set the table in a roar. His ability to read my mind always astounded me, al...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Role of the Teacher in Reporting Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect E
babe abuse is a growing problem that affects children of all genders, ages, races, religions, and classes. It generally can be defined as the non-accidental physical, sexual or amiable injury or neglect caused by basic omissions of the childs parents or rushtakers( carbon monoxide State discussion section of Education, 1998). Narrowing the causes of child abuse to one in particular would be impossible, due to the wide range of factors that contribute. Today, teachers hold an important and unique position, for they are required to have an understanding of the laws and regulations in which to detect and treat any suspected cases of child abuse. In Baltimore County, there have been recent efforts to train and educate public school employees on the awareness of child abuse, and the estimable procedures necessary when filing an actual report. As stated by Linda Lumsden, the school is one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, curr ent contact (1991).Baltimore County requires all educators to be aware of the various forms in which abuse will surface. Physical, mental, and sexual abuse, along with neglect, are the most common variations of maltreatment. Of the 2,806 investigations by the Child Protective Services in 1999, 1,405 were physical abuse (50.1%), 530 were sexual abuse (18.9%), and 871 were neglect (31.0%) (Baltimore County Department of Social Services, 2000). Physical abuse is recognized by the Department of Social Services as, the physical injury of a child under age 18 by parent, person with permanent or temporary care of custody/ supervision, or household or family member, which brings harm to a childs health or welfare, or substantial risk of being harmed (BC DSS, 2000). T... ...Colorado State Department of Education. (1998). The Colorado Schools Role in the Prevention and intervention of child abuse and neglect. Colorado.Libit, H. (1998, May 24). Schools seek better polity to find abuse Ba lto. County plan would hold all adults including parent volunteers and student teachers responsible for reporting suspected cases of abuse. The Baltimore temperateness. p. 1B.Lumsden, L.S. (1991). The role of schools in sexual abuse streak and intervention. (ERIC digest no. 61). ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management. (ERIC Document Reprocuctive Service No. ED 331152)Shatzkin, K. (2000, March 3). Social workers demand reduced caseloads Laws ordering cuts not implemented, demonstrators say. The Baltimore Sun. p. 2B.Sun staff. (1998, June 18). Fisher case prompts rule requiring school staff to report abuse. The Baltimore Sun. p. 3B.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Driving Ability Essay -- essays research papers
What things affect your driving ability? There be many things that affect your driving ability. Your emotional, vision and physical condition are just a few.Responsibility, maturity, and self-control are factors that affect your driving. Its not just skill that matters. Its your ability to think clearly and make sound, responsible decisions. Everybody experiences strong feelings that are both positive and negative. When you experience a strong negative emotion, you may feel as if you have to display forcefulness. This can lead to driving aggressively. This is called track rage. Violence is sometimes associated with road rage. Strong emotions can have an effect on your driving. They can interfere with your ability to manage the risk involved.Inattention and privation of concentration may affect your driving. Both of them take your mind off of the road. It could be you being preoccupied or thinking about an exciting basketball play. It may be that you are thinking about a test tha t you need to study for, your boyfriend or girlfriend. The lack of concentration may energize you to speed or break other driving rules without you realizing it.Safe driving is a full-time job for your mind and your body. Drivers must be in a state of mind that allows them to see, hear, acknowledge signals of the roadway and behave accordingly. If the occasion ever occurs when youre not in the right state of mind, allow someone else to exertion fo...
Music, Ethos and Pathos :: Music Bands
Music, Ethos and Pathos Ethos The credibility of Anti-Flag, as of right now, is growing enormously. All the other punk rotarys look to these guys and marvel at how much they are defend their beliefs. For example, a person is watching his or her favorite band play and he or she begins to talk of how great Anti-Flag is. Immediately one could pick up on that and want to get to know to a greater extent about Anti-Flag. It is a chain reaction of learning about other bands through bands that he or she already knows. If Anti-Flag are respected by bands that were the original punk-rockers such as Bad Religion, NOFX, and The Clash, then they will be admitted into the fan base of such bands. As long as a band can get a well known band to show favor, the band will be more accepted by the fan-base community. This is ironic because the band does not have to make good music as long as a respected band likes them. Pathos The emotions that are really being played on th e most are anger. People have so much anger when they can not understand the world or what is going on in it. The audience becomes furious to all the killing and death in the world and they need person there to sympathize with them. Anti-Flag gets the listener angry by exposing the faults of the world. The listener appreciates this because Anti-Flag will not sell into the wrongs of the world. It uses the emotion of finding comfort in that there is mortal else out there that has the same views as the listener does. The band uses punk rock music as a common ground with the listeners and expresses their views through their songs. This relates spinal column to the author because this is a great way to protest through music.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD ) Essay -- Biology Essays Resea
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD )Everyone experiences some unhappiness in his or her lifetime whether it is a specific situation or not. It becomes more serious when the cause is a form of depression. It is a fact that women experience depression about twice as much as men (1). These causes specific totallyy for women give the gate be complex and so are the solutions (3). A common syndrome affecting an estimated 3% to 8% of women in their reproductive years is called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) (4). PMDD is specifically known as a mood disorder of severe depression, irritability, and tension with symptoms worsening a week or so before a womans menstrual period and usually settling out afterwards (5). PMDD can be devastating to all areas of a womans everyday life, including family relationships, friendships, and the ability to work or go to school (3). Many people still believe that the emotional symptoms caused by PMDD are not real, and that a woman should be able to shake off the symptoms if only she tried hard enough. Because of these inaccurate beliefs, women with this depression either may not actualise that they have a treatable disorder or may be discouraged from seeking or staying on treatment. Often, womens concerns regarding their condition are not taken bad which leads to feelings of self-doubt, frustration and hopelessness (6). Feeling sad or stressed during a menstrual period doesnt necessarily mean a woman is suffering from PMDD. This is a common assumption made by women who are confused about their emotional state. As a female suffering from PMS monthly, I can admit that PMDD has become questionable in my mind. There have been many times that I have suffered anything from constant tiredne... ...uffering so women can continue to comprise prosperous and fulfilling lives without the burden of PMDDs awful symptoms. Sources1) Did you know? Depression, http// Information and interposition for Depr ession, http// Women and Depressive Episodes, http// 4) Recognizing the range of mood disorders in Women, http// 5) Health Advice For Women, http// Quick Self-Test, http// Symptoms and Treatment for PMDD, http// Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, http//
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD ) Essay -- Biology Essays Resea
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD )Everyone experiences some unhappiness in his or her lifetime whether it is a specific post or not. It deforms more serious when the cause is a form of depression. It is a fact that women experience depression about twice as much as men (1). These causes specifically for women can be complex and so are the solutions (3). A common syndrome affecting an estimated 3% to 8% of women in their reproductive eld is called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) (4). PMDD is specifically known as a mood disorder of severe depression, irritability, and tension with symptoms worsening a week or so before a womans menstrual period and usually settling out afterwards (5). PMDD can be devastating to all areas of a womans everyday life, including family relationships, friendships, and the ability to work or go to school (3). Many people still believe that the emotional symptoms caused by PMDD are not real, and that a woman should be able to shake off the s ymptoms if only she tried hard enough. Because of these inaccurate beliefs, women with this depression either may not recognize that they have a treatable disorder or may be discouraged from seeking or staying on treatment. Often, womens concerns regarding their condition are not taken seriously which leads to feelings of self-doubt, frustration and despondency (6). Feeling sad or stressed during a menstrual period doesnt necessarily mean a woman is suffering from PMDD. This is a common guess made by women who are confused about their emotional state. As a female suffering from PMS monthly, I can admit that PMDD has become questionable in my mind. There have been many times that I have suffered anything from constant tiredne... ...uffering so women can continue to live prosperous and fulfilling lives without the pith of PMDDs awful symptoms. Sources1) Did you know? Depression, http// Information and Treatment for Depression, http//www.psychologyi Women and Depressive Episodes, http// 4) Recognizing the range of mood disorders in Women, http// obligates/women.htm 5) Health Advice For Women, http// Quick Self-Test, http// Symptoms and Treatment for PMDD, http// Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
Jig’s Decision in Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants†Essay
Ernest Hemingways Hills Like White Elephants presents what is seemingly a pointless converse mingled with a man and a woman as they look at the hills in Spain which the woman considers to present the image of white elephants trailing to each one other across the valley. Although the main topic of their conversation is not explicitly mentioned in their conversation, it seems as if the man is encouraging the woman to commit an abortion. The story begins with a description of the place where both individuals argon having their conversation. It states, The hills across the valley of Ebro were long and white.On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun (Hemingway, 2001, p. 563). The importance of the hills to the narrative is made evident in the later part of the text as the woman mentions that the hills are equal elephants and the man considers it to be a good comparison (Hemingway, 2001, p. 563). Later on the woman repeats th e same line however it was placed in a different context as she states, If do it, then it will be nice again if I say things are like white elephants, and youll like it? (Hemingway, 2001, p. 563).In this context, the woman is questioning whether their relationship will still be the same given that she is hesitant about committing abortion and the man is continuously arduous to persuade her to commit it. The significance of Jigs comparison of the hills to white elephants is thereby evident as Jig weighs the consequences of adhering to the mans desire to abort their child since a part of Jig knows that if she does abort their child, there is a large possibility that their relationship will end since her feelings for the man will be changed as he was the one who persuaded her to abort their child.The end of their relationship, in this sense, may be seen as a result of the lost of love between the twosome since their relationship will be tainted by the knowledge that the man failed t o be accountable for his actions which led them to abort their child. Reference Hemingway, E. (2001). Hills Like White Elephants. Rites of portrayal A Thematic Reader. Eds. J. Rae & C. Fraga. Np Heinle & Heinle.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Love is a Disease: An Explication of Sonnet 147 Essay
Love is a Disease An Explication of Sonnet 147Love is a complaint. Desire is deadly. When virtuoso thinks about Shakespe atomic number 18s sonnets, the instinctual response is the thought of romance. For instance the adoring pull backs, Shall I compare thee to a summers day/ Thou are more(prenominal) than grapplely and more temperate (Sonnet 18, 1-2), are thought to be the most famous words from a Shakespearean sonnet. However, instead of describing love in a starry-eyed fashion, Shakespeare discusses the punitive characteristics of love in Sonnet 147. The component part describes love as an infectious illness ca wontd by inner appetites.The personas psyche knows better than to indulge his appetite, but he does not listen to his logic. He begins the sonnet by stating the primary issue love is a disease. He transitions into explaining that the bring around for this disease is reason, however he does not have hope that he can starve his knowledgeable desire. He finally shift s to a more frenetic state and in the end addresses the cause of his illness, the dark gentle cleaning woman. Shakespeare articulates his hostile definition of love through fashioning love as a disease to boasting the tribulations of love, lust, and desire.In the first quatrain, there is the statement of the sonnets primary topic, which is that love is a disease. The content suggests the battle between love versus sexual appetite. His love is diseased because he has an intense appetite for lust, which when indulged in makes the disease worse. Shakespeare utilizes the metaphor My love is as a fever (Sonnet 147, 1) at the very beginning of the verse to make a strong statement that his love is a disease, and also to introduce the main idea throughout the sonnet. The placement of the metaphor displays that his unenthusiastic standpoint of love is prominent. Secondly, he utilizes punctuation to create a clear argument. After the metaphor, My love is as a fever, (1) there is a comma dividing the first line in half.This comma is not a hard punctuation mark, however it isolates the initial metaphor. In doing so, the metaphor stands out immediately and makes these words even more all important(p). Shakespeare uses feminine rhyme to form unity within the quatrain. The rhyming words are still, disease, ill and please. Each word is important to the meaning of the first quatrain love is a disease that still yearns to be pleased. Additionally, he ends the each quatrain with a period. Thepunctuation at the end of each quatrain keeps the ideas tell apart and the transition between the sonnets consistent content more obvious. For example, the first quatrain discusses love as a disease and the following quatrain discusses the dangers of desire versus the intelligence of reason.In the second quatrain, the persona discusses the battle between desire and reason. He conveys that reason is the doctor who can restore this disease, however he does not oblige. He declares tha t desire is dangerous and lethal. Shakespeare uses personification of the word reason, My reason, and the medical student to my love (5). Reason is personified as a doctor to show that the mind is what cures a dangerous sexual appetite. The personification of reason brings the word to life and makes it more powerful and of great importance. This displays the strength reason has over desire. Shakespeare carries the metaphor of love as a disease from the first quatrain into the second quatrain through the use of diction. He uses many words that refer to medical terms to align with the disease metaphor. For example, he uses the words physician(5) and prescription(6) to keep with the motif of the first quatrain to unify meaning.Lust has already been defined as devious in the first quatrain when it is referred to as a indisposed appetite(4), however Shakespeare takes it a step further when he uses the metaphor Desire is death (8). Like the personification of reason, this metaphor gives the word desire greater importance. This aids in the quatrains main dispute of reason versus desire. Desire is death, is a harsh and straightforward metaphor. The persona expresses that desire is what causes the toxic disease. The use of punctuation also isolates the words desire and reason to show their importance to the quatrain. My reason, (5) is followed by a comma. When the reader says this out loud, it forces the reader to pause where the coma is. In doing so, the word reason is separate from the rest of the sentence and emphasized. The comma also creates a visual separation that creates emphasis. In the same way, Desire is death, (8), is also followed by a comma. The same emphasis applies here, which strengthens the quatrains conflict of reason versus desire.In the third quatrain, the persona expresses that he is hopeless. His sexual appetite cannot be cured. He is now angry, and similar a madman tellslies due to his detrimental sexual desires. This quatrain portrays the co nflict between desire and the cure. Desire has overcome the cure and the persona is now hopeless of overcoming this disease. In the first line, Shakespeare introduces the meaning of the quatrain, Past cure I am, now reason is past care (9). Shakespeare uses repetition in the first line to emphasize the personas hopelessness of being cured. Along with repetition, an anaphora is used to greater tie the phrases together and create greater emphasis.The words care and cure are similar in sound and create a relationship, which underlines the personas loss of reason. Punctuation is used to separate two ideas within the quatrain this is done through the use of a semi colon. The first segment is Past cure I am, now reason is past care/ And frenzied-mad with evermore unrest (9-10). It expresses his frantic hopelessness and is stopped by the semicolon. After which, the second segment states My thoughts and my discourse as madmens are,/ At random from the truth vainly expressd (11-12).The sec ond part expresses that he feels like a madman, and like a madman has begun to tell frivolous lies. The semicolon creates a break between the two ideas and reveals a regression from the personas frantic and hopeless state to the state of a madman. In addition, the second semicolon creates a separation between the quatrain and the couplet, which also are two ideas that are separate in meaning and tone because the end of the third quatrain transitions from the persona talking about his faults to the persona discussing someone else.The couplet at the end strays away from the metaphor in the first three quatrains, that love is a disease and surprises the reader by addressing the dark lady directly. The sonnet shifts dramatically because the persona is no longer talking about himself and his disease he identifies another character, the dark lady. The persona declares her evil nature and finally explains the source of his sexual appetite, his disease. He claims that he use to think that t he dark lady was gentle and beautiful, however he learned that she is evil. Shakespeare uses a simile to emphasize the dark ladys evil qualities, he says Who art b want as hell, as dark as night (14).The similes clearly reveal the malevolent nature of this woman and the detestation the persona carries towards her. The two similes are similar because they both use dark, evil words black, hell, dark and night.The abundance of dispirited words stresses the personas feelings that the dark lady is evil and the source of his complaint.Shakespeare clearly sums up in fourteen lines that a sexual appetite is a dangerous entity. The persona reveals his transition of arguments filling his head, sexual appetites verses love, desire versus reason, and desire versus cure. At the end, he finally breaks down and identifies the source of his problems, the loathed dark lady. This sonnet reveals Shakespeares notion that women are dangerous beings. Women cause diseases because mens sexual appetites ne ed to be fed, however this leads to the disease growing.He expresses that the mind, reason, can overcome and cure this desire but men are hopeless to follow. Ultimately he reveals how not only are women the source of disease, but they also are deceivers who pull wires beauty and are truly wicked. The use of diction, metaphors, similes, repetition and more emphasizes Shakespeares detest. Through Sonnet 147, he reveals that lust is infectious and all consuming and that it leads to lack of reason, lies and dangerous women.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Dickens Spirit In Behind A Christmas Carol English Literature Essay
A Christmas Carol was written in 1843 by Charles Dickens, who today remains the most widely known novelist of the Victorian period. Dickens was born in Portsm discoverh and his farther had a neuterless battle to maintain order of his finance. His farther was put into prison whilst Dickens was put into a contrive house for the bulk of his school old ages. These events contributed to exhausther to give Dickens a number one category position of Poverty and how the world(a) kids of England lived during the 1800 s. These subjects can be palmy associated with A Christmas Carol. They had a great influence on his authorship and made him into the novelist he was.The chief character in the novel is Ebenezer grouch. The supporter starts off as a affluent but highly crabbed and bloody-minded concern adult male. He is the kind of individual that lone mobilizes of himself and no 1s else. The action of four liquors, change the manner he acts and feels and turn him into a respectful member of the community. Jacob Marley, The Ghost of Christmas away, mystify and Yet to Come any have a unlike consequent on tyke. From seeing what Scrooge was like as a immature male child, to what the here later awaits for him. Dickens uses different techniques and methods for each of the liquors to carry through this. some(prenominal)ly of the liquors are besides presented otherwise because they resemble and mean different things.Dickens uses Scrooges old concern spouse, Jacob Marley, to warn Scrooge of what the hereafter holds for him unless he changes his ways. Marley is the first intuitive feeling Scrooge encounters because he is the lone individual Scrooge would swear. Marley makes a dramatic ledger entry and astonishes Scrooge.Marley has to look similar to what he looked like seven old ages ago, to metamorphose Scrooge that he is subsisting. The same organization the real same aaa.. and the hair upon his caput. Scrooge to get beat with, refuses to believe that the shade he is seeing in forepart of him is existent, despite the fact Marley has barely changed after decease. As Marley s visual aspect has non truly changed, this thought easy convinces Scrooge that the apparition is truly Marley because of its similitude. Scrooge has to cognize what and who has entered his house to stalk him, so a elaborate verbal description of Marley is needed. Scrooge first sees Marley s bet in the door knocker, after he has come back from a eventide repast. Merely the rich utilize to be able to travel out for repasts, so this shows that Scrooge is affluent and can afford expensive luxuries. In the 1800 s the modern door bell was non invented so the bulk of doors had door knockers alternatively. The face on the knocker catches Scrooge s attending, but when he goes back to look, the face has gone. Scrooge so comes to the decision that his eyes must hold been performing fast ones. It is non until Marley s chief entryway that Scrooge believes it is truly Marley.Dicken s uses onomatopoeia to depict Marley s dramatic entryway. The cellar-door flew unfastened with a flourishing sound. The experience Scrooge has with Jacob Marley is full of suspense and tenseness. The usage of the word flew indicates that the engagement of Marley is dramatic. This helps to arouse fright because of its abruptness. When the commentator reads it, the suspense which has been built up is released in one sentence. The onomatopoeia helps the reader to get wind what the state of affairs was like for Scrooge. The cellar door could besides stand for the gap to the changing of Scrooges character. It opening could resemble another opportunity to travel down it, in other words another opportunity to alter the manner he lives his life.It is merely when Marley takes off the patch around his caput that Scrooge believes that the numeral in fount of him truly is existent and is Jacob Marley. awhen the apparition taking off the patch round its caput, as if it were excessively war m to have on in-doors, its natural depressioner jaw dropped down upon its chest Scrooge fell upon his articulatio genuss, and clasped his custodies before his face. In the 1800 s when person passed off a patch was wrap up and tied below the jaw. This was so when the organic structure decomposes the jaw skeleton is still attached to the remainder. When Scrooge sees the lowered jaw, he is shocked and in discouragement. This was rotund evidence that it was Jacob Marley and that everything he had been stating was true. Scrooge could non bear to see what had happened to his best friend. The taking off the patch evokes fear into Scrooge and makes the said much more existent and chilling. This makes Scrooge emotional to the whole visit of Jacob Marley. This tells and shows the reader that Scrooge still has some kind of bosom inside of him and it merely needs more work and recognition to get down to do Scrooge alteration.From the text Dickens has given you the thought that the Jacob Marl ey has non made as large of consequence as he wished. It tells us Marley wanted to do a bigger impact to Scrooge and possibly Marley had a small spot of good left in him when he died, so now he is desire to assist his old concern spouse.Jacob Marley s spirit has now left Scrooge and it is the bend of The Ghost of Christmas aside to stalk and learn Scrooge how he must alter. The Ghost of Christmas Past has heavy description and takes him back foremost to his old boarding school and several other of import topographic maculations.Dickens has used similes to depict the unusual expression of Ghost of Christmas Past. It was a unusual figure like a kid, unless non so like a kid as like an old adult male. Scrooge can non do out the unusual expression of the shade. in that respect is a batch of description about this first of the three liquors. The description Dickens gives for the spirit is curious proposing it is like that to assist Scrooge understand the things he is travel to see . A simile is a different technique for the reader to take in, other than a batch of description, so this gives the novel a let out flow. The spirit could be set forth like a kid, as this spirit is about how Scrooge used to be. The shade takes Scrooge back to when he went to get oning school, so seeing a kid like figure would give you an feeling that you are traveling to re-visit your former ego. The fact that it has the visual aspect of two a kid and old adult male, besides symbolises that the spirit is ageless. This indicated that Scrooge is in the presence of the supernatural.After much waiting and confusion over the entryway of the spirit, it all of a sudden appears in forepart of Scrooge. Light flashed up in the room upon the blink of an eye, and the drapes of his bed were drawn. During the 1800 s cardinal warming was an point people could hold merely wished for. So they would hold a drape which went round the bed to seek and maintain the warm in and the cold out. A manus of the shade all of a sudden opens the bed curtains, this could stand for the shade opening a new chance for Scrooge to alter into a better individual. Again the shade makes a dramatic entryway, make fulling the room of visible radiation. The light make fulling the room and the gap of the drapes could resemble acquiring up at the beginning of the twenty-four hours meaning Scrooge and the shade are shortly to be busy revisiting Scrooge s former ego. The spirit is described as have oning the purest white gown, this can be linked to several ghostly figures, the sudden detonation of visible radiation besides supports this. In that clipping the bulk of English people followed some kind of the Christian faith, so it s more than likely Scrooge was a Christian. Although it is non mentioned in the text, Scrooges attitude suggests he is a small startled by the entryway of the unusual figure. These points combined give the feeling that Scrooge thought the first spirit was a spiritual figure a s he had non encountered any of the other liquors at that point.Scrooge is reminded of the life he used to populate through the usage of the senses, in this antecedent odor. A 1000 odours drifting in the air, each one connected with a 1000 stems, and hopes, and joys, and attentions large, long, forgotten. In this case Dickens has used the senses to depict ideas which were traveling through Scrooges head. This is a different technique which has been used, which helps to prosecute and affect the reader. The senses are a great manner to retrieve different things. Peoples associate different odors and sounds to different memories through out their lives. The Ghost of Christmas Past is all about Scrooge retrieving how he used to be and how reasonably he was before his greed for coin kicked in. So for Dickens to affect the sense of odor, it is a really effectual technique.After Scrooge has met The Ghost of Christmas Past, he encounters The Ghost of Christmas Present.Scrooge recognises The Ghost of Christmas Present to be reasonably and sort, but he is still a small nervous about hightail it intoing the spirit. He was non the dour Scrooge he had been and though the Spirit s eyes were defecate and sort, he did non like to run into them. Scrooge shyly enters the room the shade is in, this shows Scrooge is non yet settled with run intoing the paranormal. On the other manus, possibly he fears where the shade is traveling to take him and what it is traveling to demo him. One of the first references of this spirit is that his eyes are clear and sort, straight a manner this give the reader an thought of what the spirit is traveling to be like.Dickens uses developed and detailed description to explicate to the reader what The Ghost of Christmas Present represents. Scrooge did as he was told, and held it fast.Holly, mistletoe, ruddy berries, Hedera helix, Meleagris gallopavos, geese, game, domestic fowl, muscle, meat, hogs, sausages, oysters, pies, puddings, fruit, and clout, all vanished immediately. So did the room, the fire, the ruddy freshness, the hr of dark, and they stood in the urban center streets on Christmas forenoon, One 2nd Scrooge is in his house with spirit, the following he is on a busy street. The abruptness of this event truly grips the reader, as thither is a dramatic alteration in secret plan in such a little portion of text. All of the description gives the reader a elaborate image of what the scene is like and helps to understand how Scrooge could hold been experiencing. In the 1800 s the meatman would hold animate beings hanging up in the store, no pre cut, packaged meat. 1800 s stores would be a batch different to what they are today, so it besides gives the reader an penetration to what a Christmas used to be like. All of this nutrient could stand for the wealth which Scrooge has, as it is the Ghost of Christmas Present.The spirit points out to Scrooge a male child and a miss who s household make non hold much money, but still pull off to remain happy. They were a male child and a miss. Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolflike but flat excessively, in their humbleness. The ragged description of the kids shows the household do non hold much money. Despite this the kids still manage to stay low and humane. Dickens has shown the kids are happy with what they have through a batch of description, chiefly adjectives, at the clip when it was written kids had to populate through poorness, so the description is highly relevant. The spirit points out how they have no money but are happy, and that he is rich and remains full of crankiness, signalling to Scrooge money is non everything.________________________________The buy the farm of the three liquors, is the shade of Christmas Yet to Come. This spirit is the most noticeable from the remainder. The spirit has no address at all but communicates to Scrooge through candid action such as indicating. No address confuses Scrooge and he starts to fear the shad e.Dickens has personified decease for the spirit, this is represented in the manner he looks and his general motions. The apparition easy, soberly, mutely approached. Death comes with no warning. It is inevitable and can go on in a flash with no warning what so of all time, so decease could be described as silent. The word easy could be used to give the significance of from the clip your Borns, to the clip you die, it is a long clip. At the present twenty-four hours we possibly would nt state soberly but it contains context to what was go oning at that point during the novel. The apparition does non talk, wears a black robe from caput to toe, if you saw this sort of being gravely walking towards you, you would non believe it is alive but the supernatural. This truly evokes fright into Scrooge and makes him believe truly what he has become. To the reader this besides builds up suspense and tenseness to what the spirit is traveling to make to Scrooge.Dickens has presented the concl uding spirit so it has a clear delegation to the inexorable harvester. It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its caput, its face, its signifier, and left nil of it seeable salvage one outstretched manus. The clasp harvester wears a black garment, with its face non seeable, and so does The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. A clear comparing can be made. The term the Grim Reaper came about after the fifteenth century, so Dickens may hold taken thoughts from that. Scrooge had more than probably heard of the Grim Reaper, so he might of idea that s what had visited him.What the spirit did nt state, Scrooge got the messages through the liquors actions.The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come had a clear consequence on Scrooge as he is panic-stricken of the spirit. Scrooge feared the soundless form so much that his legs trembled beneath him. The spirit has a really awful visual aspect and is used to assist Scrooge believe about what he has done. Scrooge is wholly terrified by t he shade, it strikes fear into him and about forces him to believe otherwise. The concluding spirit unit of ammunitions of the work of the first two, and cements in the thoughts he has come across because of the liquors.The work of the three liquors alterations Scrooges attitude to Christmas and to those who are less fortunate as he is. He becomes a really generous individual, giving his clerk a wage rise, giving a batch of money to charity, sends Christmas repasts to unsuspicious receivers and most of all and most of import he revitalises his true Christmas spirit.By composing A Christmas Carol, I feel Dickens was seeking to direct a clear message out to society. In 1843 there were two degrees of societal position, the hapless and the rich. Devils had experienced both, so he knew what a little difference could do. He was seeking to fall in the hapless and the rich, so everybody could populate a joyful and happy Christmas.When the book was published it re-birthed the low Christmas s pirit, it besides started Christmas conditions such as general good will to all. I think The Ghost of Christmas Past affected Scrooge the most, as sees how he used to populate and compares it to how he lives now. Dickens uses a different technique for this spirit, he uses a large method of utilizing the senses to stand for Scrooges past memories. Along with the senses, Dickens long and intense descriptions help the reader image the state of affairs Dickens was seeking to make. I feel overall the best technique was the description of the liquors. Dickens varies techniques make the novel much more exciting and give the book a much better flow. Different methods are needed because the different liquors have different ways of explicating to Scrooge that he must alter his ways. For illustration, The Ghost of Christmas Past has a few similes whilst The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come has no address.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Wilma Rudolph
Expository Piece Wilma Rudolph Wilma Rudolph is indeed one of the most inspirational people in America. She seemed to sponsor set a new era of going after your dreams and conquering goals. She had a lot of success but it was not easy getting in that location for Rudolph. There were many hardships she had to face as well. She overcame every obstacle because she had a lot of determination this inspiration is why she is an important person that should be remembered from history. Wilma was natural in Clarksville, Tennessee on June 23rd, 1940. She was African- American so at this time segregation was still prevalent.She was born prematurely and didnt get the medical attention that she deserved due to being in a white hospital. This led to one illness after another without medicine measles, mumps, scarlet fever, chicken pox and forficate pneumonia. The hardship that altered her whole childhood and rest of her life was being diagnosed with polio after her left leg had become weak and de formed. She was told that there was no cure and she would never walk again. This news was devastating to her and her poor family. Wilma was the 20th child out of 22 children and they were living through the Great Depression.Wilmas parents Ed and Blanche Rudolph were very hardworking people the support there large family and the whole family helped out with taking care of Wilma their young sister in need of a more normal childhood.. It was at age 12 when she finally got her big metal leg brace off and started learning to walk. It was like a miracle. It was in junior high school that Wilma followed in her sister Yolandas footsteps and joined the basketball team. Finally three years later the coach put her in her first game. Her sophomore year she became the starting guard.It was at a state basketball tournament that the track coach of the University of Tennessee Tigerbells, Ed Temple saw the authorisation in Wilma. HE invited her to Tennessee State that summer for a summer camp becau se Burt High School (where Wilma attended) was a poor school that did not have bountiful money to fund a track team. After high school she received a full ride scholarship to Tennessee State. In 1956 Wilma went to her first Olympic games where she won a brinze medal in the 44 put across. In 1960 she went to the Olympics in Rome and became the first US women to win three gold medals in a single Olympics.Not only was she a black woman that had overcome polio but she was in the Olympics setting records She won the 100-meter dash, the 200-meter dash, and ran the anchor on the 400-meter relay team. Her victories in sport represented the ideals of America ideals that celebrated the accomplishments of African-American women in a democratic nation. She helped to show the concept that if you work hard, you will be successful, irrespective of your skin color, gender or economic standing. Wilma Rudolph was an example of someone changing and benefitting the future America using determination to inspire.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Academic Criticism Graphic Organizer Essay
brothel keeper Macbeth was being haunted in her dreams because of the actions her and her husband had carried out. Characterizations was also revealed because it repointed doll Macbeth was not cold hearted and that she had a conscience.Lady Macbeth is wearing a white dress to show her true innocence besides her hair is black to show the darkness within. The people were in the corner because they wanted to listen what she was saying while she was sleep walkingThe doctor and lady Macbeth are in this vista. thither is also another woman is wearing old clothing. The doctor is a woman in this stage adaptation but is described as a male in Shakespeares writing. Again, Lady Macbeth is wearing a white dress and has black hair implying her guilt ridden conscience.Step 2 Questionwhy was it chosen for Lady Macbeths character to experience such guilt when she was such a cold hearted character in the beginning? How did thiscontribute to the resultant role of the act as?Why was Lady Macbeth in all white? Why was the doctor remaining in the corner instead of helping Lady Macbeth backside to her bed?Why in this adaptation did Lynch have the doctor as a woman and not as a male wish the play had portrayed?Step 3 AnalyzeLady Macbeth starts to feel guilty because it shows the darkness that is slowly going to start taking over Lady Macbeth and Macbeths relationship and not in a good way.The doctor pillowed in the corner with the woman to show their interest in what Lady Macbeth was saying and how they were verbalise to each other. Lady Macbeth was put in all white to show she still had a sense of innocence to herLynch possibly make a woman play as the doctor because earlier in the play the doctor states that all men are born of women.Step 4 EvaluateThe author accomplishes the theme that Darkness is Dangerous because showing how the evil actions that Lady Macbeth had did left a darkness in her that she could not handle. Therefore, haunting her through and through many nig hts and eventually leading to her own downfall.The painter accomplished the portrayal they wanted the viewer to see of the guilt ridden soul that Lady Macbeth had obtained and how she in position was remorseful for the things she did, showing her pure innocence that she hasalways, shown just by simply wearing a white dress and the people in the corner whispering showing how her thoughts that were being spoken must have been of high importance and depth.The director accomplished a portrayal of the doctor in his own words. only men are born of women. I also feel that a male doctor might not have been more likely to stay ease drop on Lady Macbeths sleepwalking like a woman would.CritiqueShakespeares original text of Lady Macbeths sleepwalking scene which had shown the toll that was interpreted on Lady Macbeth after the murder she had taken part in, was and inspiration not only for painters but for other directors to remake the play in their interpretations. Both the painting and the Theater production captured the sole purpose of the scene that Shakespeare originally had wrote and they were both similar in character with only a slight difference. The painting by Artus Scheiner, had captured Lady Macbeths innocence but also accomplished making the scene seem a bit unquiet with the lighting. In similarity to the theater production it was also dark and Lady Macbeth walked in lighting.Lady Macbeths true mentality was shown in the production when she sat on the floor and started to rub her hands together vigorously to wash off the imaginary blood she sees on her hands. The painting shows Lady Macbeth walking calmly but in the production she screams with frustration unable to let anyone what she has done, so she is left with having to keep the secret forever. However, Scheiners painting captured the main purpose of this scene in one picture, all by contrasting the lighting and choosing the clothes that she wore to represent her personality with no words. Lynchs adap tation of the play also took value of the white dress and black hair appearance to vaguely brush on Lady Macbeths true inner self being taken over by evil deeds.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Critically Evaluate the Management Model of Baumol
Under the traditional economic understanding, it is always assumed that take in maximization is treated as the main goal or mark for contrastes, subject to perfect knowledge, single entity and sharp logic. However, as illustrated by the principal-agency problem, managers do non usually make rational decision entirely like owners who take comp either interest as their sole basis for their decisions. Past examples have shown that managers do take their own individualised goals and satisfactions as consideration in their decision-making.In addition, information gathering is not always perfect as managers do make decision by relying completely on the implicit knowledge gained from past experiences, without referencing to the macro-economic environment and the current market changes. Combining all these factors, it is and so understandable that businesses do not always operation toward profit maximization, at least in the sententious term, and former(a) objectives like financial objective, market sh are, executive power, etc. do involve in business decision making.However, as pull downed out by various academics (Baumol, 1962 Marris, 1964 Williamson, 1963), profit maximization does not always serve as the only correct objective for a firm, e supererogatoryly at various phrases of the business on a timeline scale. A point-in-hand is Baumol position. As an alternative to profit maximization type, Baumol model works on the coefficient of correlation between expense and output decision with the objective of maximizing gross r take downue revenue, subjected to minimum profit constraint by shareholders.In profit maximization model, profit is maximized at the output where Marginal Revenue (MR) is equaled to Marginal Cost (MC) whereas Baumol Model emphasizes on maximizing sales revenue (TR) and may miss the MC = MR point to achieve its goal. This model argues that businesses try to maximize sales revenues rather than profits with the possible motives such as growing or sustaining market share, to fill up spare capacity, discourage new entrants, management performance and etc.In addition, Baumol model provides a platform to understand some of the posture strategies adopted by certain industries, which usually share commons characteristics of having huge change posture follow and blue variable cost. In such industries where mulish cost or sunk cost takes up a huge part of the total cost, producing a single unit and its maximum allowable output (without expanding its capacity in the short term) does not have any signifi whoremongert impact to the total cost.In such instances, profit maximization model is neither practical nor feasible as a condense of the model relies on seeking the output point where MC=MR. In the case of Walt Disney, the operational cost does not differ untold whether at that place is one patronage or maximum allowable patronages as a theme park has to be fully functional during its operation hours, which seek the MC at zero or near zero level. The objective of the company to seek sales revenue maximization for the day rather than way its effort to achieve the output point where MC=MR to maximize its profit does make sense.This explains the two-part pricing strategy adopted by Walt Disney where a fix low-level formatting fee per entry is charged and allows the patronage to have as many free rides as they wish. Another example is the telecommunication industry, where the initial investment/fixed cost (for example launching the satellite and setting up the infrastructure) is huge, and the variable cost per call is insignificant to the total cost. In such industry, firms will focus on maximizing sales revenue (with constraints to maximum capacity/output) by employ strategies like impairment discrimination strategy.In this strategy, the firms charge a different unit price to peak and off-peak hours, as there is plenty of spare capacity at off-peak hours. Since MC of output is low, any a dditional revenue that can be generated from this surplus capacity will be profit to the firms. As such instance, it is rational for telecommunication industrial to adopt sales maximization model like Baumol. In addition, as short term capacity is always constraint and limited, telecommunication industries would not want to experience loss sales callable to their inability to meet customer demand, especially during peak hour usage.As service providers, consistent and frequent service failure could prove to be contraband in term of their survival and their long-term brand reputation. Therefore it would make sense for telecommunication firms to divert the peak-hours traffic into non-peak hours by using a price discrimination strategy which segments the users based upon their willingness and abilities to pay. For instance, business-users are willing to pay higher(prenominal) price for peak-hours usage due to their in rubberlike demand whereas in contrast, leisure-users demand is el astic and are willing to make call during off-peak hours in return for lower price.By adopting the price discrimination strategy, telecommunication firms are able to maximize sales revenue during peak and off-peak hours by balancing the air-time traffic based upon different market segment of users. At this point, it is also noticeable that one of the characteristics of Baumol firms lies in the putrefiable products/services offered which cannot be inventoried. The loss sale of the day on the unutilized capacity/outputs is an opportunity cost to the firms.Baumol model is not only applicable to huge/ salient corporations, but also to small retailers like bakery shop or wet market, which explains the grounds why some bakery shops offer a special discount one hour before the shop closed to maximize the revenue. The rationales applied similarly to the low cost carriers (LCC) where price discrimination is utilize as a strategy to maximize revenue. LCCs sell a cheaper price to early book ing passengers and a higher price for last minute passengers to summation the revenue.LCCs utilize the world of multiple segments to serve and the opportunity to utilize surplus capacities to generate additional revenue. The adoption of sales revenue maximization model is also used as an effective way of securing additional market share within a regulated market with limited players where market dominance is vital. In think to pricing, add-on product/services like travel insurance, priority boarding and choosing-a-seat are used as bundled offering to the customer to gain extra profit.Firms are willing to earn a smaller profit if it means that they are able to gain a competitive advantage from their rival firms. As an illustration, seaworthiness club is a good example to elaborate how Baumol model is applied through adopting different pricing strategies. The reasons behind Fitness Club in adopting Baumol model include penetration to new market segments, retaining existing custome r and to fill up spare capacity. au becausetic Fitness, which is a imageed fitness centre, is effectively using Baumol model by offering different pricing strategies to capture different market egments, for instance, offering monthly fees to uncertain-customer and yearly/lifetime rank to certain-customer. Two types of pricing strategies are used by True Fitness to maximum its sales revenue, which are- i)Two part pricing ( lifetime social rank) The company offers a lifetime membership at ? 1. 5K as one-off payment and charges a minimal price of ? 20 yearly as administration/subscription fee. By paying a lifetime membership fees as fixed price, the customers are able to enjoy the facilities for life for as low as ? . 67 per month, which no other rivals is able to compete with this low price. As per other industries discussed above, fitness clubs have the similar characteristic like high initial set up cost and low marginal cost to adopt the Baumol model. The company charges an upfr ont fee to gain maximum consumer surplus and utilizes the yearly subscription fees, which is equaled to the marginal cost/average variable cost, to cover its yearly racecourse costs.In addition, in order to adopt the two-part pricing strategy to maximize sales revenue, the company needs to have a minimum output (also cognize as critical mass), so that the full consumer surplus can be derived from the fixed fees. For example, if the yearly running cost (without considering the depreciation cost of the initial set up) is ? 200,000, in order to offer a yearly subscription fee of ? 20, the company needs to have a minimum membership of 10,000 in order to center the average variable cost/marginal cost to this level.By adopting Baumol model, which gives a higher output with lower price, this is achievable. This pricing strategy is also applicable to other chained-companies where the firms can derive the maximum profit from the fixed fee and use it as capital/investment to set up a new c hain store. At the same time, individual chain store is able to run by itself from the revenue derived from the minimal pricing. ii)Price discrimination ( monthly membership vs. lifetime membership) True Fitness segments their customers into certain and uncertain customer by ffering different pricing to monthly and lifetime membership. The club is willing to offer a lower price to customers who are willing to commit, in comparison to uncertain customers. As illustrated in earlier examples, fitness clubs need to fill up spare capacities as any unutilized capacity carried an opportunity cost. With customers commitment, they are able to secure their stability in term of both volume and sales revenue. For those uncertain customers, the company charges a higher price, which customer willing to pay due to the flexibility and short-term commitment.From the above illustrations, it is apparent that a key characteristic of the Baumol model hinges on the elasticity of demand. As shown, Baumol model uses pricing strategies as a mean to achieve revenue maximization, and is therefore heavily dependent on the price elasticity to achieve the objective of the model If the demand is inelastic, Baumol model will not work as the demand of the product/services will not increase proportionately and therefore the sales revenue will not maximize from the reduction in price.In addition, advertising effect has not been considered in the above examples, which is a common tactic used to increase the inelasticity of demand. The psychological effect of advertising has been proven effective in occupying the mindset of consumers through brand image building, which increase the standoff of the consumers to certain products/services, thus the inelasticity of the demand. The pointers from the last paragraph are well-illustrated by the Memo 1 example in Baye text book.In this example, it is shown that the price change does not correlate with the demand. By reducing the price from the current, $ 10. 50 to $10, the subscribers drops from 881 subscribers to 842, causing the revenue to drop from $9251 to $8240 and therefore a profit drop of $614. 5. (Appendix 1). In reverse, the firm should increase the price to $11. 5 to maximize the revenue at $11282 and a price of $12. 5 to maximize the profit at $4734. One of the reasons is due to the advertising and promotional effort from the company which increases the inelasticity of the demand.Secondly, since a loyal group of subscribers has already been amassed, STARZ network functions more as an add-on product to the existing subscribers. The combination of these two factors explained the reason why sales revenues and profit actually increases with price increases. In addition, from the data on STARZ network (Appendix 1), it is apparent that STARZ network does not share the same characteristics of high fixed cost or excess capacity to apply Baumol model. Instead, it seems like advertising or bundled pricing works better for STARZ ne twork rather then price reduction.Further to the points above, Baumol model players are exceedingly susceptible to the price reaction from their rivals, which could easily result in a price-war especially in an oligopolistic market. The existence of a floor triggering price in Baumol model constrained the players from laboured the price too much which will defeat the purpose of revenue maximization. Thus, it is highly unfavorable for Baumol model players to induce a price-cutting reaction from their rivals when they attempt to lower the price.This explained why certain Baumol model players used noise as disguise to their rivals when lowering the price to achieve revenue maximization. To summarize, long-term profit pursuance remains as the ultimate objective for any business. However, due to dissimilar characteristics of different industries, there are various models that can be used to achieve this long-term objective, which explains why certain firms are willing to sacrifice prof it today in exchange for profit tomorrow.As illustrated through various examples in this assignment, the application of the correct model for the right industries and at the correct phrase of the company life-cycle becomes an even more important decision for managers to make. With the understanding and knowledge gained through the detailed analysis and critique of Baumol model, an useful insight to the economic rationale adopted by various industries, like Walt Disney, LCC and telecommunication firms is achieved. Bibliography Mercuro, N. , Haralambos, S. Gerald, W. , 1992. Ownership Structure, judge of the Firm and the Bargaining Power of the Manager. Southern Economic daybook, 59(2), pp. 273-83. Baumol, W. J. , 1996. Prediction and the logic of the Averages Variable Cost Test. Journal of Law and Economics, 39(1), pp. 49 72. McNutt, P. A. , 2008, Signalling, Strategy & Management Type, Available at http//www. patrickmcnutt. com/docs/PatrickMcNutt. com_ebook Accesses 20 Jan 2009. Baye, M. R. , 2009. Managerial Economics and Business Strategy.International ed. New York McGraw-Hill. Conway, L. L. & Craycraft, J. L. , 1974. Sales maximization and Oligopoly A Case Study. Journal of Industrial Economics, 23(2), pp. 81-95. Armstrong, M. & Vickers, J. , 2001. Competitive Price Discrimination. The Rand Journal of Economics, 32(4), pp. 579-605. Oi, W. Y. , 1971. A Disneyland Dilemma Two-Part Tariffs for a Mickey Mouse Monopoly. The Journal of Economics, 85(1), pp. 77-96. McNutt, P. A.. Management Objectives and Stakeholder Value (Study Guide Unit 1).
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The ability to formulate concepts ad think abstractly disappears
Alzheimers unsoundness is a progressive, irreversible, degenerative neurologic disease that begins insidiously and is characterized by gradual losses of cognitive function and disturbances in behavior and affect. Alzheimers disease is not found exclusively in the olden in 1 % to 10% of cases, its flack occurs in middle age. A family history of Alzheimers disease and the presence of Down syndrome are two realized risk factors for Alzheimers disease.Of family members have at least one other relative with Alzheimers disease, then a familial component, which non- specifically includes both environmental triggers and genetic determinants, is said to exist. Genetic studies show that autosomal- dominant forms of Alzheimers disease are associated with early onset and early death. In 1987, chromosome 21 was first implicate in early-onset familial Alzheimers disease. Soon after, the gene coding fro amyloid precursor protein or APP was alike found to be on chromosome 21.Not until 1991 was an actual transmutation in association with familial Alzheimers disease found in the APP gene of chromosome 21. For those with this gene, onset of Alzheimers disease began in their 50s. Only a few of the cases of familial Alzheimers disease have been found to involve this genetic mutation. In 1992, chromosome 14 was found to contain an unidentified mutation also linked to familial Alzheimers disease. Since 1995, molecular biologists have been discovering even more- specific genetic information about the various forms of Alzheimers disease, including genetic differences between early- and late- onset Alzheimers disease.These genetic differences are helping to pinpoint risk factors associated with the disease, although the genetic indicators are not specific enough to be used as tried diagnostic markets. A. Causes/ Risk Factors Symptoms of AD are usually subtle in onset and often progress slowly until they are self-explanatory and devastating. The changes characteristic of AD into three general categories cognitive, functional, and behavioral. Reversible causes of AD include alcohol abuse, medication use, psychiatric disorders, and normal- pressure hydrocephalus.Increasing age is the leading risk factor of people acquire Alzheimers disease. II. Symptoms, Changes by Psychological and Behavioral A. Dementia Symptoms are usually subtle in onset and often progress slowly until they are obvious and devastating. The changes characteristics of dementia fall into three general categories cognitive, functional and behavioral. In the early stages of Alzheimers disease, forgetfulness and subtle memory loss occur. The patient whitethorn experience atrophied difficulties in work or social activities but has adequate cognitive function to hide the loss and can function independently.Depression may occur at this time. With further progression of the disease, the deficits can no longer be concealed. Forgetfulness is manifested in many daily actions. These patients may los e their ability to cut familiar faces, places, and objects and may get lost in a familiar environment. They may repeat the same stories because they forget that they have already told them. Trying to reason with the person and apply reality orientation only increase the patients anxiety without increasing function. Conversation amazes difficult, and there are word- finding difficulties.The ability to formulate concepts ad think abstractly disappears for instance, the patient can interpret a proverb only in concrete terms. The patient is often unable to recognize the consequences of his or her actions and will therefore exhibit impulsive behavior. For example, on a hot day, the patient may decide to wade in the city fountain amply clothed. The patient has difficulty with everyday activities, such as operating simple appliances and handling money. Personality changes are also usually evident. The patient may become depressed, suspicious, paranoid, hostile, and even combative.Progr ession of the disease intensifies the symptoms speaking skills deteriorate to nonsense syllables, agitation and physical activity increase, and the patient may wander at night. Eventually, assistance is needed for roughly ADLs including eating and toileting, since dysphagia occurs and incontinence develops. The terminal stage, in which the patient is usually mobile and requires total care, may last for months or years. Occasionally, the patient may recognize family or caretakers. Death occurs as a result of complications such as pneumonia, malnutrition, or dehydration.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Lao-Tzu, Machiavelli, and the American Government
Lao-Tzus Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching and Machiavellis The Qualities of a Prince both give way the ultimate goal of making better leaders. The tactics that each writer chooses to present as a guide for the leader are almost opposite of each other. Todays American government would benefit from a combination of the twain extreme ideas. Lao-Tzus laissez-faire attitude towards the economy, as soundly as his small scale, theme defense military is appealing to a liberal person.Machiavellis attitude towards miserliness and petty(a)er taxes, while creation always prepared for war, would appeal to a conservative person. The writers are in agreement on almost issues, such as taxes, but other ideas, such as government involvement in the usual lives of citizens are completely opposed to one another. Lao-Tzu cerebrates in moderation and small government. He states that a leader should stay within his country and govern his people only. Lao-tzu and Machiavelli are political philosopher s writing in two different lands and two different times.Lao-tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher from 6th century BC, the author of Tao-te Ching, and Machiavelli was an Italian philosopher who lived 2000 eld after Lao-tzus time, author of Prince. They are both philosophers but have totally different perspective on how to be a good leader. While both philosophers writing is instructive. Lao-tzus advice issues from detached view of a general ruler Machiavellis advice is very personal perhaps demanding.Both philosophers idea will not work for todays world, because that forward-looking world is not as perfect as Lao-tzu described in Tao-te Ching, and not as jumbled as Machiavelli illustrated in Prince. In comparing and contrasting the governmental philosophies of the great thinkers Lao-Tzu and Machiavelli, I have rig a pleasant mix of both of their ideas would be the best for America today. Lao-Tzus laisse-faire attitude towards the economy, as well as his small scale military i s appealing to my liberal side, while Machiavellis attitude towards miserliness which causes low taxes appeals to the right wing.These great thinkers contradict the popular saying all great thinkers think alike. They have some(prenominal) ideas, such as taxes, that are the same, while other ideas, like the involvement of government in citizens cursory lives are totally opposite. I shall start with the ideas of Machiavelli, then move on to Lao-Tzus, and finally a par and application into American life. Niccolo Machiavelli believes in a strong government. The leader should be strong and feared. I believe he gets this idea from the fear of God.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Politics of Volkswagen Essay
One can be forgiven for magisterial the categories of political machines when asked about politics in ones country they seemed too coarseplace and mundane to be considered anything political. In the mainstream thought, machines are a means of transportation, to activate from one point to anformer(a). Some conservationists may reason on the environmental agenda, while others may think of cable cable cars as one of the main industries capricious the economy. zippo more is thought of these mean machines that move the world. Yet, the history cars possess has political back chiliad, given that they were considered technological advancements in their early old age. Using Volkswagen as the main case study, this paper all(prenominal)ow for examine cars in a political-visual aspect and the dissemble they cave in on the slew through the ages. It will also consider the consequences of the car the economical impact by the car industry, environmental impact by the car and the op posite integrity and policies enacted for the car and the users. Last but not least, the iconic Volkswagen overhang will be featured and explained on its influence on the lives of piece of musicy. As this paper attempts to cover a lot of ground, the focus will be on the impact by Volkswagen on the world.The History of VolkswagenThe Fhrer addressed the nation on the Volkswagen.It is mute that the term Volkswagen was a brainchild of Adolf Hitler, the Fhrer of the national socialist Ger galore(postnominal). However, what is little understood is how Volkswagen came about. The supposed wads Car was more than political rhetoric it was a determination in Hitlers political ambitions to fork out the car to the masses in a time where the Car was out of reach and seemingly for the elite. Although there were cars from the rival companies, want the Mercedes 170H, the Volkswagen was a car union started off from scratch, supplyed by the sees by the attend Designer, Dr. Ferdinand Por sche. Brought together by a car gross salesman, Jakob Werlin, both Hitler and Porsche discussed ideas of this new project that the Nazi government was instinctive to embark on. Though there were strong skepticism from the Society of German Automobile Manufacturers and the preparations were taking drawn-out than usual, the interest for the Volkswagen never died down. Herr Wilhelm von Opel, the owner of the Volkswagens rival Opel, produced a similar car for the mass world in 1936. Hitler quickly doused water on the Opel project by taking its key supplies of iron and leaf blade under the control of Nazi government, thus making the 1,000 Marks Volkswagen Project a possibility.Along with the Nazi might, the Volkswagen project was rolling with estate, funds and supplies from the Nazi Government. The Fhrer and committee were led nigh on the re gain article of the Volkswagen. The significance of Volkswagen as a car project is of huge importance here. The term Peoples Car was no thi rster a catchphrase for the politicians it was not bait for the people, but fewthing tangible for the people to admire and work towards. This worked well with the Germans they were under hard times and the conceptualization of a Peoples Car would be the best form of pauperization to work hard to join the ranks of developed nations afterward the double fiasco of World War 1 reparations and the groovy Depression.Towards the end of the decade, exhibitions of the car prototypes were present end-to-end e truly Nazi parade, giving the German people hope that they soon could afford the car. Never has an go steady of a car fuelled populace hopes, this contributed to a fervent support for the Nazi rule. The Prototypes The three ready-made prototypes for public viewing. The Volkswagen Project was almost dead at the end of the World War, but for a Major Ivan Hirst and Dr. Heinz Nordhoff, who later became the Managing Director of Volkswagen. The Nazi Government no longer existed the po litical mantra behind the project was no longer applicable. The name was also no longer linked to the Nazi government, although its history was steeped in the Nazi programs. Yet, patronage all these, the Volkswagen brand and group went to influence the world in different ways, sticking strictly to the philosophy behind its name the Peoples Car.Visuals of VolkswagenThroughout the decades of Volkswagen, the strong advertisements and pictorials of Volkswagen proven popular with people around the world, starting with Ger legion(predicate). The early days of Volkswagen was during the Hitler period and he managed to get 300,000 Germans to sign up for the Strength-through-Joy (Kraft Durch Freude) savings purpose for the Volkswagen. Although this did not result in any form of Volkswagen supplied, it was an indication on how strong the demand for the Volkswagen was. face translation 5 Marks a week you need to save, if you want to own a car. The mailing all around Nazi Ger umpteen was lik e the above, where the Strength-through-Joy movement was in place. The savings scheme was a motivation to achieve the desired Peoples Car and for a lot of the working class Germans, this proved to be hugely popular.English Translation Strength-through-Joy Calendar 1939. The Calendar was one of the many tools to get the Germans kindle in the Volkswagen. After the revival of the company, the phenomenon spread to America, where the whim of Volkswagen was hugely popular with the middle-class folks. This set the impression that the Volkswagen was indeed a Peoples Car.The association with diplomats increased the prestige of the Volkswagen. Volkswagen has brought prestige, once associated with the elites, down to the man on the street.Volkswagen was known to have such teasing ad designs in America, and was not afraid to entangle celebrities or bring in creative artwork with cheeky descriptions. This escalated the Volkswagen brand to a passion, with different subcultures chase it, name ly the Hippies movement with the Volkswagen mallet. Volkswagen, with its range of iconic cars, managed to inspire disinterestedist thinking amongst the people while ensuring the capitalistic ideal existed hard- take in money for a well-deserved reward.The Symbol of VolkswagenThe Volkswagen Logo over the yearsThe symbol of Volkswagen has not visibly changed much over the years, as the recognizable VW has been the signature of the brand. The Strength-through-Joy logo had similarities to the Nazi swastika when it first came out, to a great extent associating it with the brand of Nazi programs. When the British took over, the car logo was kept along with the name, despite it being a Nazi relic as any form of car was not presented to the people underthe Nazi rule and no other company wanted to take over the company, given the ugly design of the renamed Volkswagen Beetle. Since past, the Volkswagen brand has become the third largest automobile firm in the world. When people see the Vo lkswagen logo, they think of the superiority of the car made affordable to the people rather than its Nazi past.The Impact of VolkswagenThrough clever market and a strong ethos, the Volkswagen philosophy managed to sell well to the people. Yet, there is an underlying political message to be derived from the sale of Volkswagen cars, the ideal Peoples Car. Having a Volkswagen on the street would represent the reality of the common man achieving his dreams of finally owning one. This would represent a political message on two different grounds the governmental and the individual. One of the definitions of the rich was to own a car. The car would represent the luxury of being monied the comfort, the convenience and the social status. The masses could only look on with envy as they proceeded on with their cursory lives looking at the rich in shiny transportation while the rich looked down on them from high carriages. This impression struck a chord in the common mans mind while he ra ged a revolution in different places turning monarchies into anything but it. As such, governments would like to ensure that the population would not throw a revolution the symbol of a Volkswagen would provide a perfect crowd pleaser to the population then.For the government these days, the appeal of Volkswagen still exists the existence of a Volkswagen in many countries still provides the same effect on the people its their car. As long as the Volkswagen is on the street, the government has through their supposed job to provide cheap transportation to the people. To the people, beyond the dreams of owning a car, the Volkswagen represents a capitalist dream. The Hitler years notwithstanding, the modern Volkswagen represents a new class of citizens, who will be rewarded with what they have earned thus far. From the above visuals, the brand Volkswagen brings about a new breed of ideal citizens the ones that capitalism will reward. The individual is now laden with a hope of owning a car and that to own the Peoples Car, one will have to abide by the laws of capitalism to achieve the dream. working hard to earn the income to pay for the price for the car, it has brought about the capitalist dream to the people in the subtlest of ways. sparing Impact of CarsThe impact of automobile industry has affected the entire world whether its through the factories that the car firms set up in America, Germany, Japan or Thailand or through the different industries spawned or back up by the automobile industry. The significance of the economical impact of cars cannot be discounted. With reference to Volkswagen, the understanding of economical impact of cars visually will be split amongst two different groups the government and the different complementing industries. From the point of view of the government, the car industry presents itself as a huge economy boost. The once-thriving Detroit, the car town of America, was a major(ip) industry with huge employment rates, driv en by the huge American consumer market, where over three living quarters of the 200 million automobiles are cars.The view of fully filled car parks waiting for the exporting ships to port was a sight to behold it represented a view of the bustling economy. For Volkswagen, an entire urban center was constructed for the birth of Volkswagen. Wolfsburg, once a countryside village, was transformed into the headquarters for Volkswagen. Workers came from all over and settled into Wolfsburg to work for Volkswagen, and forrader long, it was the heart of Volkswagen operations. To build a city from scratch needs planning and labor this provides employment and luck for a lot of people. Thus the sight of a Volkswagen brand has generated economy for the government in a political way, it has ensured one of the main employment sectors and economic boost.For the other industries, the car industry has provided a qualified complement to their business. The more obvious examples are the petrol i ndustries, where the cars are dependent on them for energy sources. The less obvious examples the music industry (where radios in the cars are necessary these days), the drive-through industry and the entertainment industry (to dart their new cars) are all part of the economic industry that depends on the car industry for some form of economic dependency. As such, the visual of cars on the streets give the economy a boost, especially with the other industries.Environmental Impact of CarsCars have a disastrous impact on the environment being by and large responsible for smog and toxic air pollutants, not to mention the worlds increasing dependence on foreign oil makes it one of the top pollutants around the world today. The sight of cars emitting harmful wad has led to the vocal political opposition in governments worldwide. Despite the best efforts of the car industry, there is no suitable alternative energy fuel to compensate the current form of fuel consumption diesel motor motor and petrol. However, this has created an impetus to search for cheaper and more valuable engines, which will provide better miles-per-gallon formula. For Volkswagen, this has resulted in the TDI engine room, where the fuel is consumed when needed.The TDI technology has won accolades for saving fuel the most efficient cars on the road run on diesel are by Volkswagen TDI Diesel Engine. Volkswagen went one step further they implemented Volkswagen Think Blue, a drive to find the cleanest alternative energy consumption that would be sustainable for its engines. Pushing the limit for the fuel consumption while searching for the next alternative fuel for the car, they managed to achieve an understanding of sustainability and progress in environmental terms. This underlines Volkswagens environmental considerations while providing progress to the people. The Peoples Car is seen under different light it is environmentally friendly while pushing for progress. And while it may offend the petrol heads, the Volkswagen is stressful to be an environmentally friendly car, which puts it in line with the beliefs of the Democrats.pika Auto Respecting the law.The Volkswagen Beetle was made to travel the Autobahn, the strongest highway on the planet without any speed limit. Hitlers vision of allowing cheap fast transport for the masses was to be realized with the Volkswagen and the Autobahn. Unfortunately, the rest of the world did not have such laws in place and to regulate the traffic, they installed rules and laws. The first of all traffic laws was the limitation of speed this was to prevent unnecessary casualty.The cornerstone of non-horse carriages came to light the first of all vehicles was a steam-powered carriage the need for safety of those not driving was present. As such, over the years, the governments sought to reduce speed in all manners on the highways, on the roads and on the dashboard. As promising as the technology from the car industry, there woul d be a speed limit for all vehicles. This was to prevent the race for speed and allow the progress of the automobile done safely. Other policies include the limitations of vehicles in densely populated place the use of ERP and COE in Singapore and the taxes levied on vehicles. These were to prevent the rampant sale of vehicles while keeping the country free from the overcrowding.The Automobile Icon Volkswagen BeetleThe best is kept for last the iconic Volkswagen Beetle, which has been the longest production vehicle (from 1938 2003 on one design) with sales of more than 21 million. This recognizable car has its own movie and spawned movements, along with generations to embrace the Volkswagen Beetle as part of their lives. In this section, the Volkswagen Beetle will be examined politically as a cultural icon with its impact on the political arena. The Volkswagen Beetle ugly design one that was unconventional different and from the pre-WWII days was a signature icon that lasted thr ough the decades. Volkswagens refusal to change the design of the Beetle led to many modifications from the owners. As seen below, the popular culture took over with the designs in the 60s.The customizable feature of the Beetle allowed the freedom of expression, in which the Hippie culture of the 60s took full advantage of. The freedom of expression has always been a part of the American Constitution and it took a liberal turn with the Hippie subtlety. Notwithstanding the sex, drugs of that period, the Hippie Culture was a liberalizing process for the population to air their views. These views were of a peace-making, pacifist nature and they were in support of non-violence, civil rights and anti-nuclear armament movements. The Volkswagen Beetles with their decorated colors were a symbol of that political statement. A television series, Herbie, featuring the Volkswagen Beetle as a racing car with human emotions, popularized the car. Although this was not the only car that was featu red in films, the very nature of the Beetle shown to have human feelings was a personification of the car.From the television and film series, the character of Volkswagen Beetle was further defined determined with a colorful personality. This created an impression on the younger generation then that the car was a cool factor it made them want a car in their lives. The implications were that these children grew up needing cars and created a population who rather give up their voting rights than driving license. The specifications of the Volkswagen Beetle also came into focus. The many races and rallies that it went for and achieved results became a cult in its own right. Given that the Beetle was never made for racing, this has led to many thinking that the Beetle is multi-functional despite the ugly nature.The engine, simple yet effective, is also adjustable to modifications. This feature of the car has created a Volkswagen Beetle sub-culture, one where even as the old Volkswagen model is no longer in production, the owners of Volkswagen regularly meet up to showcase their re-tuned and refined Volkswagen Beetles. Translate this into an understanding of visual politics the cult of Volkswagen Beetle is an example of a loyal following of unwavering belief and given in the earlier paragraphs we have deduced that the followers are liberal in principle, the conclusion is that the Volkswagen Beetle is a symbol of liberal views.ConclusionHaving seen the impact of Volkswagen around the world, one would really wonder if Major Ivan Hirst were not to revive the company and let it pass, would the world be the same today? Throughout the years of Volkswagen existence, there have been many movements, many political undertones derived from the sheer existence of Volkswagen on the street. The Hippie Culture, the racing mentality, the liberal ideals and the capitalist principles all of which points to a subliminal messaging by the presence of a Volkswagen on the street.No ot her car has invoked so many different views in the world today. There are other aspects of Volkswagen not touched(p) in this paper especially the impact of Volkswagen in the future. Given that the future of automobiles is very volatile, Volkswagen may have a different feel and visual understanding in the future. As of now, the brand of Volkswagen is still the Peoples Car, one that all should have if they work hard enough for it. Thus, it is apt that the tagline of Volkswagen today is Das Auto the Car.BibliographyBooks CitedAnderson, Curtis D., and Judy Anderson. Electric and Hybrid Cars a History. Jefferson, NC McFarland, 2010. Print. Ginsburg, Douglas H., and William J. Abernathy. Government, Technology, and the Future of the Automobile. New York McGraw-Hill, 1980. Print. Hopfinger, K. B. The Volkswagen Story. Henley on Thames Foulis, 1971. Print. Keller, Maryann. Collision GM, Toyota, Volkswagen and the Race to own the 21st Century. New York Currency Doubleday, 1993. Print. Lu ger, Stan. Corporate Power, American Democracy, and the Automobile Industry. Cambridge, UK Cambridge UP, 2000. Print. Packer, Jeremy. Mobility without Mayhem Safety, Cars, and Citizenship. Durham Duke UP, 2008. Print. Paterson, Matthew. Automobile political sympathies Ecology and pagan Political Economy. Cambridge Cambridge UP, 2007. Print. Redshaw, Sarah. In the Company of Cars Driving as a Social and Cultural Practice. Aldershot Ashgate, 2008. Print. Pictures UsedGreat VW Ads, memorialise those great Volkswagen ads?, Retrieved fifteenth October 2011, from Volks World (29th January 2009) Adolf Hitler Rare Photos, Retrieved thirty-first October 2011, from WebsitesUS incision of Energy, 2011 surpass and Worst MPG Cars, Retrieved 31st October 2011, from Volkswagen, TDI Academy Tackling TDI technology, Retrieved 31st October 2011, from 1 . Incidentally, he was the man behind another(prenominal) great car company, Porsche, with a similar rear-engine car model. 2 . Hopfinger, K. B. The Volkswagen Story. Henley on Thames Foulis, 1971, pp 62 67 3 . Ibid, pp 96 97 4 . Volks World (29th January 2009) Adolf Hitler Rare Photos, Retrieved 31st October 2011, from 5 . Volks World (29th January 2009) Adolf Hitler Rare Photos, Retrieved 31st October 2011, from 6 . Hopfinger, K. B. The Volkswagen Story. Henley on Thames Foulis, 1971, pp 142 152 7 . Ibid, pp 98. 8 . Great VW Ads, Remember those great Volkswagen ads?, Retrieved 15th October 2011, from 9 . Great VW Ads, Remember those great Volkswagen ads?, Retrieved 15th October 2011, from 10 . Hippie Culture 11 . http// 12 . aspect in point the countries in Central and South America. 13 . Great VW Ads, Remember those great Volkswagen ads?, Retrieved 15th October 2011, from 14 . Luger, Stan. Corporate Power, American Democracy, and the Automobile Industry. Cambridge, UK Cambridge UP, 2000, pp 9 15 . Hopfinger, K. B. The Volkswagen Story. Henley on Tham es Foulis, 1971, pp 106 112 16 . The higher the repute for mpg the better the fuel consumption of the vehicle. 17 . Volkswagen, TDI Academy Tackling TDI technology, Retrieved 31st October 2011, from 18 . US Department of Energy, 2011 Best and Worst MPG Cars, Retrieved 31st October 2011, from 19 . Luger, Stan. Corporate Power, American Democracy, and the Automobile Industry. Cambridge, UK Cambridge UP, 2000, pp 12 20 . Great VW Ads, Remember those great Volkswagen ads?, Retrieved 15th October 2011, from
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Thomas Sophonow
January 7, 2013 doubting doubting doubting Thomas Sophonow Background Thomas sophonow has two siblings a crony and a sister. The brother Philip is the oldest and his sister Catherine the second oldest and Thomas being the youngest. His parents had divorced which made the mother responsible for taking care of the children. They became a poor family and he and his brother would steal fruits and vegetables for his family. Thomas was placed in foster homes and in juvenile detention facilities.At nonpareil point in his life he was involved in a group called the Neo-Nazi party and thus the Hare Krishna with the joining of these two groups he wanted to find a place for himself in society. childishness Conviction Thomas has had a criminal record due to offences that were generally minor and none that had both aspect of violence. His last conviction was several years before his arrest of the charge of murder. He had been charged with a drug offence and these charges had been withdrawn. Relationship When Thomas was young he had a relationship with a woman and even fathered a child that he has never seen nor supported.He was married to Nadine on June 19, 1978 and had a daughter named Kimberly. He and Nadine had separated and did not contribute to support of Kimberly. Thomas wanted to give Kimberly present that he got from Vancouver but could not make the arrangements that were satisfactory to both Nadine and him so he left the present with his brother and sister in-law. discipline Record Thomas worked as a labourer at Ocean cementum for 4 to 6 months in 1972. He was a bouncer at the Smiling Buddha Cabaret in the mid 70s and worked at Wagner Engineering in Vancouver from 1976 to 1978.In 1980-1981 he worked at R&T landscaping with his brother in law which proved that he was good with his hands and liked what he did while landscaping and gardening. At his other jobs that were mentioned he advanced from floor sweeper to apprentice mechanic at Versatile which means he has the ability to work at jobs which requires skill and training. Summary of the case Barbara Stoppel was working at the Ideal Donut Shop when around 830 in the flush twine has been placed around her neck in which then she was strangled. She had died a few days later on at St. Boniface Hospital.Sophonow was charged with the murder based on a jailhouse informant. After this Thomas underwent three trials. First trial was a mistrial as the jury was unable to reach a strong decision. At the second and third trials he had been convicted. Thomas was released from prison after 45 months of wrongful imprisonment. In 1998, the Winnipeg Police Service undertook a reinvestigation of the murder of Barbara Stoppel. On June 8th, 2000 Winnipeg police announced new inference had been shown to give Sophonow of the crime and the suspected had been identified. Innocence Proved byThomass innocence had been proven by the absence of evidence that caused his conviction to be reversed in 1985 by th e Manitoba Court of Appeals that ordered his acquittal. Compensation On November 5th, 2001 the Manitoba referee Minister released a report recommending he receive a payment of $2. 6 million Canadian. Work Cited http//forejustice. org/db/SophonowThomas. hypertext mark-up language http//www. gov. mb. ca/justice/publications/sophonow/compensation/workrecord. html http//www. gov. mb. ca/justice/publications/sophonow/compensation/tsbackground. html http//www. cbc. ca/news/canada/story/2009/08/06/f-wrongfully-convicted. htmlsophonow
Friday, May 17, 2019
Islamic Women Essay
At the beginning of the 21st century, umpteen Moslem wowork force atomic number 18 deprived equal covers with men suffered from oppression and family violence. The example of Saudi-Arabian-Arabian-Arabian Arabia, India and Indonesia show that violence and subvert argon still the study problems faced by Islamic women. The briny problem is that uprightness in Islamic communities does non come into force being violated. In many communities women are not legally protected and have no possibility to protect themselves sexual, physical and emotional violence are the major weapon of intimidation of women.In some communities, family violence is a result of traditions and values as an intrinsical part of heathenish development. In contrast to India and Indonesia, in Saudi Arabia women have no rights and exemptdom of choice. The main problem is that in Saudi Arabia rights of women are constitutionally granted by most of them do not come into force and violated. Like millions of ot her Saudi women, Munif hoped she would be allowed to vote since nothing in the law excludes it. But after a year of debate, the government told women to wait (Women Speak Out In Saudi Arabia, 2005).Today, the main rights of women in India and Indonesia concern birth control, civil rights, education and work. Today, individual freedom of American women instrument much more than the absence of physical coercion but an equal social status. Still, similar to Saudi Arabia women, many women in India and Indonesia suffer from domestic violence and sexual abuse. Indonesian women are the most susceptible category which experiences violence within the institution of marriage. Among this group of women sexual abuse and physical violence are the main forms of humiliation and oppression.standardized to Saudi Arabia, in Indonesia women have constitutional rights, but face discriminated. Similar to India, Indonesians have job opportunities and high social status than women in Saudi Arabia. Comp ared to the lives of their mothers, sisters and even brothers who stayed in the colonization these factory women have gained a strong advantage in terms of wages and conditions (Indonesia, n. d). In Saudi Arabia women are not legally protected and have no possibility to protect themselves. Women have no equal opportunities with men in pay and work conditions.Most of them take low administrative positions or considered as common labor. In Saudi Arabia, religion dogmas and values play the dominant role determine the destiny of a woman and her social position. In contrast to Indonesia and India, in Islamic countries women deprived the right to use contraception and safe abortions. The main problem caused absence of freedom and rights is that abuse is the part of the culture. In India, among Hindus, polygamy too was rampant (Bhandare 2004). In contrast to Islamic countries, India accepts liberal laws and regulations which give women more rights and freedoms.The main check measures aga inst family violence include social programs organized by womens organizations, legislative initiatives accepted in the subject field level, petitions, publicity. In Saudi Arabia, women are still lived under double oppression, cultural and legal. Similar to Indonesian women, Indian women have a right to divorce, but in reality it takes a long time and a long legal battle while men can divorce at will in a short period of time. Also, there is a great threat for a woman not to receive children because she does not have a possibility to earn for living.Women in India and Indonesia are deprived of many rights and freedom, but they are free to choose their work, receive education and divorce. In contrast to these groups, Saudi Arabia women are deprived these rights living under state and family oppression. For instance, events like a soccer match are strictly for men. In public, there are separate sections where they eat, where they work, and where they pray (Women Speak Out, 2005). In sum, Women in India and Indonesia are free to choose profession and work conditions, broad employment opportunities and equitable wages they have equal rights with men to be promoted and appraised.The examples of women in Saudi Arabia show that specific gender roles determine the way of living and cultural norms of several generations of people and strong enough to be changed in a short period of time. kit and caboodle Cited Page 1. Bhandare, M. C. Womens rights and wrongs. 2004. Available at http//www. expressindia. com/fullstory. php? newsid=34277 2. Indonesia. N. d. Available at http//www. onlinewomeninpolitics. org/indon/indodoc. htm 3. Women Speak Out In Saudi Arabia. Available at http//www. cbsnews. com/stories/2005/03/23/60minutes/main682565. shtml.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale
Yemi Salami Mrs. R. Patterson incline 5 AP 22 October, 2012 Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is one troubled (and multi-faceted) composition. A brilliant speaker, a kind man, a wise reverend everyone loves this guy. Hes pretty much a rock star in the Massachusetts Bay Colony (and that doesnt seem like such an easy feat in Puritan society). With his education and religious standing it allows him to have a larger sense of humility and understanding. So with Dimmesdale also being Hesters illicit lover and the father of her child, Pearl. He remains silent closely his sin, even while he publicly urges Hester to reveal the name of her lover.The narrator indicates that Dimmesdale is one of those individuals who secretly practices self-flagellation (basically, flagellation himself) to punish himself for his sin. This suggests that he is susceptible to shame, but secretive about it he prefers to punish himself rather than to be punished by others. It also leaves rough the question that emerge s later did Dimmesdale create the mark on his tit himself, or was it put there by the Black Man (Satan), or did it emerge on his scrape up because of the struggle occurring in his soul?Dimmesdale is a hypocrite through much of the book. He remains the well-thought-of and saintly minister on the outside, but his conscience eats away at him until he push aside hardly stand himself. He wants people to see him for who he really is. Though he tries to blackleg his sins to the congregation, they do not take him seriously, because he is never specific about the sins he has committed. For seven years, Dimmesdale is silent, and his health declines as a result. Today, we would whitethornbe say hes depressed, and that his depression is so bad that it becomes fatal.In Christian theology, sin leads to remainder unless an individual accepts Gods free gift of forgiveness (this is the concept of grace). In Dimmesdales case, unconfessed sin literally drives him to his demise For a few moments, really just two days, we see Dimmesdale turn away from his former commitment to Christian ideas and morality. His decision to run away with Hester leaves him open to all sorts of suggestions from the Black Man. Ultimately, however, Dimmesdales better self reasserts itself. Although he has taken seven years to cooking stove the point here he recognizes he is destroying himself with his guilt, the moment did finally arrive. The Reverend Dimmesdale represents a weak man who has sinned but failed to accept public condemnation for his sin. His subsequent hypocrisy, however, eats away at him until his health fails. Recognizing that death is imminent, he chooses to purify his soul at the last minute by confessing his sin publicly and uncover the scarlet letter A that has appeared on his chest over his heart. The symbol on his skin, suggests that, though we may hide our sins as best as we can, mostly they will always surface and be revealed.
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